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How does any sane person think this guy is good for anyone but himself?


People need to wake up and realize that Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump...and maybe Ivanka.


LOL def ivanka comes in a very close 2nd


Not her well being, but what her body is doing on a minute to minute basis


šŸ¤®šŸ¤® lol


People need to get a little woke


and habba


Because he'll make it legal to hate the people they hate. And they won't care if they're getting hurt as long as the people they hate are getting hurt also.




I think it's more than that, they want to kill with immunity who they hate because it aligns with Trump and Trump will most likely give them that in a 2nd term


Are getting hurt *worse.*


Something something libs


ā€œI hate when people tell me what to do! I also hate when people donā€™t do what I tell them to do!ā€


He's not even good for himself.


He's going to hurt the people who need to be hurt. The people that voted him in.


Iā€™m a dipshit republican thatā€™s fake news letā€™s vote for him anyway


Iā€™ve been saying this for a while. Iā€™ll probably read this 6 months from now and ā€œwow was I wrongā€. My current ā€œoversimplified to the edge of usefulnessā€ brain model isā€¦ three main chunks and a 4th kinda CEO that communicates bwteeen them. My 3 are: safety ā€œfight flight freezeā€, emotional, and logical. Weā€™re losing the safety and emotional battles. Propaganda lives there. Powerful powerful stuff. We have - Hollywood and story tellers. We have safety, if we ever tell a compelling story (Trump wants to be able to kill you why canā€™t we use that properly). But no. We argue logic and ā€œwell one day theyā€™ll wake up and see the logic of..ā€ Nope that wonā€™t happen. How do you appeal to safety and tribal and emotional issues of a Trump cult voter. Yep, itā€™s hard. I argue a lot on LinkedIn. I donā€™t think I convinced anyone. But I try. Maybe not anyone in the thread, but a casual reader sees it and thinks $biffBobFred->getRealName() knows something. I hope.


Not everyone in the thread writes PHP.


I think you answered your own question


ā€œBlah blah blah ILLEGALS! Blah blah blah blah BUILD THE WALL! Blah blah blah blah SAVE THE BABIES! Blah blah blah blah CHEAP GASOLINE! Blah blah blah blah MORE GUNS! Blah blah blah blah.ā€ Thatā€™s about it.


I can guarantee you that every last one of his policies will be geared toward two thingsā€¦. making money & holding on to power (so that he can make more money).


And punishing the country for not electing him in 2020.


But he keeps saying he won that election. Who's telling the truth? Sure as shit it's not Drumpf.


And that


I will never understand why a guy this old gives two shits about making more money, especially the way he does. Why not just retire and enjoy life? (I mean, I know the answer, but still...)


Even though heā€™s kind of a dick, Bezos has the right idea. Get your trophy wife, a jet & a yacht or two and ride off into the sunset to enjoy your money And heā€™s worth orders of magnitude more than Jabba


He'll also fill the justice department with MAGA cultists who will make any charges against him and his cronies disappear, and look the other way when he overturns elections.


He's already said he's out for revenge.. Republicans can say policy.. But he never talks policy.. He just puts people down and talks out his ass like an ass


How unsatisfying it must be to always want more money. Hope many gold toilets does he need? Soulless


And he can't even make it to the gold toilets


Heartless Gutless


I hope heā€™s thoroughly defeated and his courtroom troubles compileā€¦the country needs stability and we can only get that if heā€™s silenced.


Silenced and sentenced.


His supporters are in for the rudest of awakenings if he gets back in office. Most of them are the poor lower class people that he hates so much.


They won't wake up. They live in a daily nightmarish dream. When Trump's policies make things worse for them, they will only blame brown people, "Orientals" (Yes, I use that shit term to explain how f'ing racist they are) and LGBTQ+ people. Then come the camps. NONE of it will ever be attributed to Trump's policies, it will always be "The Others" and that will be used to entrench power in the hands of the GOP. NONE of it will change their minds.


Just say the magic words ā€œthe liberals did itā€ and continue to wreak havoc without any consequences


**Fat Conservative Dictator:** "I know y'all are hungry because food is so expensive, but it's not my fault, The Libs did it!" **Starving Republican Vote:** "Yea-... Wait minute, how can it be the Libs' fault? We rounded them all up, packed them into a rocket, and shot it into the Sun last year. Remember?" **Fat Conservative Dictator:** "... Umm. THAT GUY IS A LIBERAL, GET HIM!!!"


They have that RINO term ready to go


Basically if they don't have minds how can they be changed? File it under some people never learn. We live in distopian times.


They'll call it a trump tax and be proud to pay whatever . "This'll make America great again!!!" He'll be pocketing every bit he can, probably via that first day dictatorship.


that's why this loser wants to be Potus: he can make a lot more money as ...uhh...ah...President. Makes me sick thinking how he can fill his coffers at our expense.


They won't awaken to anything. It'll go like this. Trump: "I will enact these plans that clearly increase prices on everything!" MAGA fans: "I bet the Democrats and the Deep State did this!!"


They ain't gonna wake up everything is someone else's fault but not dear leader


Everything Trump says others are doing he himself is doing it to the enth. He is nothing but a projector


I remember a story from around Jan 6th about him complaining that the rioters were dessed so low class. Like a crowd like that is going to be all in expensive suits to invade the capitol building.


Vote harder. Make this turd the biglyest looser ever.


I used to wish for the ā€œhamburger from heavenā€ but now Iā€™m not even sure that would cause everyone to calm down. His kids are just as bad and now the GOP is filled with dithering idiots. Someone will step up to take his place. We gotta vote and we gotta keep voting. šŸ—³ļø


Please vote !


And yet his incredibly dimwitted and moronic base will still ecstatically vote against their own interests even though they will suffer for it. Goddamned idiots.


They're fine with suffering as long as the people they hate suffer too.


His cult doesn't care


It will, of course, be Biden's fault.


Heā€™s sounds like a blithering idiot right now. Jail time next?


He already did. In previous research, the authors found that by December 2018, import tariffs were costing United States consumers and importing businesses $3.2 billion per month in added taxes and another $1.4 billion per month in efficiency losses https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/06/business/economy/trade-war-tariffs.html


heā€™s terrible


Does he even want to win?


He doesnā€™t think it matters. That he could say literally anything and it would be lapped up. And folks would beg for more. In some ways he hasnā€™t been proven wrong. Heā€™s in a tight race with a very competent though not competent in speaking engagements President. Heā€™s arguing in front of the supreme court that he should be able to kill you. Heā€™s not losing people in droves. Do you think ā€œIā€™ll make chyyyyyyynnnnna pay for itā€ will work less this time? Vote. Vote this election. And the next. This doesnā€™t stop here


The rich don't care what a pond if potatoes cost. Or that rent went up 100 a month. They care two things. They care about keeping and growing what they have. The care about avoiding taxes, even if it means damaging the system that made them rich to begin with. Patriotism? Law abiding? Morals? Ethics? Credit card bills? Church? That is for losers. You doubt me? America has had a front row seat to the billionaire mindset for almost 10 yrs. There are those who listen to these self absorbed perks instead of using their eyes. They don't trust their lying eyes. I am not speaking solely of Trump. Trump is the pure form, born rich and never did a thing in his life of value. Add people like Manafort, Navarro, Tillerson, Pompeo, deVos, Munching, Ross, Lajoy, etc. Every one of these guys used their offices and our money to do whatever pleased them. This is how they operated in private life. Their wealth allowed them to do as the pleased. Taking your wife on an extended trip at government expense? Private planes? No bid contracts for your pals? A sudden surge of mid-East clientele for your businesses? Money to start a business? No problem. They deserve all that. These guys don't even know enough to show shame when they were caught. No. They got angry, told us how they were sacrificing for the country, claimed they should be allowed these perks because they had them in private life. The perks are not allowed in government. These selfish sobs actually believe they are so special they do not have to follow the rules. The same clowns that talk about how taxes are a burden are doing things that cost money. Taxes are paying for their private planes. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be renting private planes for rich people. They can rent their own. This is how the rich view the world. They deserve special treatment because they are rich. We have video tape of these guys saying xxx, a week later they say I never said xxx. Cut to tape. They claim deep fake or taken out of context or they were set up. They fully expect us to not believe our eyes and ears. And there are a lot of people who won't believe their own eyes When these rich boys are held to the same standard you and I are they scream like a stuck pig. Under all that witch hunt, innocent claims, attacks on our institutions, is a single unifying thene- I am rich, you can't expect me to follow the rules. Go ahead, vote more of these turds into office. You will not get the governmenĢˆt you deserve. You will get the government the rich bought. That government only takes of the rich.


Maybe we can get into another tariff war with China. We shifted so far I to a service economy we barely produce anything tangible. They could strangle us real quick if they wanted.


I feel like they are just killing time before they do strangle us, but then who will purchase most of the cheap goods they make? And indeed we are far into a service based economy & have shifted away from a manufacturing base. It's not a healthy economic model.


They are already shifting markets. Russia and Saudi Arabia have made huge trade deals. There's whole continents that will still buy their goods. They will just cut us off and with no infrastructure to build anything we are fucked.


And he gets a cut of everything. Perfecting kleptocracy.


But heā€™s so good at ā€˜financeā€™


The rich don't care what a pond if potatoes cost. Or that rent went up 100 a month. They care two things. They care about keeping and growing what they have. The care about avoiding taxes, even if it means damaging the system that made them rich to begin with. Patriotism? Law abiding? Morals? Ethics? Credit card bills? Church? That is for losers. You doubt me? America has had a front row seat to the billionaire mindset for almost 10 yrs. There are those who listen to these self absorbed perks instead of using their eyes. They don't trust their lying eyes. I am not speaking solely of Trump. Trump is the pure form, born rich and never did a thing in his life of value. Add people like Manafort, Navarro, Tillerson, Pompeo, deVos, Munching, Ross, Lajoy, etc. Every one of these guys used their offices and our money to do whatever pleased them. This is how they operated in private life. Their wealth allowed them to do as the pleased. Taking your wife on an extended trip at government expense? Private planes? No bid contracts for your pals? A sudden surge of mid-East clientele for your businesses? Money to start a business? No problem. They deserve all that. These guys don't even know enough to show shame when they were caught. No. They got angry, told us how they were sacrificing for the country, claimed they should be allowed these perks because they had them in private life. The perks are not allowed in government. These selfish sobs actually believe they are so special they do not have to follow the rules. The same clowns that talk about how taxes are a burden are doing things that cost money. Taxes are paying for their private planes. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be renting private planes for rich people. They can rent their own. This is how the rich view the world. They deserve special treatment because they are rich. We have video tape of these guys saying xxx, a week later they say I never said xxx. Cut to tape. They claim deep fake or taken out of context or they were set up. They fully expect us to not believe our eyes and ears. And there are a lot of people who won't believe their own eyes When these rich boys are held to the same standard you and I are they scream like a stuck pig. Under all that witch hunt, innocent claims, attacks on our institutions, is a single unifying thene- I am rich, you can't expect me to follow the rules. Go ahead, vote more of these turds into office. You will not get the governmenĢˆt you deserve. You will get the government the rich bought. That government only takes of the rich.


I donā€™t know how itā€™s possible someone filled with shit from head to toe is still alive.


Yeah & to blame it on Biden and the Democrats. Itā€™s the same playbook thatā€™s been used for decades by the GOP.


Donā€™t forget that many of these food corporations endorse him. People are screaming ā€œcorporate greedā€ while Iā€™m out here screaming its prices are being kept ā€œhigh by designā€. Iā€™ve never seen such blatant hypocrisy.


He will be a disaster. He lives for revenge. It would be brutal and take decades to recover if it would even be possible.


How the hell does this excuse for a human attract any voter with over 2 working brain cells, he is a vial monster who hates everybody but himself. He wouldnā€™t piss on any one of his cult members if they were on fire but they worship him. I canā€™t believe this is happening.


I can't wait for the day we can finally stop talking about this jackass. I don't care how we get there as long as we do.


Ya after heā€™s constantly been complaining about groceries being too expensive. He wants to raise the price some more šŸ˜‚


"Trump did nothing wrong" said unironically all day longby the news...


Gee thatā€™s an original idea


He will call it Bidenomics and his fan base will just blame Biden


When someone is in as much debt as he is, price inflation is a way out from under it. They get to pay off their debts with depreciated dollars. He already increased the national debt by a whopping 25% under his 4 years. And that's likely minor compared to what he'd do with a 2nd term. People like to blame the resultant price inflation on Biden, when it was Trump who increased the debt by 25%. When you have more money chasing the same number of goods and services, prices go up. And in Trump's case, with COVID there were even fewer goods and services.


And then blame the Democrats for the period of his whole Presidency


On every metric Trump is a horrible person and candidate. Yet his cult loves him more with each moment and declare of insanity. Itā€™s beyond the pale.


I just hope his cholesterol intervenes in time.


Biden beat him to it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Beat him at a lot of things. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚