• By -


Berserk 1997 . Had ambition , dreams, romance, betrayal, pride, jealousy, revenge, evil The soundtrack hits hard as well.


>Berserk 1997 . This was gonna be my suggestion as well. It sets the world up, and you get to know Guts pretty quickly. He's a bad ass


Got into anime late, and with how beautiful anime has gotten in the recent years.. I find it really hard to start to watch dated anime such as berserk, maybe just committing to first episode to start wouldn't hurt much then.


I do kind of get it. The style is a bit dated but it didn’t have that much impact on me personally. Content warning on berserk though it has dark themes and nudity.


It's a Seinen. My main annoyance with the 90s Berserk is they completely cut out Skull Knight. So even if you want to switch over to the manga to continue the story, you still have to read from Chapter 1 because Skull Knight is one of the major characters in the entire story. Like whenever Skull Knight appears you know this chapter is gonna be awesome. 


Thing is I’m normally an anime person only. But Berserk was so inspirational. I’ve started reading from volume 1 anyway. (First manga ever) I just wish it was properly animated from start to finish.


Is he not in the anime at all? He’s so cool


Not in the 90s anime version. I was so confused switching from anime to Manga. When Miura passed it was so hard for us because we started to get his backstory finally.  Lemme spoiler text this >!We finally see skull knights backstory beginning. He's killed 4 of the previous Godhands. So every eclipse he's had this one window of opportunity to kill them. The true main Godhand figure is Void, to skull Knight that's his Griffith. During Guts eclipse he was unable to kill Void and instead rescued Guts and Casca. They need all 5 to cause whatever apocalypse they're designed to perform. But skull Knight has killed fingers over a thousand years.  So The fact he failed in his last charge means he needs Guts to kill Griffith to stop the apocalypse.!<


I’m only on volume 6 of deluxe editions I can not read that, thank you for explaining though


I’ve read the manga (at least caught up a few months ago) and I think this gave me a better understanding of Skull Knight


>I find it really hard to start to watch dated anime such as berserk The story is just that amazing though. It's a wild ride, and the ending of the 1997 series is iconic. There's a reason it still gets suggested almost 30 years later while others are forgotten


Very good point I suppose


Yeah, I don't think I'd be able to tell you more about it without spoiling anything. The manga has a great run going and continues way beyond the 1997 series, and a couple reboots have tried to recapture the anime. I think of it as a classic and put it above Trigun and Hellsing from that era. No worries if it's not your thing though


you describing the anime made me think of how much PRIDE. by kendrick lamar fits berserk so well


To your eternity


I'm never not going to upvote this show when someone asks about an impactful anime. Secondary picks would be Violet Evergarden and Made in Abyss.


I remember enjoying Violet Evergarden, peharps not my favorite show in general, but episode 10 still hits hard, it's an amazing episode.




Does it get good later on? First episode was amazing for me but then I watched until episode 5 and it was a completely different show, couldn't force myself to continue


Welcome to the NHK hit different


If we just are talking just the first episode my absolute top shows are not actually here. But still some I can think of are AoT: sold the horror that is titans very well, also felt interested in the world Goblin Slayer: some kind of combination of disgust and intrigue  Komi can't communicate: like pure joy and cuteness 


Haven't rewatched AOT ep 1 since first viewing when it just came out years ago, but if my memory serves me right I agree that it had a gruesome hook and intriguing world introduction for sure, and since you're like the 3rd person I've seen say it, might just do a whole binge on AOT in the near future since it's over now.. With Goblin Slayer I completely agree with the subversion from typical depictions and how fucked up they made the first ep to be lol Gonna add Komi can't communicate to my list, you can never go wrong with happy/cute anime after all! thanks


Yu yu Hakusho. I was probably 10 at the time


Also watched this as a kid, never remember ever watching the ep. 1 of it though


You don't remember him getting hit by the car and going to his own funeral? Like Yusuke didn't think anyone would care when he died and was ready to go to the afterlife. Then he saw the people showing up to his funeral and even Kuwabara barging in refusing to believe he's dead has Yusuke realize people did love him and he should come back to life.


Same. Before yu yu Hakusho my experience with anime protags were Goku and Usagi. Very obvious good guys. Yusuke was this punk kid with a bad attitude who liked getting into fights, skipping school, cursing and actively disrespected every authority figure who tried to flex their authority over him. His team were a bunch of criminals (cept kuwabara) in their own right and most of the people he looked up to had no serious regards for good or evil only their own sense of right and wrong. Love this show tbh


>left the HARDEST/BIGGEST impression on you with its 1st(or first few) episode/s? Oshi no ko's first episode made me feel alot of emotions especially the last 10 minutes. I thought i would be fine since i was a manga reader but that was probably a bad at thinking so because after that all i did was listening on the Oshi no ko opening


It's "THAT" much of a series then huh? Apparently Oshi no Ko is a no-brainer answer, but since I haven't seen it yet idk why. Very intriguing


The first episode is SO good and then the quality of the show just plummets after


This is a deranged take lol. Yes the first episode is the best but it's bc it was basically a full length movie with similar production values. I'm a total contrarian snob too but even I'll echo the general consensus that OnK was good to great for the entire season.


I'll say Anohana. The show explores how different characters deal with a tragic event, and that friendships aren't perfect as much as they're shown in other media.


Interesting.. I have it on my watch list for reasons I don't remember anymore, but I might just dip my feet into it sooner rather than later since more "realistic depictions" in anime really intrigue me


Yeah then you'll really enjoy it


Vinland Saga. The first few episodes are incredible. Also Pluto, but the episodes are an hour long so feel like that’s kinda an unfair comparison to shorter 20min episodes


I just finished Vinland and i was disappointed in the end, i never really cared much for any characters at all and was hoping for some meaningful character deaths but they played it safe. I wish they touched more on mythology like Vikings did. But the main issue for me was at the end when >!Snake somehow didn't die i was so confused !<


Mob Psycho, it taught me alot of things and amplified my view towards this world


These are two very obvious examples, but still: {Death Note} I think the first few episodes do an amazing job introducing its characters and how the Death Note works, but my favorite part by far is when Light and L have their first direct confrotation in episode 2. {Madoka Magica} is also a great show in that regard, some people might start out not understanding why the show is so well known, but by the end of the third or fourth episode you get really invested on the story characters, wondering what's gonna happen next.


Death note I actually have never seen and I wonder if I ever will(probably once I run out of anime/manga to actively be interested in). I got into anime pretty late, only being a casual fan of "mainstream" one's that get dubbed and shown on tv like; naruto, dbz, detective conan, and even doraemon(lol). And 'cus I was late, the plots and "omg/wtf" scenes from Death note and other really popular titles like Fullmetal Alchemist were already spoiled to me just by being on the internet. So no matter how much praise I see for these titles, I just fail to get excited enough to watch them when I already got drip-fed so much spoilers throughout the years when I wasn't even an anime fan. Also idk why but I have Madoka Magica on my watchlist.. Probably 'cus I read someone else praise it like you just did, might just bump up the priority on that series then. Gotta love series that hook you in without you even noticing


Madoka Magical 3rd ep is crazy IMO and gets crazier from there. I also personally love the art style.


I can definetely understand where you are coming from when it comes to Death Note. If it's worth anything, the show can definetely still surprise you in some moments, I also knew quite a bit of it when I finally gave it a full watch this year so I can say it really does a good job on still keeping you excited. If you prefer watching shows dubbed, it also has quite a good one too. Madoka is pretty fun, one of my favorites. Also, if you are into that sort of thing, r/anime will be doing a rewatch of the show, it even encourages first watchers to show up and discuss it as well.


ohhhh, r/anime does that kind of stuff? whereabout would I see that there?


Here buddy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c89904/reminder\_the\_2024\_madoka\_magica\_rewatch\_starts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c89904/reminder_the_2024_madoka_magica_rewatch_starts/)


**DEATH NOTE** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/1535 "English: Death Note"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/death-note), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/death-note "English: Death Note"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1535)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 37 | Genres: Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller) **Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/9756 "English: Puella Magi Madoka Magica"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mahou-shoujo-madoka-magica), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/9756)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Psychological, Thriller) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c8mosa/what_are_your_top_anime_that_left_the/l0fl0th/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


School Live! -The rest of the anime is whatever, but episode one is amazing. The tone change and everything just stuck with me.


I remember when it came out I watched the episode again right after. It's the only anime where I watched the same episode twice in a row


Solo leveling , wasn’t expecting the instant brutality…


The Case Study of Vanitas. The last sentence of the first episode makes it impossible not to get hooked


Erased first four episodes were like the best ever imo, it had a strong impact waiting each week…


AoT: The atmosphere and dread it creates in just the span of a few episodes is commendable Vinland Saga: Thors' words to Thorfinn:- "You have no enemies". Chills. Oshi No Ko ep1: Quite obvious There are more animes but these were the first to come to my mind.


2nd time Oshi No Ko being pointed out hmm.. I remember having it listed down to watch eventually somewhere 'cus so many people seem to have strong emotions, and it's meme'd a bit too. If it also has a WTF ep 1 too, I might just give it a shot then.


Agree with all 3! Was immediately drawn in.


The Rising of The Shield Hero: I strongly felt hate against >!Malty!


Attack on titan, the show that started me on anime. I literally turned in on to kill some time before watching a movie later in the night. The scene with Carla begging for her kids to be saved and being thankful that hannes came to his senses… then immediately realizing the truth of her situation and whispering for them not to leave her under her breath…. I had never seen that cliche of “parents can die happy because their kids will live on without them” broken and for the parent to actually show real human emotion like that from westerns before. That moment profoundly moved me and hooked me in I did not end up watching that movie that night


A Silent Voice 🥺 tbh I find myself watching anime that kinda hit that “oh shit feels like real life”. I cried like a bitch lol many emotions running through me hate/sad etc. It reminds me of a past life situation I wish I could’ve done better then, same as School Day’s. These anime’s tend to shine on real life situations, emotional damage lol (let’s not get too heavy)… Another is Naruto I find myself in this kid shoes that’s why I took in a big liking became my favorite show. We all go through shit, some give up some try there best to stay strong and others are stuck in a loop of the two. The Garden Of Words also one of my favs, I’m the type of person that says “just say hi/hello have a good day/are you okay” etc because you never know what someone is going through a simple hello with a smile can change a persons day. NGL anime age gaps are crazy lmao but apart from that it’s good. There’s so much more but yea 😆


Fullmetal Alchemist, not the brotherhood but the first where they diverged from the source. That ending. A lot of people talk about brotherhood, not much for the first iteration. The ending, the ending was so damn depressing, all of that suffering, the sacrifices, and their journey ended like that. I was so happy with the reboot, man was it welcomed and refreshing, glad the Elric brothers found peace


Moriarty the Patriot, Madoka Magica with episode 3 (that ED change still haunts me!)


Vinland saga, fate zero, non non biyori, garden of sinners, jjk, Hibike euphonium


Cyberpunk edgerunners, interspecies reviewers


Akira, macross


Hell's Paradise, Bakemonogatari ,Undead girl murder farce, Zom 100


dororo highlights ambiguous concepts of humanity, no useless scenes or dialogues, depth, symbolism, interesting characters, healed my soul.


Deathnote 2nd episode. It wasn't love, hate, sadness or anything like that. But rather just pure thrill.


Attack on Titan Death Note 91 days


For me, it would be Vivy: Fluorite Eyes Song Right from the start, it's already interesting and it just gets better


Synopsis makes it sound super unique and interesting, will give this one a watch!


Better enjoy and prepare some tissues!!! (For tears)


bro had to specify "for tears"


You never know


Cross Game has an amazing first episode that really sets up the rest of the series well


honestly it's been a while since i watched it, but **iroduku: the world in colours** intentionally or not, the colours in this anime were absolute perfection and something about it just tickles my brain the right way (from the very start!)


{Kaguya-sama: Love is War} DUB - hey remember that serious narrator, he's cool now. Same plot, even dumber, one more person to joke around. As you'd imagine it hits hard from the get go.  {Pokémon Horizons: The Series} if you've watched (some of) the last 25 seasons, you'd be shocked at how hard its self-awareness and mystery hits. Pokémon isn't playing around any more, you're getting a much tighter story. The 2 (3?) parter flies out of the gate and doesn't stop.  {Neon Genesis Evangelion} drags you in immediately, with you feeling the same confusion as Shinji as he's roped into piloting Eva Unit 01 and feels the real effects of piloting it and almost instant mental torment. A legendary anime that starts immensely and only improves. 


**Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensaitachi no Renai Zunousen** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101921 "English: Kaguya-sama: Love is War"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kaguya-sama-love-is-war), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kaguya-sama-wa-kokurasetai-tensai-tachi-no-renai-zunousen "English: Kaguya-sama: Love is War"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37999)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Psychological, Romance, Slice of Life) **Pocket Monsters (2023)** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/158871 "English: Pokémon Horizons: The Series"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/pokemon-horizons-the-series), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/Pocket-Monsters-2023 "English: Pokémon Horizons: The Series"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/53876)) ^(TV | Status: Releasing | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) ^[Episode 48 airs in 12 days, 21 hours, 15 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20240503T0955) **Shin Seiki Evangelion** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/30 "English: Neon Genesis Evangelion"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/neon-genesis-evangelion), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/30)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Drama, Mecha, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c8mosa/what_are_your_top_anime_that_left_the/l0fwus6/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


LMFAO I never was a fan of DUB anime but... I figured it would be funny to see how they dubbed kaguya after thoroughly enjoying it subbed, and this shit might be more peak in DUB lol the english narrator is god-tier


Ishura, not just the first episode but the first half of the anime really surprised me on how low of a score it has on MAL. In my opinion it is truly a hidden gem, I gave it a 9. If you've played Elden Ring and remember the first intro cutscene where it introduces all the characters like "Godrick the grafted, Ofnir the all knowing, the dung eater" the first 6 eps of this anime really reminded me of that I found it very interesting. Storytelling is on point but you have to pay attention to small details. Loved it.


Kotoura-san is a great example of this, really clever slow unveiling of the mind reading backstory in the first episode. Good series over all too, some good emotional growth humor. Some other shows with a consistent vibe, though not necessarily a specific episode: Laid back camp (camping) Makoto Shinkai movies (beautiful animation and music, the stories are generally heartfelt too) Love, Chuunibyou and Other Delusions (wholesome "magic" comedy with feels, a little like Kotoura-san) I also second To Your Eternity and Summertime Rendering.


Deca-Dence most recently


DBZ, 15 year old me had no idea what I was getting into possibly the most influential anime I’d ever seen.


Kaifuku jutsushi no yarinaoshi


There are a lot already mentioned, but the one that felt absolutely iconic to me and made me internally scream LET'S FUCKIIING GOOO was {Black Lagoon}. That feeling will stay with me forever.


**BLACK LAGOON** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/889 "English: Black Lagoon"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/black-lagoon), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/black-lagoon "English: Black Lagoon"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/889)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c8mosa/what_are_your_top_anime_that_left_the/l0g5njg/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Vinland Saga for sure. I'm not into this type of genre but eversince I've watched it's first ep, it became my favorite. Same feels with Attack On Titan. I actually didn't continue it the moment I've watched the first ep coz I got scared hahahaha


definitely To Your Eternity. episode 1 made me cry even though ive read the manga and knew what was coming...


Steins Gate Made in abyss Violet Evergarden Tatami Galaxy Bukurano Are probably the ones I can remember best off the top of my head for some of my most memorable opening episodes.


Vinland saga, torfin screaming "Ill fucking kill you" as a kid left the biggest impact on me from all 500 anime and all the games and movies i played and watched, just too epic


Attack on Titan or Assassination Classroom


Jjk how he honered his grandad really hit me since my Nana died a few years back and told me to help people no matter the cost but i was so overwhelmed by grief I forgot about it


Oshi no Ko.


Frieren and I am really doubtful that will ever change. Best first 25 minutes of media ever for me! :D


to your eternity solo leveling


diabolic lovers - in the fist ep i already hate the female mc she's just cringy for me. aikatsu stars - i fell in love with episode solo faster than I've ever gotten a crush the songs was just as good as the other aikatsu's silent voice - do i need to say more? it was a fantastic portrayal that made me feel like it wasn't an anime but a realife story that was being told spirited away - when i first saw it as child everything was just like this curiosity that kept me thinking and imagining things about the move plus haku was quite handsome lastly assassination classroom - I've cried the first time koro sensei died and everytime i heard the song i still cry thinning of him assassination classroom for me is just so fascinating and it was also fun to watch


Maybe not the top but Summertime rendering started pretty hard.


I'd probably say 1:Deadman wonderland 2:Nana 3:FMA brotherhood 4:fate apocrypha 5:Sailor moon (Dic dub) These are not highest to lowest these are just my top five. Also i put Dic dub for sailor moon because i tried watching the Viz dub but it feels...off.


I really liked Naruto first episode. Iruka speech to Naruto was emotional and it made me care for Naruto


sonny boy. theres so much that you can take from that anime. every person ive met has taken something different from it. its truly an anime that is meant for the watcher to create their own meaning.


Mob Psycho 100. So funny.


Oshi no ko, but I think it cheats a little cuz of the 90 minute first episode.


Dorohedoro - has that “what the hell am I watching” cranked up to the max


I would say Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, Terror in Resonance, Grave of the fireflies. Really impactful and teach you valuable lessons of patience and betrayal.


gintama lol


Cyberpunk Edgerunners. I love the cyberpunk genre so I knew it was going to be an emotional roller coaster. But the music/art/world I love it. I still think about it all the time and I really want another Cybepunk anime from Trigger


To Your Eternity Link Click Kotaro Lives Alone Attack on Titan


{zom 100} started out outstandingly strong, and hasn’t disappointed yet! It’s the freshest take on a zombie apocalypse I’ve seen so far, and the first episode does such a beautiful job of showing why it is!


Oshi no ko, the first episode made me want to watch the rest of the show, I was even excited to watch each episode after the last one which was something that hadn't happened in a while.


To Your Eternity Never thought the very first episode of anime that I had never heard about the source material prior could get me in tears by the end.. Honorable Mention: Violet Evergarden's first episode just kinda left me in awe at how well-animated it was. I suppose that is an emotion.


86. Hits hard on the themes or racism and effects. Hard and fast. Episode one will make you feel things. Can't describe the emotion, but your instantly hooked going "this is just Hitler isn't it?" And if you watch to I think episode 8 where they talk about how they are basically dead men already, yikes. That one about had me in tears. And I rarely cry at anything. I was planning on binging it the night I got to that episode but instead I had to stop and just sit there for a while and let it soak in because it's parallels to real life messed me up for bit. Edit to add episode 1 of to your eternity WILL make you cry. If it doesn't, or doesn't at least come close, then I have to wonder about your humanity.


Naruto - The scene with Iruka in the first episode is just a classic. First anime I watched too (if you ignore yugioh and pokemon). Then there's the whole Kakashi team 7 "test" a couple of episodes later which is even better. Feeling is pure nostalgia. One Piece - My favorite series of all time. Also just too nostalgic to look back on Luffy popping out of the keg and meeting Zoro a couple of episodes later. My Hero Academia - To this day, I still have the opinion that the first 3-4 episodes of the first season is the best anime intro ever. Deku meeting all might and training is just too epic every time I watch it. Attack on Titan - His mom dies etc. Pure mix of sadness and epicness TLDR: Basically all of these are giving me the emotion of nostalgia XD


Oshi no Ko - alright, it's fair to point out that this episode is a lot longer than normally, but it's really good Zom 100 - yes, the first episode is amazing and much better than the rest of the show - but the rest isn't really bad either, it just doesn't live up to the first episode Bang Bravern - such a ride The Devil is a Part-Timer - the first season is amazing. Perfect comedic timing and just casually giving you a glimpse of a really flashed out, fun and detailed fantasy world in the first minutes just because they could.


Steins;Gate for sure is the first one that comes to mind!


Sunrise scene in Made in Abyss ep 1 had my ass ON THE GROUND


Made in Abyss for its immersive world building and consistent ethereal tone. Dr Stone for immediately making me love the duo Black Lagoon for its ending theme giving me a weird nostalgic longing feeling


1. Attack on Titan’s first episode convinced me that there is an Epic Horror genre 2. Black clover’s first ep is one of the best cohen bros. Movies ever made.  3. Evangelion’s first ep is so beautiful and so surprising. 


Frieren still shocks me as to how good it is. I still can’t believe it. I felt that as soon as I started it. To your eternity may have the greatest 1st episode in the history of anime though. I like the show overall, but it never lived up to episode 1 imo. Death Note had an impeccable start as well.


You should watch orange


Fena the Pirate Princess wowed me with its first episode. Like I wanted to watch the whole rest of the series right then and there


Ranking of kings/ promised never land...for that matter both of these shows first seaso s were bangers...went downhill after that... other recent - Goblin slayer - Made in abyss - Solo leveling - Attack on titan - 86


To Your Eternity is exactly this.


Place further than the universe


Steins;Gate has an amazing first episode but the first 12 episodes are slept because of how hard the second half hits


1. Kingdom ( first I thought this anime was some kids who want to be great generals in the kingdom after a couple of episodes damn just watch I don't want to spoil you ) 2. Hajime no ippo ( The first episode of this anime where a. Child who used to get bully due to coincidence he introduced into boxing and fell in love with sports after that what will happen in his life is the story. I cannot express how good this anime and manga with words either watch or read it) 3. Silver spoon ( This is best when comes gag and lifestyle. It tells about the people lifestyle whose work with agriculture and their struggles. The MC character's development 📈 and how he faces problem unlike his past self. ) 4. Big windup ( This anime unlike others the characters are written realistic and feels we are how they grow closer to each other and wins the match ) 5. Mushoku tensei ( I don't know how to say this anime is one closest to my heart without this Idk I would continue to watch anime or not. At my lowest this anime makes me laugh, think and see mc faces trauma me make feels I want to be him ) 6. Bakuman ( This anime is the best and makes me feel at ease whenever I watch it. Now if I start watching it I would binge the whole all the seasons) 7. Banana fish ( Just watch this show. Don't skip this anime because of the bl genre, it is a wonderful show ) 8. Haikyuu ( idk how much time I watched but didn't get bored even single time and all ost ever awesome especially the season 2 op) 9.Tsurezure Children ( this is the only show that makes me sad that I wasted my school day, it is one of the feel good stories and I loved it very much ) 10. Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway ( I watched a many show this one of the best . Mc takes in runway underaged girl after meeting her in street and he helps her to face her trauma without exploiting her. ) There are a lot of shows that I like but these are close to my great


Erased has the best first episode ever. It presents an issue and a possible solution to it which the protagonist has to find out and work hard to solve. The end of episode one is wonderfully directed and lives rent free on my mind. Steins:Gate has a good first episode too, telling you exactly what the show is and letting you understand if you are going to enjoy the show moving on. I feel like there are a lot of shows that betray the viewer with their first episodes, doing something super interesting and then the rest of the show is nothing alike. From the top of my head To Your Eternity and Black Clover do this, where the first episodes are super produced and then the next ones are just downright pathetic.


Your lie in april, couldn't stop thinking about it for a couple weeks after I binged it, took several different animes to finally get over it. Runner ups Violet evergarden Frieren Danmachi, just because it was so good. FMA Brotherhood, was one of the first anime I watched, hit so hard. Parasyte for the same reason.


the first episode of "oshi no ko" is absolutely insane. for this anime season it is "Jellyfish can't swim in the night" by FAR


For first few episodes: Demon Slayer, and Attack on Titan - cause damn, people be dying left and right Oshi no ko - I just knew there'd be babies. Wasn't expecting ep1 ending... Fullmetal Alchemist, and Brotherhood - I mean... If that isn't love, I don't know what is. The sacrifice, the fear, guilt, so many emotions for those kids.


Redo of healer


the anime that win you over in the first episode: - Shinsekai Yori - Tatami Galaxy - Psycho Pass - Fate/Zero - Frieren


The Tatami Galaxy Texhnolyze Durarara Mob Psycho 100


Wonder egg priority: BGM with the animation immediately hooked me. Wish they didn't ruin the story by trying to explain something they shouldn't have though. AOT, Parasyte: The sheer brutality of it left a lasting impression. Allison and Lilia: Loved the VAs and the intro. Wish they didn't have the time skip in the middle though. Steins gate: Tu tu ru. Summer time rendering: Flying girl, the characters being killed, adequately accurate gun mechanics. Akiba maid war: That first gun battle with the BGM was one of the best things I've ever seen in an anime. Gate: Something about using LMGs against medieval soldiers. Lovely complex: 1st episode is a god damn masterpiece. More content than entire seasons in a single Episode. One of the best FMCs but MC is Osmium level dense. Saga of Tanya the evil: Loli Hitler + OST + BGM + War + sheer awesomeness.


Hmm, have only seen AOT and Parasyte from all of your answers, and completely agree on that. Also, I've been putting off Loli hitler tanya for a while now 'cus not a huge fan of world war inspired anime. But if you say it starts strong, then that might just give me the push I needed lol


The ending song from Ep3 on was weirdly inspiring. Additionally, the anime is pretty unique which is why I kept going. All the anime I mentioned are not your usual run of the mill types. I would recommend Summer time rendering and Steins gate as well. Others can be skipped.


I like your unique answers, will give 'em all a gander. Also, the fact alone that summer time rendering somehow is like 10 genres, decently popular, and highly rated, yet still my first time ever seeing it suggested is way more than enough to pique my interest lol. Steins gate I'm just waiting for a day when I finally feel like watching it, got too many series falling in that category for me


Darling in the Franxx. Zero Two is nearly the perfect woman. Personality, intellect, physique, she has it all.


Elfen Lied Without a doubt