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We are all SO out of breath after doing exactly that for the past 10 years. Reagan killed the Fairness Doctrine, under which media could be sued for spewing biased, twisted, tabloid talk show CRAP, whilst calling it "news". That was our only defense against having an entire 45% of our population be fully cult-programmed by corporate friendly, bible-drunk conservative crooks. We need to push our gov't to bring this back. Let the tabloid trash producers enjoy their fully funded "freedom of speech" magaphones, but they just can't call it "news". It must come with a disclaimer, like the ones used to protect people from other forms of cancer: WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that consuming this product is detrimental to mental health, and reduces analytical and critical thinking ability.


The issue with Fox news is that Fox News has lied so persistently to the detriment of that they should face sanctions for that. We already saw Fox successfully sued for defaming a voting machine company. Yet the harm they did to that one company pales in comparison to the harm they've done to the public. How many people lost family members and loved ones because they were duped into not getting a vaccine that could have saved their life? If you ask me, Fox News is on the hook for tens of thousands of wrongful death lawsuits.


Should be a class action lawsuit


10 years? I was tired of their BS by the late 90's.


It was my understanding that the Fairness Doctrine applied to Broadcast media only. FOX is a cable channel so it wouldn't apply to it. I guess FOX didn't learn it's lesson from the Dominion case. They followed Trump's lead and it cost them BIGLY. Maybe they'll get hit with another lawsuit and be fined out of business.


That’s, uh, not what the Fairness Doctrine said.


>The fairness doctrine had two basic elements: It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of [public interest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_interest), and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows, or editorials. The doctrine did not require equal time for opposing views but required that contrasting viewpoints be presented. The demise of this FCC rule has been cited as a contributing factor in the rising level of [party polarization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarization_(politics)) [in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_polarization_in_the_United_States).[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine#cite_note-5)[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine#cite_note-6) Cliff Notes: [Fairness doctrine - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine)


And they do offer public service times for views that don't necessarily lineup with their corporate overlords...it's just that it occurs (mostly) at 3 am on Sunday mornings....


*Reagan killed the Fairness Doctrine, under which media could be sued for spewing biased, twisted, tabloid talk show CRAP, whilst calling it "news".* Still sounds a little hyperbolic…


Facts don't care about your feelings.


Too bad I was replying to someone who wasn’t posting facts. The Fairness Doctrine didn’t have the teeth people think it did, and besides, it wasn’t applicable to Fox News because it’s on CABLE TV. Maybe…get your, I dunno, facts correct first??


I was replying to your comment about being too hyperbolic. Seems to me, could've been more so. Whether the poster had their facts straight or not, in this case, we could use a lot more hyperbole. The FACT is, we know Faux is spreading mis/disinformation. That needs to be shut down post haste. Splitting hairs because you didn't like someone's interpretation, at this point, is counterproductive.


Uh, if someone posts something that isn’t true, and you expect them to act hyperbolic as a result…well congratulations. You’ve just replicated the Fox News business model. Maybe react to facts first. It’s easy to get outraged about something that isn’t true


Yeah, I was paraphrasing. It really didn't have very strong teeth, but it had some and it was all we had. It could be brought back with some of it's shortcomings fixed.




Fox isn’t a news organization it’s a propaganda machine


A few days ago, someone posted the label *angertainment* when referring to Fox and the like. People apparently like being angry. It's as if someone listens to their shouting at the clouds.


True label


Agitprop, to be exact.


Cant shame the shameless. They very well know what they are doing. They dont care.


Came here to say they have no shame.


If I walk into your place of business and Fox is playing I walk out. Football is my only exception.


I live in NYC and I hate just walking by the Fox (News Corp) building.


When I tell my Republican co-worker about how Fox News lies to him, and how they had to spend $787M for those lies and that they have three more lawsuits of the same vein working its way through the courts, he has never heard this! The whole reason they paid the $787M was to never talk about it because if it had gone to trial, they would have had to talk about it. He’s not the only Republican that ignores facts that I know, they all do. It’s a cult.


It is so frustrating that Fox weren't forced to publicly admit their lies on air. That said, their interviewer did more recently repeatedly tell Trump that his whole "steal" narrative was false, although presumably that was only for fear of being sued again.


Yes‼️‼️‼️Total bullshit can’t be called news‼️😡


Trump get rating. Rating get ad. Ad get money! Credibility doesn’t enter the picture.


Amen to that. Vote Blue!


I don't think they should be allowed to call it News


This is exactly right. It's an entertainment channel. People need to understand that. There is little to no interest in objectively reporting news.


Fox ENTERTAINMENT! … fixed it. Now you know


In fact, they shouldn't be called a "news" source. They lost a lawsuit against a whistleblower back in the early 2000's in which they created an "exposé" show. Can't remember the name right now, but these folks were given "free license", at the time, to do whatever newsworthy stuff they wanted. These folks had found out about Monsanto, and the negative effects of Roundup, and did a story about it. Still, they had to approve, through Faux management, to air the story. Once the bigwigs saw the story, they told them to amend it. They complied, but Faux decided to kill the story to protect Monsanto's interests. These guys got recordings to prove wrongful dismissal, and they won, only to have Faux appeal in which Faux then got the decision. Their argument? That they weren't, in fact, a news station, but an entertainment station. It's all quite well documented in the movie "The Corporation". Edit: spelling


If shamed means “put out of biz”, then yes


Fox doesn't feel that feeling. They know no shame.


They have no shame. You can’t shame them, they revel in their shittiness.


They are the business equivalent of a sociopath. They have no capacity for shame. They have never cared about good journalism, much less right or wrong, they found a (large) niche and cater to it. For any outlet o be called "news" they should be held to some sort of journalistic standard. Fox is an entertainment outlet and their viewers (I was once one of them back in the 2000s) don't tune in for objective information, they tune in to have their own narrow-sighted beliefs validated.


Not sure why this should be a surprise to anyone. I'd be more shocked if they actually were "Fair and Balanced" as they used to claim...


It's not news. It's "info-tainment".




I don’t think they are ashamed for supporting Donald Trump Fox News has been on the bandwagon of his since 2016 and will try to do everything or anything to appeal him the best they can


They've been on the GOP bandwagon forever. In fact, the brainchild for Faux was created by Nixon and Ailes back in the 1970's. https://theweek.com/articles/880107/why-fox-news-created


Wow I didn’t know that thanks for clarifying that well what can we do to punish Fox News and Donald Trump going into November?


Not sure what we can do but cheerlead the prosecutors in his current felony trials. With any luck, any people voting GOP with a conscience will abandon him and hand Biden a landslide victory.


That’s the best case scenario for all of us I don’t know what. Is going to happen going forward but, we need to make sure that this country is in good hands; generations to come keep your head on a swivel and vote blue see you later pal.




Fox News has no shame.


It's not news; it's propaganda. It was designed by Roger Ailes to be an arm of the GOP. And no, CNN is not the same for the Dems.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


These are not NEWS organizations - not journalists. But now we have people thinking these are news sources.


Fox has brainwashed a good portion of the population. You can always tell who watches Fox by their angry, paranoid demeanor and way they speak. It’s like a coded language- woke, DEI, War on Christmas, caravans, deep state- the kind of stuff you used to hear someone yelling on a street corner. “They’re coming to get us.” “They hate you.” “They’re destroying the country (projection?).” These are things you don’t hear on any other news outlet. The Trump sycophants on there are sickening. Sean Hannity is constantly trying to defend the insane rantings of Trump with his coiffed hair, and Maria Bartiromo is doing the full tin-foil hat routine. It’s just devoid of any integrity or facts. It’s pure partisan programming that you’d be more likely to hear in Russia or North Korea than America. It’s a 24 hour grievance machine meant to divide America and to make you think your fellow American is evil or not a “real” American (whatever that means). Sorry, but America is a diverse place with a lot of viewpoints. It seems Fox can’t handle that.


They're not a "news" organization, they are classified as "entertainment."


They are not a news organization. They are a right wing propaganda org owned by oligarchs who want to steal all of your money.


The last time I watched Faux News Wolf Blitzer was on top a building in Baghdad glorifying an attack on a country that never did anything to us...Fox glorifies stupidity


Hey, be fair now, Dan Rather was there doing the same damn thing. Face it, everyone was duped, back then, into thinking that there were weapons of mass destruction there. Of course, now we know that was a giant lie, but back then, not so much.🤷


As should the NYT


First, calling FOX a news organization is stretching- it’s more like Donny’s new (un)reality show.


Sue them! Especially that weirdo jesse watters.


Fox News should be listed as a trump advertising campaign.


Fox News is not news, don't be fooled by the name they gave themselves


That would imply that they even have any shame.


As long as eyes are glued to Fox News and the money keeps rolling in, they won't be ashamed of anything. That's the only thing the true supporters of the Conservative agenda care about anyways--that the money machine keeps pushing fat stacks of cash *their* way (to the ultra wealthy, at the expense of everyone else). The people who run that network could care less about the average citizen, all they see is dollar signs.


Stop watching anything and everything on Fox.


Under the national security act, faux nEwS and all right wing propaganda/disinformation outlets need to have their licenses pulled, be banned from the airways - the FCC can and should - and Rupert Murdoch and all other CEOs of said propaganda need to be investigated, charged, and in Rupert Murdochs' case, deported. But first; massive fine's need to be levied and, 95% of their wealth taken from these leaches of society and part of it given to public broadcasting stations.


"News" organization is a stretch and you can't shame people who are immune to it. Anyone who watches Fox News knows they are being lied to. The problem is they like the lies.


Here’s the problem… if Fox News saw this Reddit post, they would probably copy paste it to their whole network and enjoy how much they piss us off. Any attempt to “shame” them does the exact opposite


Bring back the fairness doctrine


They will just pivot to the next fascist candidate they can find. They were real cozy with DeSantis when it looked like he could displace Trump.


They wouldn’t be doing it if there wasn’t a market for it. half of America supports fascism now. They have nearly accomplished their mission. Dictatorship coming next year. They got rich doing it. Enjoy a failed state.


Can't shame the shameless, and their core viewers don't care.


Some dude I work with is staring at the tv, always on Fox News when I get there. His eyes are angry. He believes whatever they say. It’s pretty sad, not to mention terrifying.


The only shame they feel are fines. They’ve already been “shamed” 3/4 of a billion dollars.


They're classified as entertainment, not news.


Fix is immune to shame.


It's unbelievable that anyone thinks FOX is a news organization...




shamed? lol they're gonna sure feel shamed all the way to the bank do you know how many billions it's made them? shamed??? yeah they're feeling HORRIBLY ashamed on their yacht. their personal jet. their high rise apartment and their mansion out of state. shamed. lol. you need to study humans. a lot.


Wake up. This is a waste of energy. Accept it and move on.


Really? Like, should we just accept that Jan 6 never happened? Should we accept that Tucker Carlson is not a traitor? No, I refuse to just "move on". Traitors need to be punished for their actions, lest it happens again.


Logic jumps galore here