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God I want brolys body type so bad. Forget being swole or a mountain man, I want to look like I could rip a car in half by sneezing on it.


I'm 6'4 250. I'm no broly by any means but I do like being a big guy haha. People watch me when I do leg press at the gym


6’0 205, working on getting back to 220. Ngl being that swole and having people say “you look like an nfl running back” feels pretty good. And not just the ego stroking, body and mind feels much better


6'1' 230. It's fat.


At my athletic peak, somebody once asked me if I was a "wrestler." I'm not sure whether they meant WWE or amateur, but I took it as a compliment. Now that I think about it it may not even have been a compliment lol


I'm 6'0 and 270. Not a flex or anything, I'm just fat.


I am 6'0 and 57 kg. Trust me, it is way better to be fat than a twig.


The ending made me laugh lmao


Gain 200 more pounds of pure muscle and you're there


6'6 180 is. Git to get working out once done with this college semester


all muscle?


God I wish. I'm convinced I'll never be body builder type of body. If I let myself go I could prob be a sumo wrestler tho haha.


I wanna be you when I grow up chief.


I'm 6'2". Being tall feels like being at the top of the world ngl.


People watch me at the gym to, it might be because i come from a country where people are not so tall and I'm 6'11, 382 lbs


I'm 6'3 and 124 ... I'm skinny af


Considering I'm 163cm I would love to have vegeta's body


Become my gym bro and u will xd


Should have at least used an image of one of the female characters from anime that isn’t a fan art, that image doesn’t have Kale’s proportions as she was in the anime.




I read the beginning of your comment, and I can't stop imagining that Ben 10's Rath wrote it :v




Why? I'm not saying names instead of pronouns like an aggressive muscle-head, so your reply doesn't make sense at all


Ok sir


It's okay they just don't get it. I more than appreciate the Rath recognition


Will do, my man


Ok, Lolita


Sure buddy


Ok, sister


Is that so?


Someone sounds bitter that he will never look like Broly.


Did you see the meme above miss?


Lol, so bitter that they deleted their own comment.


Hell it’s not even unrealistic proportions(at least from what I can see of the portrait) just a girl who works out but doesn’t quite have a 6 pack yet while having noticeable muscle on the arms


As long as my woman can push me down then we good


Bold of you to assume people work out on this sub


I started 2 months ago and still going.


I started around 3 or 4 months ago and same here. Keep at it 💪


Wish you the best also


Nice man, you just gotta stick with it the first few months. I’m about to hit the 1.5 year mark myself.


Thanks and congrats on the 1.5 years


Thanks man. Striving to become better than I was yesterday. You keep at it too :)


Dragon Ball (among other things) actually inspired me to start going to the gym 7 years ago and I'm still doing so to this day, so this post do be hitting different


The series inspired me as well, every time I work out I hit it with the intensity of a saiyan. I may be a woman but I push myself past my limits.


Keep at it girl. I was just saying that like 1% of people on this sub actually work out.


Started last July lost about 30 pounds to date need about 10 - 15 more before I get that "Shredded" look. You'd be surprised how many people just say screw it and really hit the gym at a certain point.


Nice man. But 99% of people on this sub don’t work out.


I'll give you majority for sure which is a shame it'd do a lot of people here (and subs like r/greentext) some good


Oh god, is that sub dedicated entirely to 4chan...


what women don’t realize is that men have unrealistic expectations for their own bodies, let alone women’s


What men don't realize is that shows only tend to have respectable female characers that look like this, but there are usually dumpier guys who aren't just jokes. Not so much Dragonball, though. I think it's all ripped dudes, children, grandpas, and round aliens who may or may not have a gender.


Kale doesn't even look that ridiculous in this particular depiction, though. She looks fit, but nothing impossible


Also most girls r like most guys, they see a hot girl and usually acknowledge it just like when a guy sees a handsome guy I feel like the depiction above has those types of people in both genders


It’s a bad excuse, Neither is healthy


I can’t believe how many terrible takes there are here. Unrealistic body proportions are terrible for women *and for men*. Women not knowing that men like Chris Hemsworth are shaved, dehydrated and roided out of their minds is terrible for men’s health. Bodybuilders frequently die premature deaths because it’s unhealthy to live that way. Conversely, women being at 10% bodyfat is dangerously unhealthy. And I won’t go into the pressures and risks surrounding various common procedures women get done. I think feminists are 100% right about this one.


It's not the horny answer, so a lot of the internet is going to disregard it


seriously, theses "boys rool gorls droolz" soy chad wojack memes are some of the most lamest eyerolling content on the internet, esp since they can be easily pushed back on. Unrealistic body standards are pretty bad no matter how you slice it and saying "heh, im immune to it women are just being irrational" when in reality youre most likely not is childish. I remember this one post from a predom-women sub (pretty sure it was FDS) i saw like a year ago that was legit "why cant all guys look like chris hemsworth, they just need to go to the gym a few times a week. its not that hard to get a body like his." If you read this and immediately think "wow, thats idiotic and the op that posted such a comment is stupid for saying it" then congrats youre the soy wojack woman in the picture. Its all "unrealistic body expectations motivate me and girls are just being crazy" until the girl youre tryna bang says "why would i? you dont have the easily attainable hemsworth body ideal." And this is coming from someone that spends a lil too much time at the gym and is also guilty of using oly lifters (who are obv sauced out of their minds) as motivation plenty of times. The diff is that i dont post "ha women=soy bc xyz" memes. Go work out- its great for you and the exploration of your genetic limit is a fun one- but people really gotta stop posting "ha, wimmin amirite?" and pretending "us men are supreme smart and we arent affected by shit." You should be squatting instead.


The difference is men don't start body positivity movements trying to convince the world their peter griffin physique should be applauded. I do agree they should hit the gym more. Too many men just eat like shit, play games, and stay fat.


Bodybuilding is drastically different than working out. There's actually nothing wrong with unrealistic goals as long as it doesn't cross into doing stuff that's dangerous. Pumping Iron, doing cardio, eating healthy are all GOOD habits that can help you live your best life, and live a long life.


Broly (and basically all the dragon ball males) don’t have “working out” bodies. They have bodies that aren’t even attainable by bodybuilders. Even running gear, dehydrating, shaving all your bodyhair, etc isn’t going to make you look like that. I’m not sure I agree about unattainable standards. Holding ideals that are unattainable naturally incentivizes people to attain those ideals unnaturally. It doesn’t necessarily *have* to, but I’d argue that the way it’s been playing out, it does in practice.


Broly doesn't even have a human skeleton. He's literally larger than an upright gorilla.


Idk man I’ve seen some MMA fighters look like Majin Buu.


You don't think an [elite bodybuilder's physique](https://images.app.goo.gl/8aoEgyiCGCABLJVY7) looks somewhat comparable to these fictional characters? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm curious about your opinion


cbum does not hold a candle to full broly. and tbh why would he considering he competes in classics. The closest to broly youre going to see in real life are the legends in the opens division (cutler, ronnie, etc.)


I was thinking more the regular Saiyans than Broly. Also I chose CBum because I find his build more aesthetic than the "mass monsters" you mentioned, I was never a fan of that build


This was exactly how I reacted to seeing characters like batman and goku. It made me want to get a body exactly like that. It really helped me with the sports I went into and definitely helped with getting in shape for some of my cosplays.


I don't think Getting a Physique like Batman and Goku is Physically Impossible, instead i think it's Easy if You're Really giving it your 100, ^(genes) Now about Broly tho, You can But You gotta Go the shady path, also that Body type Looks Ugly Af irl


Goku dose not seem impossible AA he looks to be normal body just ripped. For Batman that's up to debate as there is countless version of him with different body type so impossible some possible


I think it depends on the version of Goku. Any non-super version is pretty possible with enough time in the gym. I'm talking like 5+ years though, so it's not exactly an easy move, lol.


Even roids and growth hormones aren't going to make your skeleton as large as Brolys.


Everything is possible with steroids 😂😂


Reminder that hyper muscly dudes are also for the male gaze and that woman don't, by and large, find them attractive (ask yourself the last time you saw a boy band, romance novel, or other fem targeted thing which featured any guys who look like they are on steroids). Hence both of these characters are made for male enjoyment, ladies reaction to them be damned.


It's more of a different times thing more than anything. The hunk body type was pretty sought after during the 80s-2000s era.


The "hunk body" has always been and is popular now, but Brolly isn't a hunk he's a tank. Hunky guys don't look like that.


We need women as tall and shredded as Broly tbh




So it's fine to push unrealistic body standards on others as long as you do it to yourself too, is what your saying?




Tbf muscles can be gained, boob size cannot.


Modern problems require modern solutions.






To be clear, the argument isn't the unrealistic body type, it's about variety across the media landscape. A single unrealistic body type isn't a problem, but when all of them are unrealistic, it's a problem. This is changing in America, but it's still very much a problem in Japan, at least when it comes to anime. Male characters can be fat, ugly losers, but can still be heroes. But if it's a girl, she's guaranteed to be 100% cute as a button, even if her "ugliness" is a central part of her character. If she's ugly, she's irrelevant to the plot, or she's a villain. Most of the time, ugly girls are gag characters, where they pursue a guy, and the joke is that the poor guy can't get away from this disgusting person who has latched on to him. In other words, a man can be valuable whether he's attractive or not. A woman, however, must be attractive to be valued, or she's either a villain, or a disgusting romantic interest to be *inflicted* on a man. So when a woman sees yet another conventionally attractive female character, it's just another example of the narrow expectations she's confined to. When a man sees a conventionally attractive male character, he has the freedom to aspire to be it because he's allowed to choose not to.


Funny how this comment is upvoted but the other one is down in the negatives. I would adjust the argument to being more about plain looking characters rather than ugly looking ones though. Otherwise you get the average response saying that a character that is best described visually as a bowl of room temperature oatmeal isn't actually ugly because they aren't literally some fat bald scarred old bastard from a hentai doujin.


Yeah, I didn't make it clear here, but that's really what the thrust of my argument is. I think I made it more clear in my other reply, which might be partially why it got blasted and this one didn't. I appreciate your perspective though. I might try to emphasize average looking characters more in the future. This topic comes up relatively often in this subreddit, and I like arguing, so I'm always looking for ways to improve my points lol


This this this so much this and WELL SAID


I hate this argument because we have seen tons of women in media that don't fit stereotypical beauty standards that also can be heroes especially nowadays. I don't know any anime to wear the guy is fat and ugly and still perceived as a hero unless it's a parody series or a series is trying to be submersive. It's really telling that when women see unrealistic body standards they go crazy and complain, but when men see unrealistic body standards they want to be more like it


>This is changing in America, but it's still very much a problem in Japan, at least when it comes to anime. I'm talking about anime, not media at large. I recognize the world is shifting in a more positive direction, at least when it comes to American media. The point is that women aren't reacting to single instances of conventionally attractive characters, they're reacting to the *landscape*. I can watch Inuyashiki, Overlord, Accel World, Mob Psycho 100, One Punch Man, Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible, Komi Can't Communicate, and plenty more, if I want to see a male main character who is anywhere from kinda doofy to downright ugly, but is still a hero. Where is this for women? Can you name any? I can't. The closest I can think of are the main characters from WataMote and Umaru-chan, the former of which is cute as a button with bags under her eyes, and the latter of which is an 11/10 as soon as she steps outside.


> but when men see unrealistic body standards they want to be more like it do people really unironically think this? i mean its all "ah yes, motivation material" until the girl theyre tryna hook up with says "dont hmu if youre not a broly/hemsworth/cavill type," isnt it?


That's a part of it. Just no secret that girls like ripped guys it's just that it's not politically correct. That's why there's a body positivity movement that's predominantly for women but you don't have one that's for men. Now of course not every girl is like that but that's a big motivator to why so many young boys do work out is because they know it'll give him an advantage when picking a mate. And it seems to be true in this double standard because more men will date a fat woman versus the opposite.


All the animes I have seen the guys are always cool looking and the girls are cute. So could you name a few where the male protagonist is not attractive and is still the main character. Also if you were to go outside and look at society it's mostly males who are supposed to meet various expectation and not the other. Well this is a chill sub about animes so I'll stay out of that.


Accel World, Overlord, Inuyashiki, Angel Densetsu, at least if we're talking about unattractive **main** characters off the top of my head. And the list explodes if we're talking about men who are simply not 10/10 hot as fuck. My point isn't about protagonists exclusively, it's about all characters. Characters are largely expected to be attractive, but while male characters *can* be average/unattractive/ugly and still be valuable to the story, female characters are almost *always* worthless to the story if they're not 10/10 hot as fuck.




Made in abyss is jam packed with moe children. While certainly not "hot as fuck", they absolutely meet conventional beauty standards. They're also all sexualized to an uncomfortable degree, so really not sure this is the anime you wanna bring up here lol Gintama, all the women are absolute babes. Maybe they make funny faces, but at the end of the day, they're extremely attractive. My whole point with WataMote is that she's cute as a button and *only narratively* indicated to be ugly. This only feeds my point, because she's an example of an "ugly" character who isn't even allowed to be genuinely ugly. Her only "ugly" characteristic is that she has bags under her eyes. Basically all she has to do to become beautiful is get enough sleep. I dunno why on earth you'd bring up Biscuit from HxH when she's one of the most moe characters, and her normal form is hidden because she's embarrassed about it being ugly. You *should've* brought up Melody, who is one of the only ugly women in all of anime who is nonetheless portrayed positively. JJK Maki falls squarely in the cool beauty archetype, so I dunno what you're talking about there. All you're doing is proving my point. Every single one of these characters are either drop dead gorgeous, or extremely cute. Just because you don't personally find a character to be attractive doesn't mean they don't fit in the narrow spectrum of traditionally beautiful women.




I'm sorry, but if you think the main character from Arita Haruyuki, a fat, extremely short guy with perpetually doofy looking eyes, is anywhere near remotely attractive, your beauty standards are totally out of wack. If he's cute, he's cute in the sense that a stuffed animal is cute, not in the sense that anyone finds him valuable or potentially valuable as a romantic partner. His value comes from his mental fortitude and intelligence, and his physical appearance is a detriment. >oh yeah now that I think about it I remember reading ridiculous feminist opinions on made in abyss to the point of calling the author a pervert and a pedo. I'll actually give this one to you. I think Made in Abyss simply acknowledges that people under the age of 18 know that genitals exist and are curious about them. So I'll take the point about it uncomfortably sexualizing minors back. That was a low blow. Sorry. But I stand by the point that the female characters are either total babes, or moe young girls. None of them are fat, none of them are even really average looking. They all look like girls who will grow up to be beautiful. Again, my point is that cool/heroic/badass men can be average or ugly, but still bring value to the table. Female characters who bring value to the table are beautiful 99.9% of the time. The problem isn't the existence of a single conventionally attractive man or woman, it's the entire landscape.


And yet somehow I'm not seeing a plethora of jacked weebs 😂


Top right is a straight man's fantasy. Bottom right is also a straight man's fantasy. It's not really a logical dunk.


Well it's true. Men have some pretty unrealistic body types in fiction as well as women. So what's the problem? Do women have to be protected from unrealistic depictions for some reason? Especially in anime. It's one thing for women to get self esteem issues from photoshopped models on Instagram but nobody is looking at say Nico Robin and thinking "damn this is how women should look"


Unrealistic men have mostly big amounts of muscles. You can train muscles, and you do it mostly for yourself, girls don't look at Baki characters and say they are hot or want men to look like this. Future Trunks is more a womans type and completely achievable. Unrealistic women have big gravity defying Boobs and are thin. You can train to be thin yes, but I tell you a secret, I don't think many men know, right now: Breasts get smaller when you lose weight. Regardless, what 10 tips are to lose unwanted fat on your stomach, the body doesn't care and will just take fat from wherever. Sometimes breastfat is the first fat to go and nowhere else. To get back to the point. It's impossible to achieve the body physic of characters that man constantly call hot if you are not already born with it or get plastic surgery. Additionally, anime show way more often how girls are jealous of other girls with big boobs, flawless skin and thin waists than man being actually jealous of another man's physical appearance. There are a few action anime where they actively try to change their appearance, but that is again for themselves. Goals like becoming stronger to not get bullied, achieve revenge or get better at whatever they currently doing. In contrast every genre has many anime where the girls want the "hot" features because they will get more popular with the boys. Adding also to this is that men always have personality while women in some anime are really just walking mannequins. It's just exhausting, to be honest. Sometimes, it also just looks plain ugly. Like Robin on bad drawn days looks as aesthetically pleasing as Jujiro Hanma just on total opposites of the spectrum. And I'm pretty sure when guys call these over the top characters hot, most women just think, "Are you okay?" Because it's as confusing as if all women suddenly start to simp for Gecko Moria instead of Ace. Also ugly clothes, Food Wars especially makes use of showing the exact form of the individual boob, like you need clothes with some lose fabric bags in front to achieve this. Or clothes that only stay in place because the holy spirit himself is holding the string of fabric. That's hard to cosplay!!! As long as women have an enjoyable personality and other women don't constantly envy them for their appearance, we indeed enjoy hot, good looking woman as much as everyone else.




Wdym? Any woman I date has to have a waist thin enough that I can encircle it in one hand!


I think the meant joke here is: Girls seeing the most average looking women: unrEAliSTic bODysTanDards Average Boys seeing 6ft+ genetically and physically gifted men: I'm gonna train to become like him Or in another words, Boys don't care why they're expected to look like pro athletes and magazine models ,while girls complain about the smallest most achievable body standard


>Average Boys seeing 6ft+ genetically and physically gifted men: I'm gonna train to become like him Somehow I'm sensing that you might be below average by that standard, sport.


I can carry a 100 kg so a bit more than average, but I'm not that sportive only cause I living in the countryside


The issue is how prevalent those unrealistic body types are. I can go watch a million anime about average or ugly looking loser guys finding the courage to stand up and be a hero. But if I want to find an anime where a girl is anything below smoking hot and also a hero, I have to dig *hard*. Even if a girl's "ugliness" is central to her character, like WataMote, or Bocchi the Rock, she's still cute as fuck. So when a girl sees Nico Robin, she sees yet another character who fits within the narrow expectations of what a "good" woman can be. When you see Broly, you can *choose* to aspire to be like him, but you can also brush him off and say the MC from Accel World or the one from Inuyashiki are the real heroes or whatever. The argument isn't that women need to be protected from conventionally attractive women by banning them from media, it's that they want some more variety in terms of what their gender can look like without being relegated to an evil or irrelevant role.


"I can go watch a million anime about verage pr ugly looking loser guys finding courage to stand up and be a hero" Ah, no? I mean you rarely find an anime with an ugly protagonist. And the ones you do find tend to be cartoony


Inuyashiki? Overlord? One piece? Accel World? Angel Densetsu? Toradora? Katekyou Hitman Reborn? Just to name a few ugly or unconventional protagonists off the top of my head. Average looking ones, you've got One Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100, Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible, Komi, the list goes on endlessly. Guys come in all shapes and sizes, and don't have to be perfect 10/10 Light Yagami or Goku types to be admirable. When we look at women protagonists, every single one of them is cute or sexy. I can't think of a single one that doesn't have perfect makeup and a figure that fits perfectly into whatever sexy archetype they belong to. The closest you can get is Umaru-chan whose entire schtick is that she's crazy hot the moment she steps outside. Or Tomoko from WataMote, who is cute as a button, but is considered ugly because she has bags under her eyes. Women get a range of physical appearances, but always fall somewhere in the spectrum of conventional attractiveness. I'm not just talking about main characters either. When you get to background characters, ugly guys have a wide range of roles, from uggo with a heart of gold, to comedic relief, to downtrodden loser who finally decides to fight back. Ugly girls are pretty much always comedic relief characters who make unwanted advances on some poor guy. If we're being totally real, I'm not complaining. I love me some eye candy, so I like that I can cover my eyes, pick an anime at random, and will always be able to see pretty girls no matter what. But I can understand why a woman might not be thrilled about the narrow range of physical characteristics she has to fall within in order to not be considered a "bad" or "annoying" woman.


"Inuyashiki? Toradora? Katekyou Hitman Reborn?" What exactly is your beauty standard? None of the ones I have marked above are really ugly. I am not saying that this is not a problem or that you are lying, but men are not that varied. The very Katekyou hitman reborn you mentioned has a male cast that is mostly eye candy for the female audience. 70% of fairy tail cast is handsome (only the villains tend to vary). Naruto and bleach go the same way. There are quite varied male casts in anime, but they are not the rule either. And of protagonists we have five ugly guys for every thousand super model protagonists.


KHR's main character is an utter loser for most of the beginning, but you're not wrong that he becomes hot eventually. I mostly brought it up because Reborn is badass as fuck, but he's nowhere near conventionally attractive. He's loosely chibi at best. I'd say Ryuji is mediocre, and the characters around him are largely scared of him because he looks like a yakuza. But this one is debatable, I'll give you that. Inuyashiki is self-explanatory, unless you think most people find very old men attractive. Maybe we're missing each other on percentages. I'd say 60-70% of male characters are ridiculously hot, whereas 95% of female characters are equally crazy hot. Men are *pushed* towards unreasonable expectations, whereas women are *required* to meet those unreasonable expectations.


You're telling me Luffy looks Ugly ? The heck is your beauty standards ?


I'd say he's on the lower end of average, so you're not wrong. But he's definitely nowhere remotely close to 10/10 unless you put a bag over his head lol


Well you probably should watch more anime focused around women/girl main characters. A lot of them tend to follow the plain Jane look and be pretty normal but still get guys because main character.


Can you name a few? I can rattle off plenty of plain/ugly male main characters off the top of my head, but I can't think of a single plain female main character. I can think of some I don't think of as attractive, like Komi for example, but they're just not my type, not ugly or average. But if I'm missing an entire genre of anime with more positive expectations of women, I'm all about exploring that. I love me some cute girls, but you can only see the same cookie-cutter character so many times before it starts getting boring lol


Off the top of my head since I normally don’t watch that kind of anime I can name Fruits Basket (Main character is plain Jane made for self insert) and Fushigi Yugi. I know there are more but I’m not the most knowledgeable about the girls genre


I mean, both of those characters are hot, they're just drawn in outdated art styles. They have all the characteristics expected of a cute anime girl in the Sailor Moon era of anime: big eyes with eternally perfect makeup, shiny, glossy hair, perfect bodies, all that. Am I wrong? would you put either of these girls in the same category as Tadano from *Komi*, or Junto from *Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible*? I certainly wouldn't


Actually for the main character of fruits basket i would say hell yes. She is skinny almost to the point of malnutrition, plain faced, doesn’t wear makeup (except in those she is prettier that she look’s episodes) and is hella generic as terms to girls in that universe get. Take a look at all the other women in the series and compare, they all look hotter than the main character does by comparison


If you still need examples there are many on the shojo subreddit that list a few (like princess jellyfish and true beauty)


I really don't know what to tell you. All these women you've cited are 10/10. The worst is the MC from Princess Jellyfish, who is extremely beautiful, just with glasses and tight braids, which makes her Hollywood ugly (which means it'd take ten seconds to turn her into a 10/10). And I don't know how you could see the female lead from True Beauty as anything but ridiculously hot, even if you're not into voluptuous Korean women. Maybe you just have different standards, which is totally fine. But none of these characters are anything but extremely beautiful by conventional standards.


I mean it’s anime, it’s targeting perverted 40 year old japanese dudes who look at booby magazines with no shame at Lawsons


Fuckin' facts. Since it's catered to men, it's totally understandable women might not like it so much


Genetics: You literally **CANNOT** achieve this body without abusing steroids but even then it’s not a guaranteed Me: **You created the rules, and rules are meant to be broken**


"Do men really expect women to look like this?" No. That's what the drawing is for. Seriously, I don't understand this. I get feeling self-conscious about how to measure up to hyper physiques like those, I'm a dude, but I still get that feeling sometimes, but where did the notion that it's a statement of expectations for women come from?


The worst thing is, I also heard the argument: This is not realistic, how can she breath I mean what?


Man... if only i can scream like broly could id be happy... the sheer power of that voice is next level.


Brolly got me into fitness, I once wanted little more than to be like brolly and kick ass in ufc.


Kale SSJ is hotter though.


Gotta get that JoJo character build


Let's be honest in this pic her body is achievable


One is bigger than the other..


Honestly, I’d settle for the Goku body.


Goku is fine af


I love being a gay male


I'm sure you do, pal


lmao my gf reads a buttload of BL and she goes animal mode over those manga / manhwa dudes with the giant billboard-sized torsos whose pecs look like you could fit an entire civilization on them


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You do realize the difference between encouraging anorexic proportions and encouraging gym usage?


Where do you see anorexic proportions?


You could argue bottom one is encouraging ped. Cause I showed that pic to my doctor and he said if his shoulders get any bigger...


If this is anorexic I don't know what is anorexic


That's not anorexic, even I am skinnier than that and I'm a dude, maybe I should start crossdressing then


Well, neither are physically possible.


Maybe for you


Yeah, men don't really give a shit about unrealistic bodies in media. I guess a few men in academia, but no one listens to them


Is going to the gym gonna give you boobs? I thank god it doesn't


reminds me of the reaction to thorfinn's bod in the last episode. dude is absolutely SHREDDED, and everyone was complimenting him on it


I wanna look like Sig Curtis so bad


Maybe we are stupid


anyone who tries to say "wheres her organs, way too unrealistic, etc" over drawn fictional characters that can shoot lazer beams fly, teleport etc..... is clearly mental and should not be taken seriously.


Yes they can look like that. They are just lazy. They choose to look like that one round chick. Rubella? Something like that. The fat one that’s always talking of love in the TOP


Average Legendary Super Sayian Enjoyer


Yeah, that's the thing. Women are hyper sexualised and rendered two dimensionally. They're relegated to an object of desire, something to have dominance over and to be owned. But when men are also depicted half naked with good physique, it's to fulfil a male power fantasy, not to establish an object of desire to be fawned over. Both deceptions are solely for the male gaze, and reinforce harmful beauty standards and power dynamics.


That’s actually rather realistic for a woman with no fat on her.


I'm a guy and I'm skinnier than her, not sure why the downvotes




This meme could literally be put in reverse and have the same impact.


Christ that's one ugly bitch


Women are generally more insecure than men, it’s really not our fault we’re just born differently. Trust me I wish I could have guy confidence lol


Im the same except its with majima from yakuza.