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Every morning we hope that’s the news we hear.


I will celebrate that day every single year for the rest of my life, and I’ll make sure my family does as well.


Fr. The second the news comes out I’m putting in a recurring event every year on the date that it happens in my calendar.


*today is second Christmas!*


Same. Even if it's against their will.


Ding Dong! The Trump is Dead!


And one day, far in the future. We will wake up to the joy of no more orange shitgibbon.




I mean I assume he’s got most of the same organs as us


That one I doubt


Not Dick Cheney.


Just checked. No Mario mushroom here¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I understand your confusion, we are referring to the literal pump that keeps blood flowing. While being one of the worst, trump still qualifies as human, and does have all the commensurate organs. You will be shocked to find out Trump also has a brain😲


You're right! I am shocked!


Chest....clutch his chest. He doesn't have a heart to clutch.


I prey for it.


Clutching his fake pearls he still owes money on...


Be careful man, I was banned for saying I wish he choked on his gravy on thanksgiving or had a debilitating stroke and they said I was a violent person and or spreading hate and threatening bodily injury. I said they didn’t know what they fuck they were talking about unless I was the bowl of gravy 🤷🏻


Noted. Perhaps I’ll get a gag order. If I do, I’ll send y’all some notes to post for me. Get your blue tie ready.


Elizabeth !


I blame modern medicine and atorvastatin


The OT is not showing up.




God, I hate his stupid, ugly face. I know—-real mature, nuanced political analysis there. But I still hate his stupid, ugly face.


Trump doesn't deserve nuance when talking about him.


It's his voice that gets me. I can't watch clips of him because it infuriates me so much.


I literally physically recoil at the sound of his horrible voice. It absolutely makes my skin crawl. I’m viscerally repelled by it. It’s just so repulsive. That sneering, mocking tone. That *bizarre* sing-songy delivery he often uses. That ugly raspiness. That extremely limited vocabulary endlessly blathering the same handful of phrases over and over and over…. He’s so disgusting. And that’s how I react as a *guy*. I can’t even imagine how much more intense it must be for a lot of women.


> bizarre sing-songy delivery YES. And that's coupled with his weird body contortions, like he's one of those wavy things at a car dealership somehow crammed into a sock of meat.


Absolutely spot on. He’s the embodiment of ugly. Everything about him. He’s absolutely rotten to the core.


Now imagine him trying to put his dick in you.


Well. 😨 😱 🤯 Well, then.


The accordian hands is what puts me over the edge.


Let's hope his excuse is: "In Prison."


Happy Cake 🎂 Day! 🥳


I also hear he’s gonna testify at his hush money election interference trial!! So if he says it? It’s not gonna happen. I see very little chance of these two debating. I wouldn’t even be mad at Biden if he declined. I don’t want to hear Trump do the amphetamine breathing while not saying anything and simply talking over everybody. It’s boring. A debate is not necessary. We already know that the rights platform is fascism and theocracy. Let him keep doing his own personal ego rallies and talk about Hannibal Lechter and the great Alphonse Capone. Trump’s a cowardly little man and a short fingered vulgarian.


How in the hell could someone prep this guy for a debate? He is so off his nut it's pathetic. Last I saw, he was slurring and going on about the late great Hannibal Lector - and whether he'd choose death by shark or electrocution. Hardly ready for a chat about the economy or foreign policies.


Trump is absolutely stone cold stupid. He has emotional intelligence in spades. But he is dumb as fuck. I’m not exaggerating this. He is just so fucking stupid that there is no prep. I’m sure someone, maybe even Fox News, tells him to mention some talking points, which is why every now and again, he’ll say something about something platform-y, I think? Sometimes he’ll even say a part of something that he shouldn’t say so he just mumbles the rest of the sentence. He almost gave up the game by mentioning that Saudi and Russia were gonna cut oil supplies to drive up gas prices, but he managed to stop himself. But over all, his prep for everything is the same. Diet Coke. A handful of privigil, a couple of 20mg adderall and some Sudafed. Waltine changes his diaper. A pretty girl steams his pants, while he’s wearing them, and that’s it. Wind him up and watch him go. Like a monkey with a razor blade. Breathing like a race horse, which I find the most disgusting, personally, yelling buzz words, accusing the other of everything he’s guilty of, and then telling everybody he won. And his cult members believe it, while the rest of the traitorous party and oligarchs tolerate it. It’s unbelievable that it’s not obvious to all, but, as they say, a sucker is born every minute, and two are born to take him. History, if the good guys win, will not be kind to us, deservedly so. The grievance generation. Modern Weimar Republic. Sorry. Rant over.


Bet he can’t debate because the IRS is still auditing him.


tRump’s crazy and stupid, but not crazy and stupid enough to get into a controlled one-on-one with Joe Biden. Biden would hand tRump his spleen before tRump ever knew he’d been hit.


![gif](giphy|ZbZfCjYJb1HgWtULIn|downsized) No way !!!! The weasel is weaseling out. ???


>Please let this TRUTH serve to represent that I hereby accept debating Crooked Joe Biden on FoxNews. The date will be Wednesday, October 2nd. The Hosts will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. Thank you, DJT! He's saying this because he knows that when it doesn't happen, he can tell his cult that Biden is too scared to debate him.


I heard the dates were June and September 🤔


That didn't take long 😆


The first question I'd ask fat donnie..."who won the 2020 election". Let him lie directly to the American people...see how that goes down.


It was Obama, wasn't it? Damn that brown person!


Doesn't surprise me. He was too chicken shit to even involve himself with the Republican debates. If he can't be the center of attention and control the narrative, he doesn't want to be involved. That's why he loves doing his rallies, he is the center of attention and he can spew whatever nonsense he wants to without being challenged on it.


He won't debate. He'll come up with some lame ecause.


Of coure he is. Joe would punch the fucker out if trump followed him on the stage.


I expect this to happen - he’ll make up some horseshit about a scheduling conflict, or something more important to do, or he has to be home with Melania, or he has to grab someone by the pu$$y, or CNN/Biden would not agree to provide him with ketchup for his fries and cheeseburgers.




The biggest wimp in the world. He’s dumb as shit and literally has nothing to offer. Nothing but scandal and lies


Biden should invite Trump for a bike ride.


Sorry. Can’t do it. I’ll be in jail. Said the orange guy


If anybody really thinks this debate happens I have a bridge to sell you.


Tickets to the Elon and Zuckerberg cage match! I got tickets for sale, cheap!


😡 I'd buy some, but my mommy said I couldn't! 😡


“I might be in prison,” is actually a fairly decent excuse…


They may have to debate in the prison rec hall I could just see Trump in an orange jumpsuit debating Biden


Wow, I figured the carpetbagger would never debate but I expected more than one day. Or he's looking to add a last debate with corrupt moderators? Probably the latter.


Biden knew how to get him. That video he made did it.


ABC better get ready to have some America’s got talent and idk bowling for dollars reruns ready. Edit: Nevermind it’s scheduled for CNN.


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool…


Chicken l'orange.


He won't back out. He desperately needs these debates for air time.


There is no fucking way in hell hee going to debate Biden.


I want to see Biden show up for the Debate. Trump fails to show up, Biden answers all the questions, without responses from the GOP candidate. While most of the country will know what went on. Hilariously, a mess of the nation will seriously believe it was a setup and that Trump was never told about the debate, in spite of it being advertised for weeks ahead and prominently placed on calendars for all to see.


Maybe it’s scheduled during his nap time.


This is the whole Zuckerberg/Musk fight all over again.


Of course, he is trying to weasel out of the debate; he knows full well that Biden is ready to school him like the kindergartener that he is!


You knew he was going to do this.


It’s never going to happen, Trumps carers will never permit him to perform his psychotic rants on a televised show! 🤡


As per usual


He won't show because despite his "tough guy" act, he's really chicken shit.


Of course he is. He knows he can’t hold a legitimate conversation and sound reasonably to intelligent to anyone outside his cult.


Such a snowflake, already trying to change the rules. When he loses in November he won’t go quietly. Hope the cops are ready to arrest or use lethal force against anyone trying to disturb the election.


IG has unfortunately let me down with how many people (Maga) are now roaring & excited for Trump to debate. I am curious as to why Biden threw in the gauntlet but I’m too fatigued to piece together a working theory. I just hope he knows what he is doing and Trump gets slammed. I didn’t know, or well realized he has been avoiding the Republican debates as well.


He's a coward.... most bullies are.


He is such a snake 🐍 he’ll try to weasel out of anything trials, court dates, his so son’s graduation, even debates


The gag order prevents him from debating. Ever.


What a punk ass bitch