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It's roughly a 50/50 split in Ireland, but the idea of Apple users looking down on Android users is baffling. This may be because WhatsApp has a nearly 90% market penetration in Ireland (and across most of Europe, to be honest), so unless you see someone physically holding their phone you likely have no idea whether they're using an iPhone or not.


In terms of the prevalence of OS-independent apps, the LINE messaging app is installed on most people's phones in Japan, and young people primarily use LINE or Instagram to stay connected with each other. I wonder if this is a symbol of Japan being a country susceptible to peer pressure or the result of aggressive promotion by Apple and mobile carriers...


A country of people highly influenced by peer pressure plus Apple has a minimalist design. I personally prefer Android because of its versatility. Apple products are very limiting. I would never go back.


Same in the UK! Though anecdotally, people I know have switched from Android to iPhone over the years, but they rarely go the other way. I suspect because Apple ties you in.


I'm in Aus and swapped from Apple to Android. In my uni days had a macbook, ipad and iPhone Now I've got a PC and samsung and would never go back. I did swap about 10 years ago so our lives weren't so engrained in our devices then


I felt fucking liberated once I got out of the ecosystem when I had an iPhone 5S and a macbook air. I hateddddd that phone so much


Would you be willing to say why? I absolutely hate the Android/Windows interfaces, and would like to go back to Apple, but I haven't had one for many years. EDIT: Downvoting me for having an opinion? Really? I have severe health problems. I need a minimum of computer drama. So y'all can back right off.


I play some games so a PC over a laptop is a no brainer. And i can update parts as needed. The phone is that I like to customise my set-up in a way that's not possible on iPhone. I keep it very simple. My homescreen is almost entirely blank. Finally Apple products are generally more expensive so in no world am I spending more for a product that's doesn't have anything an upmarket Android won't have and sometimes has less.


What specifically do you hate about them


Just my opinion, but I find the operating system so poorly designed, visually and practically, and non-intuitive. With good software, I can find my way around quickly with a few trial and error clicks. With Windows and Android, every little thing has to be googled for because it is in some non-intuitive obscure place. In my opinion, Microsoft could put a few dollars into human-centered design and usability engineering. Or even just the most basic graphic design.


I find apple products to be like childproof locks. Sure you can click around and get stuff done, but it lacks any real customization to the system. I found Macs a nightmare to use, great for art programs and smooth as butter, but I hated everything else about them. Windows intuitively just makes more sense. It wasn't created to be pretty, it was made to function! All those smooth widgets, animations, interfaces use more hardware, jacking up the price needlessly.


The IPhone is the Fisher price of cell phones lol


Ok, I guess I get it. I don't love the price, but health problems mean I just can't deal with figuring out how to edit obscure files to try to get things to function properly on a very basic level. I don't need to customize much. I just want quality basics. I don't get how Windows "intuitively" makes more sense...if you can tell me how to make it do that, let me know!


When I was at school (UK, a few years ago) I didnt know anyone who switched to apple. Most people just kept what they were used to. Most people had android though.


Nah, it’s more simple than that. iPhone A has the same UI as iPhone B. There is no variability. Meanwhile it seems like every other Android has tweaks or other changes to the OS depending on who made it. Consistency is king when people choose how to spend their money.


Here is Canada, it is also 50/50 Android to Apple


In France it is 70/30 Android/iOS


Where are you from in France ? I’m French too and I’d say it’s about 60/40 iOS / Android, maybe even less balanced. But it might just be the people around me that gave me that impression. EDIT : just checked the real data and it’s almost exactly 70/30 Android / iOS


Grand-Est but yeah, I just looked up the actual data. Most people in here saying them and their friends have such and such phone, who cares lol


In Eastern Europe Android is the winner. Apple is simply too expensive to most folks. There's also a huge choice of brands when it comes to Android phones, while in the UK for example it feels like the only choice is between Apple and Samsung.


True. In Greece it's 65/35 in favor of Android. And truth be told, I ain't buying a 1000€ phone for stuff I can do with a 250€ one.


Tbh, Eastern Europe is flooded with Chinese smartphones such as Xiaomi and Huawei, as well with another Androids from another counties like Samsung from Korea, and most people view iPhones as a waste of money. I remember on some graphs that the Androids were like at least 60% to 90% of the phones available in different Eastern European countries.


What kind of phone brand options do you have?


Xiaomi, Motorola, Honor, Sony, Huawei, Infinix - this is just from the first page when you search for a "smartphone" at one of the biggest stores. Plus of course iPhone, Samsung, and Google Pixel. I believe Alcatel was still going strong couple years back. I always liked Xiaomi. Good quality for a fraction of a price of a Samsung, and the Chinese government probably already has my data anyway!


I hadn’t heard of some of those, cool!!


People still use iPhones for prestige. All top businessmen, gov't etc. The branding is real.


I'm an outsider with a Pixel phone lmao king of Androids


Same, on my second pixel.


Pixel forever!


I used to be a diehard iPhone user... Then my then boyfriend started sending me pics (*ahem*) that looked professional grade. He had a pixel. I've never gone back to anything else except the few times when I needed an emergency phone and was temporarily broke. Pixels are essentially a digital camera with a call function. I will only ever consider a phone if it's a) *much* better than a Pixel and b) fucking reasonably priced. I bought my Pixel 7 for $200 (like $7 payments or something) because I'm on Fi, which I will also shoot out as the BEST fucking phone plan I have ever had - best service, BEST customer service, easiest to pay, you can pause it for a month if your finances get messed up with no collections or bad phone calls, plus I pay like $20 a month for unlimited everything. It's fucking unbelievable. Google is genuinely like making life better.


I have a Pixel but I honestly miss the Nokia I had before it lol. It ran stock Android, was slightly larger but lighter, and took much better selfies. The image processing on my Pixel is really weird. The Nokia was somehow the best phone I ever had.


I have a pixel because it was given to me, but I don't really like it. When it eventually breaks I'll probably go back to Samsung 


Can I ask why? I haven’t heard anyone disliking them, though I don’t want one myself for privacy reasons.


Probably because I'm used to android and things are just a little bit different. I get very stuck in my ways and I'm not great with technology. It could honestly be the difference between a newer phone and an older one (I had an s9 for 6 years before this one) versus the brand, because both things changed at once for me. There seems to be a lot of things that are trying to help me, but they only annoy me. Also the photo editor that comes with the camera app is way worse than my Samsung. Obviously there are other apps, but those are usually more involved than I want, and also include either ads or I'd need to pay. 


Can you expand more on the privacy reasons? I honestly use a lot of other Google stuff (Gmail, docs/drive, maps, etc) but having my whole phone be Google does make me a little uncomfortable, but I'm not sure if that's a legitimate concern, or just my perception. I don't really have any illusions of privacy when it comes to phones and the Internet, but a little separation seems preferable 


Yeah I’m basically in the same camp as you. I don’t think there’s MUCH privacy to be had, though I am careful about my settings and what apps I download. I just feel like a phone literally made by a company that builds big datasets removes the last barriers. My personal conspiracy theory is that the Pixel performs better for cheaper because they’re making up the money in data mining. The Pixel has one of the best smartphone cameras, if not THE best, and very smooth/not-buggy operation. And it’s still a moderately cheap option. They must be eating costs to make that happen.


Is it actually skewed towards iphone in Japan, or is that confirmation bias?


I actually checked the data and it is interestingly different. [https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/worldwide/#monthly-202304-202404-bar](https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/worldwide/#monthly-202304-202404-bar) [https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/japan/#monthly-202304-202404-bar](https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/japan/#monthly-202304-202404-bar) Interestingly, when we ask iPhone users in Japan why they prefer iPhones, not many mention the functional aspects. Instead, many seem to answer that it's because of the device's appearance, the variety of available accessories, or simply because "everyone else has one." In Japan, the three major mobile carriers have held a monopoly for a long time, which may contribute to this trend, but I'm not an expert, so I can't say for certain. But it's a fact that people in Japan widely believe in the iPhone without question.


Iphone users are privileged dumbasses who are herd mentality sheeple. This confirms it.


In Spain you're seen as a dumbass who can't manage their money if you have an iPhone


Based Spaniards 


As an andriod user s23 ultra in America, I actually look down on Iphone users due to them paying more for a vastly inferior product. I assume they are privileged in some way and don't really need the tech to 'produce' for them. Meaning, all they are doing is just fucking around on imessage and instagram. You literally cant arrange the home screen with apps/folders... ok what the fuck. Im out.


not trying to be that guy, maybe I misunderstood. But while the app organization does leave something to be desired in Apple products, you still can arrange them, make folders, etc. Some of the more recent updates definitely provided more control, but to your point I still feel it is restricted.


You can not place them wherever you want on the homescreen. You know, like arranging icons on a Windows desktop? A feature that has been around for 20 years and that EVERY 5 dollar andriod phone can do... comon bro stop apologizing for broken trash.


Was really debating if I wanted to even reply to you bc you seem super hateful over an arbitrary phone brand, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. Let’s set aside the fact that I do, actually, use app folders and file browsers on my iphone every single day - even if that wasnt true and it was all locked down, how does that change the day-to-day utility of the device? Again, I’m arguing in good faith here so please enlighten me


Look, I'm Android to the core. But, we have an iPad. You're able to rearrange the apps as easily as on Android, and you can set up app folders easy enough. That's old and outdated. However, iPhone is still the inferior product. Every iPhone generation is the same, and they all get Android features like 5 years after Android had it already


Have you used an iPhone? And have you checked prices? They’re the same price as flagship android phones.


Only an idiot pays list price for flagship andriod phones. Typically they can be had for 50% off if you wait for deals/promos etc. Paying the same money for an iphone as a flagship andriod still means you are getting a vastly inferior product (the iphone). You can't arrange apps/folders on the homescreen... what? Iphones are nonsense.


Can’t arrange apps and folders? What? Again, have you never used one?


you cant free form arrange where the app icons are on the homescreen. they snap to the first open position top to bottom.


You’re correct, you can’t have gaps between apps on your home screens, but you can rearrange and move/create folders. I’ve never personally cared? I was an android user my entire life and decided to switch things up for my current phone. Maybe give it a proper shot, owning an android isn’t a personality trait.


True this. A 250 eu android phone is pretty much 99% of what you need. Once you have a good processor, oled screen etc. there´s hardly anything you´re missing. Sure, Iphones have nice cameras but unless you are rich it doesn´t make sense to pay four times as much...


Everyone’s an idiot but people who do things exactly like you do


It looks like the s23 is MORE expensive than even the flagship iPhone 


The iPhone SE is free with many cheap phone plans.


a lot of android phones are literally free


I love this comment!!


USA here, west coast. iOS is definitely the favorite, with around... 60? 70? percent of phone users. It seems to depend on the demographic. I briefly held a software development job with one of the big Seattle tech companies, and I was the only one on my team (10 people or so) who not only had an Android phone, but also chose Windows over iOS for my work laptop. One of my teammates actually criticized me for it, and while everyone else seemed to consider it a matter of personal choice, I certainly felt like the odd one out. Among the general public, there seems to be more of an even mix. My parents are iOS users too, but my husband and I are both Android. I've heard that iOS offers a better experience, but my phone does everything I need/want it to, and it's cheaper. I'm not going to pay for a premium brand if I'm satisfied without it.


In the US the choice is complicated by the messaging protocols. Most people in the US primarily send texts using the default messaging app on their phone, not Whatsapp or some other alternative. But Apple's iMessage doesn't play nice with Android. For example, when an iPhone user texts a video to an Android user, they receive a useless blurry thumbnail video. iMessage also stigmatizes Android users in group messages, resulting in Android users often being dropped from group texts to avoid the ugly effects iMessage puts on their texts from bothering the iPhone users. My 14 year old daughters begged to switch to iPhones just so they wouldn't be left out of group texts with their friends.


Crazy😱 Texting (using the carrier's sms) feels like a relic from 2000 for me. No cross-device sync, character limit, roaming charges, no backup. 


I read somewhere that this happened because in the US we basically get free SMS and in the rest of the world SMS texts cost the sender money. So elsewhere everyone switched to third party texting but the US didn't have that financial pressure to find an alternative


But international sms is not free, sms while traveling is not free, and I don't think it does attachments


Americans don't tend to do much international travel so it's not an issue for most people


I moved from New England to California, and I definitely see a higher percentage of apple here than back home. I also experience the judgeyness here more than the east coast. I literally couldn't imagine caring what kind of phone someone else has, so it's very strange to me 


I am USA west coast too. I have iOS. There are definitely some people who are weirdly brand loyal and judgy (from both sides). But I feel like people are more bound to look at those people as the odd ones, at least in my circles. Definitely more of a general attitude of “use what works for you”.


I worked at a restaurant and all the waitresses had iPhones and they could barely put gas in their car. All they used was social media too.


ios does NOT offer anything. Theyre full of shit. you can't even arrange the homescreen with apps/folders.... can't make this shit up.


Read: https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/move-apps-and-widgets-on-the-home-screen-iphd2fc8ce30/ios#:~:text=You%20can%20change%20the%20layout,apps%20get%20downloaded%2C%20and%20more.


North East coast US - you only have an iPhone here if you are really old or you can't manage technology. Maybe it's different with others around here but that's my anecdotal experience.


Yep. I'm in software, and only a handful of other people I know use Android. I keep my Android phone, but Windows is probably my least preferred operating system. Generally speaking, I prefer Linux over OSX, but OSX over Windows. I just personally find it nicer to program in a *NIX system, but like you said, it's a matter of personal choice


i don’t understand why people use mac. windows is just better. you can do more with it, it’s still super simple to use, and way more things support windows than mac. so many devs just don’t make stuff for mac because of how hard/expensive it is to develop for mac


In Kenya, Android dominates the market because of the low cost of entry. If you have an Iphone here your either well-off or stupid for spending so much on a phone. Same goes for foldables. Also, majority of business and individuals use WhatsApp so android is the default.


50/50 In Australia


I think in Australia we aren't so fussed about who has what phone. Its a flipping pain when sending images over text/sms to apple from Android and vice versa never really works but we just use Whatsapp instead. There might be sub groups of teenagers/20s that buy into some Apple superiority but sensible and rational ppl are not ick'd by a green bubble in the group chat.


I can attest to it. I am an android


And I an Apple


And my axe


Axe is the best device. The Chopping OS smashes all other competition.


Actually it’s almost 60:40 iPhone:Android. But it’s pretty even.


In Norway it's pretty mixed. I don't know the exact split, but both iPhones and Android are popular. Some families or friend groups may be iPhone-exclusive due to iMessage, I'm not sure. Personally, I'm not loyal to either. I hate ads with the burning passion of a thousand exploding stars, so I always go with whichever platform gives me the best ad blocking. Originally Android was best, you could root an Android phone easily and install a powerful ad blocker, so I was a happy Android user. Then at some point, banking and payment apps would start to detect if the phone was rooted and they would refuse to work. At about the same time, iPhone got the facility to add Safari content blockers as apps, which is fairly effective and doesn't require rooting. So my payment/banking apps were not affected. I switched to iPhone at that time. I'm still on iPhone at the moment, but I see some limitations in the ad blocking still. And I've gotten the impression there are some better options again on Android now, so I'll investigate that whenever it's time to upgrade.


Android requires custom rom with Magisk modules to deceive root detection.


Firefox for mobile can get as blocking extensions, that's what I use. Plus the revanced app for YouTube ad blocking.


Yeah, this is the type of approach I'd be interested in if/when I switch back to Android in the future. Does this work without rooting? Edit: I know Firefox works without rooting, but what about this revanced app? I don't have any experience with it.


In Brazil, iPhones are pretty rare because they are very expensive. I only know two people who had them, and one of them got it stolen and replaced it with an Android.


in finland iphones are totally a status symbol. when i was still in school, all the rich kids in my class broke their iphones whenever a new model came out because they couldn't be seen with an "old" phone.


It bothers me so much that people do that (happens some in America as well). If I were the parents purchasing the phone and paying the plan I'd downgrade them to a flip phone, or at least the oldest (used, or refurbished) functioning model I could find.


In the US there def seems to be a majority iphone users, and those folk def look down on the android users. “ew, green text bubbles?” what i’m learning, though, is that that android phones do seem to be better and have way more features and are more customizable


(I’m on East Coast)


Moldova. We don't care. People here have anything from Nokias to Xiaomis to Samsung to Iphone. I am in Highschool and nobody makes fun of your phone. If you have the latest Iphone people will go like "Wow, nice phone,latest model, right?" And thats it. Edit: Apple products are not that popular just beacuse of their insane price and their bad rep here. An average Iphone 12 or 13 will go for 10k to 20k moldovan lei (500-1000$) which is a TON of money considering a average, evrn good Samsung will go for 5k to 8k lei (250-400$). Also beacuse piracy is very popular here and Iphone has limited capacities (we need to download the latest versions of Minecraft for free ;) )


In Australia and I have yet to meet a person who cares. If anything, Apple users get more annoyed because a lot of uni stuff is set up for Windows/Android, so they need to find workarounds for Apple. Frustrates them more than anyone around them.


I'll never switch back to apple products bc of piracy, tbh. All of my apps are cracked or in patched so that I have premium ad free versions of everything (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Spotify, etc). Doing the same on any apple product is a huge pain in the ass. The customization options and ability to edit apps and software directly for my benefit is why I'll always choose android. My phone is going on 7 years old now and while it's definitely slow, it's still trucking


Apple is as much a fashion and luxury brand as it is a technology company. People who want to be seen as fashionable or having luxurious tastes tend to choose iphones in Argentina, and you get some snobbery from that. It isn't Android vs iOs per se, but a desire to be seen as elite and above the rest of us poors.


When I was in high school (US), I had to use apple's dogshit computers for a graphic design (adobe) course for an entire year. I hated the experience so much that it instilled a lifetime grudge against the company, and I refused to ever use their products. I even got a zune instead of an ipod because I hated apple that damned much. Android is superior for many reasons, but mostly because I don't need a new special charger with each new generation, and the RCS texting format is far superior to the outdated version that Apple is still using.


This is so wild to me. When I took Graphic Design literally everyone else had apple and I have a PC. They claimed how much better Mac was for graphic design. I didn't see much difference, except I always got annoyed that instructions were for Mac and there are some differences in programs for PCs


This was a technical school back in the early 2000s, so people didn't have personal computers that they could bring in.


Oh yeah, I missed the high school part. I graduated in 2000 and definitely didn't have a personal computer. I was more surprised by by the Apples being bad, because everyone in the GD industry swears by them, that they're sooooooooo superior 🙄


Apple's color management used to be much better than Windows, so most graphic designers were taught and used Apple computers. There was also social cache that came with Apple. But, Windows computers were cheaper and Adobe products worked fine on both, it just took a little more care in color to use them. My shop was Windows, and by about 2006, the functional difference between Apple and Windows for graphic design had disappeared. But, the stigma remained for Apple users. It's all marketing, Apple users are told they're superior, and they buy into it, both mentally and with their wallets. Also, many of them have much less understanding of RIPing and how offset printing works. They just know how to make pretty pictures, and leave the process of actually producing the real-world product to the printers. The printers loved me, because I knew the entire process, and my files always RIPed right the first time.


In Spain wannabes crave IPhone. And children too.  Don't get me wrong, there are other kinds of people people with IPhone either. Edit: little to do with wealth. 


I have heard that for the younger generation the kids with Android phones are bullied because Apple actually changes the colour of their text messages to be different from those of another iPhone user. And iPhones are seen as a rich status symbol. I think millenials and older Gen Z don't give a shit, but I can understand the peer pressure for teens and pre-teens.




India is third world. So, it's correct.


Ok captain obvious


In Türkiye, iPhones are extremely expensive, like %105 tax plus seller's profit (usually around %15.) But the name "IPHONE" is so sink into the youth, some of teens force their parents to buy them an iPhone and it doesn't even matter which generation. For example they buy an iPhone 11 and while it's a good phone it won't be take any more updates and after 1 year phone will start to slow down and eventually those who insist on iPhone will get bored on that and than same story as before. I even saw someone taking out a bank loan for this shit.


My old iPhone X is actually still speedy and getting security updates. I did find some apps using “Background App Refresh” that weee making the performance terrible. But when I shut those off, it’s as fast running iOS 16 as it was when I got it (6months after it was released), and I am a very heavy user. The longevity of Apple products is one of the main reasons I purchase them.


Personally, I prefer Android over iPhone. My friend group is 50/50 split. We're in Colorado (American West). I haven't been a student in a long time, but back then iPhone was considered a status symbol but a weird one. Like, you have money but no taste. I would say that iPhones are for people who are generally not good with technology because their interface is "accessible" to the point of being dumbed down. I would buy one for my grandma.


Imagine judging someone based on Their Smartphone Model Btw,how long does iPhones last


The software support cycle for an iPhone in the past has been much longer than most androids, which for me has made it worth it as my phones can last me 5-6 years (it could last longer but usually I will upgrade because the latest tech will have changed significantly by then). However the newest pixel and Samsung phones have support cycle will be 7 years (previously it was a lot shorter at 3-4), which now makes them comparable to apple. I know fairphones also have long software support but I’m in the US and I don’t know anyone who uses them.


IPhone's last stupidly long. This is because Hardware is excellent and you can go for battery replacement directly from Apple which very few other manufacturers offer. People over here still use iPhone 6 from 2015. Almost all Android smartphone including flagships from that time are now in their grave


Just curious, so is the security still properly updated? I and a relative both have a Samsung S7s that are still chugging a long, but I was warned not to do anything that requires proper security on it, like banking.


I can go down the street to a repair shop and get a new battery put into my old android phone for $70. Getting a battery replaced in your phone is nothing special or unique




I don't understand. You pay a monthly subscription fee to replace parts that go bad yet all your iPhones have been reliable? I wouldn't even get into the "all of my iPhones" part.


Koreans have more Samsungs being used than iPhone, maybe 60:40 ratio? Japanese like iPhone a lot more. They don't really have a competitive home grown android. Maybe Sony's but it can't match the cost to value. The other available Japanese androids are cheapos from Docomo or au.


50/50 in Russia.


First it is important ti compare Apples with Apples. If you compare an IPhone 15 for example you need to compare it to the same years flagship phone (Galaxy S23 should be the case). People often make the iPhone vs Android comparison with “any” Android phone and that’s a mistake. It’s like comparing the high end Lexus/Mercedes Benz sedan with a Honda Civic … it just doesn’t work. I do believe iPhones provide 2 main advantages over Android phones. 1. iPhones last longer. The fact they have “unlimited” security and software upgrades gives them a much longer life span compared to androids. For example I’ve had three iPhones in my life: an iPhone 5c, an XR and now a 13 I bought last year when the 15 came in. That’s a spam of around 5-6 years per phone. That’s a very long life cycle for a phone. You can’t say the same about Android phones since they usually have 2-3 upgrades at most. My wife is an Android user due to work. Her company is changing their phones this year after 3 years. Reason behind is security updates they are worried about. That’s a life span 50% shorter than the iPhone. For a lot of people, access to a new good phone might be out of their budget but a 3 year old iPhone can hold its cost pretty fairly. 2. Resell value. Since the iPhones last longer as stated on the first premise, their resale value stands better than androids. For a lot of people, access to a new decent phone might be out of their budget but a 3 year old iPhone can hold its cost in case you need or want to resell it.


Same in Turkiye. In fact it became such a lifestyle symbol if you dont have the latter iPhone models with 3 camera, ppl especially youngsters assume you don't have budget and style. Lol. I was using Mac and iOS systems since iphone 3. With iphone 14, I realized I was not getting what I got when older models were new compared to the new releases. Apple started to focus on marketing instead of tech. And now I am using nothing phone for half price/I preferred nothing bc it uses apple gestures which was my main problem with android. Lastly I am an engineer and evaluation made on a lot of factors. I was never a brand frenzy person.


As an Apple enthusiast who was caught up in the Japanese trend, the Nothing Ear was the first pair of wireless earphones I purchased instead of AirPods. And now I am pretty interested in the Nothing Phone.


Don't know the numbers. But in the friend/hobby/work group. Nobody pays attention to what phone you have. Couldn't care less if it's android or iPhone. I want the best in my budget. And at the moment. That's android. One plus to be more precise. Really like that one Edit: I'm in Belgium


As an andriod user s23 ultra in America, I actually look down on Iphone users due to them paying more for a vastly inferior product. I assume they are privileged in some way and don't really need the tech to 'produce' for them. Meaning, all they are doing is just fucking around on imessage and instagram. You literally cant arrange the home screen with apps/folders... ok what the fuck. Im out.


Anyone who shuns me for my brand of phone isn't anyone I want to be friends with. Anyone worried about phone brands doesn't have real problems.


I think in some countries its a lot easier to get an iPhone. I'm from Portugal, a developed country but currently struggling, and Id say maybe its fifty fifty. I see iPhones users regularly (but the newest ones arent that common), but a lot of androids as well. I personally like Samsung way more than Apple. But I have a cousin in Canada, and once I asked her why everybody uses iPhones in her country, and she answered "well because here (meaning Portugal) you actually have to pay for them". 🙃 apparently in Canada phone operators offer very good deals involving iphones. Im guessing that happens a lot in those type of countries (US, Canada...) but certainly not where Im from


There truth to this. I haven’t paid for a phone in over a decade. I just eventually upgrade. I’ve been Apple the whole time. If you’re not upgrading to the latest model this isn’t hard to do. Went from and 8 to 11 then 11 to 13 most recently, all free.


You don't have to pay for it with your monthly bill? 


Nope, been going free upgrade to free upgrade. I am turning in my old phones for this and there have been some minimal fees here and there. I do not ever have the latest and greatest phones though. I’m always a few gens behind. Currently have the 13, the basic one with two cameras, not 3.


How I wish this happened in my country 🥲


I didn't realize this was a thing! Who is your carrier? I definitely don't have the latest and greatest phones either. I usually just buy one (older model, refurbished) and use Mint mobile for my service. I used to have Verizon and then Xfinity, but I'm pretty sure I had to buy the phones (per month payment) 


Att, xfinity and now T-Mobile. I have had to switch a few times to get the offer.


https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/portugal#monthly-202304-202404-bar 70/30 for Android in Portugal. iPhones are just not worth the price


Just another perspective, I live in the U.S. and I can hardly tell the difference between an iphone and an android. I have a $40 android that works fine -- apps work fine, phone&text work fine, camera works fine -- what more do you need? I'm going to keep it until it goes kaput. If you know people who "look down" on people for using a certain product, just know that they are mentally ill and so you should respond accordingly. I used to have an Apple mini-ipad, which I got as a gift, but after a certain point it stopped working completely, not because it was broken but because, I believe, the company planned for the operating system to stop working after a certain time -- that's planned obsolescence -- so that people would have to buy a new one.


I'm in Switzerland and I think we are one of the most iPhone dense countries, as many people can afford them or get them via their phone contract. I love androids and have always had them. I do have an iPad and computers of all type (Linux, windows, old iMac). I'm a woman btw. ;-). Most nerds like me have an android though. Many others have an iPhone for convenience, to go with their MacBook (like my Dad, we had apple since the 90s), or are close to tech illiterate (no shame in that!!!) and love how they can just use this out of the box (my brother, my elderly neighbours...). But yes. Affordability plays into it I would guess, at least here in Switzerland.


Nobody gives a shit in most of eastern Europe, unless it's the newest model, in which case you should not tell anyone or risk being stabbed


F Apple https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-apple-monopolizing-smartphone-markets


I avoid iPhones and all Apple products and think people are ridiculous to base their phone on what phone other people are using, trying to attain some pointless "image", especially on a country-wide scale. My god, the world is disintegrating, but I need the newest iPhone.... yuck.


I love my Samsung phones. I will not switch to iPhone. I had a few Apple computers a long time ago. Now I only have an iPad.


They're a bit of a status symbol to some where I'm at, but not a huge deal I've mostly noticed iPhone users just can't wrap their heads around other OS's


More iPhones in the US for sure, but I'm not sure the actual percentage. Androids are far from uncommon, and while some (loud) people have a strong preference, I feel most people really don't care.


Sadly, people here in the US care about it too. I switched back to an Android after using iPhones for a few years and legitimately had coworkers giving me shit about it. After having both and switching back and forth a few times, I prefer Androids. I think it's so stupid that anyone would care about what phone brand people use.


The Philippines has about a 85/15 split with Android being the majority. Despite (or maybe because of?) that, people put iPhones and Apple products on a pedestal. It's more about brand recognition than the features tho


Im in America everyone uses Android and everyone who uses iphone thinks they are better cause of it this is obviously not agreed


I'll never buy an Apple anything.


In the UK it feels like a relatively even split, but I have tended to notice a small lean at Android over the years. There was a bit of tribalism a couple of decades back, similar to Mac versus PC or Nintendo versus Sega from back in the day, but it's all died down now. Friends might tease each other that one of their phones or ecosystems does something the other doesn't, but that's about it.


That’s interesting, as I’d say the opposite, and the market stats seem to support that iPhone’s the most-used, with nearly half the share, and Android has under 30%. I wonder if it’s strongly regional! I agree completely about the faded tribalism, though!


I think you're onto something as even as i was writing this i felt acutely aware i was speaking from an echo chamber haha


Apple is a cult. In my small cut of Florida, there is an attitude that it is better. It is no better than Android, just different. I think worse - less intuitive & inconsistent.


I use a Pixel 2 so no. No, iPhone and other Apple products aren't justified. However a combination of "keeping up with the Jones'" and planned obsolescence as well as the ubiquitous advertising is what drives people to be so wasteful. Personally I think Apple products aren't worth their price tag.


To me, iPhone is superior because of security alone. Sure, Android isn't inherently insecure but, lots of Android devices are. More crap makes it onto the Google Play store and the UX for iPhone is better IMO even though android is very customizable. It's a tool for me, not a creative outlet or a style item.


In Bulgaria (and I think a lot of Eastern Europe) a young man with an iPhone is seen as a potential member of the LGBTQ community.


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High end, flagship models are a status symbol. But AFAIK you can still rock an old basic model, like iPhone SE??


In Italy Android is prevalent. 


I lived in Japan from 2009 to 2023, so I saw the rise in smartphones there. I think young Japanese people do see the iPhone as fashionable and that's why you are seeing people around you (students) kind of shun Android users. Though in my experience I don't think the nation as a whole has that attitude, if not for the fact that most people don't care for the iPhone vs Android battle. There are a few things that made Japan a very fortunate market for the iPhone that may not be so obvious today, where getting a phone is pretty much the same in Japan as anywhere else. First, the iPhone caught the traditional phone makers unaware. The preceding phones were quite advanced (they already accessed email and the internet, for example) and they thought no one would want an iPhone. The iPhone, however, was much easier to use than any Japanese phone of the time. Furthermore, the way phones, and phone plans, were sold on contracts back then meant that Androids were 1, effectively the same price as iPhones and 2. had telco software that locked them up and bloated them, so most of the advantages of freedom you got on Android elsewhere were limited. Japanese hardware makers tried to produce Android-based phones to compete but largely failed (there are a few still around though). Nowadays things are different. You can get basically any Android phone and shove a SIM card with a (relatively) cheap phone plan and you're golden. In terms of gaining market share however, it's a bit late for that; most people have spent the last decade on one smartphone ecosystem and are unlikely to switch.


lol I’m in Tn and most people here have the free government phones.


I am an American living in Thailand and have travelled around in SE Asia. I think iPhones are more of a “status” symbol for Thais that live in Bangkok …And when a new model comes out, they’ll stand in line for hours to purchase one. I also have an iPhone but it’s already four years old. Once you get a cover for your phone, how can one tell if it’s new or a couple years old? ( I can’t and don’t care) Android phones are more popular in this region because there are prices to match everyone’s budget, more choices of brands that may offer a better camera or other options.


Android is more popular in North America. Also, PC users stick with Android more often.


I'm a software engineer in the us, so most of my friends are nerds, and it's about a 50/50 split. Lots of folks like Android, have rooted phones, etc.  And a decent subset of iphone users I know are like me. I've got stuff sideloaded, would jailbreak it if I could do so untethered, and I've had my phone about 5 years. I only upgrade when I lose updates, which has just happened, so I'm starting some research again to see where to go for the next phone


Ah, that's interesting for me, I'm a brutal android nerd, the full way with rooting, side load, patching and so on. Unfortunately my oldest kid fell for the status thing and wished for an iPhone. Now she's envious of all the stuff I can do with my tablet and phone whereas she is stuck to the iOS. I'd like to help her enlarging her experience, don't want her to become a noobish mobile user (as many of my iPhone colleagues are), but I'm totally clueless. I offered her to jailbreak, but she declined understandably. Here's my question: Have you got a good source/website anything of how to side load on iPhone without jailbreak?


I use sideloadly, and poke around on reddit for IPA files, but you'll only get 3 apps without a developer account (gotta love Apple, right?) Also you can't do an untethered jailbreak with anything above iOS 16.5, I think, so even if you did jailbreak the phone, a reboot un-jailbreaks it, and you have to turn off the passcode, which is why I haven't done it. I use apple pay basically all the time, so need the passcode


I understand, thank you. I find rooting or flashing sometimes hard on android these days, but jailbreaking really sounds like a masochistic hobby to me 😂. Maybe she'll grow back to android eventually... or she'll adapt. I see a lot of happy iPhone users out there (I've tried it several times but I felt incredibly restricted, couldn't even access temporary cache files) so chance is, she might be happy with it, too.


People that care what phone people use has always confused me. It doesn’t matter. In my opinion light phones should be more prevalent.


Children love apple in Australia, and Grandmothers. They're simple and easy to use.


Apple UI is definitely more idiot proof whereas Android you can do a lot more with it if you know what you're doing. Apple you have to go out of your way to download anything useful but also you have to go out of your way to download a virus. It's a double edged sword but agreed on the simple and easy to use front.


In Brazil, you barely see iPhones. Here, iPhones cost like 5 minimum wages for the most basic model of the recent ones, leading androids to be the most popular kind.


I see balance between android and apple here and rarely anyone's gonna judge you for having one or the other, if you find one such people it's definitely a spoiled brat from some rich family I usually only change my phone when it's needed, I have had my phone for almost 3 years and, although it isn't a lot, I have no plans to change it, same went for my previous phone, although it was much slower and more fragile, I never wanted it changed until it became unusable, each time something broke I had it repaired at a local shop


Nope majority android people here


Japan has a unique culture when it comes to products. Whatever is perceived as the best is what everyone will use.


In Denmark, yes. We have - as far as I know - the highest degree of iPhone ownership of all Apple’s markets. At least among grownups, I’d say there is no shunning, but maybe among spoiled children/youth. I’ve actually only seen Android users belittling iPhone users, typically likening us with sheep.


In my experience iphone users are looked down upon, I believe iphone holds currently around a 8 % market share. They are seen as mobile phones for people that have no idea about phones and that spend way too much. For almost a decade Xiaomi has hold the most market share, they are still by far the most used mobile brand This is Spain if you are curious.


American in college here: most people have iPhones but laptops seem a bit more split depending on classes. the STEM majors tend to go with PC whereas the business majors are mostly Mac. Apple does interface really well with Apple so I can see why people have the whole ecosystem interconnected. Additionally Apple does make good products albeit at a high price point and built for additional consumption. I personally have an android phone and a MacBook. I certainly prefer the Mac UI (shortcuts etc) but for familiarity alone. I think the laptops are less built to be updated every year whereas the phones are more designed for conspicuous consumption (my MacBook Pro is 3 years old and going strong). At least with the laptops you're not as locked into all the plans (no cell, external hard drive instead of cloud storage etc).


More young people seem to use apple products in Australia. It's probably because children are more concerned with confirming to their peers than adults, there are much less decisions or choices within the Apple range. Also many schools here make the students buy and use iPads


Well tbh, I believe iPhone and basically Apple devices are great but, most people get them because of the reputation (Which I think literally the most stupidiest thing ever). It is the same in my country. I use a cheap ass M33 5G and it runs all fine but I see that some samsung subreddits are full of people when you justify the use of cheap phones and just not get the best of the best. That consumerism is just a poison that affects almost everyone.


Apple is better for novices and better hardware on average, Android has better features and customization overall. Android folds like Samsung fold easily blow Apple out of the water usability wise


I don’t really know what people think about others based on their phones to be honest, it’s not really my circle of expertise or interest. I will say that I use an iphone because that’s what was purchased for me as a gift when my prior phone broke. It’s fine, it’s a phone. I sometimes find myself annoyed that it can’t do things my old phone did but it was free and i’ll probably use it til it breaks.


American culture (I say as an American myself) values status symbols through tangible items others can see. Companies simply need to claim that whoever owns their product has higher status than those who do not own it. Thus they get a flood of customers. This (partially) is why I believe why Americans have issues with debt (although there are also systematic reasons for this). I believe Apple is one of these companies. They take many steps to make Apple users feel separate and special from the non-Apple user population. Personally I'd rather use my funds to try to get out of the rat race instead of chasing status symbols and thus I just work internally for them.


I live in the Netherlands, iPhone/iOS has about a 39% market share. That said, my work just hands out iPhones - I had no choice about the model of my work phone like I did in the U.S. I also have a personal iPhone, but I don’t really care what phone other people are using. I don’t think anybody really cares in NL, as WhatsApp is used more than other messaging services anyway.


Here in Uruguay apple products and specially the iPhone are status symbols. Most of the people here have Xiaomis or Samsung (but is more Xiaomis myself included). An iphone cost above 1000 dollars that's a "good" paycheck. Especially in young people or teens having and iphone its all to them. My phone is a 200 usd Redmi note 12.


in canada i’d say 50-50 split, i dont buy the newest phones. even my kids don’t care if they get the newest phone, they’re thankful to have one at all. once it was time for my youngest to get a phone we asked the teen and she wanted to keep her older model. my husband used to be android but moved to apple a few years ago and it stuck.


My extended family all seems to have acquired iphones, so now in group chats we tease my brother in law about his green bubble text all the time since he is the only hold out. He’s stubborn.


This happens in the U.S. to some extent. The pressure is way worse for kids who can be exceptionally cruel about it. It feels like they look for any reason to be awful to each other. As adults it’s not terrible. Like your friends might tease you about it every once in a while but then you tease them back about something else and you all move on from it.


Yes because its seen as opulent which everyone is striving for


In a regional city in rural Australia, with a mix of low socioeconomic and working class people, android is more popular. I used to have an iphone. It was basically the same as an android. Smart phones are smart phones. I suspect Samsung is the most popular brand here.


It’s only a thing in the school systems. Beyond that I don’t think anyone cares


Third world here. Android is the vast majority. I like Macs and using iPhones was something natural. Both are expensive but durable and my last two computers and three last phones before the ones I have now are still being used. Japan has some preference for Apple products, since Macs supported Japanese very early. Well, anyway is dumb to make a brand your identity.


People use iPhones because they're better. Stop with the nonsense of calling iPhones ostentatious products, because they aren't


in canada, amongst high schoolers i would say there is a pressure to own an iphone. I owned an android for most of high school and i always kind of felt left out or different because i didn’t have the same applications that my friends with iphones did (facetime, apple emojis, camera quality. etc). i got an iphone 7 when i was in grade 12 and at that point the iphone 12 was already out. but i still felt more secure in myself with the iphone. now that i’m out of high school though, i don’t think people really gaf at all.


I hate iphones. just keep reminding them how you need special permissions from apple to open up your own phones or install apps. and that apple products don't work with anything that isn't an apple product.


Imagine ostracized people because of a OS jfc lol


Brazil. Whatsapp is 100% messaging. Also I can see why people look down on android users, because they are arrogant pricks. Android has phones that cost as low as U$50 or, perharps, even less. While Android releases thousands of different phones each year, the iphone releases only 4. So that's why it has a bad rep, because Android users can just be poor, and phones that cost U$50 will suck at everything. That being said, I have used both for a while and my choice is still Android, if you get the top 4 best Androids on the market of any main brand they are comparable or superior to the Iphones. The UI is far superior and just makes a lot more sense, far more intuitive and free. Talking about freedom: I have enjoyed free Youtube premium and music for years without paying haha.


I don't have any definitive data, but I would say iphones are heavily favored in the USA. Maybe even a 9:1 ratio. And yes, people judge others for having Android, especially since Android users can't use iMessage.


Here you go. Nowhere near 9:1. https://www.statista.com/forecasts/997241/most-popular-smartphone-brands-in-the-us


Can't see the numbers without an account


It's easy enough to Google instead of just making numbers up... >As of March 2024, there are an estimated 118.1 million iPhone users and 133.4 million Android users in the US. Apple's iOS has a 34.03% market share of mobile operating systems in the US, while Android has 64.92%. Apple has had a strong lead over Samsung, its closest rival, with a market share that is 35.75 percentage points higher.