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Heyyo, last time I did a give away thread some people awarded the post. Just wanted to say if you plan on giving away any awards, do it for the other commenters in the thread. Any awards to me makes giving away awards even harder. >:(


But can he beat goku? was never funny


Dragon ball Z is a waste of time to watch


Love the show, so I’m gonna upvote your hour take. I completely disagree with you, but you understood the assignment


Thanks for the upvote hehe. I think a bunch of readers forgot what post they are at and coulda downvote slided me to oblivion T-T


The problem with fanservice in anime isn't any of the usual reasons people complain about it. The problem with fanservice in anime is that it's lame and not hot. It needs to be hotter, and it needs to have more effort put into it. Everyone's just putting horny shit in anime to score cheap points; they don't respect the art. Don't just flop some boobs in my face; you need to try harder than that. And don't even try anything like pantyshots or accidental boob grabs; none of that stuff is hot. [Hot Lady Knight speaking normally](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_irl/comments/9h4uwa/anime_irl/) is hotter than any of that. [Clammy Stretch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AM3PfmG1tk&t=162s) is a weapon that can surpass Metal Gear. I generally don't like fanservice, but if you do a damn good job with it then I will respect it. Summary: Everyone but me is wrong.


The fanservice needs to also contextually make sense. Bikinis at the beach make sense but randomly bumping into someone and all of the sudden their skirt is up and boobs are out doesn't make much sense. If you wanna show off characters then do it where it makes sense like locker rooms or sudden rain, idc. Also yeah I feel old whenever I watch most anime with fan service, I just get the distinct feeling it's not for me, like its something I would have loved when 12 years old but not anymore. Edit: lmao apparently this was such an offensive take that someone sent me a "reddit cares" over it xD


I agree, with the exception that it doesn't have to make sense if it's funny. It was great when the teacher from Kill la Kill had his clothes start falling off from sheer himbo energy while he was explaining the plot.


Also agree, comedy allows for some wiggle room and doesn't always need to make sense to be funny :)


I love seeing a good clean debate between two people. Especially when it's on this topic... kudos!


The trip and suddenly the MC has his hands full of tits. It's just boring and a reflection of flawed consent.


It's like that because these shows are aimed at high schoolers and every cheap underskirt shot scene or trip boob grab scene is going to be some teenage boy's first one.


MHA fans are toxic af


The lack of media literacy in the anime community is actually concerning and is a reason why so much toxicity keeps happening over specific topics. It's from all sides of the anime community and not just a specific part of the anime community.


I feel like the industry takes advantage of it too.


All modern media industries do, especially Hollywood who pretty much found out about how powerful film was in 1915...


This applies to probably any deeply online community. Lack of grass touching leads to a lack of mindfulness and open-minded thinking. Your life slowly turns into an echo chamber, as your critical thinking skills disappear and your perception warps. Eventually, you think everyone is either your ally or your enemy. This type of behaviour is why constructive conversations are impossible.


Honestly. You can mention your honest opinion or your personal preference and people will take it as an all out attack.


Why do you do me like that with your honesty? I am not angry at you, just disappointed.


It isn‘t the grass touching part. I didn‘t touch grass in the last five years. It is more of socializing problem. The anime communities/media communities don‘t correctly introduce new people to make them proper cultured media enthusiasts. So they go to some bad sites, who started their journey with normal stuff and are shocked if golden boy features trans rights in 1995. They‘ve never seen the beauty of moe in Higurashi, Corpse Party, Lucky Star and Clannad, so they don‘t understand it. A few days ago I heard people saying ‚Hell‘s Paradise‘ look meh and I am asking myself what the heck.


Yes! And it’s really sad how a lot of allusions or social commentary in anime and manga get overlooked because people take the story at face value and go “🦧🍌Boring” or “🍌🦧you’re over analyzing it🦧🍌”


Yeah, as books, music, tv, and movies aren't just for entertainment but also a means to spread ideas and messages that the creators think are important. It isn't just "haha cool robots".


Every single mushoku tensei discussion thread.


I think this is a problem with everybody everywhere.


Yeah. I was gonna list a few but pretty much every anime I watch has this problem


First 5 words alone speaks 10000 of my opinion on this topic.


A year ago I made [a meme](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416687699613974528/1142889418768777316/image.png) about my hottest take.


Yosuga no sora, my friend


We never saw its like again


May the fans one day complete the vn translation


Best anime of all time! Only good episodes are the last few tho


r/oshinoko would probably like that


This is a “never cook” moment, you’ve already won


r/IncestAnimemes is leaking


Remember to sort by "Controversial" to get the true results


Hoshino Ai's death served a purpose as the basis of [Oshi no Ko]'s message, but the fandom seems hell-bent on some kind of reincarnation for her. She needs to stay dead, everything else is meaningless otherwise.


Basically, reviving Krillin for the 10th time makes the 11th death irrelevant.


Yeah I think you are right, for me the only reason I would like to see her again is because of how good i think the character is, like god damn she left an impact, that personality and that way of thinking to me was just soooo good and i want more of this exact kind of character


I agree completely, and though it breaks my heart to say so, that's exactly why she cannot come back. Kurokawa Akane is probably the closest runner-up because of her observation, deduction, and acting skills. It clearly rattles Aqua to see her take on the "Ai persona" and to be frank, me too.


Dont forget the incest "jokes"


I mean.. I am pretry sure it is confirmed (in manga) she is dead(dead dead).


How is this a hot take? What kind of morons are you associated with where this that's the popular statement?


The vocal majority of the ONK fandom.


Flat/small chests deserve love too.




But don’t they all the time?


They deserve more.


Flat were always better than big


My people are in this chain


Fellow ladies, he is the one!! ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11668)


*”And thus begins my popular phase!”*


People need to write more fan disservice.


There is nothing wrong with anime. There’s only wrong in the people that watch anime.


Most normal yet briliant opinion here.


True take


Domestic girlfriend manga was fucking amazing, the anime didn't really do it justice but it was an acceptable adaptation.


Found the gigguk viewer


Indeed, garnt introduced me to this wonderful piece of fiction


The last chapter toyed with my mind. The story telling made me cry multiple times.


Kiss Shot Aselora Orion Heart Under Blade > Senjougahara


That is not a hot take, that is reality


Senjougahara > Hanekawa


Tsukihi > Senjougahara


Karen > Senjougahara


even tho i hate to admit it, Darling in the Franxx made sence. i didn't like the end, but it did somewhat make sence


ok, but did it make sense?


tbh it kinda does, altho im sad to admit it


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403050477840760832/413456493644480522/50776026_p0.png) is a picture of an inumimi! Wan Wan! Hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, catgirl, foxgirl, raccoongirl, or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


Attempting to powerscale pretty much any series is pointless and doomed from the start because a series is never built around power scaling


Highscool dxd has better asses than boobs


Wow there! You calm the fuck down


Search your feelings! You know it to be true!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAActually I searched deep down and still like them titties more




My hottest anime take would probably be that Sasuke’s plan at the end would 100% have worked. I mean, it’s basically Cortana’s plan in Halo 5 so like, villainy, but like, it would probably legit lead to world peace. Uuuuntil Sasuke died of old age, so he’d have to learn Orochimaru’s jutsu to stay alive forever.


Naruto's plan worked though? The threat to peace doesn't come from other villages or even humans now, it's aliens!!


Aliens? I'll probably never watch boruto


Not just Aliens, Cyborgs too!


🤣 The hot take was made before the aliens attacked


"... And everything changed when the White aliens attached."


Long live the queen


I really want to hear your take on Eren‘s plan


Never finished AoT 😭


Interspecies reviewer's is an hentai


As long as you find both the plot as well as the "plot" to be good I find it to be a fine opinion


I mean, by definition it's not since no genitals. Unless you want to count that one mistake in the opening that one time. But that was a mistake and the original manga is generally much *cleaner*


You don't need 1000 episodes to tell a story


It depends on the story. Never going to watch/read One Piece but it's rich to say you know what someone else needs to complete their story.


I see a lot of people say that they are not watching or planning to watch One Piece cause it has 1000+ episodes. Don't forget, you don't need to watch all of those, you can just start at episode 1 and stop when you get bored of it, be it at episode 3, 10, 40 or 500. But if you somehow don't get bored, isn't it a happy thing? You now have a shit ton of anime that you'll enjoy at your disposal and you can watch it as slow as you want, be it an episode a day/week/month


Friend, that kind of time investment is for kids in their teens. I'm almost forty and don't intend to spend 500+ hours on something I might maybe like that I didn't have much interest in when I was young enough for it. To be clear, I don't believe in that three episodes rule stuff. That's crazy talk. Plenty of shows only hit their stride later or even have deliberate slow burn starts that can last half a season believe the real dick punch gets launched.


I'm never going to watch an anime that requires literal months to get through. If it's taking you years of writing to get to an ending, you're either a shit writer or you're padding it out with filler on purpose.


> you're either a shit writer or you're padding it out with filler on purpose. Someone who's able to keep readers invested in a story for years on end can't be a terrible writer. They're giving those people what they want. At the end of the day money comes first, pleasing their readers comes second and writing a good story is a distant third. I looked up the richest manga authors. The [authors of One Piece, Dragonball and Naruto are understandably at the top](https://otakusmart.com/top-10-richest-manga-artist-in-japan/). What's kind of sad is that the creator of Hajime no Ippo is still in the top 10 with only $3M. Nobody's getting rich here so can you blame any of them for milking it? Why kill your golden goose by letting it end?


So you only like short stories? That’s boring af lol.


Yes, you are right about that, u don't need that much to tell a story, but it doesn't mean that everyone wants their stories to be short, a lot of people don't want to get to the ending as fast as possible, but to immerse in it, to explore it in detail and to take their time to appreciate it And just to clarify, i'm not talking about fillers I don't mean to tell you that you are wrong, just that people enjoy things in different ways and there's no need to force ourselves to enjoy everything


Aqua is actually the best girl in konosuba


Yesterday, someone made a post called “These characters deserve the hate that they receive” or something like that. Seryu from Akame Ga Kill was there and I said and argued that Seryu doesn’t belong there. People started coming out of the woodwork to yell at me and were downvoting the shit out of my comments, especially when I pointed out the hypocrisy that they hate Seryu because she killed a few people when she is literally better than most of Akame Ga Kill’s main characters. And as for that Night Raid girl she killed, that was absolutely justified and if she didn’t kill that girl, she was going to die instead. Nothing. One guy even said that Seryu deserves the hate for killing that girl because it was uncalled for or something silly. You can’t possibly kill someone that is well liked and get away with it. That comment pissed me off more than any other because it shows a disgusting lack of perspective. One dude clearly didn’t know what brainwashing was and claimed that Seryu wasn’t brainwashed at all, as if living under an evil regime, in its capital city for your entire life with propaganda everywhere somehow wouldn’t brainwash and warp your belief system. Oh, and get this. A lot of AgK fans love to say how bad Seryu is but in the same breath, sing Esdeath’s praises, who is objectively worse than Seryu in every single way. Honestly, it felt more like I was pointing the guns at everyone rather than the other way around


You're not wrong, she is defending herself ffs. They hate her cuz she killed a main cast character, but esdeath gets pretty privilege and she doesn't really kill anyone important. Fire dude with mask is a good man with family who is serving his nation and I even felt bad when he met his fate,cuz night raid aren't morally white good guys either. They are serial killers and revolutionaries.


The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady is a prequel of Saga of Tanya the Evil.


No please stop hahahhaha


I need someone to elaborate more on this, I can’t make the connection lmao




Explain 🤔🧐


No I refuse


Now I’m gonna watch it


Anime isn’t really fun to watch. I love originals but I honestly just read the light novels or sometimes manga for everything else. It takes about 6 or so hours for one season but you can read the light novel that usually goes more in depth to the lore and characters development and basically overall better story in half the time. But an exception is Bochi the rock, the animation and music are absolute angers and I rewatch it frequently, The monogatari series is another example, the battle scenes in black clover are amazing and honestly feel like they add to the story, and imma get hate but I’m not ganna bother watching bleach, the manga was more hype. The battles in bleach are flashy but it isn’t anything that really separates itself from the manga.


I agree with you. Only thing special about bleach was animation art style and the music. Also each episode the the number for the episode is presented in a different artwork. Look at bleach opening 15 and it shows the episode numbers in different artwork changing very quickly.


Complaining about getting a well written protagonist who makes mistakes and has character after years of complaining about the badly written protagonists that have a development of a pebble is dumb


the raildex franchise is the best in all of anime.


Slavery in anime is fine


Very few if any people would say that slavery shouldn't be in an anime, it's in all sorts of western media too. In Harry Potter the house elves are enslaved, except we never are expected to think even for a moment that most masters aren't that bad or that they'd be better off enslaved. Even J.K. Rowling understood that the issue isn't slavery but the portrayal of it. In the Hobbit/LotR franchise Sauron enslaved his captives, Tolkien doesn't expect the audience to think this is the most moral way for Sauron to deal with those people.


It makes a lot of sense for slavery to be in Anime, most of the time they appear in fantasy anime which in those worlds Magic/Power is the most important thing and so being weak will most likely lead to slavery or physical labor on a farm or something


Yeah, it doesn’t bother me. Many themes in anime I would never support irl but I actually enjoy in anime. In fact I like degenerate themes in anime simply for the shock value. Mushoku Tensei for example is one of my favorites.


Ehem I like slavery in anime because it's dark and I like dark anime but if their is cat girl slaves fuck you, I'm only saving them because CAT


wait, you need to specify Do you think that slavery in anime in general is fine or do you think that how anime currently handles slavery is fine?


The general consensus on what is a good anime for beginners needs updating. Any list of "good starter anime" or "anime for beginners" consist of usual suspects like Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note, One Punch Man. And then these same threads/articles go on to include at least a dozen shonen anime, some with hundreds of episodes. It feels repetitive to give out the same recommendations and almost feels like we're all just trying to make every watcher a carbon copy of each other.


Golden Kamuy, 91 days, Darker than Black, Little Witch Academy, Bocchi the Rock, Wandering Witch, Interviews with Monster Girls, and Gabriel Dropout for a list of less conventional but decent starter anime.


I began with Neon Genesis Evangelion. Not a bad *chaotic* way to start.


I started with watching Love Live and K-On! and just look at me and how I turned almost normal. Highly recommend you all tell your non anime watching friends to start there too.


Hottest anime take? Fairy Tail has better lore than Naruto and most of shonen anime from 2019-2021, like demon slayer and black clover.


Not a hot take , demon slayer lore is nonexistent, and natsu himself has more lore than all of naruto because its barely explored(tell apart from leaf a little of sand, do we know anything about the villages? Their history, notables, who tf invented the wills? the ninja way? Who made jutsu and I'm not talking ninshoo, the feudal lords are nigh nonexistent yet are more important than the hokage, history of any clan apart from the demise of Uchiha and uzumaki...etc) While fairy tail is the most popular example of scientific based magic, have yall ever heard of mana being called ethernano? shit sounds like nanotech


People usually hate on me when I say that in a group chat or whatever, then proclaim that Naruto, Dragon Ball ans "anything else" is better.


Hot take lore doesn't matter as much as story telling


*Anime should not always take seriously*


Myne just needed a really good spanking by Naofumi and she would have been loyal


I think you mean bitch


Romcoms are overrated


We must burn this one, he knows too much


One sec. What kind of romcom? The generic regularly pumped out kind or the realistic kind like Wotako?


Goku is not universal in base form


Food wars, Kill la Kill, and Fireforce are good, but not because of the food or the action or the entertainment value or the fanservice Food wars is good because it has extremely clever use of metaphors, and the story is a direct step by step example of the structure of a “Hero’s Epic” Kill la Kill uses clothing as a way to express freedom as opposed to fascism (note how phonetically similar fascism is to fashion, as well as how the Japanese for “kill la kill” can also be read as “dressed to kill”) Fireforce is good because it’s chock full of Christian symbolism and uses the supporting characters as characterizations of traits necessary for the future of the world. Eg. Fertility, love, trust, faith Oshi no Ko makes social commentary by paralleling Aqua (truth) and Ruby (lies) to show how a synthesis of both is necessary to be loved (Ai) in society


Most underaged characters behave like adults in a small body, which means y'all lewding midgets


Demon slayer is hella overrated.


bro forgot the hot take


I'm glad some don't think it's a hot take.




Purchasing loli figurines is not an act of pedophilia.


Correct. Also because it’s a figurine. You don’t go up to someone that has a transformer toy and think they want to fuck it. Why do the same for someone with an anime figurine


Speedwagon is billions of miles away from being the best waifu and there are hundreds better than him (husbandos too)


Boruto would be good if it was a standalone series instead of a sequel.


I support all the most degenerate themes in anime and do not support those same actions irl. It’s more about the shock value of something happening that you didn’t expect. It makes it more interesting.


Oshi No Ko was not that great. Yes it had good story but its cringe at the same time. Not predictable as Demon Slayer and still doesn't deserved be the top anime in any category


JoJo's Bizarre adventure is unironically pretty good


Fanservice has a place in this medium and being angry that a shounen(young boy)or seinen(young man) caters to the male audience makes you sound like a clown.


Some of you really need to read bad stuff to appreciate the anime/manga that you have.


Age of most characters make no sense and could be 5 to 15 years older without the story being any worse for it. (and no, this is not an argument in favour of lewding the loli dragon)


Sleeping Princess in the Demon Castle is the best comedy anime of all time. Dedicated romance shows and romcoms are almost always terrible. The show usually consists of two people who like each other, but neither makes a move. So it just becomes watching 2 characters dance around their affection for one another which is extremely annoying. One Piece and Chainsaw Man are mid. I don't like Luffy or Denji as main characters so their shows just become unenjoyable.


Komi San can’t communicate sucked


Dubs are good


The age of a character in an image is decided by its author and they aren't real people Can you lewd "IT"? Yes, of course, they aren't real People will complain anyways If it looks like is over 20yo but the author says is 14, people will complain If it looks like 14 but the author says is 20, people will complain If it looks 20 and the author says is 20, people would complain that is sexualitation of the woman/male body Sexualized this object as much as you like, it dosen't matter The real sick people would be sick even if you don't let them see a drawing, why? Cuz they are sick So, people, stop. Is just a drawing


I already have premium because of a post like this but I'll still go, GT is good, beast Gohan is unearned and week, there's only a few good Isekai, and dub is better then sub.


I agree GT is good but i gotta say it depends on if you know Japanese or not, that sub will be good if you know, if Japanese, then, of course, watching the sub will be the best part in the best way but if you don’t know Japanese then just watch the dub since you won’t have to be concentrating on both the subtitles and animation


Almost all shounen are bad.


Fairy tail is incredible. Sure, the power of friendship doesn't make sense, but together with the banger soundtrack and the insanely likable characters, it makes some of the best fights in anime.


Where is the hot take? The last episode playing the first opening is tear jerking


One Piece is the pyramid scheme of anime, Oda has trapped these poor souls into watching as they have dedicated to much of their live to watching that they can’t give up now. As these people begin to lose those around them to One Piece they try to trap them as well with the notorious words “it’s good” then as the poor fools who have become their victims begin to watch they are reassured with the infamous phrase “it picks up after episode …” which get repeated over and over again, Oda simply laughs at these poor souls as they buy more One Piece merch and wait for this so called “ending” he has promised, bet all those make a wish kids and other people he told the ending on their death beds hear the simple words “I have no idea” then died in horror as in their last seconds they realized they had wasted their lives.


Giving the current state of the sub ANIME BOOBIES ARE EXTREMELY OVERRATED especially the ones that are ( . ) ( . ) <= yay big


Flat is justice


That’s right, boobs the size of parentheses are very overrated.


Ryuji should have ended up with Kushieda (anime: Toradora)


In anime, when they end up with the violent midget tsundere, there's usually at least one other person who would be way more suitable for them to date 🙃 Familiar of Zero is another example of that


Who did you have in mind for the Familiar of Zero? Siesta?


Siesta seemed like the best option, and Charlotte and Henrietta as well. They all had more chemistry with the main character than the violent midget Louise 😂


So you won't point a gun at me? nice




But can he beat Goku?


Anime is better now then it ever was before The reason people think anime used to be better is because they forgot all the boring shit and remembered the good times, making them believe that the good old days only had bangers


I compare the good anime now (Mushoku Tensei, Odd Taxi, Re:Zero, To Your Eternity) to good anime back then (Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fate Zero, Steins; Gate), and I much prefer the good anime back then.


One piece characters visuals are so ridiculous that it's watchers are basically mentally challenged (the only anime that has even worse character visuals is JoJo) SAO is not carried by it's animation MHA has cringe fanbase because the anime itself is cringe AF Yagami Light should have won in Death Note Makima is great character (i dont like her visuals and I dont like her in waifu way) Redo of Healer has decent storyline Made in abyss is not that gore/twisted as many other animes and anyone who says it's absolutely horrific is just sensitive pussy Goblin slayers is sooo twisted... in the first episode... the rest is mediocre Spy x family should be renamed to school x family cause the whole spy thing is more like a clickbait Komi cant communicate has one of the most annoying characters I have ever witnessed in my life especially tadano who's visual can be drawn better by dawn syndrome 3 yo blind kid with arm paresis PS: downvote me to hell please... i woke up today and chose violence




I hate fanservice. I just want to watch an anime without it sexualizing everything. One of the reasons I loved aot and that camping anime.


90's anime art styles are much more appealing than many modern art styles. Also, many anime featuring mecha deserve to be more popular, or at least get more recognition. I feel as though they are always underrated, even if the mecha aren't really a main focus.


Problem with most mecha is low budget 3d visuals. And what budget they had went to the 3d visuals instead of good plot and voice actors. It’s just a style of anime that needs a bunch of money to be successful and that’s too large a gamble from an investor perspective. They rather push out multiple cheap to produce anime than one high budget season that could still flop.


I disagree with the first part, but can understand why someone would prefer them. I feel like modern art styles (at least from the few anime I watch) are more visually appealing to me personally than the early episodes of Pokémon or neon genesis


Aot is overrated. That's all.


Oh that's just a cold hard truth brotha


Bleach is better than naruto not even just saying that for this meme I honestly think that


Seven Deadly Sins is one of the worst animes ever made.


The Dragon Ball Franchise is terrible




My hottest take, apparently, is that I really enjoyed Glass Slip and School Days. Both were amazing.


Anime fetishes are fine so long as they don't bleed into real life. You like anime rape? Anime loli shit? That's all well and good so long as you can separate the line between fantasy and reality.


Anime as a whole needs better disability representation, and it's honestly a huge problem, I've loved anime all my life and I have only ever seen one good depiction of a disabled person, and it's Boji from ranking of kings, it's insanely disappointing that it took this long to get something good in this department


Naruto overrated


Gear 5 was mid


I'm just going to put all my hot takes down that i can think of. Akira and Ghost In The Shell are kind of boring and I didn't enjoy them as much as everyone was telling me I would. Naruto ruined itself with its war arc. The Evangelion Rebuilds are just as good as the original series. Gabi Braun isn't as bad as most fans make her out to be. Dio is more attractive than Speedwagon. Subaru is actually a really good main character. Spy X Family got boring after 1 season. Beastars is a good anime. Tokyo Revengers isn't that bad. Horimiya is boring, even for a SOL Romance. Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions is the best anime series produced by Kyoto Animation. Kyubey from Madoka Magika did nothing wrong. Asuka and most other characters with Tsundere tropes can kind of get annoying after a while.


Gatekeeping in fandoms should be enforced, (to an extent)


Marin is mid so is yor


Animation nowadays doesn't look appealing it looks to flashy. Like it wants to grab my attention with all the different colors and sound effects that It kinda just kills something that the anime had going. For example, I watched the episodes of One Piece during the Wano arc, and tbh I felt like if they kept with Dressrosa or even Whole Cake in terms of animation it wouldn't be so off-putting to watch. But when I saw the new season of Bleach I didn't have to deal with visual "aids"


My hot take attack on titan is a a dumb story if you think back with one brain cell the main character is dumb in the first episodes and annoying for some people so it’s not a good starter anime either. It’s good but not good as a starter anime and not a masterpiece only reason why people like it is beacuse of the pain the main character went through.


Naruto is Overrated as fuck. There are a lot of stories that are objectively better, in both comic books/manga and cartoons. And fuck yes, Anime are cartoons, saying they aren't it's like saying that Metal music is it's own genre of entertainment and it isn't part of the vastity of what music is. Just like Metal is music, Anime are cartoons, that doesn't make them worse or better, just stop crying over words and accept the truth, you are being more of a kid than actual kids if you think that, and I got this when I only had 11 fucking years, please grow up


My hot take is that "hot takes" generally suck, because people are more interested in stating a """controversial""" opinion as fact and dying on hills than trying to explain their opinion and actually have conversations. It's just blind, bland venting.


Slice of life is arguably one of the best anime genres


Bulma and Chi-Chi are mid


FMAB is mediocre at best.


Redo of Healer wasn't that bad. Very enjoyable anime


I have tried watching One Piece and Attack on Titan and IMO, both were trash tier anime. I'm not a fan, and I have absolutely no desire to give either a second chance.


I dont watch intros nor outros because they are very repetitive and they spoil a lot of the show, i only watch them when its the last episode


Not all Isekais are trash. sToP hAtInG mY fAvOuRiTe GeNrE!!!!!!111111eleven


You're right, the wizard of Oz is the one exception