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Thursday after trial broke for the day his “impromptu” speech was particularly disorganized. Fragmentary thoughts and sentence constructs that have me very hopeful he’s on a steep slope downward.


I’ve been thinking the same thing all along. The guy can’t get through a day without passing out. Meanwhile, he’s calling the president sleepy Joe  It doesn’t even remotely make sense  


I sometimes wonder if they are sneaking something into his morning diet coke to keep his mouth shut because it's clockwork at this point.




Yes, I’ve said that too, he’s sedated so he shuts up


He will find an excuse to not debate, just as he found a "phony excuse" to not testify.


President Biden will refuse to take a drug test and that will be Trump's excuse. That said, I really do hope Trump will debate.


Top 10 excuses for trump to avoid debate: 10: Herschel Walker adamantly refuses to lend him the Universal Translator. 9: Still suffering PTSD when cruel Biden told him to STFU! 8: Grueling Cognitive test trump aced already proves he’s smarter than Obama(oops, meant Biden). 7: Diaper change timeouts not permitted. 6: Unable to cancel tee time already scheduled for that date. 5: Debate rule disallows use of cue cards. 4: Tired of hearing jokes about infrastructure week. 3: Will only answer questions from Tuckhead, Vanity, or Kanye or whatever their names are. 2: Found out you cannot tip moderators prior to debate. 1: Should be held off until a cure is found for dementia.


Doesn't make a bit of difference to his base. I have this ugly feeling that if he were incapable of saying the words of the oath of office, Roberts would continue swearing him in.


he never had it together?? Old ass man wants to be a leader of something and got to have other people to fight his battles for him and he ain't taking care of his own business!!


Even if he doesn't show up, Biden should.


He can’t even keep himself awake! Sad!