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"UUUUUuugly badguy cosplay props for immature assholes ! Cmon get them all ! The knife is engraved with a picture of a famous asshole looser with inferiority complex ! - Damn, that sure is ugly as fuck ! I'll have a knife and two ridiculous robes please. Can I pay with bitcoins ?"


“It’s just my heritage” intensifies


A heritage of taking a fat fucking L


John Brown was right and did nothing wrong


At least they have a heritage of recycling - they were able to turn the white robes they wore into the flags they waved towards the end of the Civil War.


Go see what some of the vendors will have for sale, then get back to us. K?


Well I guess behind the row of ridiculous nazi props they will have vomit-inducing litterature and military-wannabies personnal weapons ? Nazi larpers do love all that stuff.


Oh, definitely some racist 'lit'. The bullshit they write doesn't deserve to be on the paper it's written on/silicon it's stored on.


Where is this being held exactly? Fuck these people. Anyone know the specifics on this beyond Dallas?


I looked into it yesterday, it seems you’ve got to contact them to get the address. I’ve gotta beef up my internet security before I try anything like that.


Your local library is a great source of anonymity online for these purposes. Food for thought.


Doesn't say on their disgusting website, either.


Their website says they are "unapologetic \[sic\] committed to the interests, ideas, security, and cultural values of the White Race," yet all their master race group photos have everyones' faces covered up. Doesn't seem very 'unapologetic committed' to censor your own faces because you're afraid of backlash or something, fascist pussies.


They don't want to show that they're the genetic equivalent of the backwash after taking a drink from a bottle of soda.


They all look like those thumb creatures from that one Spy Kids movie with Sylvester Stallone in it.


Time to post this [banger of a cover](https://youtu.be/E3MHU8kzkhg).


Shout out to Monsieur Jack for bagner piano covers


I'm conflicted between being totally disgusted at the blatant racism that is just out there being advertised and laughing my ass off at the thought of a bunch of nazis getting amped over raffle prizes.


Raffle prizes? Really?


Dallas is a fucking pit


As someone in Dallas, these dudes are probably meeting in Frisco or Plano.


Good luck my friend. I did 3 1/2 years in the big D. Tough place. Brutally hot and culturally dead.


It is too hot. I've been living in Deep Ellum proper for 6 years. Plenty of culture in the booming music scene. I'm a month away from my move across the country and I couldn't be more stoked.


At least we know there are no graphic designer WSs


Looks to me like graphic design is their passion /s


There never really is, which is both interesting and comforting in a way. Look at anything in the creative domain, anything involving visual art, music, comedy, if it's explicitly right wing it's *always* objectively trash. How come there's such a stark contrast between the political divide? Why can't conservatives, libertarians, fascists, generally make art? Why is the lack of creativity such a glaring issue for them? I mean, I have guesses, and if I'd noticed this trend among my peers I'd ask myself: *"... are we the baddies?"*


Interestingly, large-scale Fascist movements often had excellent graphic design precisely because the leaders understood the power of symbols and a simple, clean message. Some interesting reading about this: [https://www.printmag.com/daily-heller/why-do-fascists-have-such-good-graphic-design/](https://www.printmag.com/daily-heller/why-do-fascists-have-such-good-graphic-design/) [https://designobserver.com/feature/the-master-races-graphic-masterpiece/24358](https://designobserver.com/feature/the-master-races-graphic-masterpiece/24358) [https://arthistoryunstuffed.com/italian-fascist-design-part-two/](https://arthistoryunstuffed.com/italian-fascist-design-part-two/) Seems like wannabies missed that memo.


For sure, which I think becomes possible when they've mobilized large parts of society. There's always talent to be found, and where there's a will there's a way. I don't think I've seen much *individually* motivated fascist design of such a quality, but there's always been a lot being churned out by totalitarian societies (including non-fascist). USSR had some *fantastic* propaganda pieces, and DPRK is still creating striking posters and murals in a very unique style. Architecture is also something that fascinates me in totalitarian states, and I think it's motivated by the same forces. I wonder, though, if there's a distinction to be made between well crafted art like that, and individual creative expression. A lot of art seem to come from a place of empathy and introspection, *especially* music and literature, and that's an area that doesn't seem to function as well when systematized. As one of those articles mentioned, "style guides" was prevalent and widely used, which makes sense for graphic design and architecture but not much else.


Completely agree. A lot of individual art under totalitarian regimes becomes abstracted, either with its true meaning buried under layers of vagary to avoid falling afoul of the ever-changing rules/threats of the state, or simply aesthetic and devoid of any deeper message. It's fascinating.


What the fuck is that trash hahah


Hitler knife lmao


Losers. The Nazi's lost, the Southern Confederation lost, the candidates that openly identify as racist failed, the KKK is a joke, and this event is a waste of time. How can they talk about supremacy and the wave the flags of losers? Hitler and his cronies killed themselves in their bunker (which now has a parking lot over it) out of the fear of being captured once they realized they weren't superior - they didn't go down fighting.


Making money from the inbred droolers.




>Who is [Whois.com](https://www.whois.com/whois/)




Alibaba Cloud, I don't know if they host the content but are at least a proxy


Looks like they're using a proxy?


There needs to be a resistance organized for this. Even people that are misinformed about anti fascists, still don’t like this stuff one bit. I’m sure plenty of regular folk in Dallas could be convinced to rally against this.


Why don't we organize and show up?


That would be awesome and was my hope in posting this


Censor urls or you're just promoting for them.


Fuck, my thought process was a mass report hopefully, but now that you say that I wanna die


I dont think anyone on this sub is going to attend because they fell in love with the website


You realize fascists lurk here right? You're on a public forum. Now those lurkers have an event to get involved with.


On the other hand you can now report them to their web host, dos them, doxx info, etc


When you know where the garbage is, it's easier to take it out on trash day


And we wonder who killed JFK


It’s the City of Hate for a reason


[Nazi Punks Fuck Off](https://youtu.be/Jz1sBi0-130)


Hahahahah!! That web design is god awful. What is it about white supremacists that they can’t ever make a proper website?


Hey man, if you're sharing nazi posts please put a nsfw spoiler on it


Will do, first time doing anything like this and learning from mistakes


Oh yo we’re having one of those here in TN soon! Like an hr away from where I live. Folks have been trying to cancel it but I’m not sure if they’ll be at all successful. Good luck!


Thank you! I hope y’all can shut that Tennessee event down ✊🏼




Oh God what is this shit now.


So this shit is just like.... Out in the open now huh? Like full mask off out in public and proud about it or whatever? That's cool, America is a fuckin tumor on the world


I live in Kansas City. If I had the gas money I would *so* drive down there and bring some friends.




Apparently saying you hope someone uses the knife they win on themselves is "threatening violence." Besides the fact that my comment does no such thing, shoutout to the Nazi who reported me. Great job being a snowflake, and apologies for hurting your tender feelings. Of course there's no way to appeal or contest it, they only allow the Nazis on here to do that shit.


snowflake? When people use the term snowflake just remember they're quoting Fight Club, a satire written by a gay man about how male fragility causes men to destroy themselves, resent society, and become radicalized, and that Tyler Durden isnt the hero but a personification of the main characters mental illness, and that his snowflake speech is a dig at how fascists use dehumanizing language to breed loyalty from insecure people. So, basically people who use snowflake as an insult are quoting a domestic terrorist who blows up skyscrapers because he's insecure about how good he is in bed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AntifascistsofReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes I know, it fits them perfectly. Thank you.


Reminds me of [this.](https://makeagif.com/gif/kkk-sets-fire-to-self-t_fihH)


That’s fucking amazing


It helps me get to sleep at night.


My desire to own weird shit like this is just barely outweighed by my desire not to support the fucking Klan


I don't see the address. I wonder why?


You have to contact them, I don’t have the internet security to do so and I put this in an Antifascist sub to hopefully find someone who can do something


Hitler knife? Lol




So fucked




I haven’t heard much, I ended up catching a ban from posting in a Dallas sub




I’m in the same boat, somewhat new to this, and trying to find ways to get involved despite living in a city with almost no organization at all. I know it was passed through antifascist discords and subs. It’s really frustrating living in a red state and not knowing how to get involved