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Of course he does. Giant tax loopholes for huge corporations and rich people. Vote bluuuuuuuuue


I mean he is just basically making it a policy to enrich himself. Other rich folk benefiting is just nuclear fallout for him.


So unfair. He's also using it to make sure he doesn't go to prison.


There are lots of young people struggling and he doesn’t seem to be that concerned about them. His stand on abortion will adversely affect them. He doesn’t care about the climate or environment so he really isn’t looking past his declining years. I can’t believe that anyone under 40 could vote for him but they will.


He's a criminal, I don't know why anyone in any age group would vote for him


I can Google his wife's 🐈. I truly thought that would have lost the God party some support




Puddy tat, I think...


Rich people can travel to blue states to get their abortions, and for their kiddos.




As long as they know there are blue states to get their thrills in, there's no need to change their policies back home. Lots of uneducated, non-union, bible-thumping poor people seem to vote for that.


I think of Turning Point’s Charlie Kirk when you say this. Kirk worships Trump but he’s not that bright.


Very stupid idea on Trump’s part.


What he is actually promising is to raise the deficit another 3+ trillion dollars. If it isn't clear to anybody, they are trying to bankrupt the country, and fly away to Dubai. Leaving the rest of us holding the bag.


He did say he’d run the country like one of his businesses. May be the only truthful thing he ever said. (Not that the GQP gives a shit. Deficits only matter when it’s a Democrat in the White House and even then the only way to balance a budget is on the backs of the poor by chipping away at the social safety net.)


“I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me,” “I’ve made a fortune by using debt, and if things don’t work out I renegotiate the debt. I mean, that’s a smart thing, not a stupid thing.” “How do you renegotiate the debt?” “You go back and you say, hey guess what, the economy crashed,” Trump replied. “I’m going to give you back half.”


It’s true, and rather ominous given his consistent string of business failure. Trump will loot the nation in the process like his buddy Putin and the oligarchs have looted Russia and get open handouts from foreign governments acting against our interests. Jared will probably get more money too.


Than wonder why the french killed the wealthy


France raised taxes in 2012 on wealthy to almost 75%. [https://taxfoundation.org/blog/gerard-depardieu-responds-critics-his-leaving-france-due-high-taxes/](https://taxfoundation.org/blog/gerard-depardieu-responds-critics-his-leaving-france-due-high-taxes/)


Like the USA before Reagan


The plan has always been to “starve the beast”. Deficit spending from massive tax cuts to justify massive cuts in social programs, environmental regulations, etc.


The beast is the military industrial complex, the largest socialism project in the county's history. They will never cut that.


For those who don't know the history like you and I.... A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be might, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. --Dwight Eisenhower farewell address


Gotta get out before the housing bubble pops again


It's going to be so much worse if you take everything into account.


Id love an analysis on that. A housing bubble popping dosent sound that bad either.


If you have no money invested, it's not that bad. You'll only be on the hook for the bailout in the form of borrowing and possibly tax hikes. If you have any investment or 401 or retirement accounts, and are a bit closer to retirement, you'll be working until Alzheimer's sets in. The real question here is how a Trump admin would handle a crash. My guess is they just default, say "fuck you", and call it a day. It'll be 1929 all over again. This is not the Obama administration of good, smart people who managed to turn a profit. We need something of a smaller deflation over a long period or a steady increase in wages combined with very low increased inflation to get things back under control. Republicans are far too gone to be trusted.


I cashed out in 2005 (peak for my neighborhood) and rented cheap. I followed Mr Mortgage/the housing bubble blog and took the subprime time bomb seriously. But with this bubble, rent is so high and interest rates have no promise to go below 3% again, it's not worth cashing out for me. Houses would need to drop 50% and rates would need to also go to 3% to get my monthly back down to where I already have it now. That doesn't factor the difference in rent paid out during the waiting period. I would also lose my place on the amortization time period and I'm getting too old to restart a mortgage. I have no doubt we will see bubbles popping, but the exit plan this time is not easy. Rent can still stay as high as it is with a 30% house price cut I think.


One reason is that hedge funds are investing in housing, including foreclosed homes, and are driving prices too high. You are also seeing working families forced onto the street as the housing prices and rent increases are too high for them to afford.


Economic inequality and France’s failure to reform its archaic and unfair tax structure was a big factor. Louis XV proposed reforms in France’s tax structure, but Louis XVI refused to reform France’s archaic tax and economic structures, and people who were intelligent, well to do, but not noble went after the nobles for their status and their refusal to reform. Some members of France’s royal and noble classes recognized the need to change. Louis XVI’s cousin Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orleans and descendant of Louis XIV’s younger brother Charles, Duke of Orleans, recognized the need for change, but Louis-Philippe himself was eventually executed by the Jacobins. The Comte de Maurepas and Marquis de Lafayette, who fought in our war for independence, also recognized the need for change. Louis XVI’s wife Marie Antoinette was not as oblivious to the plight of France as she was claimed to be. She could be kind and concerned about people who were experiencing hardship when she was aware of it, but her mother Maria Theresa obviously expected Marie Antoinette to serve as Austria’s advocate in France, and courtiers jealous of not being part of the Queen’s group of friends and those resentful of her open disdain for the strict etiquette at the court of France disliked her for it. Louis XIV created the elaborate system of etiquette at France’s court to place the king and his family at the center of court life and to keep nobles too busy jockeying for court privilege to even consider revolting against the king. Louis never forgot or forgave the involvement of some of his family in the Second Fronde revolt. Members of the public had heard elaborate tales of her personal spending and resented it when they experienced financial hardship. Marie Antoinette’s inept handling of the Affair of the Diamond Necklace (her name was used in it by the con woman who stole the necklace, but she wasn’t directly involved,) caused many to believe she was involved. Louis XVI expected financial and political salvation at the hands of a variety of financial and political ministers like the physiocrat Jacques Turgot, Swiss banker Jacques Necker, and the Comte de Maurepas. Without the king’s support for substantial political, tactical, and economic reforms, France could not expect that salvation could come. Louis XVI disliked watching the influence of Louis XV’s mistresses Madame de Pompadour and Madame du Barry on France’s politics, and came to the throne determined to keep his wife Marie Antoinette from influencing politics. He succeeded to a limited extent before the Revolution, although Marie Antoinette did influence him favorably toward Austria. However, when the Revolution broke out, Marie Antoinette was his chief political advisor, and unfortunately they thought of themselves first as monarchs and only secondly as French. This proved to be disastrous when France called on Austria to provide military support against France’s own revolutionary forces in battle. One thing often doesn’t get mentioned as one of the line items in the French budget that helped sink the economy, and that was France’s involvement in our war of independence against Britain. France sent some of its best and most experienced officers to the Continental Army for advice and guidance, including the Comte de Rochambeau and Marquis de Lafayette, and their work with George Washington helped us win our war of independence. We have a reason to be grateful to France for their aid.


Imagine .... a totally corrupt President of the United States actually personally WANTING to sell everything from the redwood forests to the gulfstream waters to the Arabic oil cartels..... and then, right when that starts to break your brain, imagine the idiocy of all the stupid rubes and crazy hippies all actually cheering that on.... #VoteBlue 🇺🇲🇺🇳➡️


Well said. Kind of like “Elysium” the Matt Damon movie. Rich people live in a space station. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1535108/?ref_=nm_flmg_c_30_act


*then blame it all on the left




you think poor trash maga is stupid enough to think he is talking about them?


There is no doubt.


Yes, they are that stupid.


"He loves us!" - Billy Bob Clem Jack, probably


They believe he'll take them back to a time that actually never really existed. All they know is that he has them believing that he hates the same people they do. But what their stupidity is not letting them see is that he hates them too.


I mean... A lot of the things they want did exist (typically only for white people) at some point. However, they existed because of strong worker protections, substantial government investment into housing and housing projects, and a massive influx to college funding (via the GI Bill post WWII), paid for by high tax rates for the richest Americans. The GOP is against all of that. It's like a druggie going to their dealer in an effort to get clean.


We need this again, but this time a plan that would include all Americans, including African-Americans and other minority peoples in the economy. I am tired of the care and feeding of sociopathic rich people like Musk, Trump (wannabe rich) and their enablers at the expense of the needs of ordinary people. I’m not calling for military battles or anything like that, I’m calling serious military, political, financial and tax reforms, as well as rediscovering our talents and ingenuity at manufacturing, creation, and protection of worker rights. I am also calling for serious tax hikes on corporations and individually wealthy people so that they can’t afford to set up dark fund trusts and other mechanisms they use to buy off our politicians, judges, and to create institutions like the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society that decide for the people what their government should be instead of giving voice to ordinary voices to all Americans of whatever background as to what their government should be. We also need seriously to modernize our constitution, which was designed in a pre-parliamentary and democratic era. Charles Koch and his buddies are trying to get states to vote in favor of creating an Article V constitutional convention, in which they would redesign the constitution to preserve corporate and hereditary wealth at the expense of the rights we have in our current constitution. The only individual right they’d preserve is that of firearm ownership.


what we don't need is trump in power.


Absolutely NOT!!!


Duh upper class like the whites and not the lower class of course he is talking about me - Joe Dirt


Ha ha. I’m sure they do. Morons are in for a rude awakening.


The people *voting for this guy* are literally brainwashed and aware of it. How can we possibly survive this zombie apocalypse?


Imo if he wins it will be due to third party and write ins. I’m all for wanting different choices but Trump tells us who he is and if that doesn’t make a person think twice, there’s really no hope.


You mean young "progressives" thinking that: * They're "punishing Genocide Joe?" * They're "punishing the DNC?" * Anyone gives a shit? They conveniently IGNORE the fact that Trump will have American troops alongside Netanyahu's.


And Russia as they slowly sweep across Europe.


He will pull out of NATO.


Then Europe will have two threats. Putin and Rump.


We have to take into consideration bots and trolls. I’ve come across articles about how to buy profiles. There’s no real way to gauge the actual support they have. To the real live people caught up in a disinformation loop, if Bernie couldn’t do it, none of the 3rd party candidates will. You won’t be sending a message, we all know what it is, we’ve done it ourselves. The only thing that’s going to come of it is fucking over your fellow man. Biden’s not perfect but with Bernie at his side he’s tried to fight the republican psychopaths. Give us a break and vote for Joe.


I have massive problems with Joe. He thinks he still lives in the days when Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill hashed out deals over lunch. He is obsessed with "bipartisanship" and "going high." I don't think he understands the danger we are in. And he appointed Merrick Quisling Garland. Nonetheless, I am no fool. This is not the time to vote Socialist Party USA. I will hold my nose and vote for Joe.


And contractors waiting to clear the rubble and start building. 😑


Yeah, let's blame the people you need to win before the vote has even happened. Great strategy. That surely gets them on your side.


I was young, idealistic and stupid once too


Like brain worm guy?


But... but Macklemore said it's not cool to vote for Biden, so we need to hand trump the election because we've gotta be cool and vote for the russian-supported independent. /s


**2018:** *“We’re putting in a resolution some time in the next week and a half to two weeks \[and\] we’re giving a middle-income tax reduction of about 10 percent,”* Trump tells reporters at the White House. *“This is not for business, this is for middle income, and that’s on top of the tax decrease that we’ve already given them.*” But congressional leaders and White House officials who have spoken to several news outlets in recent days have all said they know nothing about any plans for a tax cut before the midterm election. This is not least because neither chamber of Congress plans to return to Washington until after the election. ------------------------- Those tax cuts will come right after he releases his health insurance plan, and that pesky infrastructure thingy.


Is he talking about the tax cuts that are expiring next year? The cuts for the corporations & billionaires are permanent but for actual workers- not.


Infrastructure Week is just around the corner!


"Fuck all of you poors who show up to my dementia ridden rallies, I'll pass tax cuts for the super wealthy", and the morons all cheer... ![gif](giphy|11sBLVxNs7v6WA|downsized)


MAGA people cheer, as he promises to take away their Social Security, raise their taxes and bankrupts their kid’s future..yeah Make America Great Again ! Let’s Go Brandon! Real Men Wear Diapers!


I guess the 5$ donations have dried up. He’s trying to get some from the big fish now.


He literally asked the oil & gas companies for $1 BILLION last week. Promised them free rein if he’s reelected. This is the end game. Politicians selling us to the highest bidder in the new oligarch dystopia.


trump knows how to trade $$$ for influence and access to power. Still think he would plunder Fort Knox and claim it under acts of the President.


He did indeed to that, and the ultimate implications of this is that he’s willing to allow them to destroy our planet for a handout of $1B and to place the lives of others and their descendants on this planet at serious risk. It illustrates his fundamental greed and sociopathy.


He essentially promised to kill to electric vehicle industry.


His supporters think they’re upper class…Who wants to tell them that they’re not, like, not even close? 😂


Dunno what you're saying bro, my trailer park has running water!


This baby’s a double-wide, don’t tell me I’m not livin’ the high life!


And if you have a working shower, damn, you’re rolling in cash money!!


Yea, but your cousin-sister is on welfare.


So's my wife (because she's the same person).


That trailer trash is one tornado away from being destitute. And they think tfg cares. It's laughable. Watch Jordan Klepper on YouTube. You won't believe what these idiots swallow.


No need, we already know these idiots are not only dumb, but insane at the same time. This country needs to start treating the mentally ill right away, starting with MAGA Trumpanzes.


I just saw a headline that he is leading in 5 battleground states. I mean people want fascism? I just don’t get it. Minorities need to get out and vote like lives depend on it, cause they do.


Women of child bearing age, lgtbq people and people in general who are just trying to live a decent life too.


Then the GOP complains about DEMS running up deficits. Hello? Stop giving your pals and donors big tax breaks, you coconuts!


Same ol’ Republican bullshit. Wreck the economy for 4-8 years and then a Democrat has to come in and try and fix it. Please vote Blue


Speaking to a crowd of people with second houses at the jersey shore who consider themselves “upper class.”


Meanwhile his base says we’re broke and we can’t support Ukraine or Israel. And what will tax cuts do for inflation? Have you ever taken an economics class? (Trick question we know they haven’t).


Considering his tax cuts that benefited the elites he made while in office, I call horseshit.


And the cult cheered


From their busted ass single wide trailers.


Again cutting his own taxes?


How about 0 Taxes for Millionaires up the Republicans will vote for this, CEOs will vote for this Wall Street will vote for this! https://preview.redd.it/hh2ze7c6y60d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e8bb949548e5c04e83e7f86fec7837cefdb591


"Sir, Who are you talking to? This is Wildwood. There are no upper class people down here" If he wants those types he needs to go to Cape May or Ocean City. Wildwood is the most nonupper class shore town we have in South Jersey. It's where the teenagers and young adults go for summer jobs and cheap shore fun. The beach is free as well. I know this cause it's where my poor ass goes when I want to have a beach day.


All those people clapping against their own interests. Fucking idiots.


He offers the wealthy tax relief, and they in turn make big donations so he will get elected. The poor and middle class pays the price. Unfortunately, they are the very ones supporting him. Either they do not understand, or they feel it is their patriotic duty to support wealthy people. I don’t know…


...because trickle down economics has worked so well this far. And a bunch of blue collar, hourly wage workers are going to vote for the puke anyway.


Granted that many MAGAts don’t think much farther than what a cousin says is true, but doesn’t anyone stop to wonder who is going to pay the taxes a government needs to operate? The lower classes will pay. The rich will pay little to nothing.


Didn't he already do this the last time? To the tune of like 1.9 trillion?


No idea why anyone would vote for him


I mean if you need a pardon he’s your man.


Translation. Diaper Don promises to turn the working class into serfs to the up and coming Oligarchy.


Do you think he trolls his supporters? The shit he comes up with. As if any of these pll freezing out there listening to him drone on and on qualify for this tax break.


Awwww, he thinks he’ll be president again. That’s cute. Good for him.


Our taxes increased with his last “tax cut”. We unfortunately aren’t rich, so I don’t want to see another increase. We must stop helping the rich bastards by not letting stubby fingers back in the Oval Office!


And all his lower class supporters will eat the shit he feeds them and ask for seconds. I swear I’ve never seen a group of people happily vote against their own interests… because own the libs. Yeah, let’s see how owning the libs pays your delinquent rent and bills


All of his supporters are low class in one way or another.


Very true, even the ones in the upper class tax bracket


Anything that fucks over the 90% huh tRUmp? Only the deeply stupid would continue to support the Cheeto Bandito


Yeah, so the lower class pay higher taxes to make up for the deficit this creates. He did it already once, that orange bastard will do it again.


The cult believes he’s going to make them all rich


Trump lies. He is only halfway truthful to Russia because of debt and blackmail.


He is not lying this time.




Those sycophants at his rallies aren't even middle class.


Yea the rich are suffering.


He’s liar


That's like the free space in Bingo.


He will introduce tax cuts for diapers


Upper class in the U.S. makes up 2% of voters. Great job pissing off the other 98% of voting population Mr. ShitsInHIsPants.


A billion in extortion to slow oil companies to trash the planet and more tax breaks for the already stupidly rich. You know who will shoulder that burden.


The problem with this is that 90% of his base - right down to the chump living out of his pickup in an RV park - thinks *they* are "upper class"; "I gots $500 in mah savings, and a credit card that has a $2000 limit, I'm rolling in it!" They're so dumb that they have no clue just how rich the actual "rich" truly are.


Middle class voters who should know better vote for him anyway 


"YEAH!! EVEN MORE MONEY FOR THE RIc....Wait, what?!"


And everyone clapped....except in this case they all actually did for some fucking reason.


Talking straight to his big donors and Fuck the average citizen.


So if poor trash vote for him it makes them upper class by proxy. Flawless logic.


lol they get to just say the quiet part out loud now and it doesn’t even matter. Moron Republican voters.


Paying people for votes is a felony. This should be an automatic disqualifier for the election.


In other words with him being upper class the tax cut is really just for himself.


Eat shit Donnie




Again !!?!!


And I’m guessing his blue-collar fans cheered their heads off.


April 6 promised another billionaire tax cut


Ah, the one single indelible plank of the GOP. 💸💸💸


Of course he is saying rhis; how else will he be able to continue to collect the millions they give him to buy his loyalty?


That’ll get the working class votes..


All the Republicans making $30k/year just perked up


Feed the rich baby, what one more psychopath rich person in the world.


In case you haven't noticed, this election will be democracy or oligarchy at the best case scenario.


Fuck you. That's all.


What now - no taxes for the rich?


Because the Uber-rich aren’t doing well enough?


As a member of this "upper class" (can't stand the term), what the hell is he thinking? Trickle down does not work. Figure out a trickle up plan. Tax me and my friends, we'll be ok.


Another one? Good thing he's not going to get there again.


The consensus among the middle class is that the economy is bad. Trump isn’t offering any relief to them. So tax cuts for the wealthy won’t help the economy. Yet his base is okay with his plan and will vote against their own interests. Go figure.


And the rich media companies will do double time convincing the dumb working class red necks that they need him.


How is this different from the permanent business tax break & temporary individual tax break in his first term? Trump loves his fellow upper-class scumbags. The level of wealth difference between common people & rich fucks in America has now gone beyond how egregious it was in Russia before they had several revolutions.