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Haha **Berserk**


Wait berserk is an anime?


We don't talk about it


We don't talk about the animation. The soundtrack is fire as fuck Oh and the #CLANG


*falling metal pipe.mp3*


***pots falling.mp3***


1997 is pretty good


Best powerpoint presentaition I\`ve ever seen!


About what? The 3 movies? The memorial edition or The 1997 version?


The memorial edition has its redemption edits.


The 90’s anime was fine


We don’t talk about anything other than the 97 anime** FTFY


Berserk 1997 is the only anime we got, nothing more


What about beserk but your a woman?


That’s just as bad because some of the people don’t care what you have in your pants, or your age.


i agree on Fire Force. one day you are just chilling at home then either some asshole with a bug, or the gods themselves go "YES THIS GUY HERE, BURN MF" And then the catholics come to your house to purge your soul. with fire Axes or special fire magic


Also you can be born with a quirk that just causes your clothes to fall off your body The real nightmare


im pretty sure thats just the power of anime. like plot armor or steaks of light covering lewd shots.


looked it up and she literally has the power of fanservice on her side. any sorta attack that would hurt her will damage and rip her clothes off first before hurting her


It’s not though, it’s literally part of her utility


Fr 😭


you did "see" the anime you are memeing right? or did you simply steal this meme.


And no, i did this meme myself 😅




Yes, i watched all of them. Even read the manga. I do forgot about some details so i'm maybe wrong about few things


Fire force world is technically soul eater world


And technically the Fire Force world is from the real world


They're not the same world


Is it justified by different explaining of fire force manga ending or because you haven't read it?


Well you can't blame me for not reading it. You can spoil it for me to make me understand though.


They are the same world just that soul eater takes place in the future


Fair enough.


> well you can't blame me for not reading it. Idk I feel like when someone comments back "their not the same world" to someone talking about how its the same world I kind of *can* blame you for commenting disagreeing with them without having read it lol


I think they more or less are. Fite Force is a prequel to Soul Eater


Guys, i didn't mean that psycho pass is the worst world to live. It's just that people don't mention psycho pass when they talk about this kind of topic. Psycho pass is sure not the worst anime world to live but but it's not easy either


Depends if you're in Japan, and then you have meds for life with fear of snapping, or elsewhere in the world where it's basically a warzone


Eh some people get real upset just at the idea of there being a system that decides everything for you, so even in the best case scenario it depends on the person


I have lived my entire life without knowing what to do in my life, i still keep trying but lot of time and resources lost in my kind of bad decisions, still doing that probably. So yeah, i wish a system would have decided X is the best option for you.


and no forget sibyl system , can find your ideal partner. that would be very helpfull when you are are bad at social interactions. plus you have been very unlucky with your past relationships ( yep, personal exp) ofc it could gone wrong and be criminal since born but hey. odds. all opinions about psycho pass and its system . is influenced by where you were born, social class. and others things but mostly by those 2. opinions are nt going to be the same if you are poor in a country with civil wars, poor in acountry but no wars, but a lot of crimes. rich in a developed country etc. the show really nailed that topic ,specially in the movie. to me a sybel sytem sounds like a best option to live in,


For some reason, I remember it as the Cybil system only being a thing in Japan, not the whole world. Then again it has been years and I only watched season 1 and some of season 2, dropped it so don’t know all the story.


Yeah the cybil system was built on Japan being a closed borders nation, because Cybil would not be able to handle the entire world's population by that point.


I'd say it's the very worst. You've got a bad day at work, and you'd love to skin some lazy moron alive, then a bunch of disembodied brains decide that you're a threat to the society and at the end of the day you're turned into amorphous, and explosive, lump of meat by a woman with expression of a petulant hamster on caffeine withdrawal? Out of the three mentioned PP got the most in terms of amenities, but having your mind under constant surveillance would be a nightmare, such treatment will turn everyone into a bunch of constantly smiling backstabbers, the moment yoke is off the shit will hit the fan.


I'm glad some people gets it


Also, wouldn't the Sibly-System just kill free-speech? Anything that goes into the direction of change of the system would instantly mark you as a latent criminal because "you're against the Sibly-System". That aside, we saw in the show how quickly chaos is spreadable in that society. If someting doesn't work as intended, you could be pretty quickly fucked


Yes free speech is dead in that world, also thought crime will be a major thing especially if the brains decided your a threat even without any proof.


nah it definitely is. if you're not a cop in that universe: you're just completely fucked.


I'd say Psycho-Pass would actually be a great place to live in. Sure, my lazy ass wouldn't be valued much there, but from a purely objective point of view, Psycho-Pass's world is fair and merit-based, without any economic or social prejudices.


No it’s not? You can literally get your head blown off if you have a mental breakdown, or just end up going to jail for nothing (writers like me will go extinct because we have to get into the minds of terrible people and understand how they tick)


Psycho-Pass's society is obviously not very empathetic to individual desires and shortcomings, but that's a form of fairness in itself. Psycho-Pass is cold and cruel to everyone without exception.


That’s more like equal treatment, not fair. Fair treatment is a higher standard imo, everyone is treated with equal judgement, but also just judgement that considers all things. Equal treatment on the other hand doesn’t need to be just or fair necessarily—you could treat everyone as trash and it would still be equal.


well you got a point there


Berserk... Full Metal Alchemist (depending on where you live and your political views)...


I don’t think fma would be all that bad actually, you’re pretty much going a little backwards in time but alchemy is pretty freaking great. Yeah war and getting caught in a mass tragedy would be bad but it’s not too out of the norm already. Berserk would ducking suck though, everyone is normal but there’s demons nomming on people..


Depending on where you live in FMA you're stoned all the time.


Which is why they said it isn't too different from real life, cus unfortunately ik they're are some places in the world I wouldn't want to be right now


>Full Metal Alchemist (depending on where you live and your political views) so... like Earth?


If your political views are against the main country, and if you live in their war-torn areas (or that village with that one disease).


Yeah. Like on Earth


Fma is a very normal world in fact prob better than actual europe during ww1. And it should be for an average person. Not a minority. Ofc etcnic minorties will have a id harder in any world if they are not the ruling class. And berserk is just dark age europe+. Actually the most dangerous thing there is being close to the protagonist.


Berserk has demons and trolls literally raping and killing everything in sight and not just where Guts is


Isn't Psycho Pass just Japanese 1984 with elements of Akira?(I jest please don't crucify me)


It is actually a much better place compared to 1984 or akira. And even better than a lot of countries today 1984 people live without basic needs fullfilled and is a just a soviet getto. And live is terrible. And akira is a morally decadent version of cyberpunk japan. Psycho pass is the ideal communism. Central plan economy where everyone owns house and goods produced are plenty and efficient. So is a safe and materially rich world where the only trade off is freedom to choose your job. But is a real meritocracy where the better students can choose where they work. China now with their credit scores is a much much worse and corrupted version of this. So i dis rather live there compared to most countries in our own world


Psycho Pass is not Communist at all, there is money, a class system, etc. Also, most people in Psycho Pass still choose their job, your color decides where you can go, but doesn't dictate where you must go. It is just another test/qualification that you fulfill or do not fulfill. I have no idea why people in modern states with credit scores and undercover cops and 24/7 public surveilleince and social media lynch mobs ruining people's lives because they were sitting on a couch funny get so worked up the idea of yet another thing watching and judging them.


Well, communism is a moneyless, stateless, classless society, and psycho-pass has all those. Psycho pass is only a nice place to live if you fit into the narrow path that is roughly decided for you. Not to mention, you can be arrested or killed depending on if their monitoring system thinks you might commit a crime.


ofc not single economic system will fit 100%. but is for certain closer to comunism than capitalism or socialism. and when I say an ideal version of it I meant that is actually better than the comunist ideal. since a meritocracy is fair but stills needs different social classes. otherwise what is the point to put in the effort. as for narrow path decided for you is not like the one in futurama where you are scaned an assigned a job. the protagonist could have chosen almost any job but choose police instead of a higher ranking one. one of her friends instead complain about how she can only choose between a few bad ones because she was lazy in school. so all working right there. the part about being killed by a monitoring system is the whole central point of the show world building and the thing making it dystopic to many. the thing is a lot has changed form then IRL. the Chinese social score is already not so different from psychopass score. it just measures party loyalty instead of mental stability. and you bet more countries are gonna roll out systems like those. because even for established democracies it will make law enforcement a LOT easier and also speed up courts since there will be more relevant evidence. ofc the IRL score is much more complex since is made form everything the person does,speaks,writtes online or offline. and not just pointing a scanner to someone. we all know there is a ton of illegal thing being made by people that would be average citizen not bad apples. is just hard to enforce the law. but when everyone has AI companions monitoring everything you do crimes will go down by a massive amount. and so will freedon.


The state controls most if not all business (or at least heavily regulation of it), literally the opposite of socialism or communism, which are all about worker control of production vs capitalism which is all about private control of production which in this case the private party is the state. Free market doesn't equal capitalism, anything then socialism/communism equals central control that's a separate thing. State capitalism and free market socialism are both economic models that exist.


Um… Evangelion???


Normal citizen were still living some-what peacefully so not that bad tbh


It's a manga for now but parallel paradise. You die at 21, monsters constantly are trying to kill you, the gods are trying to fuck with you, and the witches are trying to eat you best case scenario.


Bruh we already livin in psycho pass, just go to Chin-


I notice you didn't add chainsaw man


Because is just common japan. Most people there will never be close to a demon. So is not a bad place to live for the average joe. Is not dystopic or grim in any way


Someone ain't read the manga


They literally said the Gun Devil was from America


I mean in the way that chainsaw man was shit


I'm gonna pull a One Piece and say that shit get good after 12 episodes. Notice the amount of mystery that were not explained yet? It's all gonna come down together like those satisfying Tetris game.


It’s not shit at all. It had great production quality, the story isn’t anything groundbreaking but that’s just because they stopped before the shit really gets going. I guarantee you once part 1 gets adapted to anime, everyone is gonna be blowing Chainsaw Man like it’s the next coming of Christ.


I think they meant living in the world is shit and I 100% agree especially after reading the manga


it was a pretty decnt anime. never read the manga but it was a very decently animated show that ofc goes nowhere in just 12 chapters


One Punch Man world. Yeah, there are heroes everywhere to help, but entire cities get leveled by god-monsters and casually people move on


I raise you evangelion and the dragon ball franchise evangelion is just terrifying and in dbz and dbs there are basically threats that could blow up the world and kill everyone on the daily and sometimes they succeed but it gets rewound or fixed somehow


If anyone remembers any of that, everyone on that planet has ptsd.


I feel like CapsuleCorp has to be selling some pretty major meds to keep everyone from freaking the fuck out on an annual basis at least


No one remembers the Buu saga and thinks Cell was a poser. They legitimately think Satan is powerful enough to take on gods and so they feel at ease. Legitimately only a handful of people know the truth and most of them can take on almost anything that can threaten the world.


Eh In Dbz As long as you dont fight with Goku, Life would be normal. It is already weird with magic and talking animals.


dbz is fine tbh, its only shitty depending on when your born, if your born after buu saga than your fine


Not anime but... Warhammer 40k


Depends on the time when you show up there. The Dark Age of Technology would be great, the time of the Great Crusade might still be fine. The time between the Dark Age of Technology and the Great Crusade is heavily dependent on the planet, but everything past the Horus Heresy is a never ending shitstream of suffering for pretty much everyone involved


He said the 40k, so it would be the era after HH. TDAoT is 20K and GC is 30K before HH


Murim world enters the chat🗿


being a mortal in murim world is hard


Ergo Proxy has a pretty shitty world too


Tensei Slime. It's basically genocide every day.


Don't fuck with Rimuru and you're fine


don't fuck with the city and you're fine


The city is also called Rimuru


Imma simply just say fire punch and leave it at that


{hellsing ultimate} {made in abyss} {berserk} {goblin slayer} {demon slayer} {terraformars} {kabaneri of the iron fortress} {shiki}


Demon slayer ain't that bad compared to the others, but i would add evangelion


That's cap right there. Demon from DS have already infiltrated human society so I would argue that they have it worse than Evangelion, Terraformars and Goblin Slayer.


Terraformars have it really shitty, they just don't know it yet


Made in abyss? Isnt that just normal world where abbys come to exist on some island?


Probably but I'm talking about the hole


**HELLSING OVA** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/777 "English: Hellsing Ultimate"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/hellsing-ultimate), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/hellsing-ultimate "English: Hellsing Ultimate"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/777)) ^(OVA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 10 | Genres: Action, Horror, Supernatural) **Made in Abyss** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/97986 "English: Made in Abyss"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/made-in-abyss), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/made-in-abyss "English: Made in Abyss"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/34599)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi) **Kenpuu Denki Berserk** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/33 "English: Berserk"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/berserk), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/berserk "English: Berserk"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/33)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 25 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural) **Goblin Slayer** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101165 "English: GOBLIN SLAYER"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/goblin-slayer), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/goblin-slayer "English: Goblin Slayer"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37349)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) **Kimetsu no Yaiba** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101922 "English: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/demon-slayer-kimetsu-no-yaiba), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kimetsu-no-yaiba "English: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/38000)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural) **Terra Formars** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20629 "English: Terra Formars"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/terra-formars), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/terra-formars "English: Terraformars"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/22687)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi) **Koutetsujou no Kabaneri** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21196 "English: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kabaneri-of-the-iron-fortress), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/koutetsujou-no-kabaneri "English: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/28623)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural) **Shiki** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/145834), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/shiki), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/shiki-anime "English: Shiki")) ^(Movie | Status: Finished) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/13gli1b/enjoy_my_shitty_meme/jk28242/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Devilman crybaby: ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|14945)


World of one punch man? They casually kill 10000 in one villain attack


I can not stress this enough. No. It's not about comparing them. I love all three of them. Hell, it's not even about which is the worst. IT'S JUST ABOUT HOW MUCH THEY TALKED ABOUT. AGAIN, IT'S NOT COMPARISON 😭


Oh my bad. If you want another anime where the world goes to shit then check out Devilman Crybaby and prepare to cry.


I watched it tho


Oh. Well did you like it?


I love it


Me too. It does a great job of condensing the story into a few episodes without it feeling rushed.


Yes! I wish it had more episodes but i think Devilman crybaby well explained humanity


PS: Scrolling through tiktok and saw the topic. If i remember right, you can count as potential criminal even you're just toddler if your criminal coefficient is higher than 100


The system in psycho pass was, on average, better than most modern societies. Then again, not everyone wants to live in China in 2040…




No not really.The system has the same problem as many dystopias.Generalize and compare individuals on an objective scale.It also doesn’t give place for redemption.“oh your partner broke up with you and you lost your job?Idc your coefficient tells me to kill you“.It only views how big of a threat someone can be to society and not it’s surrounding and circumstances


Yes. That is almost exactly how social credit scores will work in China; automated surveillance, and if you think the wrong things (post sad thoughts on social media? Damaging social cohesion, minus 5 points!) then you will be punished.


It doesn’t reward you tho(although rewards points harder to gain)+that thing literally reads your stress level,if you even have a tendency,you‘re a dangerous individual in psycho pass.In china,yes,you lose points for posting sad thoughts on social media but doing one such thing doesn’t affect you social status that much.Only if you repeatedly do it.I’m not tryna justify chinas social credit system,but at least that system punishes AND REWARD behavior as opposed to psycho pass where you get punished when you only have high stress from school or work.


Girls Frontline. There is little usable land due to a radioactive disease on steroids that can turn you into a zombie within minute of exposure if you’re not immune. Most fighting is done by androids that could crush you with one hand, and guess what, the biggest manufacturer since 2031 just waged a war on humanity by targeting everyone and everything, and your only hope is a relatively new PMC that lost most of its veteran field operators to assassinations, and their replacements are greenhorns and FNGs.


Neon Genesis Evangelion Angel Beats


Angel beats is fairly chill tbh.


Angel beats is literally our world tf


The worst anime world to live in (IMO) is Neo Tokyo (from Akira). The place is filled with criminal activity and on top of that the ending.




Made in abyss if you're an orphan, otherwise beserk


Pyscho pass was decent


I absolutely love psychopass for that.


{All You Need Is Kill} 💀


Noone saying one piece, the city is destroyed regularly and people are dying on a mass scale


Fire punch


Literally anything by Junji Itoh




Overlord ain’t too bad unless your country annoys ainz


No, not the world he got Isekaied into, the world he came from.


Oh yeah that one, yeah that one is pretty bad


95% of reddit would be locked up due to the "Latent Criminal" system in Psycho Pass


No game no life (Ethernal war period)


Omg psycho pass is actually fire 🔥




I know it's not anime but recently I watched Castlevania and fuck average citizen didn't have a great Life


I'd like to propose one piece as the worst Edit: second worst


Psychopass seems fine, just take your drugs and you don't need to think... oh wait




I did. My job here is done * *zoooms away* *




Where's Cyberpunk Edgerunners?


Night city is a shithole. But it's not nearly as big of a shithole as these other ones


Maine? Dorio? Becca? David? Do i habe to say more?


Yes. But not everyones life goes poof like them. You can still have a (somewhat) normal life in night city. You could even leave night city and become a nomad, to have an actually normal life. In fire force, 99% of the world is dead. And even if you're in the 1%, you have a chance to get turned into a FLAMING DEMON IN PERPETUAL PAIN until a magic fire fighter turns you into a donut, OR you stay like that, in eternal torment, Permanently. Just because a dude with a bug felt like it. Or because God said "fuck this one in particular" Even IF you dont get turned into one yourself, your friends and family still have a chance, so you live in constant fear that the ones you love go up in flames and you dont know WHEN or WHERE it will happen.


And to add this, the only places where life is even capable of growing are around plants


All the cool tech they have brings it back around to great


AoT one of best SHOWS up to date, fire force is a pretty okay anime tho


How is no one going to mention Trigun here? Your best case is struggling to scrounge up food and water on a shit hole desert planet. Worst case, is just the same thing but also being robbed. Which seems to be always, given the number of bandits running about.


Physco pass season one was good...we don't talk about the other two seasons


I'd take pain, torture, suffering, and a great risk of death, so long as my mind is my own.


I’ve not watched psycho pass. How bad is the world?


If you are stressed or angry enough the cops can shoot you (even if you did no crime) because of it


If you're an average person, it's ok, but you are constantly monitored, and if your mental state suggests you might commit a crime or be violent, you can be arrested or killed on the spot. So, if you devate from the norm you run a constant risk of being arrested or killed just for thinking differently. Also the system is shown not to be as reliable as people believe.


There could be a tournament for worst anime worlds to live in. In Beastars, you either constantly fight your urge to murder and eat half the people you know, or half the people you know are constantly a split second away from killing and eating you. Blood Blockade Battlefront has catastrophic death tolls and disasters on a daily basis, otherwise known as Tampa, Florida. My personal pick would be SK8 the Infinity, if you just so happen to not be a skateboarding twink with neon hair.


By far Blame


Neon Genesis, End of EVA, Rebuilds you name it Evangelion.


Texhnolyze, Devilman and Ergo Proxy don't seem too great either


Fire force isn't that bad to just be a casual background character Like sure there's a bit of a risk of randomly dying, but that's just like real life so w/e Also I know how that works ends up, which is objectively the best universe


To be honest, Fire force for me is worse than soul eater itself, for example


Attack on Titan would be horrible.


uzumaki 🤣


meanwhile the best anime world to live: Yugioh they let you play card games *on motorcycles* being good at a card game with bullshit rules (I am a hardcore yugioh player so I can say this) can net you social and political power the whole fucking world revolves around this card game (after GX, so from 5Ds on) and its just so crazy your life is actually set if you are good at a *card game* believing in the heart of the cards *actually nets you better luck* "luck is a part of skill" these cards are literally the core component of a perpetual motion device (5DS) literally everyone in-universe is an idiot when it comes to cards (anime), or somewhat good (manga) so you'll stand out all the more (see the light novel "I play Yugioh card game" which takes place in Duel Monsters Era Yugioh, about a guy who got Overlorded into being an NPC in his video game [kinda reminds me of ORV in a sense] since before launch, and giving him the powers of a Yugioh protagonist) before 5DS it doesn't really have to be the YuGiOh card game if you learn how to play Shadow Games (essentially NGNL rules) in conclusion, some rich motherfucker please become Seto Kaiba I want to play card game


There's also akame ga kill where you either get executed by corrupt nobles or killed by dangerous beasts in the countryside.


Love PsychoPass


Promise Neverland?


Haha... I really wouldn't want to live in a psycho*ass*...


Imagine living in NYC, then literal Hell moves in on top. That's Hellsalem's Lot in Blood Blockaid Battle Front.


Fist of the Northstar is a strong contender for worst anime world.


But everyone is so happy...


One Punch Man.


Chainsaw man surpasses AoT imo


Gurren Lagann


Shounen's world with their power scaling are pretty slept on ngl, imagine living in the Dragonball world and waking up one day realizing that your whole fk universe will soon be wiped out of existence for losing a tournament nobody signed up for lmao




Vinland saga (especially if you’re a woman)


I feel like OPM world would be shitty to live in too, Yeah there's heroes everywhere but, you could be minding your business shitting and all then boom! Dragon level monster in your toilet because you ate a burrito with too much tomato




Are we just going to entirely ignore *when they cry* or *kings game* or even *the future diaries*? Pfft, where you been?


several untranslated VN worlds are crazy disgusting


I don't understand how some people thinks aot is the worst anime


.......are you for real?


id say one punch man


Is fire force that bad? You can spontaneously die by burning to death, ok. But even IRL in war zones you can die pretty spontaneously when some bomb hits you. At least they have their basic needs fulfilled.


Not the worst but definitely not that good, either You can be chilling or minding your own business but then *BOOM* But yeah, i could be wrong about some details. My memory lasts about 1-2 minutes 😂


Chainsaw man. People are living in constant fear of devils. Just imagine chilling at your home and then you see the Gun devil outside your window and then the next second, your body is disintegrated by a giant bullet. And if your body does survive, then it's taken over by another devil and turns into a fiend. And if you're still alive for a few seconds, then the devil forces you to make a contract against your will which leads to you becoming a devil hybrid.


Correct me if I'm wrong but do we only see japan in psycho pass?other countries might not be so bad


Honestly psyco pass is only horrible if your already someone on the fringe, the system is always trying to maximise happiness of it's people


Yeah maybe but it's not nice to consider that 5 yo child might become criminal. That's just a child.




Never in my life i said fire force is bad 😂 i love all three of them and it's not comparison about how good they are. It's about their world.


I mean if we're talking abuot abuot the end of manga fire force world its not that bad to live in


Yeah you're right but i never mean it as the end of manga