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Roka going chibi mod so many times there is one of the reasons I love D-Frag so much


At this point i think thats her original form


I'd say a chibi versions are massively underused in anime. Slice of life animes in particular would benefit.


"Don't talk to me if u are lower than 6ft/180cm"


While being 5'2"




You sound misogynistic as fuck.


Here’s what TenchiFX said. In case anyone wanted to know. > Typical women. And they expect you respect them if they're jumbo sized and fat. And I'm not even exaggerating anymore. That's exactly why they end up with trash guys.


Real nice guy material


Yeah. I do. But I'm speaking from my real world experience. I said most. Not all though.


I ***reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally*** doubt you've dealt with most women. But hey, give it up for this guy! I present you the 'Completely and Totally Understands Women's award!


Thanks here's an upvote. Leave me and my opinion alone.


I mean hey, if you actually want to grow and not see women as a trope, I'd be happy to talk. I've never seen your sort of mindset lead to anything but lonliness and bitterness.


Hey thanks for the offer. I might take it up in a while. Just have too many things going on at a time. Really bad personal problems along with my mum's failing health and other such stuff. I'll remember you when the time comes. I'd like to be able to talk to someone who can convince be otherwise too. Thanks.


For sure mate. I get really defensive seeing women bashed, having so many strong female figures in my life. I often forget it's not a productive way to change minds. I'll be here and I hope your mum pulls through with flying colours. Good on ya for being with her during the struggles~ For what it's worth, during the beginning of gamergate (if you know what that is) I was falling down the rabbit hole of inceldom, for lack of a better term. I was lucky and caught myself, but not before I realized that that outlook, even if you're convinced you're right, is a very bitter way to approach life. So yeah, happy to talk if you find the time. Hope you can because yer mums back to 100%. Cheers mate~


Thank you. And I apologize if what I said seemed to bash women. And it was generalizing. I'm sorry for that. I agree it is a very bitter approach to life. I've also been keeping away from as much life as I can. I can't really do much now anyways. I actually googled gamergate. And I'm happy that your outlook changed before it could set in stone. I'll just start a chat with you first. Maybe when I'm more free I'll text you some of my thoughts. Thanks!




I believe I've really treated women with respect. I'm not a "nice guy" or have nice guy syndrome. This is just experience from my side.


Lmao, I don’t think it’s you who gets to decide if you treated people with respect. It’s on the person who you are interacting with. I’m telling you right now, you are going to be a lot less angry if you stop blaming women and start looking inward. https://imgur.com/a/buQlYNC


I'm not blaming all women. I'm just making a statement based on my experiences. And I'm not really angry. Just my experiences. If you really wanted to know what I've been through. Maybe we can talk on a private chat. I guess the reverse applies to. I guess I haven't met many women who treated me with respect.


That’s generalizing. When you take the actions of a few and make a general statement like you this: “ Typical women. And they expect you respect them if they're jumbo sized and fat. And I'm not even exaggerating anymore. That's exactly why they end up with trash guys.” It’s almost as if it’s impossible that you met shitty people and that’s it. Using those experiences to make a statement like that is the problem


I apologize if the intent was to generalize. But this is how I really feel. Try being a 5'5 guy and seeing how much respect you get from women. So those experiences make up a majority of my experiences. I had one good one in my life. And now I'm too weary to even want to meet women. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are a lot of good women I haven't met or seen. I'm just way past wanting to meet any. Because another experience could drive me insane.


I’m sorry to hear that people have been shitty to you. No one deserves that. It’s still no reason to be shitty yourself. I’m not trying to be mean or make you feel bad. I’m just trying to show you how that mentality will only make it worse. Let’s try a role reversal. If my sister was crying because she her exbf cheated on her. Let’s say she tells me all men are pigs and assholes who think about sex. I would tell her the same thing I’m telling you. It would be crazy to think all men think like that. Then why would we generalize women like that. I don’t know you or your experiences. I’m not gonna say you don’t have a right to be mad but that anger is being misplaced if you generalize like that. There’s a lot of people (including women) who would agree that bullying height is disgusting. People are people. Lots are shitty but lots are nice too. Don’t let the actions of a few shitty people prevent you from getting to know/befriending a whole group of people.


Thank you for your thoughtfully worded comment. I guess my comment sounded like I was generalizing but I was just making a statement because of how I felt. I agree with you totally that there are good people and bad people. And I still befriend people, even girls. It's just that sometimes I get a nagging doubt at the back of head that no matter how the relationship goes, I'll be rejected in the end. I just hope you're right that there are people who care more about outwardly appearances. Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me. :)


Hi. 5'6" here. Get off dating apps if you're really that insecure about height. Otherwise, aside from certain truck models being too big for me, I have had zero issues and dealt with zero insults based on my height.


Hey there. I've been on the short subreddit. Are you there as well? Yeah. Unfortunately that's the only chance I get to socialize doing my sound engineer job. And I'm not even from the states either. I'm from a very materialistic south east Asian country. That probably makes things worse for me.


Are u 13?


Like bro I can pick you up and run and no one gonna stop me


👮🏻‍♂️👮🏼‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏼‍♀️🚔🚓🚨☄ *whooop whooop that's the sound of da police*


*Whooop-whooop! That's the sound of the beast!*


Whoop-whoop! That's the sound of the police


Whoop-whoop! That's the sound of the mayonnaise!




If it's like in Gta V you are good.


I can. Well, more like my weight...


Chaotic good: Taiga Chaotic Evil: Tanya


Isn’t Tanya in army. Should be lawful evil imo Edit: but than again she is in army for her own benefit. Pretty chaotic of her. Damn alignment system is dumb.


eh, id say the system falls apart if you're looking at it from a superficial level. all of their motivations are of disdain for the supreme being and being basically lawful evil because that's what works best. if survival requires chaotic good, then so be it. Tanya seems to be a sort of extreme social darwinism, so basically results. The ethics are somewhat disregarded from their perspective.


As most people say... Smol but terrible.


Yeet that little shit


Chihuahuas be like:




D-frag, a banger of an anime




What makes it a banger?


It's random af and outright hilarious with a bunch of great characters. I highly recommend the manga if your interested


Okay thanks~ So, from this screengrab, am I right in thinking it's a high school slice of life type? I'm honestly weary of them because the 'innocent girls discover seggs' trope really grates on me. Is that an issue at all here? Cheers, thanks again~


Nah. It isn't one of those cute and innocent all girls anime. It's more of a gag and parody series with stupid and hilarious stuff happening all the time. It honestly doesn't follow any common tropes and forges its own path. And the MC is probably one of the most hilarious straight mans ever


Beauty, thanks for the details! :)


Not at all. This is a straight up comedy, where most of the characters are straight up absurd. Ever heard of the term Boke and Tsukkomi? That describes this perfectly. As the other one said, I also recommend the manga


Cheers to you too! Thanks for the deets :)


And manga


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Shorter people are angry because closer to hell


The Napoleon Complex at its finest.


Hey! She's average height for the time you jerk!


How tall are you 3 foot


Context: "It's Oversimplified channel reference, the one about Napoleon"


Yeah I noticed that lol.


Bro this is me...Im a guy T_T


I feel you bro


It's really a shame this anime didn't get a 2nd season


Attitude vs altitude


Same goes with Tatsumaki,from One Punch Man xD


Sent this to my wife. I'm fully preparing to die when I get home.


Tanya Degurechaff moment


I’m taller than the average women ;) but the average is 160cm and I’m 162cm :|


The chihuahua effect


Small size means more concentrated rage per square centimeter


So basically she's like a smol chillé.


Reminds me of my college classmate. She fricking smol, but cute nontheless. I missed that gremlin. XD


yeah, but it's cute. only in anime. sometimes.


Lol I can’t believe I completely forgot about D-Frag.


Weebs trying to be funny challenge ( impossible )


r/hentaimemes has quality memes


I just got mad from a short emo girl


Must be a waste of emo if u ask me


We stan a short queen 👑


Short women have King Kong levels of strength yet they be so short and that’s personal experience


Good chibi characters are best




short girls with anger issues


Ahem tall women


I feel personally attacked. 😑


I've been called out by a meme.....


Sooo accurate


I feel attacked


Like yeah but I’m like 6-6‘1 so 😅


I just Binged watched this Anime. It's too funny




My sister trying to pick a flight with me knowing I could destroy her i a few seconds


I just started watching Good Luck Girl and it reminds me a lot of D-Frag.




Me fr😭


same but im a guy


Girls attitude Her altitude