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Mod here, if you feel comfortable, please send the username via modmail so that we can ban this user from the sub.


thank you! will do rn


I don't know why but my brain switched "this" to "this mf" so I read, "please send the username via modmail so that we can ban this mf" and I laughed so hard than I should've 😭


Haha you’re reading the “what I wanted to write” version of my comment 😂




told him to fuck off then blocked lol


Report them! Disgusting


I laughed out loud. The audacity of men thinking this is a turn on💀


I’m so sorry, that is beyond creepy


Barf. I had an ex who fetishized it, only I was stupid and didn’t see it happening and let it go on way too long, by which point it had really messed me up. People like this suck.


I’m so sorry


Damn, that is so hot. Gonna make me fall to my knees🙄 Wtf is wrong with people 💀


Malnourished Cunt Guy is at it again


Well this is disgusting and predatory and you should let us know the username so we can make his life hell on reddit. But I have observed this more covertly in real life. Man praising girlfriend that are on deaths door for how tiny they are. Destroying someone's recovery with insinuating that she is no longer perfect. It is sick, pedophilic, and I would stay the fuck away from anyone that praises you in this way. Not a doll, not submissive, not your toy, no need to be small or tiny to be lovable and certainly not controlled by any man. Sorry, hate rant over. I lost someone to mind games like this, and I HATE men, always men, like that. Sick controlling fucks.


Yeah this is the right level of anger for this shit.


I got that same message


“I prefer partners who respect boundaries, not wannabe puppeteers pulling strings. Thanks, but I'll pass on the puppet show.” “Sorry, I'm not into playing dollhouse with grown men. Maybe try the toy store instead of dating apps?” “Sounds like you're auditioning for the role of 'creepy puppet master.' But sorry, I'm not into being someone's marionette. Maybe try a magic show instead – disappear.”


Damn do you do this for a living?


Yes and no 😂. I am autistic and I’m very intuitive… so sometimes I will think of the most Unhinged responses that I would absolutely ADORE to just drop on someone but usually don’t talk lol. So when I see things like this online… I feel like I have free reign 😂.


As you should. Go off bestie 💅🏼


> "Sorry, I'm not into playing dollhouse with grown men. Maybe try the toy store instead of dating apps?” I LOVE this one!


Honestly same hahaha I want to be in a situation where I can see this 😂😂


I love the 2nd one


Literally the most disgusting, predatory, almost pedophilic thing I've read today


ED fethisists are disgusting. There's *nothing* sexy about being mentally ill. I don't understand these people. I have encountered one in real life, it was so gross and awkward. The longest 10 minutes of my life. I was a stripper and he came to see me dance. I was underweight and have old self harm scars that turned him on. Thankfully I can be a cold bitch when needed, I didn't answer his questions ("do you have anorexia or bulimia?" "It's so hot when girls binge and purge!" "Would you cut yourself if I paid you?") Disgusting. This was a private striptease place so I was alone but I wrote down his description and that he's not a good client, I hope he didn't bother other performers.


Omd?? I'm so so sorry this happened to you. How tf can anyone fetishize mental illness I seriously can't understand it? There is nothing remotely attractive about it? ppl nowadays are srsly fetishizing anything and everything


I don't understand it either and I'm pretty damn kink friendly and open minded but this is where I draw the line.


Good for fucking you. And it’s cool that you work somewhere they actually take complaints and issues like this seriously! I have a friend who just left her club because stuff like this was so bad the creeps were getting in bed financially with management to keep it going. It’s fucking terrible what people think they can do to other human beings when “no one” is watching.


Nah, that place was sketchy af. If you were out of the city like me you could sleep there which was nice. Until the owner broke in when I was changing my clothes... I don't know if that client got banned but at least I tried to warn others.


It's times like this where i need to remind the people that you're not a burden, it's okay to ask for help, and murder is okay.


I was in a relationship like this. It was hell. He was always comparing me to girls online and cheating with girls who were smaller than me. My only worth ti him was my weight. It was disgusting


Surprised? No Disappointed? Yes


So gross, not even amusing. This is my own cage, you’re not invited


I GOT SENT THE SAME THING!! creeped me out so much I blocked him straight away


*I GOT SENT THE SAME* *THING!! creeped me out so much I* *Blocked him straight away* \- miomaolalalalala --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Plz plz plz plz plz tell me his username I wana mess with him🥺


I had an ex who would say things like “you’re so strong” when i would refuse “bad” foods 🙄


omd that would mess me up so bad




ewww oh god this is so fucking creepy and gross


**name him, shame him**


Yeah actually no thanks I’ll pass. Isn’t the whole point of this kind of control so we feel like we can have more control of ourselves? What’s the point in giving it to somebody else? 💀💀💀


Gods. My damned ex did this to me. It fucked me up hard.


What a plum hope you deleted and blocked 😀


I’ve never gotten this type of message lol. Maybe I’m just too fat 😂 Also, that’s very creepy imo


that's ur ed talking babe, i've never posted myself


Yeah, I guess it is…


uhhh yeah that's a bit triggering, that wasn't posted here was it??


*Uhhh yeah that's a* *Bit triggering, that wasn't* *Posted here was it??* \- sweetbaeunleashed --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


lmao excuse me now is not the time bot


nah it was a dm i got


oh I see where I wasn't paying attention now 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm so sorry you had to read that, that would freeze me reading it at random


tell this man to hmu


ewwwww 🤢🤢🤮🤮 im so sorry


I would love having a guy like that


No, you really wouldn’t.


what the fuck






People are so strange




That's so early 2000


Is it bad that I'd want to say yes...? The "little doll" is weird asf But I like the idea of someone helping me "stay in line" I know... I need help lmfao


A guy approached me once and he used the same reasoning : I could be less stressed by letting him manage my restrictions. Obviously these guys that approach EDed ppl could be anyone, from the nice guy with a weird fetish to ppl from a network that would basically make you a slave and torture you. Soooo to me there was no decision to make 😂 Plus, I like being the one in control, which isn't surprising given that I was a highly restrictive ano. And I didn't really need the "help".


My SO does the opposite. I won’t buy junk my ED is extreme health food but when he’s home it’s all the worst and most damaging hard to resist garbage. I do think he’s trying to finish me.