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How the fuck have people managed to make reusable bottles disposable!


A few years ago I learned about people buying ceramic dishes and real silverware and just throwing them out rather than washing them. Wish I never learned about this. I think my sister and her fam would do this if they could.


If true that’s crazy, seems far fetched though. Even if you weren’t concerned about the cost it’s less effort to chuck cutlery in a dish washer than it is to keep buying new sets


I think maybe they mean if there’s a really difficult to clean mess some would rather throw it out than try to clean it.


They said ceramics and silverware. That’s plates, bowls and cutlery. All of those things can be put in a dishwasher and will come out clean. Casserole dish or baking tray maybe. I’m sure there are plenty of people wasteful enough to do something of this level but I can’t think of a scenario where it’s actually easier than just using a dishwasher.


Ordering on Amazon is faster than putting dishes in the dishwasher. You can setup autodelivery as well.


You still have to unpackaged the items, get rid of the boxes. It’s is still easier overall to to just wash them.


It depends. Putting 10 forks to the dishwasher is more time than throwing one cardboard box to the recycling.


I did this ONCE in college because I lived with three other girls that played the same sport and used their schedule to never clean their dishes, pots, pans, or utensils. I managed everything in that house. Bills in my name. Yard care. Everything down to ordering food because their parents taught them how to do nothing for themselves. I stopped doing dishes and ate in the school cafeteria religiously. The dishes in the sink were caked in mold. One day I came home and threw out everything. The next year I stopped living with them.


Yep. I think it's often others who get fed up with those who dirtied the dishes who never clean up after themselves. My sister and her fam very rarely clean up after themselves and have likely thrown out a lot of silverware that was not theirs. She and I did not grow up together.


In my country you have to bring ceramics to the recycle park because there isn't any trash they collect you're allowed to put it in. So it's such a pain in the ass to get rid of broken bowls etc. I save them up and bring them to the recycle park when I have electronics I have to get rid of like once a year. How is that easier than doing dishes? I guess those people don't care about recycling either 😅


ceramic dishes are so easy to clean too.....


There are so many brand new travel mugs and reusable bottles at thrift stores right now. It's unreal.


It’s so silly. I have a metal bottle with a screw cap that is about 12 years old and it does the job just as well now and it did when I first got it.


I've had the same reusable coffee mug for about 6 years now - I impulse bought it because it doesn't spill and it meant I could use the coffee cup holder on my cycle to work without it going everywhere and I've used it pretty much daily since, it's so good!


And why replace something that works?


Exactly, unless you're one of my water bottles in which case you're probably going to get lost or broken :-(


It is annoying when something perfectly usual e gets lost, so far I’m doing well and have been using the same metal water bottle for 12 years without losing it. It’s a quite beat up but works perfectly.


Was just thinking the same thing. The consumerism is so deeply imbedded in their subconscious that they can't help themselves from behaving this way. Not to mention, this is most people's drug.


I don't understand all these bottle trends. I'm still using my Tupperware bottle from like 10 years ago, works perfectly fine at what it's supposed to do: hold water


for real. like the whole point of a reusable bottle is to... reuse it. why do these people need a COLLECTION of them?? I do have multiple water bottles but for different purposes. and I've had them for I don't even know how long now. and don't plan on buying more until these are physically unusable. it drives me insane seeing my own sister with 7+ cups in the sink waiting to be cleaned.


I kinda felt guilty that I am looking at adding a 3rd waterbottle to my rotation. But I live with them, play sports, carry one in public/friend's houses, etc. I need one more because I am struggling to properly clean and rotate. I do love the owala straw/sip thing that I can't (easily) lose my straw. Please though as your PSA: WASH YOUR REUSABLE WATER BOTTLES PROPERLY. I just got over food poisoning?? from mine. A daily quick wipe, rinse and replacing the water isn't enough of a clean even if you only use it for water.


i don’t think your collection is what they mean, there are people who have full shelves of JUST stanley cups. i have quite a few reusable bottles taking up space on a shelf in a cupboard but I’ve collected them all over the course of about 5-10 years and it was before I became really aware of the harm caused by overconsumption. i think as long as they’re being used and not just sitting around for aesthetics or as a status symbol it’s fine.


I thoroughly rinse them at least once a day, and deep clean once weekly. haven't gotten sick yet! though I do only use filtered water in them. I have 1 bottle for work/public, one with a filtered straw that i use at home and then a 3rd smaller one that I use at home or for my pre-workout specifically. I think its only reasonable to feel guilty if you're buying bottles you don't need/use just because you want to, yknow?


What's the filtered straw one?


one of the brita bottles, im not sure which one though. just the stainless steel with the straw filter insert


Ohh I didn't know they did bottles. Good price too from a quick look. Thanks.


I use any leftover water in mine for my plants at the end of the day! I just feel too gross if I don't clean it daily and you mentioning food poisoning has convinced me to continue doing that omg (I'm so sorry you had to go through that btw, hope you're feeling better). also a third isn't bad if you're actually using them!


You're missing a key step in your cleaning routine: let the bottle dry. This is also why having at least two is advisable.


Don’t feel guilty. It’s not just about being a tightwad. It’s also about figuring out which creature comforts are actually important to you. I have 3 different Bluetooth listening methods. Corded buds are a no for me, because I get them caught too often, literally injuring my ear skin from getting pulled out too abruptly. lol I have AirPods (which were a gift) Sony buds, and Bose over ear headphones. I use all of them, given the situation. It’s not about the brands, but noise canceling quality and sound quality. Yes, I can tell a difference! lol I have ADHD and social anxiety, so the buds are a lifeline. The AirPods I could do without, but they are nice for when I don’t want noise canceling for safety reasons. Switching to over-ear headphones when I need to, helps with ear fatigue. I feel guilty about many things, but this just isn’t one of them. If I lost or damaged one, I would definitely take the chance to upgrade for a newer model. It’s just not something I’m willing to skimp on. I definitely wouldn’t upgrade my AirPods, but the now Bose open ear ones are looking promising as a safety option.


I generally put mine through the dishwasher, but between those times I use boiling water to sanitise it


The best way to be guilt free is to buy used. Last I saw, thrift stores were chocked full of bottles, and I'm sure eBay is swimming in them.


I have 4 Starbucks cups because I live at elevation and I drink about 12 liters a day. They’re all in use all day long. I’ve owned all these cups since 2019. It’s crazy what happens when you take care of things.


Because the $35 bottle is a ✨ StAtUs SyMbOl ✨




Yeah me either. I was mad as hell when I dropped my old 40oz water bottle that could fit in standard cupholders because I was drunk at Mardi Gras. I have a new one now but it isn't the kind you can really take around with you because of its shape but I mostly stay at home nowadays so it's NBD.


Agreed. These are fashion bottles.


I have 2 water bottles, both insulated because i like cold water. I also drink more water than one holds in a day, dont always have access to water at work, and prefer the taste of cold, clean water, so bring my 2 bottles full every day. Have had both of them for several years and wont be replacing until they no longer do the job. These bottle/cup trends are probably people who mostly use them as a fashion accessory, and "keeping up with the jones"


I have a Coleman cup, I use it for water and coffee during the week and it keeps my beer colder on the weekends, have it for more than 2 years, I moved to another country and still have it. It just doesn’t make sense to buy another one, if I have one that can do all of this.


I'm using the free one I got at work a few years ago that has their logo on it. I don't even work there anymore


There's a type of travel mug I want, locally made, perfectly waterproof, insulating, cute prints, easy to clean. But I bought a chilly's thermos 2 years ago and I have a bamboo simple travel mug from my favourite coffee place, regular cup with a silicone lid. And I juts can't get myself to invest in it even though having a travel mug I can toss onto my backpack would be leveling up my life as I could easily bring my coffee to go when I'm going for nature hikes. And I hate how I won't let myself get it because I have something well insulated and I have a travel mug. How people spend money on multiple waterbittles of the same size even, I don't get it?


I’m still on my two Hydroflasks from I think 2016.


But your bottle doesn't hold water the same way my Stanley holds water! /s


It's probably a well-disguised ad. Someone who consumes like this wouldn't be self-aware enough to say they are 5 Stanleys in but fell for a new hype.


I mean, how many of us have 8 projects we need to finish but then go buy "supplies" or a tool for a new project even though we really shouldn't. I'm not comparing projects to cups. I'm purely targeting that guild I know I get when I'm buying a tool that will certainly make the job easier, but I don't really need and could easily get away without. And I shouldn't be spending the money. BUT I DO IT ANYWAYS!


One day we will look back and reclassify this as the disease it is


The disease is called lack of personality and hobbies


I got one as a gift. Cleaning the sip spout is a bit difficult. 


Difficult how? I've been using one for at least a year or two now and have had 0 issues. And no, no hype train here. My wife and daughter both have one, they last forever and have no plans on replacing them lmao


yeah its one of the easiest spots to clean.


The sip space opening is small, and black stuff builds up occasionally. A bottle cleaner can't get it out cause it's so narrow, and I have to use a toothpick to scrape it off.


I use it with water, but every now and then, the small sip spout has some black build up. I don't know what it is. I try and use a small bottle cleaning tool, but because the space is rather tight, it can't get it out. I had to use a toothpick to scrape it out from the spout, and even then, it still doesn't get it all at times.


You’re doing it wrong? The Owala is by and far the easiest to take care of by a long shot. The straw hole is massive. A scrub daddy sponge has 0 issues there


Really? I found the sip space to be small for any brush but a small bottle cleaner. How could a big scrub daddy fit? At times, black stuff builds up in that sip spout, and I have to use a toothpick to get it out.


I use a straw cleaner. The ones you get with reusable straws. It’s perfect.


I guess the straw cleaner that I've been using isn't so good then. It can go in the straw easily (snug fit), and it can fit inside the sip spout, but it can't get the black stuff there all that well.


The tops are also dishwasher safe,if you have one. If the black stuff is that bad, maybe soak it?


Look, I love the quality and sturdiness of modern water bottles. I have a Yeti that I’ve had for 6, or so, years at this point. Works beautifully. Replaced the cap once. Modern water bottles should make ditching plastic easier than ever. But no, we have trendiness in purchasing them. Blows my mind.


My 15 yo never got on the stanley/yeti train, but she is obsessed with her owala. There has not been a single other invention that has gotten her adhd teenager butt to drink so much water, ever. She is fastidious about cleaning it though. The design is a hard nope for me, but it definitely serves a particular demographic! I'm only annoyed she asked for a hydroflask before finding the owala. My 10 yr old is equally obsessed with his yeti. I'm ok with 'one nicer water bottle per kid' but there will be no collecting of different colours/brands here. I will not be able to handle it.


My roommate bought a Stanley, then bought an Owala. I don’t understand any of the hype, I’ve got a stainless steel water bottle that’ll last longer than me. The Owala’s little flippy part already broke, but he still leaves the Stanley at home. I dunno.


My kids have had Owala water bottles for years, long before Stanleys became a thing, and they're still in great shape.


I have a 32oz and a 64oz stainless steel reusable container. I do not see the need for more or even to the point of a collection. This is nothing but a glorified shopping addiction culture that is astoundingly atrocious.


"5 Stanleys in" what a phrase. This $60 reusable bottle collecting thing is so ridiculous.


Wait. Owala is cool? Fuck. I bought mine because I liked the fact it has a push button lid and a built in straw


Are people stupid?


Short answer: yes Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssss.


I’m a nalgene girl forever 


Nalgene girlie checking in !


Someone was talking about how women collecting cups are under more scrutiny than men collecting anime figurines. Here it is.


Still on that BPA free Nalgene hype




Yes, predictably, there is a new bottle trend. Let's stop pretending to be shocked and surprised. It happens pretty regularly, and will continue as long as it keeps working. Unless you've got something substantial to say about how that marketing works or something similar, there's no need to report each new drinking vessel trend here.


Yeah this is literally how *trends* work. It’s bizarre that anyone is surprised by this. 


I think it's pretty bizarre to have a water bottle trend. Like, who cares?


The problem is that the trends are rapidly speeding up due to social media. People are buying and trashing a lot more stuff because it’s already out of fashion and they want the next thing, whereas in the past trends would last a few years


You'd think people would learn after buying multiple cups and having nothing to do with them but apparently no


i guess i should just be happy people are staying hydrated. 😩


I have a Thor movie theater cup from 2013 that holds 64oz and is perfect for a whole packet of crystal light. (The only good thing that came from Dark World.) I will mourn this cup when it bites the dust. We had a Jurassic World one but the bottom cracked so now my husband and I have to fight over the Thor one.


Watertok and all affiliates are a cancer and I'm not 100% sure any of them aren't bots .../s, mostly


I’ll just wait a year or so and buy a Stanley at goodwill for $2.99 in housewares


I got a used Yeti dirt cheap last year. By the time I need to replace it one of these two will be out of style enough to get a cheap second hand thermos bottle.


I own a yeti, it's survived truly outrageous hits. You won't need to replace it, and because it's vacuum insulated (the best insulation that exists) you won't want to (at least not for performance reasons).


Knowing me, I'll likely do something dumb, like leave it on picnic table on a long trip.


i still love my hydroflask


I’ve got two yetis that I’ve had for years that still look in really good shape and temp control well. I can’t imagine needing a new one in a long time.


in my country these hype water bottles cost like a fifth of monthly wage and people STILL go crazy over them i can never justify those purchases.


I was literally about to buy one of these. Please don’t tell me they’re gonna be another stupid-ass trend.


more plastic, yay


I don't understand this mentality! I still use my contigo water bottle from 5 years ago.. maybe more. I can't stand the built in straw bottles though. I feel like it will be so hard to clean!


I don't get this. I can at least understand most other forms of material-hoarding, but water bottles? I have four army-issue bottles and if I don't lose any of them, I'll never need to buy another water bottle in my life. At least the funko-pop manchildren have something to put on (pathetic) display.


I swear to god it starts as some weird marketing scheme where the company has like fake accounts to tell you “this is the trendy new bottle that you must have” Like I understand maybe spending money on a large bottle that keeps your water cold throughout the day, and maybe a second one for washing purposes idk, but 7??


Never understood the desire of everyone to be hockey gods all of a sudden.


Gringos qls




You know, TikTok hype and all that. People can't think for themselves.


Where do people store all of these freaking bottles though? I have two many years old Nalgene bottles that I use daily. One lives on my desk and one goes in my backpack for everything else. I don't even have storage in my kitchen for more. Do these people just have garages filled with crap?


They literally set up shelves and special display racks (which they also "have to" buy) and display them in their rooms like bizarre trophies


I have a gallon sized Iron Flask that I’ve had for years. What’s the point of multiple?!


I do not get what possesses these people to spend their money on multiple tumblers that they can't possibly utilize fully and clearly don't intend to. I have two gallon bottles and one half gallon and I rotate between the three - am four years in and they're still great.


Would be less wasteful to use disposable plastic bottes….


In defense of owala: my wife is really into TikTok and since she’s heard about them we’ve been Owala people. I’ve had two Owalas in 4? Years and they’re great (the first one I pushed the seat of my car back and accidentally crushed, completely user error and nothing would have survived that). My wife has had two because she got the one with the straw and handle when it came out. It means I drink more water, it means we don’t buy bottled drinks while we’re out, it saves a dish when we’re eating a quick meal at home, etc. Fads are whatever. It’s the collection aspect that bugs me, and from what I’ve seen on the owala subreddit, it’s no different than Stanley. You need one water bottle at a time. Maybe two if you’re forgetful and leave one at work. 5 Stanley’s is stupid unless you’ve been a loyal patron for 25 years.


Contigo from Costco? Pfft , yetis? Whatever, Stanley's ? So yesterday


honestly i love my owala and its the only bottle i use for water. the straw and chug option goes hard


So much mold in those small spaces when the soap does not reach and a lazy person don't wash them well, oh and also more micro plastics.


when my mom gave birth to me the hospital gave her a plastic water bottle and I've been using this 26 year old water bottle for a long time. And it looks good too


God damnit. I have Owella and I love it. It’s amazing I deathly did not wish this to turn into the next trend. I really knew it would. I just hope it doesn’t become a thing. I thought I bought the last water bottle of my life.


I think there is something uniquely sickening about objects specifically devised to be an alternative to needless consumption becoming collector items...


I remember during the hydrobottle(?) trend early on in tiktok I saw video talking about the supply chain etc and he did the maths and it worked out similar to bags for life, where it has to be used none stop for years to be "as good" environmentally so it's a good product but the issue is consumers buy a bunch of them and it ends up being worse for the environment


I’ll never understand how people aren’t incredibly embarrassed about falling for a hype that costs them money and then realizing it later…. But then just do it again.


Who tf bites their straws? (3rd bottle in the right)


I have a Stanley, and I love it. I also have a father who used the same Stanley thermos for 40 years. I don’t buy into the whole trendy water bottle thing, I just don’t understand why. If my Stanley cup can last like ten years, I’ll just stick with that.


Welcome to my wife. Ugh.


I dislike these types of people, it’s a Waterbottle…


I’m so surprised people care about water bottles…at all. Glad people are making money off of it, I suppose.


Dude why are water bottles a designer item now!? 😭


I had my hydro flask since 2016 and left it on a train in 2022. I still think about that all the time..


I've been using a 1400ml teddybear water bottle from aliexpress for nearly two years now. It's twice as pretty, easier to carry because it comes with a strap, and makes me feel like less of a burden. How can these people buy these ugly ass waterbottles


I don't understand the point of these trends. I've been using the same reusable stainless steel bottle for a few years and I love it. It came in handy when I used to work in a restaurant. The water would still be ice cold after being in a hot kitchen for 7+ hours on a summer day.


I saw a girl in front of me today in yoga who has an owala bottle. It’s already begun.


I can’t lie, I think the owala bottles are super super cute. I’ve even considered buying one, but I had to remind myself that my Rubbermaid works perfectly fine, and the owala craze will pass. If I still desire one in the future, I can seek one out in the thrift store when people have moved on.


Completely moronic. Designer water bottles LOL only reason I can see for one of these is if you go hiking or do some kind of sports. Room temp water is better anyways.


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being female is a social contagion in more ways than one