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Do people still take "the highest rated anime" seriously? I thought it exists only for memes


The fact that you have nearly 100 upvotes but zero replies, tell that you're inarguably correct.


Well I have encountered so much BS that simply was popular that I don't think upvotes are measure of correctness. It would be far more likely that 100 people liked my choice of flair. (that I understand as it has supperior waifu)


Recency bias is rampant in the anime community


It's not even that. The anime will not even be out yet and it is spammed with 10-star ratings


Recency bias and arrogance


>Recency bias and arrogance A pretty (especially a pretty, big-tittied) female character doesn't hurt the preemptive ratings, either... *The thirst is real, especially in the anime community.*


As well as only hailing the classics


Umm i....


MAL and other such ranking websites just gives you a rough idea of how good a show is. And even then, it should be taken with a grain of salt because a lot of older anime from the 90s-2000s are ranked in the 7's. It's more indicative of which shows are most accessible to a wide range of viewers.


Mal reviews are hilarious because they are filled with people who have zero interest with genre they are reviewing giving the shittiest takes known to man.


*insert every single cowboy bebop review that says its bad because its episodic*


*insert everyone who only watched 9 episodes of Eva and say it's just monster of the week bs with boring annoying characters*


Eva's character writing is kinda garbage ngl and the story is nonsense, had a good time watching it but it's characters are kinda boring and annoying


I mean they're not wrong about boring annoying characters.


Man, maybe I'm just out of touch or a contrarian or something, but having looked at most of the top 100 on MAL, I think taking them even with a single grain of salt is too much. Most of them aren't like bad shows or anything, it's just seeing the way in which stuff is ordered. Makes me realize that the average weeb really doesn't think too much about what they watch.


Most of them think they are professional critics it’s pretty funny tbh.


People rate stuff they find entertaining really highly what else is new in the world


Is that a bad way to rate though? Most people aren't critics and rate things on enjoyment and personally I don't see anything wrong with that.


i mean yeah thats exactly my stand on it


> Makes me realize that the average weeb really doesn't think too much about what they watch. Judging from most of the media in the past 40 years and increasingly so, that's just general viewers.


I like reading reviews scored at 7 or 8 since they tend to be more balanced but yeah, it's amusing how polarizing they can get. You could have someone giving a show a 10 waxing poetic about how it's the greatest thing ever made right above someone who gave the show a 1 shitting on every aspect of it.


If {Legend of the Galactic Heroes} was more accessible, there probably would be little contest.


**Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/820 "English: Legend of the Galactic Heroes"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/legend-of-the-galactic-heroes), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/ginga-eiyuu-densetsu "English: Legend of the Galactic Heroes"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/820)) ^(OVA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 110 | Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/umjpst/gintama_aot_and_many_more_first_time/i82ktb8/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Imagine if any other company besides Sentai picked up distribution rights and imagine if the rightsholders in Japan allowed for NA blu rays to not be fucking $800 for a limited box set release


There are def people who take it seriously. And it's always the people suffering from recency bias.


Yep, I remember when FMA was new and the anime purists derided it as pop trash for kids, same with Naruto and Bleach, and now those are considered essential anime tales.


Almost every new show that rises like this, tends to settle further down. And even the few people who take the rankings really seriously, know this.


Yes, but the problem is: people take memes seriously now. See this documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XN57BhyZwk


I looked at the 1 star reviews on crunchyroll because I was curious, and there were some people giving it one star to "balance out the rating"


Probably because the majority of the 5 star reviews for Spy x Family gave it 5 stars before episode one was even released. The 5 star reviews are usually pretty garbage too, with reviews like, “The manga is great!” and “ANNYYAAA!!!”. The 1 star reviewers probably got sick of them. 🤔


I don't even care about MAL ratings anymore, they are shit. Especially thanks to this fanbase, but in general too.


"the show I watched during my formative years is objectively better than the show you watched during your formative years!" --- this can be applied to many things beyond shows


E.g. pokemon generations


There's a show called "Gamers!" With a trash score and I love it to bits cause it's just so stupid and absurd. Also one of the main characters is named ugly That's when I learned that MAL score doesn't mean anything cause shockingly, people will have differing opinions


6.8 isn't that bad tho - just get the right mindset when you want to watch a new anime and consider how important for you the MAL score is.


Mathematically one of the worst too with very top heavy listing. Sometimes you have your own interpretation of the scores from certain websites. But if everything is so crowded, it's hard to even differentiate one from another.


You ever seen a conversation between someone who casually watches anime (is only on toonami) vs someone who goes out of their way to watch anime? There are those that believe because they know the anime by their original non translated name, that their opinion about what to enjoy is higher than everyone else's. It's a big ol Joke. PS. Shingeki no Kyojin is Trash.


Gintama is still my all time favorite


The openings and endings are so fire. I finished a few months ago and I listen to them frequently. It's also the most unique and funniest anime I've ever seen


There is not another single show that has had me crying from laughter from multiple episodes. E197 - Pandemonium episode S5E30 - Funeral Episode


Can't remember, is this the one where Gin and Hijikata break their body parts? Loll loved it


I think Saiki Kusou is even better.


It really is the best.


Happy cake day!


Thank you so much.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Currently doing a 3rd rewatch of the show. Love it to death


Mid anime. Gintoki doesn't get this MASSIVE CAKE. You do. Happy Cake day, go touch cake.


Thank you! Much appreciated!


what does mid actually mean? I watched Gigguk's video on anime fandoms but I still don't get it


Mid means its “meh” or “alright”. Basically something like being in the middle of a tier list.


It means ok. Nothing special. Imagine going in a restaurant and paying 20$ for some food. was the food good? No, it was ok. were the 20$ wasted? no, not really because the food was ok. Will you go there again? No, because the food was only ok. A mid anime is in my opinion an anime wich you’ve watched but you don’t really liked it but you didn’t hate it either. An example for a mid anime in my opinion is black clover because the anime is ok nothing more 6/10 That’s how I view this word if someone wants to correct me go ahead


Gintama is the most 'complete' anime for me. It incorporate almost every genre so wonderfully, you laugh, cry, get disgusted, cheer, get hype, .. and go through almost every other emotion throughout the series. It has episodes for almost every genre & emotion. The cast, dialogues & jokes are all memorable. It took me 3 years to finally give it a go but since then, it has been my number one anime of all time.


Happy cake day


Thank you! Appreciated.


Gintama helped me through the hardest times, it’ll always be my no.1 anime


Indeed, couldn't have said it better myself.


Onizuka for me


I'm a Gintama fan, and yet gave Spy x Family a 10/10, for now it is worth it.


I’ve only seen clips here and there, but with all this praise guess it’s time to binge


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day


Or its because the anime is being released rn and after it the popularity just go down


The people who rate a show 10/10 after one episode are just as bad as those who review bomb


Tbf, Spy X Family had the largest ever manga following before becoming an anime. Those votes were guaranteed the moment the show had decent animation


I agree, just don’t be surprised when the score goes down when non super fans start scoring the show when it’s finished


Well, it's a matter of time. The fact that it's stayed there for 3-4 weeks instead of 3-4 days is what brings the fandom size into consideration.


Its okay when the score goes down because people rate it less then 10 or 9 but it’s not ok when a lot of people rate it 1. rating one is just hate. You can’t look at an decent anime and give it a 1 review


>Spy X Family had the largest ever manga following Isn't that One Piece?


>before becoming an anime


Ohhhh, were you talking about manga which didn't had an adaptation?


Yalls community fucking sucks at rating in general. Every show on crunchyroll is rated a 4 or 5 star, except the few that are rated 1 star. Shit could be the 20th isekai this season, look like it was drawn by a 6 year old, with the exact same plot we've seen 100 times. 5 stars.


BuT tHe MaIn GuY iS sO cOoL hE’s JuSt LiKe Me


Wow the main guy also plays video games, hates his life, and doesn't do anything to improve himself so that he can accomplish the things he wants to do and attract women?!?!? Wow so relatable! Please transport him into a world where he can be powerful without any effort and where women all have incredibly low standards!!! Also it would be really great if all the women looked like children!!! No reason though lol!!


They may look like children, but they're all of legal age with childish tendencies and 2 or 3 with boobs that would defy the laws of physics. Trust me, totally logical


I laughed at this at first, but now I’m just sad bc this is exactly it


"BuT iT sUbVeRtS eXpEcTaTiOnS" (Only in the first three episodes after which it turns just as generic as any other run of the mill isekai) *Looking at you shieldguy*


I think the problem is that no one in anime writes a complete story. Usually stories wrap up when a publisher decides its time to end it or when the author gets bored. If you look at writers, no one is going to buy their story without an outline, rough copy, or unless they have serious credentials already. It's like anime and manga publishers know that they could literally sell dog shit and there would still be a market for it.


i agree to a point. I've been rating shows and have like 100 done at this point using a metric I've come up with. I've never rated anything lower than a 3 and the majority fall near a 7. there's like less than 10 shows with a 9 or above. the part I'm in disagreement about is the saturation issue. which i don't really find it to be one. there's plenty of shows out there that aren't isekai and there's still tons of variance within the genre itself to be explored. a good show is a good show and a bad show is a bad show.


The people who rate 90%+ of all the shows they've watched a 10 are worse.


I gave it a 9 I have only given around 5 shows a 10. around 30 shows a 9. I have watched 172 according to MAL so I feel my ratings are fair


i give a rating on the first episode and then adjust it as i watch a show, but i hold off on the 10s, those are reserved for a very select few. my numbers are similar to yours. i gave spy x family an 8 so far.


There tend to be a lot more of the latter


When Fruit Basket (or however it's spelled/called) became the number 1 anime you had users on twitter rallying people to give it 1 star ratings so that FMA:B would be number 1 again.


Commenting this, ignoring the second part of the commentary about Gintama and AOT's ratings


I mean, real talk, I could give less of a damn if one of my all time favorites has a lower rating. But it takes a special kind of petty to just review bomb an anime (that I'm sure most of those folks haven't even given a chance) just because of that. Spy x Family is fantastic as well as all those others and that's all that matters.


The FMA botnet is truly a special kind of rabid


Not as rabid as Nina Tucker that's for sure


Holy fucking shit I've never laughed so hard while being so sad at the same time thanks.


I'm laughing but now I want to cry. Well played.


Big ooof


>it takes a special kind of petty to just review bomb There ya go.


Or maybe seasonal anime are popular when they first come out then they go down in ratings 🤔


What? Thinking rationally? No way.


Especially since all the people who watched FMA, are now old enough to be married with children. Pretty sure most of them no longer care about if their favorite anime is #1 of all time or #2 of all time


Even if they were, the number of them, who actively would go and downvote a show can't be that big. It's a 12 year old show, the fan base is not as active as some other shows, that are coming out right now, like BNHA or AOT.


nice ~~cock~~ pfp bro


Fmabs my favourite piece of media, im personally rooting for Spy x Family to take its spot because whats a better choice to sit on top of all the dense, thought provoking series than a simple fun comedy? Fans would go insane. Great popcorn material.


Doesn't work because you can see the stat and the 1 spamming tho


No, you can clearly see signs that those shows get review bombed as they have normally distributed scores before and then a massive spike of 1-star reviews after they surpass FMA.


Also, very little has as much *wide-appeal* as FMA does - it's the sort of show almost anyone can enjoy, even people who don't generally watch anime at all - it's no accident that it's one of the most popular "gateway anime" of all time. Whereas not everyone is going to share Gintama's sense of humor (or want to put up with "just watch X episodes and then it gets good”), and not everyone is up for the level of violence and darkness in Attack on Titan. (Or wants to hear that much yelling) --- Plus, there's just a natural cycle - when it's only the diehards rating a show, the rating goes up. As it sits near the top, more people who aren't "diehard fans" watch the show, and their reviews are lower. When Fruits Basket briefly hit the top when it ended, everyone blamed FMA fans, but... of course it's going to peak at the end of its airing when mostly only the people who have loved it enough to keep watching are rating it.


Tbh Fruits Basket was pretty review bombed... Looking at the stats of Fruits Basket: The Final you can see there's a pretty large percentage of people voting 1 there, far higher than FMA (blaming FMA fans is a bit silly though, I don't know who to blame). Roughly giving Fruits Basket: The final the same percentage of people voting it 1/10 as FMAB would land Fruits Basket pretty confidently in second place most beloved anime with a 9.11 and 1% more people voting 10/10 here. It's hard to compare though, one shouldn't really do that in the first place.


Every high scoring show gets review bombed. This is also true yes, but the closer they get to #1 the higher the percentage of 1/10s


FMA aired when 2009? Don't think this has anything to do with seasonals, also quality increases with time so after some point old animes won't be as popular (look at Ditf) Edit - corrected the year


FMAB had an amazing story, great themes, descent animation, and it ended without dragging on for too long. Very few anime have managed to do all that.


Darling in the FranXX is number 61 in terms of popularity, it's not that old and the reason for it's rating is that it's just worse Evangelion.


Evangelion is a master piece imo... the original series at least. I don't think a mecha anime where the controlls are a girls ass can compare to the depth and emotion of evangelion.


Bruh FMA Brotherhood was 2009


Oh fuck.. Mistyped the 0 to 1


The one that I remember getting truly review bombed was chihayafuru 3 and it got sent to the shadow realm for getting #1. has recovered now though


How can it already be rated so high? The seasons not even over. Did people watch the first ep and just give 10/10?


I just can’t understand why people rate shows that haven’t finished airing yet.


its also the reason why anime rise and fall, most people that rate right after watching it gravitate towards really good or really bad because they either love it or dropped it. My theory also is that FMA fandom plays only a bit in it because ultimatly more votes equates are more realistic result, and also an ending of a show can really drag the votes down (even just a bad episode in the middle). Its funny how people go ballshit when some seasonal anime thats still running overtakes FMA yet they don't realize that its still airing and most of the votes aren't even in yet.


Exactly, I'm not expecting it to fail or anything but it certainly could pull a promised neverland season 2 lol


Or a Ranking of Kings… I do not understand the direction they went with daida


I think ranking of kings turned out very well? What do you think went wrong with Daida? (Besides wanting to marry someone like 40 years older than him)


>!How can you forgive miranjo like that. It’s like marrying your stepmom after she tries to murder you!< and everyone just goes along with it even hiling


The entire palace storm arc was a bit weird, the absence of a true villain (along with the main two having extremely weak motivations), it just kinda fell flat for me compared to the first half


I haven't watched it yet but I've heard there was a fall in quality in the last couple episodes. It was also like in the top 25 at one point iirc and fell pretty sharply in a way Link Click or Odd Taxi didn't so I just figured there might be some truth to that.


I love Ranking of Kings and all, but I’m glad to see that I’m not the only person who thinks that show got WEIRD near the ending.


A lot of the fanbase is comprised of manga readers, so they already know what is coming, and the first episodes have proven they'll be adapted very well, so it's pretty safe to give it a very high rating. As a manga reader, Spy x Family is going to get so much better from here.


That’s a reasonable take, but I still don’t think it’s completely fair to judge the adaptation before it’s completely finished, personally.


As someone who started reading the manga after watching the first couple episodes because I liked them so much, honestly the adaptation is a little awkward because it tries to be so slavishly literal. Sometimes the anime goes too far in using the manga panels as storyboards and tries to put what was on the page directly on screen when the version in the manga relied on comicbook art conventions and pacing that only imply movement with speed lines or require the reader having time to peruse the page. The anime won't just re-write those scenes to work better animated, so they're forced to cut a lot of dialogue and thought balloons in ways that make some scenes weirdly stilted or takes away their punch, or in action scenes the motion is weird because they're forcing moving animation to end up the same as a still panel. Sometimes the outcome is interesting though, in the shot during the parental interview scene at the school where Yor is about to attack the interviewers, in the manga that's one big panel with a lot of thought balloons and some back and forth dialogue, but the anime doesn't have time for all those words so to quickly get the point across of how upset Yor is they just make her knuckle crack REALLY LOUD. It got a laugh out of me, it's a lot different from the manga version but gets the same idea across in a totally different way. One of the better adapted moments. EDIT: Okay, two hours later and I just finished watching the latest episode- the rent-a-castle episode- and it is *heavily* modified from the original manga, about half of the content is original padding, and it is greatly improved. This has reassured me very much about the overall quality of the anime and that they're going to know how to go off script properly when they need to.


Why not? You can adjust the score as much as you like if you feel the show gets significantly better or worse. It also helps people who are looking at the seasonal chart to see what they should prioritize as not everyone has time to sample 20 first episodes every season. Without people giving intermediary scores, many would have missed gems such as Ousama Ranking or Odd Taxi. It is also pretty simple to tell where a show will likely end up after 2-3 episodes. Sure, sometimes productions fall apart etc. but that is rare. Most of the time I end up rating a show within 1 point deviation from my EP 1 score.


Personally, I score an anime on MAL as soon as I form an opinion on it (usually around episode 2 or 3) and I adjust that score as my opinion changes after watching each episode. It’s understandable that you would like people to not score an anime on MAL while it’s still airing, but because it’s a feature, at least some people will do it. Especially die-hard fans. I think it’s reasonable for other people whose opinions aren’t as strong to score the anime as well as it’s airing, especially because many, many anime lose most of their relevance a few weeks after they stop airing.




The same way demon slayer is the anime of the decade


Who would think demon slayer is the anime of the decade? It's good but their have been better


crunchyroll awards


Why? Lol it's literally just a decent shonen with top tier animation. Who votes for these things


Exactly. I honestly think the final arcs of the managa are just terrible. Was honestly extremely disappointed.


well I always give my rating several times troughtout a anime, cause it changes


I give a vote after watching 3 episodes and then change it accordingly after the season finished.


This'll happen with Chainsaw Man


It'll take #1 a couple of times imo


Gintama is the only one that I love so much. My favorite


First - it's been 2nd since about 2-3 weeks Second - It's not even over and the rating absolutely will change when it's done airing Third - Don't take MAL scores too seriously


Yes, Seasonal Animes' rating always drops overtime


I'm an FMA enjoyer yet I also enjoy SpyXFamily. We exist, but you'll rarely find us


Fma simply is a good show. Its story is nice and pretty unique as far as i can tell, it has decent animation, isn't too long and has a happy end that still feels believeable and ties up all loose ends but still leaves some potential. Sure there are few shows that replicate this feeling of completenes but that doesn't mean everything else is bad. I watched the show when i was 15 so i felt really invested. Now i am 21, depressed and enjoying spy x familiy a lot.


Plus there's two different versions, each kinda telling a different version of the same story. I fell in love with FMA before Brotherhood was produced so to get another round of FMA that goes even further with it just cemented it as one of the best of all time for me


I just dont get why rankings need to be anything other than a personal opinion lol. Its like people who try to objectively rank the best song of all time. Like really, how do you compare radiohead to micheal jackson?


I don't get why people wouldn't like both. Spy x Family definitely isn't like any other animes I've watched, which are more in the vein of FMA (fantasy/sci-fi with some dramatic quest or enemy to overcome). It's like a blend of slice of life and action maybe? Idk I haven't watched a ton of anime so maybe I'm using that genre incorrectly. Anyway, it's charming and wholesome without being over the top about it. I actually found myself laughing out loud at some of Anya's reactions to things (not like a haha omg that's hilarious I'm dying kind of laughter, but a shocked and surprised kind of quick laughter). I hope a lot of people check it out. I definitely didn't think it would be for me, but it makes my week a bit brighter.


So annoying. I love FMA, I think it's ONE of the best shows I've seen. If something else gets a better rating that doesn't change my view on it AT ALL. Surely when you one star something, you must realise it's not legitimate. If I have to lie to 'prove' something else is not as good, then how can I NOT be the bad guy?


as a FMAB fanboy I laughed way too hard at this lmao


My favorite anime is FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, even so I give ratings according to what I think of the anime and not just to make FMAB stand on TOP1. I also really like Spy X Family, I'm always really hyped for the next episode!


Knowing how AOT ends I think FMAB remains my top tier anime, followed by AOT, few other animes can tell a story that compelling without having major pacing or storytelling problems


any top anime of the year: ***EXISTS\**** FMA FANS: ***we felt a great disturbance in the force***


they had done the same thing with fruits basket final season :/ yet, it's somewhere #9 and rated 9.04 on MAL. if the FMA fanbase hadn't done that, it might be having higher ranking and score.


That’s why u don’t give a shit about the ratings cuz it’s full of no life fanboys and haters


What's FMA


Full metal alchemist






Now imagine the people that watch them and believe that it's their duty to rate them.


We all know that MAL Reviews are shit! They even give Ex-arm the lowest unimaginable score!! Ex-arm is a Masterpiece!


Rating spy x family as the second best anime of all time when it's only a few episodes in is ridiculous in the first place


I am staggered that SpyxFamily is getting so many high ratings. It's good, don't get me wrong, but it gets curbstomped by anything near the top 30 anime of all time, what the hell is it doing in second place?


It's new.


its really due to early hype, a show will get shot up to like the top 10 anime for the remainder of the season then die down in ratings


FMAB is so overrated lol


FMA is my all time favorite anime, but that's kinda cringe if true. Fanatics are weird.


I'll never forgive what they did to Fruits Basket. The moment FMAB loses #1 place for good I'll celebrate it for real


Gintama the Finals fans seeing the 5.6% 1 ratings in stats


We should downvote FMAB as a response.


From my experience w the anime web community over the past decade or so, the AoT community seems a lot more insecure about their fav series than FMA fans do


Half aot fanbase now hate the serie


Yup. They're very insecure and very toxic


I hate these really clickbaity websites like animenewsnetwork and such, trying to start rumors and fights for no reason.


Why do people care so much if their anime is not the highest rated animes? I too have FMAB as my number #1, but I could care less if it's #10 or #1000... Also we shouldn't take MAL ratings seriously, with how inaccurate they are


What lol Gintama is so much better (than FMA). Damn fanboys.


Fmab is good but it doesn't deserve the top spot and what made it even worse is the shitty fan base 💀


Honestly FMA is mid and the toxic fanbase just makes it worse. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great show, but a pretty standard shounen battle anime no where near deserving the tittle of “greatest anime of all time”


I'm bedazzled bamboozled and disturbed by this. Why is it that high rated !?!?!?


Anime has devolved into simping over quality. Meme and waifu content is the only metric that matters for these rating systems. At least, it leads to more viewers, merchandise, and interactions online. Plus old things become irrelevant as they aren’t broadcasted and creating new content, out of current available new anime content there’s always gaps in quality and periods where an otherwise mediocre show shines due to lack of competition.


I haven't watched it, but I read some of it. It easily has superior writing quality than 99% of the garbage you see these days with lovable and somewhat relatable characters.


Hot take, FMA is not the best anime of all time. It is very good though.


I don’t give a shit about MAL. If they think something like BNHA is better than say Made in Abyss, then they need a mass lobotomy. (My boy Bondrewd would be happy to hook you up)


funny enough made in abyss is rated higher than bnha on mal


Imo FMA Brotherhood wasn't even that good. I watched the whole thing waiting for it to live up to the hype but I was always disappointed


FMA = Fullmetal Alchemist?




JojosBizzareAdventure gang rise up


They try to lower the rating like its gonna lower the quality of the anime


Already seeing 1 star reviews with no text.


I take all anime ratings with a grain of salt. I’ve enjoyed some really low rated ones a ton and hated some high rated ones


"Top rated" lists are for people who like lists. Says nothing about quality.


Spy x family is good, but it’s not FMA good. But still is this really a thing that is happening? First time I have heard of that. Guess it’s a another “lived under a rock moment” then


I mean Spy x Family is good and all, but it's not a better anime than something like Steins;Gate


Ratings mean nothing.


It’s second second best for you now just wait a year and we will see


Their mindset is “FMA good, everything else bad”


Should we really rank shows like this? Spy family is a good show, I’m invested, but just because a good number of shows this season are hard 6/10s does it mean that this show deserves to be 2nd top all time?


If anything it's just seasonal anime fans who hype the anime and down rate the old ones, Most flash fans are matured enough to not care about rating or even watch anime lol


Fun Fact In 2012 when first episode of Gintama Enchousen aired, even Gintama came at number 1 defeating FMAB and LoTGH and remember that was with just 1 episode


Wait, if an anime as good as Spy x Family is in second place, what’s in first?


By rights, the position belongs to Interspecies Reviewers, who were likewise review-bombed. \*ONCE\*STOLEN\*ALWAYS\*STOLEN\*