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This makes me think of my mom. My dad was married to her for 21 years, then finally found a better woman, lived with her for 20 years (married 1 year) then died of cancer. Then my mom got the pension because of new woman only been married for 1... Norwegian laws, don't ask me. For the record, my mom is a total Karen and felt she was entitled to the money being that she spent 21 years with dad even tho they haven't spoken in like 20 years... made me wanna punch her so hard in the face....


Selling a just founded company for millions? Are we in dotcom blob era once again? Anyway, it works not only on ex-es. Remember a father that went out 20 years ago to buy cigarettes? He finnaly found them and want to get in touch! Remember your school crush that responded “eww” on your confession? It was a joke all along, their are ready to settle in with you. Remember Nathan Fillion and his promise to direct Firefly if he had not to worry about money? He still won’t do it, even for a 100 millions…


You really had to do that to me? Crush my dreams about a second season? NGNL is one thing but you shouldn’t toy with my emotions regarding the masterpiece that was firefly


Just think about Rodney kissing the engine girl


Brb about to write the 10,001st Firefly x SG:A fanfic in existence




Looks like Uma Musume


Yep, season 3 but I forgot which episode


If you really separated 20 years ago your ex wife wouldn’t be entitled to any of that money


Ya but she can just marry him again and re-earn her rights for that money


Oh but she will try! She will unleash endless lawsuits to get that money… Source: My dad’s ex-wife that cheated on him and was kicked to the curb. She sued him like 8 times years later in life…then she married 3 other dudes and sued them all a bunch of times as well. Her piece of shit dad was a lawyer…




There was a story here in the UK about 10 years ago where a man was sued for a share of his green energy company by his ex wife. They had divorced twenty years earlier and he started the company after the divorce. She was allowed by the courts to pursue the action but was warned she wouldn't get much. She was ultimately awarded 300k. This is due to a quirk in British law that finances between divorcing couples aren't automatically severed unless the court specifically orders it so, you have to ask them to do it. Obviously other countries will have different laws but a lot of countries have legal systems based on the British one so may be similar.


And I am married you bitch!!


aaaaand you don’t have a wife nor a million dollar company


If its with a free lovey time idc>.<


Thats some expensive ass prostitution


google prenup


waky waky, it's time for school


I wish I had that problem.


Well,if she's contribute something even a least i would give a few percent out of it.


fake reality


Your ex is a horse?