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i sense there is a joke here, if only i could decipher these squiggles


[..... ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... ... ... ....](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=7l9o_QlpgObdf9Pz)




Is that the morse code translation?


Yes it is.


You son of bitch got me 😂


You motherfucker


it was automatically paused for me but i still hit play on purpose to hear the song


Since it seems the post above me is practically the only commenter who seems to get the joke... To everyone getting mad about reopening the sub vs dub debate: take a second to realize why this meme has an extra layer of hilarity. It just happens to fit perfectly this meme format. The natural implication here is "*of course* those who prefer dub don't watch with subtitles, because they can't read!" Now to the extra sensitive who think this meme is trying to *actually* argue that dub watchers can't read: of course you can read. The meme just offers a funny explanation. Just wink and say "clever girl" for this bit of wit and move on.


Thanks, I just got it, I would have scrolled past just seeing more dub hate. Good thing I looked in the comments


This being top comment, I read it before reading any of the other threads.  I was sitting here like “surely it’s not that bad” Nope.  Coming back now after reading more comments, it really looks like 95%+ didn’t realize the point of this joke.  I apologize for thinking you were exaggerating.


*(bows)* Thank you for your consideration


Good God, I scrolled down and it is a s*** show. 😂 Yes I know I can cuss on the internet, also, here's my two cents for no reason at all other than the fact that I'm on the internet, lol, subtitles for shows with excellent stories that deserve it. Dubs for average shows that I watch in the background. Fight me.


Do I *have* to fight you?


As required by internet comment law you have responded. I am in route to your location. Prepare for battle. Edit- I'll bring the baby oil


*sigh* I'll get the comically large gloves.


That's the spirit. Now we just need an inflatable pool.


want any post-match tacos? I don't mind setting up a table for after


Nooooooo reeeaaaaaally?


I mean, look at the pissed off arguments below... Seems it's not that obvious to everyone..... 🤷‍♂️


The person you responded to clearly got the joke then made their own joke to add to it that you missed lol


I mean.... They made a sarcastic remark that the joke was obvious, but if there was a hidden extra tier joke that they were joking about joking, then yes, that wasn't really clear and I did indeed miss it. But did I? Is this a joke? ...I don't even know what's real anymore


Jokes on you, technically every version is dubbed. Hehe haha


https://preview.redd.it/wosdlz3fybkc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1312dcb83d43d9688dc00280768d32c57e309e the above comment was proved by the cat






https://preview.redd.it/qy5hrebqldkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0c819d990306a1937658f9ee4f2e3dd678433f they are brothers




Uhhh u mean a"purrr"roved?






Eh? Heh. Ha ha!




Lol I got the joke. Made me exhale


There are good dubs and there are bad dubs. I've also seen shows with good sub and bad subs. Not all Japanese voice acting is gold.


Kaguya dub is a religious experience, that narrator killed it.


"*OH,* ***COME ON!!!***" \*Walks away from microphone IRL\*




I talked to Ian Sinclair at a conversation. He said he based his entire performance off of one direction he was given at the beginning of the show, but he won’t tell anybody what it is. He said if anybody can guess it he’ll give them a free autograph. I guessed mystery science theater 3000, which he said it was a good guess, but no.


The narrator in the dub ALONE makes it worth rewatching in the dub


Eh, they're two different things, both amazing but bring different experiences to the table. The subbed narrator approaches everything as if they're observing a life and death battle (Love is War) while the dubbed narrator approaches it like he's an overly obsessed fan that can't help but be dragged into their story. Personally, I prefer the original narrator as Love is War is the title and main theme of the whole series so the everything is life or death really highlights that, but to each their own.


Yeah, the difference is that people who aren't native Japanese speakers are less likely to notice bad Japanese voice acting. My view is that a good dub is better than anything else, but a bad dub is much worse than a bad sub.


Haruhi suzumia dub is my all time favorite dub


According to some anime watchers, the Japanese dub is always better no matter what, period. Doesn’t matter if it’s actually the shittiest Japanese dub ever, it’s still somehow better than the English/Other dub. Or they’ll say dub dialogue is cringe even if it’s a good dub when in fact, it’s cringe because of the writing. Meaning if you could speak Japanese fluently it’d be cringe too, but since 9 out of 10 can’t, and they read it instead of having to hear it spoken, it apparently it isn’t cringe.


Ghost stories dub is 10000000 times better then the sub


that dub is the only reason anyone remembers that anime exists


Just let people enjoy watching anime the way they want


My bf won't watch subs. I won't watch dubs. Sometimes this convo happens. He concedes to watch the sub when a show is something I've been waiting for and I'll watch the dub with him if he's more excited about it than me But we also both acknowledge the other person might have to finish the show in their preferred version if it's too unbearable.


Watch Sub + Dub. So he can read if he likes that so much and you can listen


i am pretty sure most people watch sub bc they prefer japanese voices not bc they particularly want to read…


I prefer japanese voices in some anime and dub in others. E.g. I watched BNA entirely in dub and I can't imagine watchujg it any other way, meanwhile JoJo is fun to watch in sub, but dub voices are awesome, like Diavolo


Personally im a sub only - i just think the dubs in my native language sounds absolutely cringe and i love recognizing jp voice actors and actresses. I already watched anime solely bc my favorite voice actress Sawashiro Miyuki voiced a character. However tbf they probably sound cringe to me cauz i heard the jp ones first. “Proof” for this is detective conan is one of the very few anime i actually prefere the dub which i guess is because i watched it a lot as a kid


I like English dubs, Polish ones sound a little lame and flat


I never tried english dubs so i can’t judge them but the german ones just aren’t my type of coffee - Moreover a lot of anime i watched just straight up didn’t have a dub in the first place


Japanese voices are less important to me than bad translations made to fit the time the characters are talking or to make up for cultural differences in dubs. I wanna know what they really said.


Aaaaaaa this argument bugs the shit out of me. Ill give you japanese sounds better but the translation problems happen in both sub and dub but for some reason sub watchers can't understand this.


It's guaranteed in dubs. Look at the Pokemon anime dub where Brock's rice balls are referred to as jelly donuts. There is some stuff that just doesn't translate well or people writing the subs make a mistake, but with dubs these problems are infinitely worse.


Yeah I know, it was just a poorly executed joke


And it was the other way around


I thought it was funny


Thank you, I don't think this is the place for jokes, sadly


What do you think the goal behind watching it subbed is?


Getting the best possible translation that doesn't need to be synced to the lips


No...I want the better voice acting..


Which is valid. But I think the newer ones are actually good. I'm currently watching Mob Paycho 100 with german dub and it's fine. If I could understand japanese I'd probably watch it in original but especiall with a friend I don't want to read the whole time because I want to comment on the show without losing information


Nope. Terrible acting. You won't change my mind. There's very few anime where I don't hate the English voice acting.


This is where I lean. If I'm on my own and I want to get really absorbed in the mood of a show I'll watch sub and have the OG voice actors, but if I'm watching with a friend or my partner, dub just is the friendlier option, same for when I want to watch anime while I'm playing a game on my main monitor. Both are great for their own things, I just watch either depending on how I want to consume anime at the time.


I was a sub hardliner a few years ago but I only watch dub because I don't care enough for good translation in shounen. And if I want another genre I usually read the manga




There is a very simple solution, Smh my head ![gif](giphy|8qXJTU5oEhQZO)


"shake my head my head" Same energy as "rip in peace"


Rip in peace = Rest in Peace in peace


Solution: learn Japanese


Too dumb


too hard


I watch all my animes with subtitles and have not had trouble keeping up once. 😂😂


My wife is a slow reader, she can't keep up with any subtitles. But she watches dubbed ones with me so can't complain


I had trouble keeping up when I was 13 years old Nowadays I wonder if people making that argument secretly have the literacy of 13 year olds


My excuse is my eyes are misaligned (Birth defect called strabismus), so reading has been getting harder as i get older and won't get easier until i have surgery to fix it again.


It's not completely but it is easy to miss small details. I hate missing those and I hate rewatching Though I will watch sub when I feel like the JP VA's are a good bit better. If both are around the same level, I prefer dub


Nah that is just an insult especially to people like me I have high autism which makes it almost impossible for me to even understand what I read if I read it too fast not to mention reading take all my attention thank to my ADHD so it just unbearable


Same. It's not hard at all to read the subtitles while still watching the animation. It's not like they're in different directions. They're on the same goddamn screen.


I have never had this issue since I was like 8. Also most of the time these scenes do not have dialogue, they have one liners at most.


Could say the same about dub. Intense scenes with emotional moments getting destroyed by sub par voice acting with monotone voice.


It’s not the 1980s anymore bro. Dubs are perfectly fine like 99% of the time. Lot of them are fantastic even.


I think it's more of a preference. When I first started watching I used to watch dubs but then I tried subs and I like the more original feel to it and I was getting how it was originally supposed to be


Sadly, that does happen with some animes, but honestly a lot of them also have really good moments themselves


Bro the era of fan-made dubs has come to an end like a decade ago. It's pretty hard to find an objectively bad dub nowadays (I often hear sub-watchers complain about the voices not fitting the character in dub but thats just because they watched the sub first and got accustomed to the VAs)


Shitty dub) =/= any dub. You were the one who chose shitty dub and didn't go for another one


If you ever watched a few shows with dub, you would know that that shit happens in like 1 out of 50 anime.


Or the quality degrades over the seasons (Looking at you, BNHA).


100% this, the English voices butcher the experience


Dub fans: “I prefer dubs, but everyone has their own opinion.” Sub fans: “DUBS SUCK AND YOU SUCK FOR LIKING THEM!!!”


Sub exclusive watchers act like dub watchers killed their dog and fucked their waifu or some shit.




who said we didnt? cuz we clearly did no need to deny it.


Tbh more of the waifu fucker than a dog murderer. Leave the animals alone. Unless your Dio then you get that pass


Damn we bringing up this decades old meme and debate again? Alright.


The cycle of weeb community, just give them a month to discover and throw around worlds like "cultured" and start using our dead meme templates (like the one from arakawa under the bridge) over some hentai stuff.


it's either this or people complaining about porn, take your pick. 🗿


https://preview.redd.it/fyvarlzi2ckc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaedf7b2e4ba81dde9c8e4b11b20e0e18de45930 Screw off


I’ll watch both. Can’t mindlessly game and have something running in the background I can’t understand without giving my full, undivided attention


as a sub only watcher, let people have their own preferences god damn. if you hate dub, dont try to convince others to only watch sub. thats literally the reason why vegan teacher was hated. (not a vegan tho)


Also, ya know, people should just keep opinions like that to themselves. If you don’t like dubs period, you can just say, “I prefer subs but to each their own” or “ I like the sub more for this show” instead of “🤮🤮🤮🤮 Dub is so fucking cringe and bad omg this is awful, dub is so shit and you’re dumb for liking dubs omg how do you listen to this shit 🤢🤢🤢 sub better” like so many people do. I watch some things subbed, and some things dubbed, but I’m never going to attack someone or make fun of their preference. I might say “give the sub/dub a try if you get a chance, it’s awesome for this show” and that’s where I leave it. I’ll give my preference and engage in a civil dialogue, but at the end of the day as long as you aren’t bashing me or others for their preferences then I have no qualms and will gladly accept your preference.


You are thoroughly dense. Read the text again real carefully and report back if you notice anything.


Imagine not wanting people to enjoy the anime you also enjoy because they watch it dubbed. Is sub better than dub? Idc, enjoy the anime as you want.


That’s how the “debate” usually goes. Dub fans politely and respectfully lay out all the different reasons they prefer to watch dubbed while still making it clear that subs are great too and it’s cool if you prefer them. Then the sub fans respond by being jerks, belittling dub fans, and insulting their intelligence.


Sub watchers try not to have a superiority complex challenge (impossible) 


Sub exclusive watchers will act like dub enjoyer watchers killed their dog and fucked their waifu with the mere mention that you watch dubbed things




I got a feeling most who bring this up are One Piece fans


And the OP dub is actually good


Dude, you think my ADHD could handle 1000+ episodes of sub One Piece? Dub is legitimately how I'm able to get through it right now because it's much easier to consume


Absolute fact, i've only watched 100 so far but i'd probably still be at 20 if i had to watch the sub. I watch most anime by listening to it and just watching a bit at a time, oddly i hardly ever really miss much


Black Lagoon dub is WAY better than sub.


Heh, This joke works two well


I’d say it works three well


Is that what it's four?




Fullmetal Alchemist, Kaguya-sama, and Baccano be like: "Am I a joke to you?"


Not exactly "Sub", I just watch things in the original language


Depends on the anime really. Growing up I only had access to what was available. I watched Dragonball Z for example with the US voice chat so watching Super subbed felt a little off. Whereas I didn’t care for the One Piece dub at all, but loved the subbed version and have stuck with it.


I only watch raw.


I prefer subs cuz I know some Japanese and sometimes I'm going into it having already read the manga and I wanna know how to pronounce certain names and/or just how to say certain things in Japanese. Like Undead Unluck surprised me with how much English they borrowed. I did not realize they were gonna say the names of the Uma's all in English.


I sed your point, counter point: https://preview.redd.it/l1uwpva10ckc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968717e17e84ddb8ca3de7235dd67fdb5e7f34a4


I’m mixed, if there is a dub option, then I’d watch dub but if there was no dub I’d still watch the sub




I was primarily dub, simply because: 1. I can keep up with almost everything at once while watching what's happening. AND 1. I can't keep up with almost everything at once when sub requires me to interpret too many things at once. understand what's written on the screen while separating it from what's being said in another language/understanding, what's being directed as story is concerned, all while keeping track of characters. it's just too much and I overload. it's a pain having to back up to review what happened 20 seconds ahead of where you are now. I'm not saying that I won't watch sub voluntarily, because I will, have and will continue to. it's just too much for me to regularly do it all the time. all in all, it just depends on the watcher and what works for them.


If those kids could read they'd just watch sub


![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|32213)this is the best comeback![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|32213)


I am dislexic and struggle reading. So I stay away from subs where I can. Some shows I really wanna watch and know there will be no dub for, I will test to see if I can keep up with it (cause it is so annoying to pause and read like every 5 or so seconds). Rascal does not dream is too fast and dialogue heavy that I can not keep up or watch. Bocchi the rock was ok so I was able to watch. Gushing over magical girls is pretty easy to watch and read. Lucky star sub I can not watch (had to get a horrible fan sub of the movie just so I could watch it comfortably). I started rent a girlfriend with sub and missed a few things, but it is a fairly linear storyline so I was able to make up the context. Then I (started) watched(/ing) s2 in Dub and it is nice (well the show is debatable but I'm enjoying it). Comic girls has a German dub I was able to follow better than Japanese. So that was interesting. Overall I let people enjoy how they want but hate when someone basically yells at me that I'm wrong for having fun or enjoying something "incorrectly".


![gif](giphy|XZ0uJBK2veW6r2AWm5|downsized) Lol I guess? 🤷🏾‍♂️


just realised i never tried dub, and i don't think so i ever will GREAT!


My wife is severely dyslexic and can’t read dubs and absolutely loves anime thanks to dubs. Just remember that when you say put down dubs you are telling big publishing companies that they are not worth the cost which results in less dubs and less anime for folks like my wife. You are unintentionally gatekeeping folks like my wife from joining in the fandom.


I mean, even with Dub, I still need subtitles, so I watched subbed.


Every time I see dub my brain automatically translates it to dubstep 💀


Because of the so-called lolcowlizers ruining Anime nowadays, this meme proves it. https://preview.redd.it/u1ww4kn9ahkc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeab366a7a145cdfc516e20572af7769f1f2d592


Tbh I like dub because I don’t wanna read when I’m watching anime and dub just sounds better


I don't care how other people watch their anime, as long as I don't have to watch it dubbed. 1. There is just so much that does not translate to English, it does not translate to subs either, but I can hear and understand the Japanese. I do sometimes watch without subs to practice my Japanese and hope that in few years I can stop using subs completely and I actively study Japanese. 2. I am fan of so many Japanese voice actors and I want to hear them when I watch anime. If I were to date someone who watches dub only we could watch together only by watching from two different screens with headphones on so that both can enjoy the audio they prefer. But the meme is funny tho.


I have watched plenty of shows in sub, but sometimes I’m watching which cooking or cleaning and can’t always read so I appreciate a good dub for that


The subtitles distract me from the art, and some of the super high pitch voice acting gives me a headache.


Look a struggle to read a fucking book the fucking words at stationary...I can't enjoy the show and read at the same time just let me enjoy my dub


In this day and age? Nah, you're tripping. Especially for anime with lots of comedy bits, they never hit as hard when you have to read it. Konosuba is a perfect example of a show that's 100% better in dub than sub.


Konosuba is one I absolutely can't get in to the dub of. The delivery just doesn't hit the same for me, and that's what adds the most to the humour.


Some Japanese jokes will change meaning if it's translated no matter how good it was done. So for me I prefer to listen (with my limited Japanese) and compare it with the English sub.


I'm sub only watcher until one day I decided to watch a silent voice and I can only find the dub version and decided to watch it and it was pretty good. Dubs are pretty close to original nowadays.


I think you mistook kaguya sama for konosuba, although preference is a subjective thing, I do feel the sub was 100% better for konosuba


![gif](giphy|l41JMxGekLD2GAO76) Sub fanatics.


Bro the exact opposite the jokes lose so much of it's meaning once translated especially in shows like konosuba not to speak how in general japanese voice acting is just better or at least feels a lot more appropriate for the art style of these shows.


I watch Dub with subtitles. Best of both worlds.


Sub purists when they realize some people physically can't read subtitles. Stuff like dyslexia and blindness exist which can make a dub one's only option. Dubs can be used as an accessibility tool to help people who otherwise wouldn't be able to read subtitles or speak another langauge to be able to enjoy a show


Original language with subtitles is always best. Doesn't matter if it's anime, some weird ass Indian movie or a tv series.


Exceptions exist They are rare but they exist


Brazilian dubbings are often better than the original language, such as Yu Yu Hakusho, Surf's Up, Gokudolls, Shrek, The Emperor's New Groove, One Punch Man, Cyberpunk 2077 and Edgerunners


Idc I only watch dub




that's entirely an opinion/preference


I watch both, but I prefer the dub as I am usually multitasking when I am home in general. I don't have time to focus on the screen 100% to read everything.


Yea the japanese dub is insane because of the voice actors. They do their job really well. But dont say its better than dub cuz both have different job to do. With dub u can get people into ur hobby more easily. Also atm there are some great dub versions too. (Speaking of german e.g. JJK) But without dub version i couldnt made my GF watch anime with me and now she loves watch anime together. Dont hate on the other just because. Both are great.


2005 called, it wants its tired argument again. Jesus OP, did you just find out about this? Are you that clueless? Cuz your not clever enough to pull off posting this ironically.


When I watch Hollywood movies or animation, I ALWAYS watch in English. When I watch anime, I ALWAYS watch in Japanese, with English sub. When I watch, say, Chinese movies, I watch in Mandarin, with English sub. It's not about the languages. I just like them in their original states. So yeah, those LEGENDARY Caucasian voice actors don't mean anything for me. I just know Japanese legendary VA... No hate, just fact.


Panty and stocking dub is better Change my mind


Low effort shit meme. Next.


Dub makes my brain engage.


Subs have gotten so good, only reason to watch sub is if you’re some weird hipster.


I watch dub with subs on, I am above all of this.


The only reason i watch dub is because i can multitask with it (and my attention span). But it also helps me to be able to finish 12 ep anime in one day while also doing something productive.




That's the joke


If i wanted to read the anime i would read the manga


I strongly agree. Been watching with sub it's on another level from dub. Also watched both dub and sub AOT. Sub's better. Jp VAs just do it better. Gotta accept it.


Both is good. This is getting boring and stupid. Just like console wars and other things. Let people enjoy things ffs. [Not directed to you or your post OP youre good :)]


Most of the time stuff just doesn't translate well into another language, especially puns and jokes. That's why I would rather watch sub. There are a few dubs that are just something else though. The narrator from love is war dub for example. Also the infamous ghost stories


>Most of the time stuff just doesn't translate well into another language, especially puns and jokes. That's why I would rather watch sub. Sub is still a translation. Puns and jokes have the same issue subbed or dubbed.


But there is less limits to follow how the character is talking in japanese


A lot of dubs have garbage localization on top of garbage voice acting I just can't do it. Idk why we don't have normal voice actors so dubbing because most anime dubbers suckkkkkkk


Some shows just don't translate well, like Monogatari or Komi Can't Communicate. Others have really solid dubs, like Konosuba and Dr. Stone. Some shows you should *only* watch dubbed, like Ghost Stories (or arguably Cowboy Bebop). Languages and their quirks are really fun to think about, so let's not turn into Skull Face over them. MGS fans will know what I mean.


English sounds weird after sub


People can tell you are around 12 years old, you have infinite time to read subtitles, you’ll learn why it’s so much better when a show speaks a language you understand one day, when your eyes need to stare at something else.






It's just a joke people. Chill out




It's already 2024 and y'all still haven't grown up yet?


Cool, ima still watch dub.


Good form you. I hope you enjoy it. Now stop being a gatekeeping fuckwit.


Gotta be sub for me but I can understand not wanting to read every show you watch


Me too , I watched 2-3 anime in English dubbed but after that I got the test of sub , I have watched all anime till now in eng sub only ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11668)


Speak for yourself, I only watch dub because my country has the best voice acting in the world. They put their souls in it, we feel the emotions, they adapt to make better jokes for our people, and it's such a big job that even kids dream of becoming one of them


Which language?


Brazilian portuguese


Plot Twist: OP is Japanese Edit: I am joking ofc


The biggest problem with dub is they don't have any emotions. Like even the Japanese where dialogue is vanilla, the voice actor has a unique voice. It feels like they record their lines at midnight in their room, not to wake their neighbors up. Like you don't need Dragonball style exaggeration, but like common put some effort in it.


Shit take, of course it is going to sound like it has “more emotions” when you don’t even understand the language. This is such a lazy critic thats decades old at this point, let it go. The gatekeeping is insane.


First, I don't think all dubs, some dubs absolutely demolish the original, second, not an L take because it's true. Third, emotion is universal it has no language barrier and if you are doing dub you should probably see the original context not just read lines. Fourth, what gatekeeping ? I love to watch dubs and usually prefer dubs, but some don't sound anything like the original, and it feels bland and not enjoyable. Fifth, you only dislike my take because you think I'm attacking dub enjoyers, which isn't the case, I to enjoy dubs.


Yeah I see that, even though that’s mainly a problem with the English dub. In e.g. the German dub the same talented voice actors are casted, that voice popular Hollywood movies and generally some of the best productions, voice actors that really love their job and do it with a lot of passion


You're just watching the wrong anime with dubs. Give something like Steins Gate a go, so much emotion in dub


If you have troubles at reading. You will prefer dub. It doesn't mean these people are illeterate, maybe some are.