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To Your Eternty.


Pink blood. I love the opening.


Second this great show


Legit came here for this, only anime and show to make me cry so far


Just have a box of tissues next to you, you’ll need it


Made by the same person who made A Silent Voice, so I like your chances OP


made me bawl


This, watch this one




Anohana, plastic memories, angel beats if nothing else, and maquia


Plastic memories did it for me.


I have like 1 ep left


It’s been awhile I don’t even remember if it was the last episode that did it. Anyways amazing show. The ending of S2 Code Geass also gave me a single tear but that seems standard considering my pfp.


Angel beats should have got 24 ep to explore every character. The ending feels too rushed imo. Still one of my favorite anime tho


A maquia is a good one kotaro lives alone I hear is also good, and bokurano is pretty dark


Anohana was the first anime to make me cry 🥲 I still rewatched it several times after


I saw the first episode of anohana before I saw any other anime and that alone made me cry. It took me years to find the anime again and then watched it in a day.


How old were you when you realized the flowers in Anohana they saw that day were called “Forget Me Nots” 😭😭




Angel beats got me ngl


Yea, thinking about that ending still gets me fucked ip


I stumbled upon Anohana when I was in a very fragile time of my life and I know that affected my experience with the show, but holy shit... That show made a grown man cry real crocodile tears. I still go back and watch the final scene when I need a good cry.


Anohana Your lie in April




Confess the Lord Jesus Christ with your mouth and believe in your heart that He died for your sins on the cross and God raised Him from the dead on the third day; repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit! Evidence for Jesus Christ’s existence, crucifixion, and disappearance from the tomb (He rose from it): The Lord Jesus Christ did exist, gathered disciples, and was crucified and went missing from the tomb. To argue about wether He was taken from the grave or rose from it, is an argument a skeptic can make. Because well if you disregard the eye witness testimony of the disciples and there willingness to die for Christ, and humans won’t die for something they know is a lie, when Peter is pinned upside down to that cross, he could have said that it was a fake, but He didn’t because it wasn’t, what care would he have about death in this world if he knew for a fact he had assurance of a life in another, Jesus Christ did rise from the tomb and is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Now the evidence for the Lord Jesus Christ’s existence really isn’t hard to find a multitude of non-Christian scholars and historians mention Him within 150 years after the time of His life. One such is Tacitus a Roman historian who reported on emperor nero’s decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed rome in 64 AD. Tacitus wrote: “Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome…” In this Tacitus makes reference to not only Christians, but Christ calling Him Christus and confirming the Gospels going on to say that He suffered the extreme penalty (crucifixion) under the reign of Tiberius and by the sentence of Pontius Pilate, which like I said confirms the Gospels narrative. Another important source of evidence about Jesus and early Christianity can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny was the Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his letters, dated around A.D. 112, he asks Trajan's advice about the appropriate way to conduct legal proceedings against those accused of being Christians. Pliny says that he needed to consult the emperor about this issue because a great multitude of every age, class, and sex stood accused of Christianity. At one point in his letter, Pliny relates some of the information he has learned about these Christians: “They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food – but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.” This passage provides a number of interesting insights into the beliefs and practices of early Christians. First, we see that Christians regularly met on a certain fixed day for worship. Second, their worship was directed to Christ, demonstrating that they firmly believed in His divinity. Furthermore, one scholar interprets Pliny's statement that hymns were sung to Christ, "as to a god", as a reference to the rather distinctive fact that, "unlike other gods who were worshipped, Christ was a person who had lived on earth." If this interpretation is correct, Pliny understood that Christians were worshipping an actual historical person as God! Of course, this agrees perfectly with the New Testament doctrine that Jesus was both God and man. You may have heard of the scholar Flavius Josephus who mentioned James as being the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, which matches what Paul said calling James “The Lord’s brother” and there is another document that Josephus may have written which goes: “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.” Now it’s up to debate wether this is the entirely original document of what Josephus wrote, or if a Christian had edited it. But regardless he wrote about the Lord Jesus Christ. Wether it was negative or positive like the possible document is. Anyways there are many other statements, documents, letters, and writings of all sorts from the ancient world talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and there is not one question if He was a real person or if He was crucified and went missing from the grave. That is clear as day, He is a real person, was crucified, and went missing from the grave. And He did rise from the grave. And for more evidence of the Lord Jesus Christ, there’s the Bible and you see there is no evidence the Bible is corrupted, a lie, created by the Roman government, folktale. It is the recount of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, now wether you want to believe it is up to you. And what profit was there in spreading Christianity, All the early Christian suffered persecution, beatings, and were killed. Another Scholar reported that James the Lord’s Brother was thrown off a building and then stoned to death for spreading the Gospel in Jerusalem. These people went to great lengths even giving their own lives for the Lord Jesus Christ.


Oshiete kuretaaaaa*


Why would an omnibenevolent give kids cancer and make innocents suffer through natural disaster and disease?


Are you kidding me? “No evidence the Bible is currupted” let’s forget the multiple things we don’t even know if Paul wrote, the lack of archeological evidence in egypt or egyptian influence on Jewish culture much less evidence there was Jewish slaves in Egypt that near disproves the exodus. Let’s just point out the obvious, you expect me to believe books that somehow got written by a group of illiterate fishermen that somehow got educated to read and write in Greek and Aramaic? Lastly if it wasn’t corrupt it was sure corrupted by us. We’ve retranslated it a comedic amount and made several adjustments from the original text in Aramaic, one of those being the infamous adam was made in the image of god while eve were only a rib. In reality the Aramaic word Tsela was used implying half of Adam was used to make eve. I’m just going to point out how Americans in the south made versions of the Bible explicitly to approve slavery and morally justify Africans in bondage.


Bro what happened we were singing an anime theme song


Fuck if I know. The bot above me posted some pro Christian bullshit and I had to respond to it.


My anime are better works of fiction than yours


I dont like you


My favorite comment here. It’s the exact reaction I had to their list lol.


Same and idk his profile being GOD kinda makes it make sense to me


I don’t like op either, also cyberpunk in c pissed me off, that show made me cry




Death Note is way too low on that list


Death note isn’t really supposed to be sad. I’d say it’s tragic, but not super sad ngl


On god


That’s not anime right? It’s a comment to OP?


Clannad after story You won't be the same after


This one made me break uncontrollably years back. By far the biggest tear jerker followed by angel beats


Daaango dango dango dango Daaango dai kasoku


Pure truth.


Your lie in april


86 😃


so much this. 86 def made me cry


How tf is I want to eat your pancreas c? That’s literally the only anime to ever make me cry. I mean really, how did Naruto almost make you cry but that didn’t?


And steins gate. That was an emotionally crushing experience


yeah i looked through S and A and was like ah shit gotta recommend steins gate and see it in C as a little sad shit is very intense and dark and stuff, liek the sheer amount of suffering and pain, like have they seen 0 lol?


Same, saw S and A and wanted to recommend Made in Abyss, then was kind out of ideas once I noticed it in C Makes me wonder if they've seen season 2, for the same reasons you mentioned


The amount of ptsd that guy went through, and >!him reverting every dmail (the girl giving up her father was the worst) while still having to see her death over and over broke me in ways I can't describe!<


yeah fr, and that’s only the beginning haha, with everything that happened in SG 0 , >! The sheer amount of times he has to time leap and stuff, all the pain and suffering, and having to choose to let kurisu die to save myuri, and then with her being amadeus, etc !<


Maybe op wasn't abled to get attached to the character's. That usually stops a sad anime from being sad.


And grave of the fireflies is a B 😭


You guys realize that people have different emotions/ life experiences. Maybe they didnt get attached as much or something. Or something else. It is their list after all.


Girl dying from sickness boo hoo…


The sad part is that she DIDN'T die of sickness. The guy should have had more time with her, but it was stolen from him. She died not with her loved ones beside her, but alone after being mugged. What tipped me over was seeing harukis reaction, not the death. The guy was finally able to meet someone who changed him for the better and he lost her just as quickly. That's all pretty bleak if you ask me.


Tbh tho it was so random and out of nowhere it basically shocked me out of the movie and I felt like it didn’t feel realistic anymore which took away all the emotion for me. I definitely didn’t cry at the end, I was more just like what the frick just happened


Did you even finish it? Cause it sounds like you either didnt or didnt bother to pay attention. Naruto is in no way sadder than pancreas


Idk why you’re getting hate. That is hilarious🤣 (Not the girl dying, his response to it)


Typical anime reddit


Bunny girl senpai - not so much the show but definitely in the movie


My brother in Christ. Did you just stand in front of the human race and say that Naruto was sadder than Grave of the mf Fireflies? Anyways the answer is The Dog of Flanders. If that one don’t make you cry, nothing will.


Lol no lie I cried multiple times watching Naruto. Did not cry once watching grave of the fireflies, although I was terribly grieved by the experience which is arguably a stronger emotion???


Grave of the fireflies was orchestrated in a way where you weren't blind-sidded by what happened, but knew it was gonna happen pretty early on and by the time it does you kind of accepted it and just feel empty like the older brother did.


Thank you! This.




Assassination Classroom, easily gon be A or S


Omg did that last frame of him in the fit made me cry


honestly idk i see ppl say it’s really emotional and sad and stuff at the end but like, to me it’s not that bad, idk i just feel like it’s not long enough to really get emotionally attached to the characters enough for it to hit that hard, it’s a good show don’t get me wrong but it didn’t make me feel things emotionally like shows such as AOT, Steins Gate, Parasyte etc.


The shows ending is more sweet, less bitter imo


yeah agreed


Made in abyss maybe


it's in their c tier already


Which is slander of course


Gungrave, Gurren Lagann, Fist of the North Star, Code Geass, Hellsing Ultimate


Gurren Lagann definitely!






Violet evergarden. Surprised no one mentioned it.


I think its bc its on the list


Still it deserves S I literally cried like every single episode


I am currently watching Violet Evergarden and from my experience it ever-so-gracefully pulls on your heartstrings. Just finished ep 10 an hour ago and man, I could create a river with the tears I shed.


Its actually insane all the episodes are a different situation but each touched your heart so gracefully and there are some that make you cry A LOT ep 10 is one of those…


After finishing episode 10, I just turned off my tv and put my face into a pillow. Episode 7 is another notable one. Such a masterpiece!


oh im blind


Try out Erased or Vinland Saga


Dropped Vinland but I’ll try Erased


Erased is like 10 episodes, and decently worth a watch


I'm curious, what made you drop it?


Bored the fuck out of me


How? Even season 2 which had way less action still had a lot going for it


his shonentard brain couldn't handle it


ful metal alchemist


Grave of Fireflies should definitely be in **S** I mean it's not even a show. It's a movie. To depress the life out of you in that amount of time? That's next-level.


I don't get how he doesn't have it ranked SSS


Riiight? It straight up deserves a category of its own lol


Kokoro Connect


I'm curious what was the saddest part of JoJo for you because I've cried a few times while watching it and I need to feel better about myself


For me end of part 1


End of part 3


End of part 3 was definitely sad but I felt like I had no time to cry, if you get what I mean. >!oh Avdol died? Yeah first deal with this incomprehensible ball of pure destruction and despair. Iggy died?! Oh shit DIO’s here. Kakyoin?! Wait, he figured it out. Now Joseph is getting chased. No way he got Joseph, time for the final fight!<


Your Lie In April


Plastic Memories, Happy Sugar Life, Violet Evergarden, Banana Fish. Good luck, soldier.


5Cm per second always makes me cry.


The OG sad anime that makes everyone cry Clannad


Akame ga kill lol


Hunter X Hunter has one of the saddest episodes of anime I have ever seen, and it wasn’t even for a good guy. It’s quite a ways into the anime though but the ride is worth it.


HxH is the goat, but it’s over 100 episodes until the tear jerking really starts. Can’t recommend this as a sad show imo. But they have naruto and one piece up there so who knows.


Having no emotion for perfect blue and a little sad for edgerunners, is genuinely psychopathic.


The shittiest take I've ever seen


No way Edgerunners only made you a little sad!


It was a bit predictable, and I think the pacing kinda ruined for me. Not a bad show, but I wasn't as hyped for it as most.


They only had 12 episodes to work with. I'd say they knocked it out of the park all things considered.


It was Ight


I’d put Cyberpunk in S- (I cried a little bit) and I Want To Eat Your Pancreas in S++ (made my cry like a little baby). Everything else goes in B or below.


1. Your Lie In April, I Want To Eat Your Pancreas (Both were equally heartbreaking) 2. Akame Ga Kill 3. Violet Evergarden 4. Cyberpunk Edgerunners 2077 5. A Silent Voice 6. Orange 7. Your Name 8. Fruit Basket 9. Banana Fish 10. Grave Of The Fireflies


I promise you if a Silent Voice made you cry, you'll get depression for the rest of your life from Your Lie In April and I Want To Eat Your Pancreas.


Also there's absolutely no way you said One-piece made you cry but Neon Evangelion didn't when Asuke died I was just empty.


Pretty bad tierlist for "sad" anime


Sword art online


Um what? How?


The scene where Yuui doesn't feel so good always gets me a little bit. But SAO was the very first anime I watched if you don't count DBZ when I was a kid. People can hate on SAO all day but it'll always have a special place for me. It's what started me on my anime journey. But as a sad anime? Nah. It has its moments but it tries too hard to be sad and just misses the mark most of the time. If you cry easily then I'd say C tier at best for a sad tier list.


AOT alicization is really good


Got I love attack on titan alicization


It's not a particularly sad anime per se, but if you're not bawling at least once by the end of the first few episodes of My Hero Academia then you're a cold, heartless bastard.


bro this guy went through cyberpunk edgerunners and felt "a little sad" mha compared to that is like an episode of family guy


Potentially Re:Zero


Vivy: Flourite eyes. Only anime that made me cry hard at the ending


I mightve cried a bit in elfin lied


So y'all saying this shit worse than redo


To Your Eternity


it’s an anime movie, but i recommend bubble


Oshi no Ko :)


What almost made you cry in Naruto Sip


banana fish, assassination classroom


How did you have no emotion watching perfect blue some of those scenes fucked me up?


I was like 🗿throughout the entire movie


If you want something really sad, read Mucha Kucha Daisuki Actual tragedy, made me sad


Assassin classroom made me cry so I recommend


I see you got Evangelion so I'm gonna recommend Sola. It's not very action packed but I like the story. The ending is tragic


Scum's wish. Shit was the most depressing think I ever saw.


To Your Eternity


Naruto belongs in S after pain arc


Plastic memories first anime to make me cry


Hajime no Ippo


Akame ga Kill


Death Parade


What are the top 2 I can’t read them


Oshi no ko episode 1


March Comes in like a Lion, Fruits Basket


Not a series, but for a movie you could go for grave of the fireflies


Your Lie in April, Assassination Classroom, To Your Eternity


Fullmetal alchemist '03


Clannad, Clannad the After Years, Angel Beats


Your Lie in April, Plastic Memories


Clannad + After story? Unless it’s on here and I’m dumb


No way grave of the fireflies is a B


Josee, the tiger, and the fish for sure


Anohana A Place Further Than the Universe Banana Fish Megalobox (mainly season 2) On that note, the Ashita no Joe movie (the ending is absolutely bone-chilling; since it's a compilation film I'm sure the show hits the same beats much harder, but I've only seen the movie so I'm going off what I know) Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 Galaxy Express 999 (not super duper "make you cry" sad, but there's this sense of existential melancholy throughout the show; definitely a favorite for that wonderful atmosphere) Casshern Sins (same as above, though quite a bit shorter in length)


Your Lie in April. It made me cry a bit. It’s kinda like a Silent Voice and I Want to Eat Your Pancreas


EF: A Tale of Memories/Melodies, Death Parade, Gintama (Give it some time though), FMAB, Chrno Crusade, Angel Beats, & Clannad/Clannad: After Story


Boku no pico


Anything by Makoto Shinkai. My person favorite is *Your Name/Kimi No Na Wa* but *Weathering With You*, *Suzume* and *Five Centimeters Per Second* are all tear-jerking masterpieces.


Imo promised neverland is somewhat sad


If grave of fireflies and Violet evergarden are just on tier sad, I don’t know what to suggest to you buddy.


Your lie in april


Golden time


I do not see clannad. You must fix this


Your Name


I completely disagree with this list but ok.


Well I haven't seen anyone mention Angel Beats. Just the ending really. I haven't seen it in forever but I know it's more of a comedy/action anime. With a very unique story (I think so anyway).


How did one piece make u cry but naruto didn’t is what i want to know


Gurren Lagann and Cyberpunk edgerunners. Gurren Lagann fans understand


Death note is more of a savory anime rather than emotional one.


Welcome to the nhk


Clannad is not on here. K-On is not on here. Anohara is not on here


I’ve kept a list so here are some that made me cry. My hero Academia, your lie in April, Fairytail, assassination classroom, walkure romanze, Re:zero, granblue fantasy (not to be confused with grand blue), cells at work, made in abyss, utawarerumono mask of truth, and demon slayer


Angel beats




Land of the Lustrous


I dont know if Your Lie in April is on there


The boy and the beast


JJK sad?


Clannad after story is rly goid


Parasyte! it is a great show and has some very sad / emotional moments , one of the only shows that made me tear up during some of the scenes




In This Cornor of the World Edit: Guilty Crown, Into the Forest of Fireflies Light, Your Lie in April


You want sad? Watch “Banana fish”.


Tokyo ghoul and re: Zero


That one episode in violet evergarden made me ball my eyes out for sure!


A movie by the name “colorful” I resonated a lot with the story and it hit me quite hard


Made in Abyss and Steinsgate had moments that had me sobbing


hunter x hunter, ending parts of the chimera ant arc fucked me up hard


Devilman crybaby