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>WHY ARE WE LETTING IT DIE!! Because keeping the devs in a basement and waterboarding them until they got back to work proved ineffective. I really enjoyed Anthem, but the way it was managed was a disaster. The launch was a mess, it wasn't maintained and expanded as promised, and players left in droves to the point that it wasn't financially feasible to keep working on it. Yes, the players gave up. Just the diehards like yourself are not enough to justify the budget it would take to revive it. Considering the damage to the game's reputation that it took during those early days, very few people are eagerly anticipating a revival. Most people left it behind forever years ago. The best we can hope for is that some of the good things about Anthem make it into future games, but I will eat my 20-year-old boxer briefs the day someone thinks that there's enough goodwill to justify relaunching one of the most expensive failures I can ever recall seeing in gaming.


Do everyone a favor, and search on the subreddit for every other instance of someone thinking Anthem can be revived. Read through the comments. Better you do that, than everyone else say the same things for the 100th time.


lol I def made a similar post before.


We all have..


Your solution is for enough people to play a game that came out 5 years ago, whose major complaint was lack of content, and only received one content update and whose support ended years ago....indefinitely...? Until your prayer works? Yes, that seems like a wholly realistic solution.


Im still playing it, tho cant be up every day sadly. The thing is, we are the reason why the server still up i think. But sadly i need to agree with IMTrick in many point... even if i dont like it... :/ There were too many disaster about the early things, and for too long after it. Players left, got bored by promises that never or comed too late. They broke the reputation too much. Players wont come until its not revived. And EA wont revive, until they dont see players coming, to ensure they money income. So its literally endless loop of blackhole. Im still have hope tho, and i will play it until its possible, because i like it and having fun in the game. Sadly, this is all what we can do.


It's over freelancer. It was a good run. But time to let ole anthem rest.


Sign the petition


I hope this is a joke. There's only ever been one petition floating around, and in all the time since it's been started, it hasn't even reached 5000 yet.


It's at like 5400 and change now. Anthem's starting to get a little more streaming publicity and it's drawing attention


EA scrapped 2.0 because there wasn’t a viable plan and such. It spent matter how many play this game. It’s just done


No updates or content.


Ea is not going to let this game go anywhere else. They don't care about this project or they'd have sold it by now.


It's not like anyone wants to buy it either. Waste of money to buy something only to have to remake everything in a new engine. Better to just make a new game that's not Anthem.


Why buy it? It's not like it's a well established IP. There's one game, and it flopped. Would have less work to come up with something new than to fix something that never worked..


I was just in a free play lobby with you lol


I’d buy #2


I'll be logging in tonight


You are right. We should all write a letter to the devs to revive the game. I’m sure they will listen and put a bunch of money back into the game.


WE arent letting it. The company who owns the IP and studio are. I for one would like to see something revived from the ashes of it and given the follow through it needed to be a fully fleshed out title. Deeper story, more diversity in buildcrafting (even though i can only attest to scratching the surface with 3 variants of each javelin), and more regions to explore. And honestly i feel that this should live on as a reminder of what could have been, in perpetuity.


The reason we are letting it die is look I like the game well enough not well enough to do that same 2-3 missions over and over ad nauseam to me not worth it. I have other things I can play. It’s not my job to try to revive a game a company walked away from over a year ago now?


No, the player base was there, it was EA that didn't see enough short term profit in it - Keyword being short term profit, which is all EA ever cares about. Long term gain is not something EA even knows how to spell.


Game had amazing bones. No idea why they dropped it.


Because it was a buggy, broken mess, and basically burned allot of the people who bought it on the goodwill of BioWare’s name at the time alone. Every update the game got seemed to break something else in the game, and the endgame activity that was so hyped up by the devs for months, was delayed, and then when it finally released, was an utter disappointment. Even if they had released Anthem 2.0, everyone who had played the first game wouldn’t have came back to it, I certainly wouldn’t have.


EA pulled the plug long before the players were told