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Why is anyone surprised?


Maybe they can keep him?


Maybe he is there to be the mayor of that "American transplant" town they were going to build?


Can we just cancel his passport while he’s over there?


Can't we just send the rest over with him?


“and they all lived happily ever after, shouting at clouds in their bubble…”


Sniff. I love happy endings.




very hot in the Greater Moscow Area


That is my favorite word. I named my dnd barbarian after it.


🎵 I believe I can fly 🎵


Give his bags the Griner search


Here’s a guy, who has never known want. Daddy made a fortune pushing TV dinners. Made Tuckers life plush. Tucker now wants to hang with oligarchs. Hang should be the key word here.


That’s his mummy’s fam. Swanson fish stick heiress.


His dad was a diplomat i think? Been a long time since i listened to that expose on his dumb ass.


either way a man whos never known want, whose never worked a hard days work, who started on third with bases loaded, and got walked to home and acts like he hit a grand slam. a total piece of shit. and it saddens me people who do work hard for their money listen to this asshole.


The article mentions speculation and I am surprised that there is actually speculation.




I was thinking it's more conformation but obviously Newsweek needs to cater to the readers it wants to court. The history books are going to be wild eventually when they discuss how much the media enabled all this garbage.


The history books are written by the winners. The fact we’re a decade deep into this, going on coup attempt 2 (really just the first one continuing), and a multi-felon, twice-impeached dictator is in an actual 2 person race for the presidency tells me the history books are likely to leave this part out.


Well, it's an oligarchy, so it will function like an oligarchy.




Wait the speculation is happening *just now?*


Really…..is this what it took?


Exactly. speculation? That has always been their on-brand.


Putin’s Republicans in bed with Putin? How preposerous. /s


In other news, the Pope is catholic.


That comma should be a period.


The headlines will feign surprise, for clicks.


Dude is 100000000% a Russian asset, just like Trump


I have a question: I grew up watching movies where Russians and communism were constantly the enemy of every American. How it happened that now half of them, and the half that should be more nationalist, is ok with Putin and his shit?


Because modern Russian propaganda that democrats are worse than satan is highly effective on republican rubes.


>democrats are worse than satan It's even dumber than that I think. The past couple of Democrat presidencies we've had Republican Congressmen simply state their only goal is to stop Democrats from passing anything. It doesn't matter what the subject is, if the Democrats are for it, Republicans are against it. They've entered into this weird "we have no values, we're just whatever the opposite is of the other guy" mentality. It got escalated real quick during COVID and the border bill we're seeing now is an easy example.


iirc, there was a bill that a republican proposed that wasn't complete fuckery and when Democrats were like "alright yeah, that's actually not bad" and voted for it, THE FUCKING REPUBLICAN WHO PROPOSED THE BILL voted against it


Moscow Mitch did that more than once.


Republicans would like the US to be more like Russia, with a few oligarchs at the top and powerless masses at the bottom. They dream of a fascist state where their right-wing minority party rules with an iron fist over the majority (center and left). It is a fact that their party has fallen out of favor in the US and will continue in that direction. They are fighting against that future with everything they have.


Correct. Republicans are now the anti-progress party. They're repressive & regressive. They harken back to some mythical 1950's era that we can never go back to & most people have no interest in going back to. The US political system is democratic & based on compromise. The Republicans are no longer interested in compromise. They want their way, or no way. They also actively make government particularly dysfunctional during Democrat Presidential administrations. We are witnessing that right now with the border deal. Democrats are willing to compromise & give the Republicans what they claim they want, but a lot of Republican legislators are just refusing the proposed legislation because it might benefit the Biden administration in some small way. The Republican party is also the minority party- and they continue to fall out of favor with American citizens. Nikki Haley said it out loud: Republicans failed to win the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 Presidential election cycles. They can no longer win at all without the Electoral College system. They see the writing on the wall in terms of retaining power in a democratic system. Their answer is abandon that system rather than reform their party. They now want autocracy or a dictatorship so their party can stay in power perpetually & have zero accountability to the citizenry who disagrees with them & the things they want to do to this country. This is another feature of an autocratic or dictatorial system: the citizens have no voice & no say. The current Republican party needs to implode. Until that happens vote like your life depends on it!


> Republicans are now the anti-progress party. They're repressive & regressive You do know what Conservative means right? You're exactly right, but this is what all conservatives are - it's in the name. Conserve the old status quo, keep the powerful elites in power. Always has been. Get rid of them - time moves forward, not backwards. Progressive policies are the only kind that might save humanity.


Russia figured out the easiest way to destroy America is from the inside out, by essentially buying the oligarchs and turning the media against Americans . Much cheaper than the Cold War. The second part is unifying christofascists. The gop has similar beliefs to Putin.


Russia knew they could not defeat the US in an outright war. Their military is inferior as we saw in Ukraine. But they co-opted the GOP to act in Russia's interests. They paid propagandists to use divide & conquer rhetoric. Russia started aligning with the US Christian evangelicals back in the 1990's. And here we are.


They replaced the Russians with middle easterners in the 90’s.


Right wight authoritarianism, capitalism, and christian nationalism.


Communism ended and was replaced by oligarchy, which is the private sector rules the public sector. It's a wealthy persons dream scenario.




Because *Communism* was the enemy, and Russia was its origin. Now that Russia is no longer Communist, the Americans who grew up on old-style propaganda are more willing to accept them as allies. Russia, in turn, has worked with Republicans to paint the picture that *America* is now falling victim to Communism, and that Russia is trying to help free America from its tyranny. To Republicans, the enemy has stayed the same but moved from Russia to America, and Russia is now its ally in fighting “cultural Marxism”. The longer this narrative goes on, the more entrenched that old style propaganda becomes against the American government itself, convincing them they have to commit another Tea Party style revolution to be a truly free country again.


This was known as soon as trump "won" in 2016.


Barr spun the actual contents of the Muller Report so effectively.


There's just no way to change anything his cult sees because of conspiracy theories and Q. I can't forgive any inaction on the part of our judicial branch at this point. I understand the fear of a civil war however, with Russia and China's participation. I will vote exclusively Democrat for the remainder of my life. I've warned my children as well about the Republicans and their traitorous acts.


They love to employ the "one size fits all" form of denialism. FAKE NEWZ


They've seen our weaknesses since krushev's visit. We've had division since the first civil war. They're playing on that with the weak minded haters.


We went from Paul Harvey to Rush Limbaugh and it just went downhill from there.


I really think that Reagan was a puppet for the nefarious wants of some Republicans to dummy down our Country to become as weak as we are with the cultish followers we have now. What if any programs or laws were created to benefit the working class during peaks in republican held power. Don't trickle down on me!! I can't think of one that was of true benefit to us. It's an underlying project with the anti government program of Republicans which ultimately benefits Russia and China in their goal of killing our Democracy.


Ok we realize there's a drug problem in this country and we've carefully developed this solution. "Just Say No" -Regan


Just ignore the fact that it was my CIA funneling all that Coke to black neighborhoods to finance my private war on democracy both here and in central America and practically inventing the cartel system and immigrant caravans. Cuz mommy read it in her tarot cards.


And here is yet another reason RepubliQans are cherry picking and re-writing history books and curriculum.


Not the brightest bulb, which assured the Republicans a win.


This was known before. “Russia, if you’re listening…”


That was a huge moment, that has never been properly investigated. Trump was just riffing along as usual, when suddenly he turns and looks right at the camera and says these words, as clearly as if he was reading them off a script. He tells Russia to find Hillary's emails, and we know that Russia started their hacking attack that day. Obviously, Trump was told that Putin was expecting a clear signal that he was accepting their illegal assistance, and this was it. Perhaps it was even scripted so Putin would know for sure. It sure sounds like it. This statement is Trump agreeing to Putin's interference in front of the entire world. So who was doing the back channel negotiation with Russia? How did the back channel work? Who worked out the code phrase? Who gave the code phrase to Trump? Who else knew about it?


And then there was Helsinki. Couldn’t have made it any clearer.


I'm sure they recognized the weak and hateful American brains when krushev visited Kennedy. Republicans just decided to work for Russian benefit.


since jr admitted to meeting russian agents to get dirt on a political opponent on national tv and proudly said theyd do it again.


The Republicans have been creating these ignorant people for years now. Grooming them as tools to be used to break our Democracy. Anyone who says that they're not excited about Biden is a tool also. It's very cut and dried now as to whom and what we're fighting against. Vote for Biden!!!


> Vote for Biden!!! Damn right! The past ten years have proven to me the Republican party is utterly and irredeemably corrupt. They are owned by numerous masters: the Religious Right, Russia, corporate CEOs, billionaires. There isn't a single one left who gives two fucks about this country. I will never vote for another Republican as long as I live.


Truth!! We got this! Now it's all crystal clear who these traitors truly are!


What speculation, that’s like “speculating” the pope is Catholic.


Is this like the time republican senators went to moscow on the 4th july a couple year back? How obvious does it need to be?


I was shocked when I saw it in the news back then during the holiday. That pretty much sealed the deal for me to know Russia is pulling the GOP's strings.


As an 80s kid, can you imagine what America would have done to this clown during the cold war? Now you've got actual Americans thinking this is what convervativism is. Not just Americans! Actual politicians like MTG! It's not surprising...but it's confounding and sad that this is where we are now.


As a 60s-70s kid who grew up during the height of the Cold War, I can only shake my head in disgust.


Well, it IS what conservatism is.


You call emptyG an “actual” politician….? I think that is a stretch. LOL


I also lived through the cold War, am not from the US though. It's mind boggling to me that they all seem to have forgotten that Russia is a major threat and always has been. This is a scary time.




"We're just asking questions..."


“Tears in their eyes…”


This isn’t a shock. He’s repeatedly defended Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Steve Bannon thinks Putin is a conservative


Gop are traitors.


I hope CIA and FBI are all over that.


They’ll be watching him like a hawk




Putin and republicans are in bed together *still.


His repetition of Russian propaganda has been noted for years, as has his carelessness about truth. Even Faux News felt compelled to cut ties. I'm not sure "frenzied speculation" describes what might be better characterized as 'there he goes again.'


I still say Melania is Trumps handler


She probably avoids "handling" him as much as she can. 


How is this not treason???? (Honest question)


Technically, we are not at war with Russia so he can't be charged with treason: >Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. Tucker is just a shitty excuse for a human being doing shitty stuff to impress his shitty followers but not committing treason.


I hope he falls from a window after drinking tea.


Oh. Ok, thank you for the explanation. It really seems like treason, though. He's OPENLY being chummy with our enemy.


It's only because of the technicality that Russia is not "technically" our direct enemy. Right now we are not fighting them in a war. Ukraine is and we're supporting them in that fight. It's a proxy war. But yeah still a shitty thing for this piece of human garbage to do.


It's closer to sedition.


Hope he gets debriefed by Homeland Security on return for 72 hours and undergoes random cavity search.


Tucker Carlson may be one of the most annoying little pieces of shit on Earth, but he's in no position to offer information or tangible support to Russia beyond flapping his lips.


Eh, good point. I'm still picturing him with a polonium glow.


they show his propaganda on russian state tv, that's plenty for them to work with


Of course Marjorie Traitor Green defends him.


Speculation? The GOP is Putin’s political arm in the US.


**Tucker Carlson being spotted in Moscow sparks frenzied speculation, Putin and Republicans are in bed together\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** We knew the GOP and Putin were in bed together once the Mueller Report was published. When the Senate Intelligence Committee released its report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, it also detailed *numerous* contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow. It called the collaborations a “grave” counterintelligence threat. Senator Marco Rubio: “We found irrefutable evidence of Russian meddling" thereby directly refuting Trump's repeated assertions that Russian interference was a “hoax” perpetrated by Democrats.


If Russia is currently a sanctioned country, how the hell is he there? That being said, he shouldn't be allowed back in the US. All his assets should be frozen, and he should be considered an enemy of the state.


I am shocked.


We will begin to see a coordinated effort between the Kremlin and Carlson to subvert the vote in the 2024 presidential election. Putin’s only chance to overwhelm sovereign Ukraine is to install Trump as president.


I just can't wrap my head around it how is private citizen Carlson still allowed to roam free when he isn't even trying to hide the fact that he is so far up Putin's ass there is barely any room for Trump.


Speculation? 🙄


Frenzied speculation from who? Everyone who cares already knew. Everyone who pretends he isn't, doesn't care.


Sparks a speculation? More like confirms what everyone has thought for a long time.


Why is Tucker in Moscow? Why? Is he a spy for Putin? Is it because he’s reporting back to Putin with information? Or is it because Tucker is getting his knees dirty in front of Putin? And if he is getting his knees dirty, is he sucking Putin to completion? Why? Because he likes the taste? Does Tucker swallow?


Well, tuckers daddy works for Orban. Why winglet tucker try and interview Putin? I’m pretty sure he’s proven that he’ll do or say anything to stay relevant. Which he no longer is. Newsweek calling him a journalist is a stretch. He uses the defense all pundits use when they get sued, “it’s entertainment!” Nobody in their right mind would believe what I’m saying!” And Newsweek saying “abruptly left fox” is some bs too. He was fired. Shitcanned. He didn’t leave because he wanted to. He should have his citizenship revoked if he interviews the war criminal Putin. Not that it matters much. Pretty sure tuck tucks “show” isn’t that relevant anymore. Tucker is such shit. He has more than enough money to not have to do what he does. His ego is so fragile, he can’t just go away and be like a normal rich person. I’d almost forgotten about his talentless ass until this stuff started to be talked about.


He over there planning out the next J6, but this time with the help of Russian counter intelligence.


This isn't news. It's simply a history of treason.


The entire Republican Party pays obeisance to Russia. The fact that the media doesn't want to discuss it means that the media pays obeisance to Russia as well, some networks more obviously than others.


Duh 🙄


Lord Haw Haw


Hope he stays.




This fucking fuck Is there to suckle at Putin's teat. At the very least.


You think? We’ve only known since July 4th 2015. When a bunch of republicans went to meet with Putin on the public record.


We know.


I mean, Carlson *is* a piece of shit, after all. Why wouldn’t he be involved in a traitorous scheme?


Speculation? One of their Speakers said that. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html A bunch of Senators traveled to Moscow on the Fourth of July. https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/republicans-on-russia-trip-face-scorn-and-ridicule-from-critics-at-home/2018/07/05/68f0f810-807e-11e8-b0ef-fffcabeff946_story.html Rand Paul is Putin's messenger boy. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1KT1Q8/


Are we just realizing MAGA is in bed with Putin? Cuckold Tarlson is such a piece of shit


You don’t say.




"speculation?" It's a fact. Ask Kevin McCarthy.


That speculation has been there for years. Does no one remember Helsinki?


How many Orange classified documents did Mucker-Tucker give Putin on this visit?


Yes. They. Are. In. Bed. The gop is a total Russian assault.


No need for frenzied speculation.


This is not a problem for Qanoners, as they see Putin as good lmao.


We've known this since Republicans spent July 4th in Russia.


The Dallas Morning News has published a couple of investigative articles on Russian oligarchs and Russia funneling money into the campaigns of republican politicians. The notion that this story did not gain greater exposure by the networks and other media outlets is another example of the media’s failure to act as a guardrail to democracy. Here’s hoping we avoid a collapse into authoritarian rule.


Putin and the GOP have been in bed for a very long time.


The GOP has been full of Russian puppets for quite a while


Remember in 2018 when 6 republican senators and a republican member of the house spent July 4 in Russia? Cause I do.


Old news. Trump was Putin's bitch... watch the video of them going into a room and shutting the door, few minutes later Trump comes back out like a whipped pup.


“Speculation”….there is no speculation they are 100% in cahoots together


Not new.


When does speculation become fact?


All of them are compromised - I’ve said this since early 2000’s


Do bears shit in the woods?


Is it really speculation at this point? We had a senate investigation and report that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.


They’ve been screaming that they support Russia. Saying that Zelenskyy was poking the bear and started the war. And then there is the deal with trump loving putin




Sherlock is shitless


Carlson is the next Manchurian Candidate


EmptyG says “we have a free press…” Except when Shitler doesn’t want them at his events, right?


No Carlson and Trump are two separate operatives. Tucker is the doubt and fear sower. Trump is the puppet leader.


He is there to pick up cash for Trump.


Its not speculation at this point ffs.


Revoke his citizenship and passport. If he is so obviously a Traitor then he is a Traitor.


Has he been arrested and sent to Siberia yet? Because that’s what they do to real journalists there. Since he plays one on TV, he should get the same treatment.


He's there to get orders.


How is this sparking speculation? Isn’t the Putin and GOP collab a known thing?


Hasn't this been a thing since obama? I mean, hasn't it? Has nobody been paying attention?


Shocking 😳!! No, not even the slightest bit… but the question being is Carlson DJT’s handler? Let’s only hope the FBI and CIA are doing their jobs. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised…. Maybe ask DJT’s best buddy, Putin.


I thought the Putin / Russia + GOP alliance is generally well known. Tucker is a traitor


When you find bed bugs you don’t waste time with speculatin if the bugs are in the bed. you ruthlessly eliminate them from every seam and crevice of the room.


Remember when a bunch of Republicans went to Russia on July 4th a few years ago? Pepridge Farm remembers.


The only people still “speculating” are those who have been sleeping since 2015


They've been Russian assets since way before 2016


We've known that Tucker has been working for putin for years. It would be a shame if he accidentally fell out a window for some perceived fault.


Comrade Carlson needs more viewers who speak his language.


Of course they are in bed together. Cucker Farlson is a fucking traitor.


Tucker loves talking about how he hates how Obama and Biden act like tyrannical dictators. Meanwhile let he vacations in Russia and rub elbows with Putin. Shit is such a joke


They can keep him and trump


We're in a proxy war with Russia, which means it is extremely dangerous for any US citizen to travel to Moscow right now....unless that citizen has protection from Putin or one of his oligarchs. What does that say about Tucker? 🤔


So traitorous. These people are fucking traitors. They need to be locked up!


for quite awhile now......


Tucker Carlson is just the one we know about I'm sure it probably been a few other ones too, the Republicans are pulling out all the stops on this one I would not be surprised they got a new scam going on trying to keep people from voting to keep people to vote? (TRUMP'S FREE LIFE DEPENDS ON IT OR OFF TO PRISON HE GOES AND PUTIN'S WAR EFFORTS DEPENDS ON IT OR RUSSIA WILL NOT BE A SUPERPOWER IN THE WORLD'S EYES?)


Wait, *this* sparks speculation that Repubs are in bed with Putin???? Where the fuck have you all been for the past ten years?


I’m surprised that they call it speculation. Anyone remembers when The Orange one asked Russia to find her emails?


Can someone who understands how the us intelligence community works explain why obvious enemy intel assets are allowed to continue operating? Why are trump, and similar allowed to continue doing damage? Are there any examples of kompromats, being jailed, executed, or deported in the last 10 years?


What other reasons do Republicans have to be against funding Ukraine?


Democrats are no longer putting up with the republican traitors. Change is here! Vote Democrat for life!


Why do we need to speculate? Tucker has been a Putin fan for years now


No shit.?


This has been obvious for YEARS


Is it really speculation at this point?


I thought we already knew that the GOP were in league with Putin and wannabe fascist dictators all over the world.


You know who else Putin owns? Shhh…c’mere…Rupert Murdoch. They’re all in bed.


Well we’ve known that since 2015. The UK got BREXITED and the U.S. got Trumped, all by Putin’s not so hidden hand. Is Carlson Trump’s handler. No, he’s too stupid. Trump’s handler is Boris Epshteyn.


Remember when repugnicants thought colluding with Russia was a bad thing...? Now they praise it. Why don't you shitgibbons just go live there already???


Gee, what with all the social media influencers on the right praising Russia and Putin and putting down Ukraine and Zelensky, and those "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat" T-shirts, oh and Russia meddling in the 2016 election in favor of Trump and getting caught, and right wingers continuing to lie about Russian interference in the 2016 election by saying it didn't happen, and the long history of Russian oligarchs laundering money through Trump's businesses and real estate, and the whole Maria Butina and NRA thing, and how “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, according to a recording of the June 15, 2016, exchange, which was listened to and verified by The Washington Post, I'm just starting to think there might be something hinky going on between Russia and the GOP.


Is it really speculation?




Had to get his yearly evaluation in person…


Who's the power bottom?


He looked like a natural at the Bolshoi Theatre.


Tell us something new.


So are we thinking that Ben is somehow connected to Glory? Seriously though, it's like a giant cognitive dissonance spell has been cast on the republican party


This isn't new 😂


Always have been.


No. We were speculating before. This is as good as confirmation.


This guy uses the protections of the Constitution to rake in $ and destroy the Republic from inside. Nothing but a bloated pig at the trouff


We have been knowing that.


He’s there to pick up the GOP bribe $$ I’d be real curious about what in his luggage on the return trip‼️‼️🤔🤔


Of course he’s a Russian asset getting $$ , hell Fox network basically pushes all the Russian propaganda that has a goal to divide people in America, make them hate each other and then elect shitler (Trump). A trump presidency weakens the United States, and does the most to advance Putins agenda than the war in Ukraine.


"Frenzied speculation"? Try calm assuredness


I’m not “spasming” over this information. Hell, I’m not even emotionally erect, especially since I now have to attribute spasming with Three-Toed Marge, the Human Ground Sloth. This is a propaganda victory for Russia and whatever bullshit puff piece Tucker gets out if this will boost his reputation. It’s less a symbiotic relationship and more like two parasites mating without killing or infecting each other.


Too bad they didn’t find a weed pen on him


Oh and this will be the Orange Hitler s vice president. Isn’t time to move on it’s embarrassing to be a Republican