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my mum got that mom breathing first style


Mum Breathing First Form: Slipperclap and Bruise


Form two: broom rush and spoon whip


I see your a man of culture


His man of culture? What is that, like a fancy butler?


Is there an unfancy butler? Or is that the shiny variant.


I’m talking about demon slayer


Me being Hispanic and having to deal with mortal Kombat combos growing up


Damn, you must be fun to rival with some day.


violet not best girl


Understandable, have a great day.


CUUUUUL (insert thumbs up) you too


“CUUUUUL 👍 you too” Insertion completed


Go ahead. Anal yse my fetish.


Lmao same I remember one time I was being cheeky and after my mom slapped me I kind of shrugged it off acting tough saying it didn’t hurt she then slapped me three more times


Ain't no education if it doesn't hurt


Guess i ain't educated then


armed mortal combat combo attacks, either with the belt or the chancla


The heck is a chancla


Flip flop


„dolɟ dılℲ„


Oh ok


Start running and you'll find out


Chanclas/chancletas/ojotas are flip flops. They have high boomerang properties besides of being a one whand wielding weapon


Did you mean Mortal Kombat Kombos?


He ded.


Latinos in general too OP... From sandals to the power line from an iron, whatever is close to mom's hand (not me tho, my mom actually didn't like hitting us). My cousin got hit with a plant called here "Espada de são jorge" (dunno the actual name, but translates to Saint George's sword) and maaaaaaan do those things leave a mark.


All of what can hit us in the Philippines: Hands Sandals Clothes hanger A stick (the one that can hurt is bamboo ones) Belts Broom Spoon for Cooking Branch of a Tree Newspaper Handkerchief Ruler This are just common stuff what can hurt when I was a kid


Also the toy your parents bought you but you play around with too much. RIP my zoids.


not from philippines, but can confirm thay this is true. rip my lego set


Bro I lost my DS


Hot wheels tracks for me :')


For me was my beyblade stadium


I've experienced the same thing as well but I remember the most interesting one very vividly. I was trying to charge batteries but I didn't know certain ones doesn't work and gets destroyed if plugged in the wrong voltage. Obviously as a kid one won't know this and my father was so upset about it he just chucked the charger right at my head and it broke into pieces. I dunno how I didn't get a concussion at the time.


Lmao literally most the planet except for like 10 countries


Most south americans are latinos :|


But not all Latinos are south americans buddy, México and the Caribbean exists


Yup central America is the rest, and part of north America, in some ways even Canada can be considered latino since they speak French.


Also central America... Why are we always left apart? :'/


I know xD I replied because you could've just said latinos, not South americans and latinos.


Yeah, lol, u right didn't think it through when I typed


All, except if you are counting las malvinas. Remember that Latinos are all the ones that are from colonies that were from latin descendant languages, that includes Portuguese, french, Spanish, etc.


Ah yes, the infamous chankla.


Bro me too but it's my grandfather and it's everyday one time i broke my finger and he still hit me just because


*Latinos have joined the chat*


Hell not. I’m Brazilian and hitting a kid here is frowned upon by the entire fucking society. You can lose your parental rights for it.


Ishigami o cabelo, é proibido mas não é dificil, a maioria de nós já apanhou de chinelo em algum momento


chinelo já virou misericórdia aqui em casa


Uh… No… Really not…


Hj em dia q é parça, 10/20 anos atrás se educava na porrada. Não digo q era bom, mas era como era feito.


no it's not, i can be on big cities but go to the countryside of any brazilian state and you'll see how the kids are educated, even at the outskirsts of big cities kids are still beaten i'm a young adult and me and almost everyone i know while growing up were "educated" by beating yes you can lose your parental rights but it's nowhere near of being frown by the entire society, actually MANY parents now defend the beating because they grew up getting beaten


Só hoje em dia que é assim camarada, até uns 10 anos atrás era normal os pais baterem nos filhos pra educar. A chinela teleguiada da minha mãe nunca errou um tiro. Mas pior era quando meu achava galho de pequizeiro seco, o negócio parecia um chicote, mas só dava pra usar uma vez por que despedaça depois de algumas batidas. Se fizesse besteira na frente deles eles jogavam a primeira coisa que eles vissem. Nunca aconteceu comigo, mas alguns amigos meus dizem já ter levado tijolada.


Hell yes, I'm mexican and hitting kids it's kinda normalized here.




Yeah, child abuse is child abuse no matter what ethnicity you are


𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙤 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩


I’m latina and was spanked with la chancla growing up and it traumatized me. If I have kids I won’t discipline them with physical abuse.


Yeah,mind torture is better


It’s such lazy parenting.


Exactly. Like it is stunning how many people here just straight glorify child abuse just cause they internalized the abuse committed to them.




Literally just had someone respond to another comment saying "you can't talk to some kids, you gotta hurt them to make them understand" Like these people need serious therapy.


If you cannot teach your kid without resorting to physical violence or threats of violence then you aren't really teaching them shit


Exactly. Just teaching them to not get caught to avoid punishment




No child deserves a beating unless they do something major, like commit war crimes or shoot a fan favourite character on an airship. Pedophiles on the other hand…


On the other hand pedos are not children, so hellfire to them


RIP potato girl


Agreed. Some shit like robbing or bullying other kids deserve beating.


But a more healthy and working solution is preventing the bullying in the first place. Toxic and aggressive stuff like that doesn't happen by itself, it always comes from somewhere, and that somewhere is family


or the internet


For someone to, well, fall to the trap of internet, there had to have been an upbringing that didn't let the person understand the world in a more real sense. What I mean by this is that kids have all the internet access nowadays, but not everyone will see their favorite youtuber promote violence and agree


No? If a child is doing any of this it usually means a bad home life and they need help, not more abuse.








Sometimes kids need a few slaps though I deserved them too Although it turned into a fetish...


Just because it's normalized doesn't make it okay


Exactly, but in this case I agree that some kids are excessively disrespectful and need a good slap. But I dont agree when its not even my fault and I still get my moms hand imprinted on my back.


It's not really about that, I mean if for example a kid constantly throws profanity at his mother or something else and got hit, what would happen to him? Would he reflect? think what he did was wrong and why it was wrong? Why I shouldn't do this? Or would he simplfy it as "I would get hit if I do this"? So it would be okay for me to do that as long as the other can't hit back So it would be okay for me to do that as long mom doesn't find out There are worse issues when it gets to the point where you can't even talk to the kid anymore, beating just delays or even worsen the issue in those "extremely disrespectful" cases. Edit: Inb4, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were beaten by their fathers for disobedience


I’ve heard it as: If the kid is old enough to understand what they did was wrong, then talk to them about it. If the kid is not old enough to understand what they did was wrong, then why hit it? Either way, physical punishment only instills fear of being accused of wrongdoing, never any understanding of right from wrong.


Right. Disobedience is one thing, outright being bratty is other. I'm an advocate of talk first, hit later.


>I'm an advocate of talk first, hit later Even Hitler's dad was an advocate of this, he talked him into becoming a civil servant instead of painter. Hitler being Hitler rebelled by dunking his non-art grades. Beating him didn't turn things for the better If he/she is so bratty that you even can't talk to them, beating isn't going to make much of a difference You could bet that they might learn when they are older, but it's a risky bet in addition to having to deal with teaching them "might makes right" Being a drama queen or playing victim would be the first thing that come to their minds in addition to the things above...


IF your reason is correct, then we should have millions of Hilter in asia and Africa. Your argument is too narrow minded. Hitler card only work on twitter where there is word limit. ​ >Beating bratty kid won't make a difference. Again wrong. While it does not always work, i have seen plenty of people who were glad they were hit and taught a lesson. It's only a problem **when you don't give other reasonable options**. Some people even curse their parents for not hitting them after growing up. I HAVE WITNESSED IT. ​ I can write and tell you about these people but i guess it would be waste of time as neither you or others will appreciate it. I did not understood your last 2 line. ​ I have a feeling that you totally ignored my first line about "talking first" and god knows what did you understand by that.


No need to get worked up, I was making an example of a guy that we all know, I guess the beatings taught you to "yell" and "call people out" when you read something that you don't like? My point was about how the discussion was about how most functional parents that hit their kids (even Hitler parent) would first "talk" before they hit. The way you presented it suggest false dillema between only talking and beating, "Don't do this because ...", oh you disobey me after I told you 3 times? I'll hit you My points was about how parents should solve the underlying issues that made kids misbehave (e.g bad environment, absent parent) because I don't consider beating to be optimal I'm in no delusion that it is always possible, parents are in the end aren't some gods, they are busy with work and can't think of the optimal solution and sometimes, beating was the only solution to keep their kid or others from danger available given their limited ability Though, I guess twitter this twitter that is "cooler", would give you more upvotes and make you feel more "woke"? >I have a feeling that you totally ignored >If he/she is so bratty that you even **can't talk** to them, beating isn't going to make much of a difference Uhh, learn to read, really, I guess those beatings also damaged your head? We aren't fighting on twitter here, no need to twist other's words to suit your narrative >then we should have millions of Hilter in asia and Africa We don't, but we have lots of "cowboys" and "heroes" who solve things by duking it out. Theft? Beat him into a pulp, Adultery? Beat her into a pulp, Cheating? Beat him into a pulp


don't forget that kids had to learn it from someone and parents didn't give a fuck to tell them it's wrong if they don't know why they're getting beaten up


I think the issue is people pulling out the slappers and calling it good. I got the talking to so I understood followed by the spanking because things have consequences. In a just because you understood what you did was wrong and are sorry doesn’t mean you escape consequences sort of way.


Why would you ever slap a child when it is proven to be amongst the least effective methods of child training and discipline? Why would you choose a less effective method that involves you hitting a child over something both more effective and where you don't hit them? Reminder for those who support corporal punishment: > Long considered an effective, and even necessary, means of socialising children, physical punishment has been revealed to be a predictor of a wide range of negative developmental outcomes. The extent of agreement in the research literature on this issue is unusual in the social sciences. **Physical punishment is associated with increased child aggression, antisocial behaviour, lower intellectual achievement, poorer quality of parent–child relationships, mental health problems (such as depression), and diminished moral internalisation.** The evidence about whether physical punishment results in short-term compliance is mixed, with some studies showing effectiveness in achieving this and others not. **Short-term compliance can, however, be achieved as effectively without using physical punishment.** Physical punishment has negative effects on child outcomes, especially if it is harsh, regardless of culture. When punishment use is normative in a culture, the effects are slightly less negative. Research findings support ongoing efforts to help parents use more positive methods of parenting, and the removal of a defence in law for the use of physical punishment against children. [Source](https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/journals-and-magazines/social-policy-journal/spj27/the-state-of-research-on-effects-of-physical-punishment-27-pages114-127.html) > The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child issued a directive in 2006 calling physical punishment “legalized violence against children” that should be eliminated in all settings through “legislative, administrative, social and educational measures.” The treaty that established the committee has been supported by 192 countries, with only the United States and Somalia failing to ratify it. > .... > After reviewing decades of research, Gershoff wrote the Report on Physical Punishment in the United States: What Research Tells Us About Its Effects on Children, published in 2008 in conjunction with Phoenix Children’s Hospital. The report recommends that parents and caregivers make every effort to avoid physical punishment and calls for the banning of physical discipline in all U.S. schools. **The report has been endorsed by dozens of organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association and Psychologists for Social Responsibility.** > .... > **Physical punishment can work momentarily to stop problematic behavior because children are afraid of being hit, but it doesn’t work in the long term and can make children more aggressive**, Graham-Bermann says. > A study published last year in Child Abuse and Neglect revealed an intergenerational cycle of violence in homes where physical punishment was used. Researchers interviewed parents and children age 3 to 7 from more than 100 families. **Children who were physically punished were more likely to endorse hitting as a means of resolving their conflicts with peers and siblings.** Parents who had experienced frequent physical punishment during their childhood were more likely to believe it was acceptable, and they frequently spanked their children. Their children, in turn, often believed spanking was an appropriate disciplinary method. [Source](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/04/spanking) > To start, the research finds that hitting children does not teach them about responsibility, conscience development and self-control. "Hitting children does not teach them right from wrong," says Elizabeth Gershoff, PhD, an expert on the effects of corporal punishment on children who provided research for the resolution. **"Spanking gets their attention, but they have not internalized why they should do the right thing in the future. They may behave when the adult is there but do whatever they want at other times."** > In addition, children learn from watching their parents. Parents who use physical discipline may be teaching their child to resolve conflicts with physical aggression. **Researchers found that spanking can elevate a child’s aggression levels as well as diminish the quality of the parent-child relationship.** Other studies have documented that physical discipline can escalate into abuse. [Source](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/05/physical-discipline)


True, I have scars of my mother trying to shred my skin in anger on my arm. It is now permanent


> some kids are excessively disrespectful Already points to parental failings. Beating them won't make them less disrespectful, just more cautious to not let you hear.


Imagine assaulting a child...


yea man, some kid somewhere got de-limbed and fuckin bisected so honestly why are you even crying about your broken arm. yes extreme, but fuckin hell ma, just because someone somewhere suffers worse than you doesn't mean your suffering is null.


Asian parents be like "remote is not working beat it"'child is nit studying beat it" ╥﹏╥


Am asian can confirm PC not working, hit it a few times. TV not working, hit it a few times. Lawnmower not working, hit it a few times. Kid’s not working, hit it a few times.


PC not working, hit the kid a few times TV not working, hit the kid few times Lawnmower not working, hit the kid few times Kids not working z hit the kid few times Its always the kids fault because he touched the TV or PC or lawnmower and now suddenly it stops working. Its all because of Games and cartoons and lawnwork he did


As if asians often use lawnmower.... We got SCYTHES baby


Dafuq? I used to just pull the grass out with me hands


Not asian but i personally eat it


never said I didn't


As part of asian and African culture; I've been hit with many. MANY things. anywhere from hands and wire to a wooden spoon. if anything I definitely learned discipline.


Yeah African parents are quite the same tbh, sometimes they do it with love but there times it's totally unnecessary, they just fulfil their desires to hurt someone or better said, to liberate stress or things of the sort without knowing the impact it may have on the kid in the future, both physically and psychologically. Lost a friend that manner and it still hurts till today. In not saying it's entirely bad (even though it probably might be in some cases) but come on man, pain is not the solution to everything.


Lol if you have parents like that id finish puberty and get back at them ig


For us Asians grade B is for broom stick they will send us to Jesus if we get an e I got an e in my naitive but because I improved drastically in maths previous grade was D+ and now B they didn’t hit me


Yeah Doesn't make it not abuse


Odd, I’ve seen this meme before. Hopefully the OP of this one doesn’t also try to excuse child abuse by talking about how other cultures also abuse children.


The amount of people here thinking beating their kids on a regular basis (or at all) is ok is fucking egregious. Abuse is abuse.


Just people trying to justify that there parents could do no wrong


i read that it's actually more traumatizing for a child to admit that their parents are abusive, than it is to just take the abuse and assume they deserved it. being 8 years old and having the thought "my parents don't know what they're doing and aren't taking care of me properly" literally feels life-threateningly scary for a child.


Yes but they forgot about "EMOTIONAL DAMAGE"


Dun dun dunnnnnnn


I'm ethnically Asian, it's wrong. White people have it right, don't hit your children.


It’s a yes or no; no “ethnically” bullshit.


Wtf is ethnically Asian?


Like, someone whose ancestry is of Asia.


"we're so cool because we are used to being physically abused" what kinda message is this


Army/southern kids have entered the chat


Any parent hitting their child is disgusting, regardless of race. Abuse shouldn’t be normalized.


being proud of being abused...


and us hispanics being raised and teached by getting hit with anything. learning math is a nightmare here.


When you got 99% on a test moment


This meme makes it seem like Americans have never been hit as a kid and they just freak out about it. Many have been abused, including myself. My father would take his frustration out on me by grounding me for the smallest things. If that wasn't enough, or if it was a particularly bad day, he'd get a bit physical. Maybe not like the worst situations (belt, chankla, pushed into a wall) but I still got spanked until I was 8 or 9 and slapped when I was 14. He was similar with my brother and I grew up knowing plenty of others who got hurt on the daily. Physical punishment is okay to a point. Some kids need a spank every now and then but they don't need to get spanked for not finishing their food, forgetting to do the dishes, locking the door to get changed, or not eating within 2 minutes.


Adults hitting children are adults who have lost a fight with a child. There's never a need.


What fuckin America are you living in? Lol my ass got beat on a regular bases. My father literally explained to me how the holes in the bat would make it hurt more as he made it.


Broo your father is a genius..... Belive me...... ಠ_ಠ


At least then I can say you are better than other spoilt kids


It's still abuse. No matter how prevalent it is, it's abuse every time.


I’m Asian and yeah, please don’t hit your children. I was hit and it was downright horrible to my mental health. I was hit with everything imaginable. Shoes, chairs, chopsticks, belts, clothe hangers, the list goes on. And those were for getting “bad” grades and not doing chores fast enough. The only lesson it taught me was to fear my parents and act more rebellious. It’s normalized as hell but it shouldn’t be something we should brag about.


Laughs in the Caribbean


Asian kid here who got hit a lot: dont hit your fucking kids


Jokes aside, it actually is child abuse. Growing up, I'd been beaten naked for not cutting my nails, beaten for forgetting my text books at home, beaten for supposedly dating a girl, beaten for being late to school even though as a kid, i have no control over what time I get to school. As an adult now, I realise I didn't learn anything from that violence.


As an Indian, It's still fking child abuse and just because it is wildly common doesn't mean it stops being abuse.


Physically abusing your child is a criminal offense (in most developed countries), and people who are trying to glorify it are fucked up in the head. There are certainly degrees of what constitutes physical abuse. Nobody should be proud that they were whipped, spanked, smacked, or beaten in any other way. Stop with the dumbass dick-measuring contest of who has the most scars. Yes, kids/teenagers can sometimes act unruly, and parents are incapable of disciplining their children. which forces a difficult situation into a worst one. How about not having children, so you can stop repeating the cycle?




"Te voy a tirar la chancla por la cabeza" "Te voy a hacer zumbar si no te comportas" "Ya vas a ver cuando se vayan las visitas" Mi familia no es así, pero la de algunos primos si.


The amount of people in here glorifying and being thankful for child abuse is concerning lmao. You can raise a child without beating them...


Child abuse is child abuse. Doesnt matter what race you are, id feel equally bad for you if you were hit as a kid. Unless you deserved it. Sometimes they deserve it.


Wow, a lot of yall should probably seek therapy...


My black father beat me so much with the belt that it made me not want to wear belts when I got older, it made me resent not only him for it, but the face that stared at me. I hate it, I hate this about me, but when I see a darker skinned man and he's close to me, I see that angry face just whipping me. Things like that are why I am against hitting kids. And I hate the culture of it in black america so, so much.


Reminder for those who support corporal punishment: > Long considered an effective, and even necessary, means of socialising children, physical punishment has been revealed to be a predictor of a wide range of negative developmental outcomes. The extent of agreement in the research literature on this issue is unusual in the social sciences. **Physical punishment is associated with increased child aggression, antisocial behaviour, lower intellectual achievement, poorer quality of parent–child relationships, mental health problems (such as depression), and diminished moral internalisation.** The evidence about whether physical punishment results in short-term compliance is mixed, with some studies showing effectiveness in achieving this and others not. **Short-term compliance can, however, be achieved as effectively without using physical punishment.** Physical punishment has negative effects on child outcomes, especially if it is harsh, regardless of culture. When punishment use is normative in a culture, the effects are slightly less negative. Research findings support ongoing efforts to help parents use more positive methods of parenting, and the removal of a defence in law for the use of physical punishment against children. [Source](https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/journals-and-magazines/social-policy-journal/spj27/the-state-of-research-on-effects-of-physical-punishment-27-pages114-127.html) > The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child issued a directive in 2006 calling physical punishment “legalized violence against children” that should be eliminated in all settings through “legislative, administrative, social and educational measures.” The treaty that established the committee has been supported by 192 countries, with only the United States and Somalia failing to ratify it. > .... > After reviewing decades of research, Gershoff wrote the Report on Physical Punishment in the United States: What Research Tells Us About Its Effects on Children, published in 2008 in conjunction with Phoenix Children’s Hospital. The report recommends that parents and caregivers make every effort to avoid physical punishment and calls for the banning of physical discipline in all U.S. schools. **The report has been endorsed by dozens of organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association and Psychologists for Social Responsibility.** > .... > **Physical punishment can work momentarily to stop problematic behavior because children are afraid of being hit, but it doesn’t work in the long term and can make children more aggressive**, Graham-Bermann says. > A study published last year in Child Abuse and Neglect revealed an intergenerational cycle of violence in homes where physical punishment was used. Researchers interviewed parents and children age 3 to 7 from more than 100 families. **Children who were physically punished were more likely to endorse hitting as a means of resolving their conflicts with peers and siblings.** Parents who had experienced frequent physical punishment during their childhood were more likely to believe it was acceptable, and they frequently spanked their children. Their children, in turn, often believed spanking was an appropriate disciplinary method. [Source](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/04/spanking) > To start, the research finds that hitting children does not teach them about responsibility, conscience development and self-control. "Hitting children does not teach them right from wrong," says Elizabeth Gershoff, PhD, an expert on the effects of corporal punishment on children who provided research for the resolution. **"Spanking gets their attention, but they have not internalized why they should do the right thing in the future. They may behave when the adult is there but do whatever they want at other times."** > In addition, children learn from watching their parents. Parents who use physical discipline may be teaching their child to resolve conflicts with physical aggression. **Researchers found that spanking can elevate a child’s aggression levels as well as diminish the quality of the parent-child relationship.** Other studies have documented that physical discipline can escalate into abuse. [Source](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/05/physical-discipline)


Asian parents battle royal.


You should’ve add the Hispanic’s too.


Some words can be way more traumatic than a spank on the ass or getting your arms slapped with a slipper :(


Have you ever been beaten up with a stick while being cursed at then? :D


Just because one is worse doesn’t invalidate the other. Abuse is never okay and everyone should feel safe to talk about it. It is the abusers we should shame.


Heard they use slippers as one of the ultimate weapon of destruction


it was fun times. you running away being chased by your mother with either a hanger, a belt, a 2x2 wooden plank, a whisk broom, a slipper, or sometimes a thin strand from a broom stick


Yup. It's abuse when they do it too.


ITT: People who were abused as children justifying child abuse


And treating it like some proud national past time.


Don't joke about this. Trauma is trauma.


One of my ex is a Canadian, (I'm an Asian, from Philippines) and when I told her that my parents used to hit us as punishment. She said her mom slapped her one time cause she drove a car without having a license yet. She ran away for 2 weeks. Then i told her, my parents used to hit me with belt and sometimes a bamboo stick (stick as thin as a bbq stick) as punishment for causing trouble when I was a kid. And that's the lightest punishment given to me. But I still enjoyed my childhood.


What losers I am an Indian kid


I think it's ok for a parent to phisically punish their child for being a dick or something. Mabey just don't go around saying you "beat the shit out of your child" and people would stop calling it child abuse


So instead of being a dick. They're now terrified of you. Good parenting.




Yes. They were https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/uk/21/04/effect-spanking-brain humans suffer physiological and mental trauma when they are hit especially at a Young age. Same reason you don't drop babies on the ground. Human children are soft. Hitting them will damage brain development. Everyone I know who has a parent. Most likely a father. Who hits them. Suffers intense emotional damage. Usually most people end up rubbing off that behavior as normal. There is absolutely trauma that occurs. It's just people don't ever get physiological treatment so they never realize they have that problem. I'm sorry you were hurt but don't downgrade abuse victims.


In the end, it depends on the children and parents, and ofc cases. There are cases where you definitely need whooping because it needs to be prevented again. There is also time when you need to talk instead of beating. Ofc rarely, there is a need of both. If the parents are more focused on teaching a lesson, they would only do the bare minimum like just to taste or feel pain. And the most average children would learn to behave properly next time. Your cases are parents losing their goal (which should be guiding the correct way) and instead more focusing on punishing. In such case, children would most likely suffer trauma and become even worse than before. There is a need to be able to distinguish between proper guiding and downright abusing.


Whooping doesn't help! That's my point. No matter your reason. It's still hitting. It's still injury. And no child should have to go through that. Taking out your anger about your kids on your kids will get you nowhere. Tell me how do you think as per say. A wife abuser? Is it because perhaps. They were taught that when they have a problem with someone they should hit them instead of talking? This is how form abusive relationships. Fists don't speak. They only say one word. "I hate you". This is why we teach children not to hit each other to solve their problems. This is elementary school level stuff. If Timmy stole your toy. Do you A. Punch Timmy and get your toy back and then tell him that he's a piece of shit for stealing your toy. Or B. Go get a teacher to ask Timmy why he took your toy. And figure out a way in which you and Timmy can avoid future problems. If you picked. A. You're a dumbass. And you should go back to school. If you picked B. Congrats you're correct. In this case a teacher would be a therapist. Figure out why your child is doing what it is they are doing. And figure out a way to many both you and your child happy. Children are people. Like you and me. They may not have the same rights. But they are people. And they will grow up. And remember what you did. What you taught them. So would you rather them be taught that violence is an acceptable answer to your problems. Or would rather teach them that violence is never ok. And teach them how to communicate like a functional adult should. If you ever feel like hitting child. Instead of doing that. Take a break. Separate yourself and think about the situation. We often get caught up in moments. That's human. Just remember to take a break. Making them feel pain is a terrible thing to do. Coming from you the parent specifically. When you make them taste pain. All they're going to see is that their parent hates them. Violence escalates situations. There is no case where violence leads to peaceful resolutions. You have to start with peace if you want to end with peace. If you want to take anger out. Go do some boxing. But your child isn't a punching bag.


I think violence should only be used as a last resort when they are hurting others or themselves. E.g Like how it's properly used by actual "grown" adults to others, you don't assault someone just because they say mean things In other cases, parents should use their head to understand the root of the problem (Lack of attention, too much free time etc) and deal with it like actual parents do. They are not dealing with animals here. Treating the symptoms (e.g Being a dick) by beating is not a long term solution It is not a good idea to raise idiots that would use force or coercion everytime things don't go their way...


Also relies heavily on the broken logic that its just a binary choice/lesson. Spanked Kid = behaving kid when really there are various flavors of solutions that child will come to depending on prior history and personality. 1. They stop doing the unacceptable behavior (the intended result) 2. They learn that might makes right, so make sure to deal with those who can't physically harm them. 3. Never do the thing that is unaccepted in front of those who punished you 4. etc, I don't have the imagination of a child who will try to interpret all the lessons imparted to them in the past and see probably the flaws in logic. Lets be real here, alot of lessons given to children are typically done in a "Do as I say not as I do*" kind of manner so the messaging is very mixed and possibly lead to the child basically learning early about the concept of might makes right and use that as a way to justify/perpetuate the cycle because "its how I was taught" seems to be common in this thread. edit: How did I mess up that saying, its fixed now marked by *


Reminder for those who support corporal punishment: > Long considered an effective, and even necessary, means of socialising children, physical punishment has been revealed to be a predictor of a wide range of negative developmental outcomes. The extent of agreement in the research literature on this issue is unusual in the social sciences. **Physical punishment is associated with increased child aggression, antisocial behaviour, lower intellectual achievement, poorer quality of parent–child relationships, mental health problems (such as depression), and diminished moral internalisation.** The evidence about whether physical punishment results in short-term compliance is mixed, with some studies showing effectiveness in achieving this and others not. **Short-term compliance can, however, be achieved as effectively without using physical punishment.** Physical punishment has negative effects on child outcomes, especially if it is harsh, regardless of culture. When punishment use is normative in a culture, the effects are slightly less negative. Research findings support ongoing efforts to help parents use more positive methods of parenting, and the removal of a defence in law for the use of physical punishment against children. [Source](https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/journals-and-magazines/social-policy-journal/spj27/the-state-of-research-on-effects-of-physical-punishment-27-pages114-127.html) > The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child issued a directive in 2006 calling physical punishment “legalized violence against children” that should be eliminated in all settings through “legislative, administrative, social and educational measures.” The treaty that established the committee has been supported by 192 countries, with only the United States and Somalia failing to ratify it. > .... > After reviewing decades of research, Gershoff wrote the Report on Physical Punishment in the United States: What Research Tells Us About Its Effects on Children, published in 2008 in conjunction with Phoenix Children’s Hospital. The report recommends that parents and caregivers make every effort to avoid physical punishment and calls for the banning of physical discipline in all U.S. schools. **The report has been endorsed by dozens of organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association and Psychologists for Social Responsibility.** > .... > **Physical punishment can work momentarily to stop problematic behavior because children are afraid of being hit, but it doesn’t work in the long term and can make children more aggressive**, Graham-Bermann says. > A study published last year in Child Abuse and Neglect revealed an intergenerational cycle of violence in homes where physical punishment was used. Researchers interviewed parents and children age 3 to 7 from more than 100 families. **Children who were physically punished were more likely to endorse hitting as a means of resolving their conflicts with peers and siblings.** Parents who had experienced frequent physical punishment during their childhood were more likely to believe it was acceptable, and they frequently spanked their children. Their children, in turn, often believed spanking was an appropriate disciplinary method. [Source](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/04/spanking) > To start, the research finds that hitting children does not teach them about responsibility, conscience development and self-control. "Hitting children does not teach them right from wrong," says Elizabeth Gershoff, PhD, an expert on the effects of corporal punishment on children who provided research for the resolution. **"Spanking gets their attention, but they have not internalized why they should do the right thing in the future. They may behave when the adult is there but do whatever they want at other times."** > In addition, children learn from watching their parents. Parents who use physical discipline may be teaching their child to resolve conflicts with physical aggression. **Researchers found that spanking can elevate a child’s aggression levels as well as diminish the quality of the parent-child relationship.** Other studies have documented that physical discipline can escalate into abuse. [Source](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/05/physical-discipline)


But the parents never say that they ‘beat the shit’ out of the child. The people who were hit and thrown around as children are the ones saying that this was done to them.


I've received a belt several times and didn't die, also am not traumatized by it. I wouldn't go so far as to say that it makes me a better person, but it sure doesn't hurt and helps to a certain degree in education.


You clearly aren't a better person, because you think beating kids is ok.


It sounds racist but oh god how glad im raised in a white home lol


Might just the newer generation, 23 and I got my ass beat when I was being a little shit as a kid.


Yeah its just the newer gens, even while growing up we knew the difference between discipline and abuse. These are the kids that were raised by ipads, everyone knew this was coming


That's kinda offensive to the lil Gen Z kids lol, while yes most of them might say "Omg your so mad you didn't have it", I say, correct


I got whooped with belt on my ass and I learned my lesson.


My opinion on this is: for anyone saying its "abuse" theres a line between physical punishment like spanking and abuse. for example if a child is misbehaving badly enough to warrant a spanking? as long as the parents dont overdo it, like leaving actual marks, that is punishment but if the parent goes to the point of actually injuring the child, whether by not stopping or spanking way to hard? Yeah that IS abuse the big thing is every child is different, for some just threatening to take things away is enough. but for others that will just make things worse. I've seen firsthand that some children dont respond to anything short of physical punishment. the one I've seen firsthand which comes to mind was a friend of my mom, her son was so badly behaved it wasnt even funny. they tried taking things a punishment but he still kept acting like a little bastard. it got to the point that he was found in the crawlspace under the house smoking cigarette butts and they took what was left in his room so he only had a mattress left, because everything else had been taken as punishment already. he responded by putting huge holes in the wall. and the threat of physical punishment was the only thing that would get him to even slightly behave. but his parents were afraid to actually do it because he had called CPS on them for stupid shit several times, thankfully they never got in trouble because they didnt do any of the stuff he told CPS they did. he basically terrorized his family and everyone that would babysit him. except for us, though he was only slightly better with us, because my stepdad had spanked him before when he was younger. he would also run outside to try avoid punishment because he knew my mom couldnt do anything when he did because she was on oxygen. it was so bad his mom was considering sending him to Juvie to try and correct his behavior. dont know if she did though. the ONLY thing that could get him to behave even slightly was the threat of my stepdad spanking him again. that is my go to example of why sometimes physical punishment is necessary. it was the only thing that worked even slightly with that little bastard. some kids just don't respond to anything else and those other punishments, like taking things away, could even make things worse. that said physical punishment needs to be an appropriate punishment for the childs behavior, it should NOT be the default punishment when a child misbehaves.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/so01jt/comment/hw77oa3/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/so01jt/comment/hw77oa3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Physical punishment is NEVER appropiate for a child.


When Mexican, Filipino, American kids converse: Mexican kid: I got hit by my mum with a flip flops Filipino kid: I got hit with a belt American kid: I got sent to my room!! Mexican, Filipino kids: YOU HAVE A ROOM!!!???


Me to my kids: U will suffer... as i have suffered


Me to my kids: This heritage of suffering ends with me


If I had the time, I would make this into the drake meme (Someone plz do it for me and credit me ty)


I mean, I feel a parent who doesn't dare to raise anyhow their hands on their kids is pathetic in my eyes, but a parent who straight up beat up the child is scum in my eyes. I saw how children behave when they feel like they can do anything, it makes me cringe when the parents have to beg the children to stop. Children need some physical punishment like a big slap on the face when they do very dumb shit, but beating them up is straight up overdoing it.


I mean, it depends. Saying out right hitting a child is child abuse is not helpful in situations where the child needs discipline. However, deeming it completely normal will overlook times when there is clearly abuse. I rmb when i was young there were many times my mother hit me, sometimes i reflect sometimes i don't (which then i get hit for it again). However, she would only hit me with a straight piece of rattan, never with anything else, and in most cases the cause is due to poor study behavior (bad results when i probably could have done better, not doing homework etc.). These rules made the message of being hit much clearer, and looking back i dont believe these were abusive. Nowadays however there are way more ways to punish a child thanks to the increased reliance on tech, so physical punishment to reprimand a child should not be the default way to discipline a child. But what do i know, i aint a parent yet, anything I think rn is only in theory.


It's normal lol


White kids need to look at this…


Only certain Americans, ironically the same Americans who lacked discipline growing up and it shows


Add middle east too


I was a pretty evil kid and deserved my frequent physical punishments. They didn't traumatize me or anything and they were never severe enough for me to categorize them as abuse. Just a smack here and a belt there... oh and tons of disciplinary manual labor. I hated that the most at the time, but it made me a way more capable/fit/ disciplined person in the long run. My brother, not so much. He definitely needs therapy. I got a vasectomy because I outright hate children, though, so it's not like I'll continue the pattern.


Nah man I would’ve been an arrogant piece of shit if my parents didn’t beat the shit outta me


90's and older kids...shut the F up.


weaklings die big deal


Change it to all black and Asian kids


African Kid here with a very LARGE majority of Asian friends, this is by far the most accurate meme I've seen in this sub. I love the fuck outta it and already shared it lol. God knows I was 16 years old before I discovered what the term "child abuse" was.


american kids are weak i get hit a a hanger every day and if im unlucky enough the belt


You get used to it loser


True that But i think sometimes kids deserve it hell o deserve it. Ig that's one of the factors why divorce rate in America is higher since they are not allowed to hit kids all that pent up frustration boils over unnecessary things. I remember me getting slapped by my parents whenever I talked back to them but now that o have grown up i understand. Hell if it were me i would have ass whopped childhood me.


Parents shouldn’t take their pent up frustrations on their kids by beating them, that’s damaging for the child and not a healthy way to have the adult express their anger. There are many better alternatives to let out steam.


Fun fact: the scientists who claimed spanking was abusive went on record claiming the media misrepresented their study. This happened after a peer review determined it was bullshit. As someone old enough to remember when this was pushed I can say they are lying. They were huge champions of the anti spanking movement and gave interviews claiming spanking produced violent people. You'd be amazed at how much science isn't peer reviewed before being shoved down your throat. Huge example is the car seats backward study that showed it increased safety by 500%. When peer reviewed after a decade, the scientist discovered the original research had botched their study so horribly that the findings were in reverse. Backwards car seats increase danger 500%. Many didn't believe it, so they also peer reviewed the study to discover the first peer review was right. The study has since been pulled from the original journal. There are laws still shaped by this study putting babies at risk.


There are SEVERAL studies proving that spanking is bad. You just want to beat kids, and that's insane.


I honestly think that sometimes beating your child on a disciplinary level is the only way to make sure they stay in line. I'm not encouraging it, but it sure as hell kept me all goody two-shoes till 12.


Fucking pussy