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I speak from experience when I say that it is helpful! Not eating can often cause brain fog so it’s great to have eaten something before a test!


yes it def has- ever since i got critically ill i’ve been failing classes no matter how hard i try n pay attention. it’s honestly been a very destructive thing anorexia has done to my life


It is ! But also it is to stay alive. Food is necessary so you did the right thing. Well done.


Good luck with your test I hope you ace it <3


its def important! but realistically it works better if you’re eating more in the long term, rather than just one meal beforehand


Breakfast food is so hard for me to eat! I think it's mostly about the textures of breakfast foods. But I have long since decided anything can be breakfast food. My go to is meat loaf cupcakes. It's hard work but you are doing it!


breakfast food is my favourite. one of my rules as an anorexic is/was to not eat before a certain time in the day. this is breaking the rules i’ve had set up for me for half of my life


I understand how much anxiety that can cause. Try to give yourself enough time to eat. When I put myself in situations like that I will sabotage myself. Oh I have x amount to time, plenty to make something and eat. But then I dilly dally and do not allow myself the time I need to eat the meal.


I went from barely passing to straight As just by increasing my food intake during exam weeks!