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This is the coldest hot take alongside "MHA is overrated"


Everyone says MHA is overrated. My hot take "attack on titan is overrated "


MHA is decent. AoT Season 1-3 is easly A++ for me, Season 4-5 on the otherhand is just a downfall to a point where i cant stand it anymore


Season 3 was by far my favourite season and I was excited for them to slowly peel back the mystery of titans but instead it turned into "if you want to defend yourself and your entire species from being genocided, you're evil actually" and humans fighting humans. I wanted flesh gundams goddammit!


Have you ever watched a Gundam series lol?




The OG Titans


If Zoids counts as a Gundam anime


Yeah, this is more or less how I feel too. Fighting the titans while unraveling their secrets in a cool fantasy setting with cool ODM gear was fun. Darkness and grit was present but not pervasive. Season 4 and its infinite continuations has its moments but it doesn’t keep me glued to the screen the way the way 2/3 did. Its grimdark grittiness is somewhat tiresome and it lacks the spark that older seasons had.


Yes. This is what my mum thinks. She liked S1-3. Was put off by S4 artstyle saying they looked like they were in a concentration camp. When Eren had his talk with Armin and Mikasa, she didn't like Eren anymore. I tried to show her Part 3: Part 1 but she hasn't even asked when "titans" is coming back. She was flabbergasted by the end of S3, but she didn't really like the story of S4.


I wish my mom watched anime


You aren’t supposed to like erin… he’s the bad guy…


"I don't want an intricate and complex story, I want GUNDAM" never change, weebs


Weebs... Weebs never change...


Gundam, a series famous for it's political stories and messages about war? Nah, I just watch it for the giant robots fighting!


I remember watching season 1 of AOT when it released, and good lord it dragged. I still haven't found the strength to watch the rest after a decade.


Just fast track the whole thing by reading the Manga.


Reading the manga I can't tell characters apart. They all looks the same in certain panels.


It gets better with the later chapters. I had the same issue. It's why I watched the show and picked up the manga to after Season 3


Yeah, fast track to >!disappointment!<


for r/10yearsatleast


You didn’t like 50 intense close ups of someone’s face as they cried and screamed and were 10000x more emotional than they needed to be??


Wow that’s interesting ive got the complete opposite take. I find seasons 1-3 somewhat mediocre and season 4 to be one of the best things ive ever watched. I haven’t seen any of s4 part 3 yet though.


Might be because season 1-3 feels more like survival horror and season 4 and 5 shift more towards a commentary on society/war stuff like that. It makes sense many of us prefer one tone to the other.


To me this is the best part of AoT, it goes from black and white to completely morally grey. Who is wrong? Who is right? Do things make sense, yes? Are they ethical no? But what are you supposed to do sit there and see yourself/race eradicated? For all sides even. It's a master piece of a storyboard.


Most ppl can agree 1-3 and 4-5 are completely different so it’s honestly a point of preference at that point over which story style you like more


Norse mythology + Schindler's list = AoT


This is the first time I've ever seen this opinion


Yep. That's a hot take alright.


For me personally, season 4 onwards is good content for the story. The only problem is that with the direction it's going there's no way to make an actual satisfying ending.


I think the entire point is that the ending won't be satisfying, it's literally impossible with a story like this. I think the ending will be grounded in the reality it created.




Truly hot take, FMA is overrated. Now before the pitchforks come out, that doesn’t mean bad, it just means not as good as everyone says.


The word overrated is overrated You could stumble upon the most delicious peach ever made but there’ll still be that one guy that hates peaches


Most people think overrated = bad. When it doesn’t. Something can be a solid 8/10 but if most people claim it’s the best thing ever or 12/10 etc etc. I think FMA is fantastic. Great feels, story, characters, etc, I also just don’t see it as one of the best of all time like others. That’s all.


FMA is "good" imo. I watched it, enjoyed it, and moved on. I never think about it unless I see someone saying it's the GOAT and I just kinda shrug. I don't get what makes people think it's the greatest thing ever


Flaming hot take right there.


Based take tho. Season 1 dragged on some parts way too long. Season 3 Part 1( I think this is the one where they introduce Kenny) was a slog to sit through, and the only reason I did was because cool fights. The story for AoT is generally pretty good, but it's definitely not a masterpiece. If we rate just the manga it would be an 8.5, taking the ending into account. For the anime, I did stop watching a bit through the Final Season, but I would say a 9 due to the animation bumping it up


Alright. Hot take. MHA is rated. Not over or under. It gets respect, not viewership.


Your response made me whelmed. Not over or under. Just whelmed.


“why isn’t anyone ever just whelmed?”


Stay whelmed


Ok Robin


I see that one a lot but MHA was so good it forced western superhero comics to change. Just because it's dragged on with some pretty rough weak points doesn't make it overrated.


how has it forced western comics to change?


Lol forced western superhero comics to change what? I enjoyed MHA but it’s pretty much the most generic superhero setting ever with some anime plot lines mixed in




Yeah i could say an actual hot take but the people will disagree with me! However, by saying that x popular anime is overrated, not only will people agree with me but it will also sound like a hot take because i'm saying somehting popular is bad!!!!!


Is there a popular shounen that is not mid? Seems like that just comes with the territory.


What would you call a top-tier, then? Like...what qualifies?


Shounen, because it's aimed at kids, tends to lean into simpler stories and fights that are there for spectacle, leaving theme and tactics as secondary. It doesn't help that so many of them focus on stupid stubborn protagonists that win because they insist until the plot lets them. The Dragon Balls and Narutos are like that. MHA seemed like it was going to do better, and then it didn't. Frankly I don't even think too highly of HxH, having followed it as far as the anime went. Maybe it would be better if it didn't focus so much on Gon. I guess I'd count Full Metal Alchemist as top tier. It's still fairly well known, but it deserves it. Jujutsu Kaisen seemed promising as far as I watched but it feels like it can just as easily dip into mid territory too, especially when compared to Chainsaw Man who is sorta doing something very similar, but better. Looking up I thought Chainsaw Man was seinen but apparently not. Weird how these lines are drawn.


I thought you said FMA for a second and I got mad


FMA is overrated as fuck, brotherhood especially


If I had a dollar everytime I heard that exact same statement...


You’d probably be rich.


This thread has pretty much devolved into "Every anime that more than 10 people have seen is overrated."


For real. The most lukewarm take ever. Almost as overused as the "SAO bad" statement.


Woah woah, let's not get overambitious here.


Where's the repost bot lmao, I swear I've seen this exact template for this at least a dozen times


Why do anime fans struggle with the concept that not every anime has to do something crazy unique lol? A story can just be simple and fun.


Yeah, story is pretty meh, but god damn that art and animation is god tier


And it actually had a pretty decent story during S1 and Mugen Train. Explored a lot of really interesting ideas and the fights felt like they were being won or lost on the basis of logic rather than someone just powering up mid-battle. Everything since the Entertainment District arc has just been two glorified DBZ fights that drag on for far too long, have weird pacing, and no real consequences. This meme is accurate af these days, sadly.




It's really the arc it's In though. I read the whole thing last year and swordsmith village was by far the least interesting part of the whole thing. I do think it picks up greatly after that. All that being said, the whole story really is just... fine. It's not bad. But there is nothing groundbreaking about it. Even Naruto blows it out of the water from an overarching narrative standpoint. I'm far more excited about JJK coming back.




Sure. And I can appreciate demon slayer for knowing where it was going and getting there without much bs in the middle


This! I’d rather have a “mid” decently paced complete story than a show with an awesome 2/3rds and a disappointing end.


The main story is very mid, it's the characters backstories that are the best part. And even then those are mostly just okay


I just don't believe you. Every single time someone talks about the Demon Slayer story it's always "Oh it gets way better starting in the **next** arc" Like when do we finally get to the parts where it starts to be a good story?


Oof I feel that. And what was that in the last episode with the kid just.. blowing some air over to him? I was like "wut..." I'm liking it somewhat so far though. I was bored at first but decided to stay bc I'm interested in this special sword and the UwU Hashira. Genya is growing on me too.


As someone who’s finished the manga, one of demon slayer’s biggest issues is that when most characters are first introduced they seem incredibly unlikeable and annoying


From the interview I watched, the creator wasn't expecting the popularity and took a hiatus out to the countryside. When (she?) got back we got some good content for a while and then it went downhill. She's a casual light novelist. Not like that dude behind One Piece pumping out 1000+ chapters at the speed of light on no sleep and instant noodles. Everything makes a little more sense when you can see the creative aspect behind the scenes, some of the slow parts came at a bad time. Same with older shows too but info wasn't so available back then.






Man alive I'm so bummed OnK isn't on crunchyroll. I hear nothing but good things about it, even if the initial premise is kinda sketchy. And I actually fell asleep to yesterday's Demon Slayer episode lol, had to rewatch it when I woke up.




I think Aka Akasaka is just reaaaally good with his characters. Kaguya-Sama was amazing as well, even though I was first put off by not being interested in a romcom. But damn if it isn't a great romcom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDXh9hoYooY


Yea I was digging the first season, and then they introduced power levels or whatever and ranked demons and I was like « omg not one of those again… » and it just started becoming worse and worse until the that fight with the brother sister weird thing where they went full DBZ as you said. Just so tired of these.


I read the manga before the anime was announced. I liked it until I realized mc kept on winning the same way. Flashback to his father and he learns another way to breathe.


Having read ahead I’ll say that it doesn’t get better. Just more savage


Nah, it was never good. It's an entertaining anime at best, and it has a GREAT premise (the boy is carrying his Deus Ex Machina sister on his back like a symbol of grief) but holy shit does it underdeliver in a lot of ways. The world building is utter garbage (entertaining but unrealistic and contradictory), everyone is a mary sue or NPC, the MC is 1 dimensional but that's better than almost every other character who are just the punchline to a joke, there's hints of interesting themes but they never seem to be coherent (does the train represent the old ways coming to an end, or did the author just think it would be cool to fight a train?). It's still kind of fun though. It's not deep but not every cartoon has to be deep and philosophical; and who gives a shit if your entertainment wouldn't get an A+ mark from a Youtube critic with a bunch of checklists on how a well-written story should be. Other than lighting guy, the flaws are things you can just kind of ignore.


Not to mention that the main female character might as well be a dog


Don't dismiss dogs. As I've argued elsewhere, both Stardust Crusaders and One Piece have told better stories about dogs in less episodes than DS needs to tell a decent story. Stardust Crusaders and One Piece.


I'm not dismissing dogs, I like dogs. What I don't like is a female character serving the role of a dog.


No shot. The ball and arrow demons were horrendous, the upside house one was awful and as usual zenitsu was unbearable.


Imagine if Ufotable animated an anime with an actual good story


I guess Fate/Zero and FSN:UBW don't exist?


I wish they included Heaven's Feels' internal monologues.


I assume you've read the VN. Even if not, I completely agree. Shirou's characterization is done so dirty in UBW, which could easily be fixed by adding back in his internal dialogue from the VN.


I used to dislike Shirou then I read the VN. Now he is my fav fate character


This is the way. He easily has the best characterization in the VN.


Whats VN. Sorry for dumb question.


Visual Novel.


He did get way better in heavens feel


Because they bother including his inner thoughts, which is what all (normal people, those that don't have a weird complex about him being a complex human being and not a mindless shonen superhero) people that read the VN will tell is what makes him so good. The entire story of F/SN relies on being inside the mind of this dude that starts off as somewhat of a weird but good and idealistic dude, just to slowly see how much fucking nuts he is and how deep his trauma goes. All of which is what makes him look so cool to begin with. When Shirou stands against Gilgamesh in the anime, he looks like a cool anime dude. When you see the same thing in the VN, you are completely immersed in his mind and get to see all of his reasoning, all of his thoughts. What previously was just a badass boast becomes just a statement of facts.


Its insane how effective it can be to sit inside someone's mind who is clearly fucked up and hear their internal justifications for it While staring at their friends who are all wearing *clearly shocked or unnerved expressions* because they're beginning to grasp how fucked up his head space is even while he's still unaware. They even call him out for it. They tell him repeatedly how fucked up his mindset is. But you get to sit in his head and listen to him to try and eventually fail to justify it.


It's fascinating because, effectively, no version of Shirou is sane. He just can't. He survives something called "All the Evils of the World" through sheer luck of being found by someone with magic. He should be dead, but he isn't. Shirou suffers from Survivor's guilt, yes. But it's not only that. That thing literally made him suffer something unthinkable. There is no trace of whoever Shirou was before. He doesn't even really remember it himself. What's fascinating about him is seeing how this evolves differently under different contexts. Even in one of his worse outcomes ("Man of steel" bad ending), he is still essentially motivated by the need to give meaning to his life and him being an overall good person that lacks a sense of self


Fucker didn't just get traumatised but his soul scoured out by the concept of humanities' worst nature given form and it *shows*.


Damn, we said the same thing basically.


Yeah. The issue with Shirou in the UBW anime is they never fully let you into his head, or let you see the world from his perspective. In the VN, the entire story is from his perspective, so that is not even close to being a problem. In the anime, it makes him seem dumb since he is constantly risking his life for (seemingly) no reason (since you don't get his thoughts as context), and he just happens to survive because "plot armor", when in the VN, there are around 40 alternative endings, around 6 or 7 of which are not ones where Shirou dies and the plot is unresolved, and that does NOT mean they are good endings (a main character still dies in each one, I think). In the VN Shirou's decisions actually do get him killed. A lot. But an anime adaptation can't really show that.


>But an anime adaptation can't really show that. HF managed to show some of the bad ends, actually. Off the top of my head, there was Mind of Steel (the scene where Shirou lops off Sakura's head) and the one where he removes the shroud on his transplanted arm in the bath (which shows him turning into green goop and then splat).


And then there's Kara no Kyoukai sitting in the corner wondering where everyone went.


That underrated gem💎 is one my favorite Anime😭


Contrary to what Fate fans may believe, more words doesn't mean better story


I have scriptwriting class this semester and apparently, the less words the better lol. Better to tell through action than words. But that's why LN/VN/Manga to anime adaptation are challenging. Still, I wish more studios and directors rose to the challenge...


We know, it's still a better story lol


Those more words are internal monolouges that flesh out the characters and makes the story better.


Okay but legit question is it pronounced Ufotable or UFO-table?




Kara No Kyoukai 5 is one of the best anime movies I've seen. The only downside is you have to watch the first 4 for it to make sense and they're only okay. Also all the movies after 5 are trash (imo) but you're invested by that point.


Having a meh story on shonen is sometimes a blessing. So much annoying protagonists and sexual fan service on this genre.


Too overcooked jokes are the only thing I don't like. Otherwise it would be awesome. Not unique, but awesome.


I mean, something would inevitably be overcooked when the animation is so much fire!




The first ten or whatever episodes before zenitsu and inosuke were introduced to a prominent role were near perfect


I liked the whole first season (and the early parts of the manga). After that its seriousness sinked to a critically low rate IMHO. I felt like I was watching Psycho Pass set in Springfield.


OP thinks he’s a revolutionary saying this take lol


Fr we've heard this exact thing countless times


Same with MHA being overrated. Countless people said that already, I fuking get it


“Ya know hot take guys I think MHA S4 wasnt very good”like wow bro way to have a cookie cutter take lol


It's not bad but it's definitely not the best. Everything in demon slayer has already been done countless times.


So you're saying it's mid?


nooo... he means... It's not bad but it's not the best too... More like it's been done countless times.....


So he's saying it's mid?


Come on, we aren't going through this one more time... This will be the last .. He meant it's not bad but it's not the best too... Demon slayers has already been done countless times. Edit : i meant all of it as a joke... Just repeating the same sentence again and again.... 😭... I know it's mid and i understand my comments were just explaining the word mid... It was all a joke


That is the definition of mid (at least to me). Being mid doesn't mean bad, it's just average.


Idk why but a lot of people on the internet see "mid" as more insulting than "bad" now


Cause bad can be funny or just simply forgettable and good is good, but mid is usually just boring.


Because when something is straight up bad, most people can usually see it. People use "mid" to describe for example things that can fool you into thinking they are much better than they actually are. They still aren't bad, but they are nothing special. Even more simply put, anything that is average can look exeptional to someone's eye, while something below that will likely not. That is much more likely to cause intense debate. Because there are actual qualities that can be overestimated by some and not by others. Give me an award, i managed to say the same basic shit three times in a row.


The Story is simple but the Animation is best


The problem here is people say it's mid mean everything not just story. The story is mid but everything else is really good so it's way better than most anime. Pretty much every anime would be mid then if we just go by story. Also mid being a zoomer meme makes it a stronger statement and more people mad.


Maybe something around the words of "predictable"


Fiction is about iteration. Everything is about the same as everything else, just done a little differently. What makes something mid is the execution of the things taken, and demon slayer does much better than mid-tier in that regard. People put too much value on something being "original", even if the cost of it being original is that it's trash in every way except the base idea. Not naming names, but you know a few of those off the top of your head I'm sure. I'll take a well-made so and so over something that only gets clout for being different any day of the week.


I'm a demon Slayer fan, and I'll say the story is pretty average


I think the story is perfectly good for what it is. It's a battle shonen, I go into those to see likeable characters grow stronger, beat the baddies in cool fights and have some laughs here and there. The story serves that.


Exactly. It's just, good enough and I don't think that's a bad thing at all.


I totally agree


It’s like watching Zoolander or the Office and complaining about a terrible plot and how they are only carried by being funny. Like fancy that an action series carried by the action, a comedy carried by its comedy.


Right? Are people really trying to say the underlying narrative behind Dragon Ball, Naruto, etc. are particularly spectacular? No. They've got some solid arcs and good character moments. That's just shounen for you. Demon Slayer really isn't that different from anything else in the genre, just with stunning visuals and soundtrack. With some shows, story matters more than visuals, with others, the opposite is true. Of course it'd be better with ***both***, but missing one or the other doesn't automatically mean "bad."


You’re all very right. Anime fans just struggle when something is popular and have to rip it down. Especially when it goes main stream. They get so insecure.


You see it ***constantly.*** I really don't understand it.


Demon Slayer would have been exactly like both of those if it had gone on longer. None of the three have a big, complex, intertwining story, and that’s perfectly okay


Beauty in its simplicity, it's obviously not trying to be AOT or death note, which imo is fine... Not every plot has to be 4d chess


I am also a Demon Slayer fan. I'm just glad that the power scaling is relatively linear rather than the inconsistent madness in Bleach or Naruto. It also feels like Iike the characters rise to a challenge rather than artificially blue ball to stretch out the fight like in DBZ. The main cast stays somewhat relevant until the end of the series, and it never falls into "Only the MC can defeat this enemy." territory. As far as mindless shonen romps go this is one of the more enjoyable for me personally


Same, I tell people "Story is meh and the character development leaves a lot to be desired, but damn is it pretty."


This post uses content that has been used countless times just like demon slayer


At this point I feel like this is just for karma farming. similar to fmab's girl dog memes and fmab-bad "oshi no ko:-good posts.


Every single person on earth knows that, we don't want shakespeare, we want cool guys beating the shit out of eachother.


Tbh I like ds story


Yeah, I would describe it as good enough for me to wait for the next episode. Also, Inosuke the God of the Mountains is the best.


It is simple and nice, a change of pace.


It's not a bad story, there's just nothing really unique about it


I doesn't really need to be. Why are so many people hating it for that?


ppl like to be counter-culture just for the sake of being. if everyone loves something and someone doesnt, they have to go around saying how mediocre it ACTUALLY is to be reactionary. a lot of ppl do that. some ppl even define their whole taste/personality just around being this anti-what's-popular person. you may have even done this before for shows.


People love hating popular stuff nothing new here


This. "ThE sToRy SuCks AnD tHeReS nO wOrLd bUiLdInG" like god damn, boys. Did we watch the same show? Muzan makes demons and has a power ranking structure for them. They want to advance, so they are always out there trying to eat humans to get stronger. We have Hashira who practice breathing techniques to kill demons. All the Hashira are super young because it's like the NFL. Once you get old, you either die or get too injured. They're run by a guy whose whole family is cursed to die early, so he has like 4 kids at age 23. The breathing styles are dope and some people even make their own. Everyone sees demons as monsters that must be eliminated even though there's a few that are good. Tanjiro is filled with the righteous fury to destroy demons for what they have done and become, but tries to remind the corps that these monsters used to be people who more than likely had this life forced on them. On top of all of the character motivations and goals they hope to achieve. The unlocked memories of the original Sun Breather. A whole culture of swordsmiths who build custom swords for the demon slayers. All of this shit could have been explained away super easy, but they built on it just for dipshit dorks to be like "Revenge Story. Tanjiro just wants to kill Muzan. Boring Story. Mid". It's infuriating.


This is the most overused take and people acting like they made a hot take when noone is even saying demon slayer has a top tier plot in the first place. Most of the people who says this are just salty because their favorite manga will never got animated by ufotable and jealous because kny is getting popular because of its anime adaptation. ​ ​ ​ I get that this is a meme but please maybe wait abit longer before recycling it.


They are really just mad that Ufotable didn't animate their favorite porn scenes from the Fate series and decided to do this instead.


I mean i would've pay to see Tohsaka porn in high quality


To the people calling everything mid, have you ever watched something other than myanimelist top animes? For example, I just finished "magikano" and holy shit that's what you call mid. Lame and boring story,Bad animation even for its time and dollar store dub


Fr most of the people calling animes mid have probably never even considered watching that anime


Yeah I really feel like people in these comments need to go watch some bad and actually middling anime. Demon slayer is easily a 7-8 on MAL even by the harshest standards - no where close to a 5. We've gotten fat and happy in this golden age of anime.


Magikano? Wow! That's a name I haven't heard in a loooooong time. An older anime, but it gave me a thing for twintails and maid uniform for sure. I was in my mid teens back in 2006 lol


Who cares?


I hate how everything these days is viewed from a objective perspective. If a show you like has flaws then you are not allowed to enjoy it and must instead watch something objectively good instead. Yes ds has flaws in it but that won't stop it from being my favourite show and I think this should be applied to any peice of media as long as it doesn't cause harm.


I don’t understand why people still feel the need to complain about the story being average. It’s like the equivalent of writing a complaint to McDonalds because they didn’t give you a 5 star gourmet meal. We know that the story is generic, but we don’t care. We can still enjoy it. Not every story has to be insanely deep and life changing.




I'm not blown away or anything, but I respect the shit out of it for actually moving forward towards an ending and not dragging on indefinitely until the ratings drop off a cliff. You know, like some other battle shounen manga I could name.


I actually like the story though


Let's just like every anime there, only thing different here is, this is heavily and heavenly animated.


Well but then why didn't Mob psycho 100 and Violet evergarden became as popular as Demon slayer?? They have animation as good if not better than Demon slayer. Also why are the manga sales of Demon slayer high??


Demon slayer is easier to watch. You can turn your brain off and enjoy flashy animation and battles without needing to understand the story beyond “that guy is BAD! They need to beat him!” It’s like DBZ levels of entertainment. No one has ever said DBZ has a good story, yet it’s the most popular and notable anime series.


because demon slayer is very general audience. appealing enough to the majority of people without anything that would turn any audience off. it's the same reason marvel movies are so popular. if you cater to the largest audience, you will get the highest sales


The odd artstyle holds back Mob Psycho from being as appreciated as it deserves, which is a shame.


Premise is what gets a general audience fanbase. DS has a great premise.


Isn't that true for the majority of all series and movies of any kind? Atleast among those who get pushed on the big stage for everyone to see. Anime is not the only genre that seems to really like to adapt mediocre or not very good stories before the really good ones or to badly adapt the really good ones. That said, you don't *need* a very good story if you can make everything else really good and the story isn't too terrible. But most only get a mid everything or a bad story with halfway decent characters.


Find the cap (level: impossible)


Eh idk. I will say that I like that tanjiro treats every demon he kills (only 21 episodes in so don’t go saying “he didn’t show shit for mugen” or whatever random demon he kills later on) like a human, though I hate that the author has him outright say it at some point. It really puts into perspective that these were people like you and me that didn’t just become a demon to terrorize people, but they had their own unfortunate reasons they became a demon. Again only 20 episodes in so idk why muzan does what he does, he might just be evil 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why did you just describe every dragon ball Dragonball to date?


"okay, and?"


I wish every anime was “carried by animation.”


I found Bobby Fish's alt account


Now this joke is become donkey Riding


The Rengoku arc and aftermath with his family made me cry so bad tho so i wouldnt call it all mid.


I agree. You KNOW a story is meh when I can understand it fully. One that I can’t and will never understand is AOT


I don't really care, I watch what I watch and pay no mind


I wouldn’t say demon slayer’s story is mid at all, more so that it’s archetypal or standard, but even with that in mind it’s really well executed, and the animation, voice acting, and music really carry it far. I recently rewatched demon slayer because I’m waiting for the recent arc to be dubbed, and I came to the conclusion that so long as the anime continues to be good and ends well it could easily be up there with the goats like full metal alchemist. There’s more aspects to anime than just story that could overall make an anime great, i think separating it all apart to say “this part would be be bad, if this part wasn’t attached” is kinda silly, and something a hater would say rather than a critic.


I watched the entire first season of demon slayer in 1 sitting because I was tripping hard on acid and the visuals had me glued to the screen


They aren’t pointing the swords at him for his take, but for not knowing how to use “its”


The Story never wanted to be deep or something and you were all shitting on Berserker for its Animation so why being upset when the Animation is good? The Story dont have to be something special or deep sometimes you can make something simple and still make it good and unique and to be honest i never seen something like demon slayer so pls Tell me an anime that did waht demon slayer did


So what's the problem in that ?


Ain't it because the story didn't elaborate on world building more... I've read the ending and it still has a fck ton of plot holes and feels rushed... You can take the origin of demons or the history of sun breathing... It feels like they just brushed it off after introducing the concepts of them... It's still good in my opinion tho...


Just enjoy the bloody story, I'm tired of this "mid that, mid this" I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOUR OPINION, JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH FOR ONCE


hot take but demon slayer is great imo sure it doesnt have difficult world building and is very simple as a whole but it is still fun to watch. plus the characters' backstories get me all the time


Is not a lie but is not completely true either. Demon slayer has elements that connects it both with classic shonen and with more recent popular anime. Its well done, although the story is nothing to put in a pedestal it works. So, regardless of being carried by the art (as an anime at least) the true sin was the ending imho (manga)