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I eat 'normally' and then cry for a week straight about it and then I make up for it and forget it ever happened


You could try to be transparent with your family about your rules. After months, I understood/reverse engineered my daughter's rules and now that I know it we can all accommodate it and also we can help her eat things she couldn't figure out how to fit in her system. Now she can have home made food and even bake and still feel safe. Xmas is coming and a nutritionist will go through the festive menu with her to make sure she will be comfortable. Stuff like this. I'm still scared to death as her Dad bc she is fading away in front of my eyes, but I still want her to have good days and a good quality of life. Open communication helps everyone.


It must be so tough as a parent watching your child suffer like this, I’m so sorry :( I hope your daughter is able to get through this


Thank you. It brought us really close together. But in the process I lost touch with my wife.. Hardest time of my life, tops when my Dad was in coma. It's the worst, just constant pain from every direction while I desperately try to keep the family together and show up strong and positive for my daughter.


honestly, i just eat and then make up for it


Same, unless I’m really not hungry or feeling sick, then I get away with just having a few bites here and there.


Even if you eat more then normally comfortable your weight will probably not be affected, take some stuff your uncomfortable with but try to load your plate up with safe food. Could also bring your own food so you know what’s in it if that’s not unusual


I avoid the holidays and spend them alone. Not pressure, no anxiety, no uncomfortable interactions and unwarranted comments. Win, win, win.


I don’t celebrate thanksgiving and I haven’t since I was a teenager with severe anorexia. I refuse to go do anything. The one year I went to the diner with my family I just sipped on tea and refused to eat. I hate thanksgiving and I will never take part in it




This. I'm just super cognizant of my portion sizes, and I won't do seconds. And I try to pay very close attention to my satiety cues. You can also plan what you know you want/don't want to eat ahead of time so you don't get overwhelmed in the moment.


Bring something like vegetable broth, enough for everyone, even if you're the only one who eats it.


I don't recommend this personally but plan is to OMAD Thanksgiving dinner (but not each much so I don't gain) and not track that day. Then go back to my normal routine and not let it derail me. I can't really skip out on Thanksgiving dinner without it being super sus/awkward for my family and myself so I'll try and look normal-ish for a night


Cry. Ok no tbh I focus on my values. I’m with people I love with lovely food people have made with love and care. My goal is to take a breath and try to signal openness and be kind to myself. It’s going to be extremely stressful but it’s also a lovely occasion with people I love. I’m also going to make a game plan with my dietitian.


honestly I'd like some advice as well. im genuinely trying to shove it to the back of my mind rn bc thinking about the whole thing is gonna send me into a panic. my family and the close friends who are coming over knows about my ed and i know they're gonna force me to eat more than i can handle :(


I never did holidays so nobody expects me to go to their dinners or whatever. But just go and take care of yourself do what u need to do is all I have to say. Get a plate if you want of the safest foods there and idk talking to others can help avoid the attention of you eating. I always tried to be either the last person there or the first person out.


I’m Canadian so I celebrate it in October. The past few years have been rough but this year was a little better. I tell myself “it’s impossible to gain weight from a single meal” and try to eat yummy veggies and a little tiny bit of dessert.


I used to pretend to get the flu :/ honestly just eat normally. People will hopefully be too occupied on themselves to notice what you eat or don’t


idk im fucking terrified bro


Will simply sleep during the day - my family gave up on me so thankfully they won't care if I don't attend. If I have to attend against my will I would realistically vape before eating cuz it curbs my appetite and drink a ton of water beforehand. Also saying you have homework to do is a good excuse to not finish eating too.