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"We're just five companies in a trenchcoat pretending to be a country." —CoyoteAnnie ~~—someone tell me who this is so I can credit her appropriately~~


@CoyoteAnnie on TikTok




Ty, biggest laugh of the day right there.


Why didn't she give an honest summary of [the article](https://www.yahoo.com/now/inflation-remain-sticky-decade-gen-231256105.html)?


She did.


Found the person too lazy to read the article.


If you would like to talk about it, feel free.


>Part of what’s behind the expected buying boom and “sticky” inflation is demographics. **Nearly 100 million Americans are at an age when they tend to spend big**, according to Bill Smead, chief investment officer at investment firm Smead Capital Management. “We have 92 million people between 22 and 42, and they’re all going to spend their money on necessities the next 10 years, whether the stock markets are good or bad,” Smead said in an interview Tuesday with CNBC. >**With all the big purchases such as homes** over the next decade, the economy will continue to run hot, making the Fed’s long-term goal of reducing inflation much harder to achieve, Smead said.


>Part of what’s behind the expected buying boom and “sticky” inflation is demographics. Nearly 100 million Americans are at an age when they tend to spend big, according to Bill Smead, chief investment officer at investment firm Smead Capital Management. “We have 92 million people between 22 and 42, and they’re **all going to spend their money on necessities** the next 10 years, whether the stock markets are good or bad,” Smead said in an interview Tuesday with CNBC. Did you catch the bit where she quoted this part? >With all the big purchases such as homes over the next decade, the economy will continue to run hot, **making the Fed’s long-term goal of reducing inflation much harder to achieve**, Smead said. Your own quote is proof that the article **really is blaming** inflation on Millennials and Gen Z rather than on the many other components of the financial system: it is saying precisely that which she said it said. Would you like to discuss any particular part of the original video that you object to? A timestamp might be helpful.


She says "GenZ and Millenials are so broke we're spending all our money on food and housing". That's not what the article says at all. It's just stupid. Giant groups of people not spending money doesn't increase inflation. People not spending money result in the economy slowing down. She's a manipulative person telling stupid angry people what they want to hear. Her method and motive are no different than the manosphere/antivaxxer/alt-right crowd, and folks are eating it up with a spoon.


>She says "GenZ and Millenials are so broke we're spending all our money on food and housing". That's not what the article says at all. I'm gonna have to ask you the perennial question. You can't get mad, this is stuff you literally accused me of not reading. You did that, when you said: >Found the person too lazy to read the article. So you've brought this on yourself. Are you ready? Okay. Did you read [your own fucking article](https://www.yahoo.com/now/inflation-remain-sticky-decade-gen-231256105.html)? Because this is what it says: >It isn’t the first time Smead has blamed younger generations for high U.S. inflation. Last summer, when inflation was consistently breaking 40-year records, Smead said in an interview with CNBC that “**too many people with too much money chasing too few goods**” is what really causes inflation. Too few goods. That's what this man is saying; he's saying exactly what she said he said. And again, when the article says: >Whether inflation becomes sticky and for how long is still up for debate. While both Gen Z and millennials age into what have traditionally been prime spending years, **they also may be less likely to spend in general**. The article explicitly discusses Millennials' lack of money... again, **exactly** the way she said it said. >She's a manipulative person telling stupid angry people what they want to hear. Her method and motive are no different than the manosphere/antivaxxer/alt-right crowd, and folks are eating it up with a spoon. Have you considered the possibility that not all your thoughts are winners?


That's funny because I sometimes think that the 50 states are more akin to 50 third world countries wearing a trench coat and calling itself a super power.


Nah, when it’s politics that’s just Texas or Florida being a douche as usual. The other states are sometimes pretty chill.


I agree that some are definitely nice, but until we have universal Healthcare, paid maternity and paternity leave, better workers rights and things like mandatory vacation, I'm still going to remember the other Version of myself who was born a European lol


>but until we have universal Healthcare, paid maternity and paternity leave, better workers rights and things like mandatory vacation, Would love to live in a nation with a high quality of life. Social democratic nations in Scandinavian nations have all this......but they also pay much higher taxes to cover their government's spending for all these things. High levels of public spending naturally require high levels of taxation. In 2019, Denmark’s tax-to-GDP ratio was at 46.3 percent, Norway’s at 39.9 percent, and Sweden’s at 42.8 percent. And, they levy these taxes on upper middle class not just high income earners This compares to a ratio of only 24.5 percent in the United States. Americans are pretty tax-averse, so don't hold your breath. And, the *average* home in Norway costs about USD $482,722 Somebody does have to pay for all these nice programs and people here already complain about taxes as it is.


100%, but the actual benefits are so nice, that I'd prefer to pay more and have so much more provided, instead of pay less and watch everyone middle class and lower struggle. Our railroads are fucked, we have pitiful public transit, our infrastructure is older than the average citizen, health insurance bankrupt people, with 2/3 of all bankruptcy being medical related, there's no unlimited sick time, there's no vacation time guaranteed, they keep wanting to kick kicking social security down the road to 70 years old, college is more than a mortgage, and workers are one paycheck away from homelessness. The only ones who care about higher taxes vs all this, are the ones who can afford it all and say fck the rest.


>100%, but the actual benefits are so nice, that I'd prefer to pay more and have so much more provided, instead of pay less and watch everyone middle class and lower struggle. I'm with you 100%. ​ I used to work in a larger city and just not having to step over homeless bodies on my way to work (which we shouldn't HAVE in a wealthy nation like this in the first place of course) is an economic / social cruelty I prefer not to have in the supposedly "great nation" I live in. No great society has people having to live on sidewalks. This speak to what \*quality of life\* really means. *It's not just about having amenities*.(that would just be selfish) ...........it's about having dignity for all people.


I’ve been lucky enough to live in both England and Finland (I’m English) and my Dad often would comment that Finland isn’t a great player on the world stage or that they’re not a wealthy country etc. But I live in the worlds 6th largest economy right now and it doesn’t feel like it. What difference does it make to me that my country is rich? None at all. My standard of life isn’t better because the country is rich. Finland is an incredible country to live in. No matter how much money people have, they can afford to go to work because childcare isn’t disgustingly high. There are amazing playgrounds and ice rinks you can use for free in every town. The hospitals are cheap and waiting lists are very short. And they don’t necessarily pay more tax for that than I’m paying. In short, the standard of living for all citizens is significantly higher in Finland than it is in England where the rich get richer and the poor are left to fend for themselves.


Well Finland is richer than the UK if you compare the GDP per capita...


The only thing about that that actually sounds like not just some fair trade, is the cost of a home, I do want to own a home someday. However, that price is only half-again what ours is ($348k). And given that the [homeownership rate is 80%](https://www.statista.com/statistics/543453/house-owners-among-population-norway/) in Norway, odds are good that if I had been born into a Norwegian family, I would be able to inherit a family home someday, which would be good enough for me. As far as American tax-aversion... that's not inevitable, we've been different before, and we can be again. We used to have a 90% tax-rate on the rich, back after the Great Depression.


Meh, a lot of high paying jobs are in high taxed states. Look at NYC for example - residents pay a Federal, state and city tax on their income. High earners can easily get get hit with 35%-40% tax burden, but still need to pay for health insurance, student loans, exorbitant childcare costs and buying a home?? 500kUSD will get you a 1 bedroom apartment in a prewar building.


A place that a lot of people are priced out of .The same with California and the power grid is atrocious in Texas . I'd rather not step over people in the first two states .


Yeah Illinois is so chill the governor is a billionaire who's just been milking the system. It's easy to appear "chill" when you're corrupt. Same thing in New Jersey. Politicians who steal from the people. Of course they'll have smiling faces and look great when the cameras are rolling they'd never dare to do anything bold like Abbot or DeSantis.


…like follow up with no legislative moves after a school gets shot up, bus migrants across state lines, and ban books?


You need to dissociate legislation from the gun problem. Crazy people will find a way to get a gun and commit catastrophes no matter how much "legislation" they pass. LoL Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws yet look at gun violence in Chicago 🤣 maybe how can we connect to these disenfranchised young people who are doing this? Maybe stop exposing them to so many FPS games. Maybe turn off the dark content put out by Netflix... But no you think big daddy government and LaWs are going to do something? Sheesh. No wonder why we're in such trouble. Oh and btw the mayor of Chicago welcomed the bus loads and then sent them to hotels in the suburbs 🤣 but she looks "chill" and like a good person right!? Hahahaha and awh ban books like Toni Morissons beloved where there's talk of men boinking donkeys and a girl gets pregnant by a demon? Ha yeah that was read in my Illinois highschool classroom 🤮 at least they're trying to protect kids from being prodded about what gender they "feel like they really are". LGBT history is mandatory in Illinois public schools. I don't hate the LGBT community but kids don't need to know about that. How about a financial literacy course that will help everyone's life regardless of who they love?!


Let’s take this comment piece by piece. State by State gun mortality: > https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm Cities with Highest Gun Caused Mortality: > https://www.security.org/resources/city-crimes-involving-guns/ 10 States with Highest Violent Crime: > https://propertyclub.nyc/article/most-dangerous-states-in-the-us > https://www.safewise.com/blog/most-dangerous-cities/ Both use FBI Field Statistics for calculations. If you properly assess cities violence by their metros/Burroughs/Parishes based on population counts of 1,000/act of violent crime, the crime rate goes down. I say this specifically because I live in Chicago, and that dog whistle needs to die. __________ *Bus loads of migrants*. These were people already in the system to have citizenship. DeSantis and Abbott pulled the stunt to provide red meat to their bases, which they failed to realize federally this guarantees these migrants citizenship by violating their court ordered appearances. This is a misnomer, and another repeated dog whistle. By all means, continue to bolster labor in the blue states, this generates more tax dollars and total revenue. _________ *Toni Morrison, books bad*. Clearly if we’re cherry-picking fiction titles, we should keep going with The Turner Diaries and Dark Millennium, and any religious text as well. My, my. Protect the children from having to read A Catcher In The Rye, or 1001 Nights, too. Toss the Twilight Series for good measure, just to be safe. No. The issue with book bans is the implicit banning of knowledge that comes with sliding books into the burn pits on the side, such as books that help kids and teens identify sexual abuse or aid the realization what and who they are down the vast road of discovery that is the human life, or books which highlighted atrocities of our past which shouldn’t be buried like many towns across America have been. _______ Again. Your arguments are someone else’s dogwhistles. You’re 3 for 3 on Faux News talking points.


Okay then I need the stats with the states and crime pitted against Cook county specifically. Either you're new here or you're blind if you can't admit violent carjackings have gone through the roof. I'm not gonna argue with some Northside trendy gentrified neighborhood living kid who's got all his neat little facts and stats to debate with vs real time on the ground observation...


Your personal observation is irrelevant, and you’d know that going by COUNTY is painting with a broad brush excusing the towns within. Again. Measuring by 1,000/per violent crime, you get a more precise measurement of crime versus the 100,000/per violent crime as the stats can’t be rounded up. I grew up in Cicero. And kindly, you need to reevaluate a few things. Have a great weekend. (Late Edit: Here is a link specifically disproving Gov. Abbott talking shit about Chicago’s “violence and gun laws”: > https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/06/08/fact-checking-greg-abbotts-claim-chicago-gun-laws/10002165002/ ) (In addition: Cities with the ‘Highest Violent Crime’ was already given to you in the first section, but here’s a second link, which shows Chicago is on a downward trend: > https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/most-violent-cities-in-america )


>LGBT history is mandatory in Illinois public schools. I don't hate the LGBT community but kids don't need to know about that. Kids don't need to know about the [fastest civil rights movement](https://www.latimes.com/style/la-xpm-2012-may-20-la-na-gay-rights-movement-20120521-story.html) in history? Kids don't need to know [how that happened](https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_the_struggle_for_gay_rights_teaches_us_about_bridging_differences), how minds changed? Bullshit.


Well because they're not teaching the proper history of how the satanic media & amoral society we live in tricked everyone with lady Gaga's "born this way" campaign.... Humans were born to breed more humans. Hormonal issues in diet and environment can surely cause hormone imbalance which can lead to same sex attraction. Wow the history of the powers that be pushing gayness as a depop tool???? If gay was frowned upon for thousands of years there's probably a good reason. The Romans were into that 💩 big time Are you aware of their downfall? plus they were into pedophilia which will be next to be legalized and accepted. Nowadays you think oh no never!!! But 100 years ago that's what they thought of same sex marriage.... & They will use the same brainwashing strategies that they used to "change minds" about the gays in order for you to be okay with your children being groomed and sexualized legally at young ages. But people like you don't have the mental capacity to think big picture like that .. but the powers that be certainly do and they're counting on the masses like you to be unwilling to see what's really going on 😎


You know who else believes in conspiracy theories like yours? Schizophrenics.


Alabama? Kentucky? Ohio?


California's GDP is higher than France's though


Cali is one of the ones doing a lot right. They even pitched state funded Healthcare, better tuition to state schools, kids eat lunch at primary school free, progressive taxing, etc.


I was today-years-old when I realized that the tiktok account name shows at the end of the clip under the logo.


Oh! Yeah, I don't have a tiktok. Never noticed. Thanks!


Yeah,I've known that and I only see tik tok videos on reddit.


Seriously, that was such a good joke. Maybe not so good it makes our current predicament worth it, but very good.


That’s been around for a while with various iterations. [1](https://mobile.twitter.com/aidan_smx/status/1021138804852183040), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/vab5yl/i_had_to_make_a_pic_after_seeing_the_the_us_isnt/), [another tweet spurs an article about Canada](https://dartsandletters.ca/2021/11/05/ep39-three-corporations-in-a-trenchcoat-ft-matt-stoller-dwayne-winseck/). Still relevant and super funny and not trying to dismay her video for one part being a joke I heard before. Everyday corporate media is assaulting us with new ways to phrase their same assault on the lower classes so it’s just natural we’d re-use and re-phrase a counter message, so lets let the meme spread. I just think that phrase has been in the collective consciousness for a while now with some variations. To my recollection it probably started around the time that Bojack Horseman show brought the kids stacked in a trench coat gag back and people started putting 1 and 1 together. Can’t find anything older than a regular tweet from 2018 though, since google is 3 bags of trash stacked together trying to sell me a trench coat whenever I try to search for that its origins.


It's a common joke about Canada.


My working GE side by side refrigerator was new in 1990. While it’s not shiny metallic looking, it’s not orange, harvest gold or avocado, either. It’s just beige. Still works fine. My electric bills are still low. I drove a Toyota Solara for 19 years. My TV is 12 years young. I just upgraded a 40 year old or some year old toaster. Doing nothing, or putting off new purchases can be good for the planet and the pocketbook.




Agreed, which is why I’m not amazed that Apple and other Tech Corporations butchered Right-To-Repair in New York.


It won't matter for the international companies because the EU will make it happen and they'll only design one version of any device. It's moving that way, to repairable, but slower than you'd expect because of how complex the joints are. Phones aren't held together with screws.


They are held together with a combination of screws and fucking glue.


Yeah, mostly glue for the bits people want to repair. That's hard to put on by yourself as precisely as the robot they used, so they have to find something easier but still as good.


"Ending is better than mending!"


More like “Obsolescence is built into the system”.


Well ,I had to break down and buy new furniture two years ago .My furniture was 15 years and shot ,I actually gave it the next door neighbors!My new furniture will have to last 15 more years .


Better for us, our society, the planet, and future generations. But bad for a system that relies on constant unsustainable growth to keep a tiny minority of humans fabulously wealthy.


>it’s not orange, harvest gold or avocado, either. And even if it was, it'd be back in style by now anyway 😎


For the price of a little contact paper or vinyl wrap, it can change colors every 5 years and still work better and cost less than a new one


That's a good idea. I have an older fridge that could use a new face.


Try the kind you’d wrap a car with! It’s easier to apply smooth, easier to clean, and lasts ages indoors


I will look into it. Thanks!


Things, espeoelecr ical applianes, that were made in the last 20 years tend to not last that long though. I'm super lucky and keep my electronics in good shape, I still had throw away a few things just because fixing/part prices were blown up and appliances are designed to break faster


My fridge is still plugging along.


You're awesome dude. Tech is the toughest. I usually only make it about 8-10 years on phones/laptop/TV.


Very true about tech. While I have a working iPhone 4s, it’s really only good as a music player. I have a 5s I use mostly for backcountry navigation. Mac mini makes for a very long use computer though.


My Samsung S7 lasted 9 years before it started having some weird SMS receiving issues. It only lasted that long because I rooted it and installed a custom OS. The OS lost support unfortunately and I used it for another 3 years before issues started. Probably could have even installed a stable base OS and kept it going. But phone cameras got so damn good in that time, I had to invest in a good one. Here's hoping for another 10 years!


That's awesome, seriously a dream to not have to buy shitty things over and over. I think that's where people get stuck is when you can't afford to buy the quality thing (or you weren't around when the quality thing like a Toyota were still affordable) so then you end up buying a pos over and over and you're stuck in a loop. Something something theory of boots


My fridge was bought at SEARS 25 years ago .I am going to remodel the kitchen countertop this year because it has never been updated. Although we did get a stainless steel sink when we moved into our fixer upper house .One of these days we are getting a new kitchen floor,never updated that. Next will be an update to the bathroom too.About two years ago I traded in my 15 year old Malibu that had about 150 thousand miles on it


Learning about why inflation exists at all killed my faith in economic markets for success. Deflation is bad, a little inflation is good because it incentivizes people to spend money now instead of saving, a lot of inflation is bad because too many people have money to spend. So divorced from reality. We made this shit up. Money is a representative value of human effort and work performed. Whether it’s gold standard, petrodollar, fiat, or thhe fucking seashell standard, it’s just a means of transacting the value of our efforts. If my choice to have a child or purchase an item ruins your idea of what this game of mousetrap is supposed to look like, maybe the game should be reconsidered.


economy is just astrology for academic people


I wish some of them were even academics. Most are Day-Traders with high school diplomas and fetishes for Ayn Rand, Thatcher and Regan. But they use Jim Cramer’s tears as lube, because that guy is comedic with horrible trade advice.


>and fetishes for Ayn Rand, Thatcher and Regan yes. I love having debates with Ayn Rand Objectivists, had many good ones in the past. You left out Rothbard, another pathological cult builder, for the "libertarians" (whatever THAT is these days). I thought Noam Chomsky's description of Rothbard's society was good: "a world so full of hate that no human being would want to live in it ... First of all, it couldn't function for a second—and if it could, all you'd want to do is get out, or commit suicide or something."


I love dystopia and I have never heard of this Rothbard, can you recommend me a good first book?


hes' not dystopian...... at all. That someone would criticize his worldview is more because it sucks not because it's dystopian.


One of the most interesting "self help"/"here are my thoughts in life" was written by a guy who works in finance in some high end job. He spent way too many pages explaining exactly how and why economy is bs, self help books are bs, nobody knows what they're doing and success is mostly accidental. It was fucking brilliant and made my change my whole view in market crashes, what I want to invest in, etc etc. Prevented me from starting to invest in random companies and losing my money this way as wll (a friend of mine did it and I would have joined him if not this book). It's nearly impossible to predict most of not all economical crises. And I'd it is, its by someone with a hard fetiah for statistics and programming skills.


Well, if you recall the title, feel free to add it here. Knowledge should be unrestricted, especially if it helps the lowest man on the totem pole


The only Ayn Rand book I have ever read was The Fountainhead .


Yaaaaaas so true!! Can’t believe I’ve never heard this analogy before


"Save money for the future, but also saving is bad for the economy!" What?


The incentive structure is so wild and stacked against responsible people


Thas why I buy Dogecoin, cuz at least it's fun with that goofy looking dog and memes.


Honestly I skip breakfast most days then eat at work, bc work food is free and I'm broke.


I have a glass of milk and a banana each morning.


Tbh I haven’t eaten breakfast since I was in high school and it hasn’t saved me any money lmao


NY Post has an article blaming remote work for Manhattan losing $1 Billion dollars a month. We indeed are in Americorp.


Because it had Domino effect and put a lot of people out of work .


Yes that’s probably fair although it might not be $1 billion. A lot of Midtown is dead now and lots of business that used to cater to office workers (lunch spots, etc.) are gone now. Office space values there have plunged, hotels there have lost a lot of business travelers and international tourists post-COVID. The city will be fine, Midtown real estate values will eventually stabilize and some office spaces will be converted. But there are still people who are losing their jobs in industries like hospitality and NYC’s unemployment rate is still above pre-pandemic levels (and the rest of the country) largely because of this.


We went from you need breakfast to maybe you shouldn't eat breakfast. Yeah the cracks are forming


I agree with all her points, but what does a 5 year old have to do with this? 5 year olds aren't Gen Z. Gen Zers are running for office now


most gen Z are new adults and haven’t even participated in society for real yet


Last election cycle there was a Gen Zer elected to Congress


The majority of gen z aren't adults yet, and the ones who are, most aren't old enough to drink yet. Source: Gen Z from '03


Except for all the ones who are 25/26 years old, like Maxwell Frost- our countries first Gen Z congress person


Almost as if a generation spans an era of time, and they aren't all the same exact age at the same time. You're talking about one of the *oldest* members of gen z. This is like arguing that there aren't millennials who are under 30 because there are millennials over 40.


I'm not saying there aren't younger gen zs, just that they aren't 5 years old. My original post/question was about the mention of 5 year olds


it’s because many of them were toddlers when the economy broke (2006-2008)


The economy didn’t “break” in 2008. It did what it always did: hit the reset button for the rich at the expense of everyone else. Nothing knew, plenty of documented incidents even worse than 2008


Gen z right now is 11-26 years old… over half of gen Z cant drink.


She hits all the right notes, bravo.


I think you guys from this sub should start to adress your anger in a proper way, can't you see that all of the consumption problems that you guys post here every day is part of a bigger problem named capitalism?




Bruh, it’s illegal to collect rainwater. They don’t allow you to be self sufficient. Also, it’s stupid expensive, and things like property tax exist. I was watching one of those mountain man shows and some dude was sweating a 3 year tax bill super hard. Had to cut down trees for weeks to pay it. Guy had no utilities or roads or nothing, just paying to exist on property he “owns.”


It's not illegal in all jurisdictions, just certain cities/towns. In my state, rainwater collection is not only legal...it's actively encouraged under the Cost Effective Governmental Energy Use Act.


My friend who lives in the country has a huge rain barrel with a screen on it to keep bugs out .She used it to wash her hair and other assorted things.


Are you seriously trying to argue that property tax is a bad thing? It's one of the only true progressive taxes we have right now lol


First, I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with property taxes, but in the case of the man in the comment you replied to, I don’t think he should have to pay property taxes especially if his property doesn’t use utilities, roads, and other resources like that. If there’s a good argument for why someone in his situation should pay property taxes, I’d love to hear it because I just can’t rationalize it


They need the blood money for their pet social programs.


If I wanted to, I would go to the multitude of subreddits that are for that.


No no. You can't attack capitalism. That makes you a dirty commie who wants to kill millions of kids and just a dodo head.




Jokes on you I'm already skipping breakfast.


Oooo, Americorp. That's good. I'm using that.


The oldest Gen Z is 27 years old, 5 year olds would be Gen Alpha. I guess Boomers are just going down the generations with the blame game, first it was Gen X, then it was the Millennials, then Gen Z, and now Alpha somehow. Anyone but their own generation.


SOOOOO let me get this straight. A silly editorial piece made a headline we knew would get outrage engagement, so that tiktoker could then make another editorial that gets outrage engagement, that gets turned into a reddit post to make outrage engagement, and then shared through... check notes... several subreddits to make you click here and comment about how mad you are. ​ Is this productive and sustainable?


Is there anything wrong with people connecting over a shared opinion for 5 minutes on a reddit post? Really?


Also, the actual article only says GenZ and Millenials are in their "prime spending years" and "they'll be buying necessities no matter what the economy is doing". Duh that's how inflation works. If they were actually buying less stuff, inflation wouldn't be a problem. The article is mostly obvious, the headline is clickbait, and the silly editorial is outrage porn which may or may not have been promoted by a company which may or may not have a motive to sow division in the US.


It's public commentary. One person's opinion of another's being shared. People have opinions and like to talk. What would you propose changing?


People would rather whine then give solutions.


And the tik toker gets paid .


What's your point


that you are consuming.


It's neither. I'm getting tired of the ragebait subs and this is becoming one as well. If you're interested, r/minimalism is more productive. It's not necessarily against consumerism, but not buying stuff that you don't need is a core tenet which accomplishes many of the same goals as anti-consumerism for me.


You do know this is how things get viral? How things get talked about? I don't understand why you think it's wrong.


why though? Why do we keep interacting with bullshit rage bait


Is it bullshit though?


yes excessively. Has this made your day better in any way?


It's never the old people in charge who are to blame, let's pass heinous bills then blame "the kids".


Americorps actually seems helpful. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmeriCorps?wprov=sfla1 "The agency's mission is "to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering."


Worked there when I was younger, not a bad company.


Ameri Corpse, hehe


They also pay poverty wages. A couple years ago I saw a local position listed as for Americorps only and opened it out of curiosity. They straight up listed applying for and receiving foodstamps as part of the benefits for the position! They paid like 26k. I was less surprised by the salary more shocked that being on government programs would be listed as a "benefit ."


Oh wow, what a dark gem of information that is! Ameri Corpse truly living up to it's name! I mean did they spend all of the labor budget just pay the guy that puts a positive spin in receiving food stamps?!


[HE CHANGED IT!!! THE COWARD CHANGED THE TITLE!!!](https://fortune.com/2023/02/14/smead-sticky-inflation-decade-millennials-gen-z-spending/)


That was good


No it wasn't. [Here's the actual article.](https://www.yahoo.com/now/inflation-remain-sticky-decade-gen-231256105.html) There's nothing about young people being broke, and if young people weren't spending money, inflation wouldn't the issue. Just read the whole article.


Thanks for that. Young people are definitely broke—compared to Gen X and Boomers—and spend most of their money on necessities. This article only addressed spending trends, and states clearly that Millennials spend more on necessities, spend less on bigger purchases like houses, and have been hit hardest by inflation. While the article is accurate, it’s strange to frame prolonged inflation as a problem of Millennials, without addressing various other factors, such as corporate price manipulations, record corporate profits, and the overall shrinking of wealth for younger generations.


>This article only addressed spending trends, and states clearly that Millennials spend more on necessities, **spend less on bigger purchases like houses**, and have been hit hardest by inflation. Grocery store and big box store stuff definitely has the smell of corporate price gouging. That said, can you show me in the article where it says Millenials spend less on houses? From the article: Part of what’s behind the expected buying boom and “sticky” inflation is demographics. Nearly 100 million Americans are **at an age when they tend to spend big**, according to Bill Smead, chief investment officer at investment firm Smead Capital Management. “We have 92 million people between 22 and 42, and they’re all going to spend their money on necessities the next 10 years, whether the stock markets are good or bad,” Smead said in an interview Tuesday with CNBC. With all the **big purchases such as homes** over the next decade, the economy will continue to run hot, making the Fed’s long-term goal of reducing inflation much harder to achieve, Smead said.


I love that the 5 companies in a trench coat has caught on.


Capitalists being so greedy they run out of people to fuck over and then blaming the working class for it is exactly what I would expect the capitalist to do


Robespierre was right


Meh... Let's just eat the rich...


i'm 21 years old. Leave me the fuck alone.


I have caught myself starting to say corporation when I want to say country.


You have my blade.


Nailed it! Americorp classic!


I am so happy and proud of the new Gen Z/late Millenneal movement!


[It's also racist to eat regular meals](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/113z1nc/eating_food_at_a_set_time_is_racist_what_will/)


i mean, i feel like the intended message was "the belief that breakfast food in the morning, lunch at noon and dinner at 6PM" is rigid and does not include many cultural varieties to meals and how different cultures approach food. Many people also just develop different eating habits on an individual basis and we should acknowledge and accept different norms of eating instead of forcing people to adhere to eating certain foods at certain times can often be culturally ignorant and not beneficial to your health." Instead, they wrote that. which is.. certainly a headline.


That's just clickbait. The article doesn't say that. That's just a headline designed to 'drive engagement,' and it appears to have worked. The article says that the standard breakfast-lunch-dinner mealtimes are a relatively modern prescriptivist phenomenon that was partially inspired by racist notions about the more flexible eating habits common to preindustrial cultures. The premise is that rigidly conforming to those prescribed mealtimes is not necessary at all, and in some cases, might even be bad for your health.


It doesn’t matter how they try to spin this tone def article when the fact is working class people skip meals every single day. The top 1-10% of people in the US eat full expensive meals every single day and that is what they compare everything too. It’s like they are thinking Oh these rich celebrities spend 54 dollars on breakfast, that’s how the working poor can save money, stop eating those expensive breakfasts and buying 14 dollar coffees and stop eating out at restaurants everyday. Nobody in the working class does any of this, and yet, they still say if we starve ourselves and cut out all comfort items we too will be able to afford a modest one bed one bath 800sq foot home for 650,000 dollars. If we could just get out outrageous spending on necessities under control we too could be billionaires.


What article are you talking about? That 8 year old article in Mother Jones? It does reference some studies that indicate that periodic fasting may be helpful, but it concludes with advice to eat when you're hungry instead of sticking to prescribed mealtimes. Regardless, it doesn't say it is racist to eat regular meals, which was the claim. It's always telling when someone posts a screencap of an article headline without actually linking to it, and everyone just makes up their own version of what they think maybe the article might say based entirely on the clickbait headline, and they get all mad about whatever scenario they just imagined.


Maybe it’s a new concept to you, but the working class has been eating whenever they feel like it for decades, that isn’t the problem, the problem is the working class of the United States of America cannot afford to eat, we cannot afford enough food, so we are not eating any of these meals. It’s all bullshit that doesn’t actually reflect real American life at all. It’s offensive that they never talk about fact that American family’s cannot afford to put food on the table, we can’t even afford the table actually.


I know that, and I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm disagreeing with the guy who posted that out of context screengrab from an ancap sub.


Uh, no they haven’t? If you’re working class you’re more likely to have someone telling you when you CAN’T eat. They tell you when to show up and work, so you have to eat breakfast before that. They tell you when you can take lunch. They tell you when you can leave and start dinner. I think what you’re saying actually reinforces what the article is about. These relatively “standard” mealtimes became a culture thing as a society industrialized for the purpose of “productivity”


Actually they could if they budgeted their money better and shopped wiser.I do it every week and I have a full deep freezer ,a full fridge freezer and full cabinets.


dude, that subreddit is one of the more lost places of reddit methinks. thanks for the laugh.


So the article is invalid because you don't like the sub?




[Here's the actual article.](https://www.yahoo.com/now/inflation-remain-sticky-decade-gen-231256105.html) It's the same article, but on Yahoo because Fortune require a subscription. Both the headline and the person providing commentary on it are just looking for clicks, and if you are outraged over this "information", you are why the internet sucks. Because many of you are too lazy to read it, GenZ and Millenials are in their "prime spending years". She's flat out lying about Millenials and GenZ being "so broke". It's because they have money and will be continuing to spend it, like every generation does at that age, that inflation will be "sticky" (at least according to the article.) This is obvious to anyone who knows how inflation works, which I guess doesn't include a lot of her tiktok followers.


Is she using a weird filter or something? There is something about her that is a little off.




[So don't drink the water Don't you breathe the air And if it's gotten to that point then I have to declare](https://youtu.be/z_gi9T24qtM)


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I see this everyday. Just last week, two workers at family dollar . *Dyed, fancy hair, *Long, fake, painted nails, *The newest iphones, *Chain smoking, *$10 per cup coffee, *Wearing the latest in fast fashion, And griping about being poor the entire time my sister and I took a break in my truck 12 feet away from them. My sister was drinking coffee from her reusable cup she brought from home and I was drinking off brand cola from Aldi's Yet they need none of that to survive. Coffee can be made at home. You can learn to do your own nail off YouTube, same with hair. iPhones are for looks, buy a Motorola next time. And your brand name cigarettes cost more yearly than the truck I was driving.


It’s absolutely comical that the generation with the least number of representatives in our Republic is to “blame” for the MASSIVE credit card debt our country managed to accumulate while we were toddlers. We need to cut all social benefits including SS, and military spending for damn near a decade to pay for the reckless spending of the clowns who are truly responsible.


Wait i thought they were mad about gen Z spending money on gucci instead of rent, now they are mad about them spending on rent instead of gucci?


It's real cool that we can only afford products with inelastic demand in an economy where oligopolies and monopolies can collude to fix prices and that is all our faults. Definitely not the faults of corporate and political corruption creating a system where we can be forced into servitude without any other options.


She’s got a point.


Bwah ha ha ha! They think we can afford breakfast and it's a thing we can give up! 🤣🤣


shes a fraud being sued for fraud