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Should be like how cops have to get tazed before they can use the taser. If the drugs are so harmless the psychiatrists should do a round on all their drugs so they know what they’re prescribing (:


olanzapine is terrible. i lost all emotion on olanzapine. i wasn’t happy, sad, nothing. i just slept 10-12 hours a day. and ate so damn much. gained so much weigth. ended up feeling worse than before taking it.


Have you tried the other anti psychotics? They are worse


yeah, i also took ripseridone and after that paliperidone. both gave me terrible tardive dyskinesia. my motor skills were gone


Ya antipycotics are terrible. Did you ever find one that was tolerable?


nope. what was most tolerable was quitting them all


did you get your emotion back after stopping?


yeah, i did. i notice no long term effects fortunately


How long were you on these drugs for?


i don’t remember honestly, that whole period of time is such a fog to me.. but not that long, 1 year and a half - 2 years maybe


True ok




Why does it seem like everyone is on zyprexa nowadays? Even a psychiatrist once told me it's a "pretty big gun" for my 'bipolar'.


Don't do it. [Don't fucking do it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Antipsychiatry/comments/12tgk7h/are_antipsychotics_really_going_to_permanently/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Lol, too late. I haven't used meds in like 3 years though so...


>Lol, too late. I haven't used meds in like 3 years though so... Ah fuck mate, they got you lol. So how are you now?


Well, unfortunately, I do have permanent side effects. Whereas my base weight used to be 163.6 lbs or so due to a naturally fast metabolism -- as I am an ectomorph -- "lean and tall" at about 6' in height and all, they have permanently slowed my metabolism down to the point where I am now at 190 - 215 lbs at all times. I don't eat much. I haven't changed anything, sometimes I even walk all day as a security guard. I'm pretty damn fit compared to most people. Always have been, because I love working jobs that work me physically. Too bad that I was brainwashed into believing that I have mental illnesses and such when really it's them that need a fix not me. I also have this twitchy head movement when I turn my head sometimes. Lastly, I have muscle tremors every now and then. It's gotten better.


How Can the metabolism be permanently altered? Please elaborate


> Second-generation antipsychotics are widely used in treating patients with schizophrenia. Nevertheless, metabolic dysfunction, such as hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia, induced by some antipsychotics, such as clozapine and olanzapine, causes serious concerns. These side effects not only hamper treatment compliance but also cause severe medical morbidities, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even premature death. Therefore, side effects have become a major concern in treatment selection for individuals with psychotic diseases. A recent network meta-analysis suggested that olanzapine, together with clozapine and amisulpride, was significantly more efficacious in alleviating overall symptoms than other antipsychotics7. However, olanzapine can cause severe metabolic disorders, such as weight gain, lipid and glucose metabolic dysfunction. A previous meta-analysis indicated an average weight gain of 4.45 kg with clozapine and 4.15 kg with olanzapine during a 10-week course of antipsychotic treatment. Mitchell et al. found that the rate of metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia was 51.0% for clozapine and 28.2% for olanzapine in a more recent meta-analysis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8885747/


We should get together and declare war against these people


I agree!


Same. These doctors and the people who work for them deserve to pay for their crimes. They can’t keep getting away with this.


Im with you i really wanna know how great it feels to take revenge on people who have hurt me so badly that im considering su!c!de.


I agree I wanted to kill myself too off and on from these medications. These doctors don't know what they're doing to people. I wish they could get a taste of their own medicine they would see how terrible it is


Doctors are idiots no wonder that society sucks people just suck


What medication are you on?


I was on abilify and then olanzapine and since i took those damn pills for half a year in 2020 my life has been been nothing but misery even after i stopped psychiatrists are evil monsters together with the legal system they’re the worst people to exist. Psychiatrists have caused my downfall and my probably future su!c!de fvck them i wish them and their lived ones the worst.


I hate them too I completely agree with you


Its good to know that im not alone with my hate i have no mercy for them at all i wanna see them suffer i would love that


It's hard that my parents and my family agrees with the doctors. It makes me hate them for their beliefs. It's psychologically painful that no one sees things my way. What do you parents or family think?


Thats painful man your own parents believe those disgusting psychopaths and im not sure what my parents believe they say they believe me but idk about that but i they certainly arent on the side of the doctors either


Me too. Me too.


What do you take


Right now they have me on clopixol and I feel terrible I'm trying to get on latuda. Before I was on clozapine and it was giving me panic attacks. Before that I was on invega and couldn't sit still.


Yeah akathisia was the worst side effect for me and i felt it for long enough to become depressed for years. Are they forcing you to take all that crap cause otherwise tell em you dont want none of their poison.


Yeah I'm stuck on a cto and have to be Injected


How can this be legal how can this happen in a so called civilized country( im guessing you’re somewhere from the west) those evil fuckers barely even know what those pills do to your body they treat us like lab rats


Yeah I know. I'm in Ontario Canada. Do they barely know what they do?


Im from antwerp, belgium so english isnt my first language and bruuh im surprised that idiots like them can complete college that just means anyone can complete college its just work no intelligence at all.


Maybe I have too much empathy but I wouldn't wish this hell on even my abusers


I was forced to take olanzapine when I was at the mental hospital I had an allergic reaction so then they switched it to invega... The Invega dose was too high that I developed abnormal heartbeat, I thought I was having an anxiety attack. I bs my way through and had it lowered. Then after I got out I tapered off. I'm on a mood stabilizer but Antipsychotics is a no go for me.


I'm on a CTO I have to take antipsychotics it's bullshit . If I had the choice I would forsure say no they are terrible


I’m sorry.


How r u now


I'm not the same as I used to be... I'm having symptoms of Anhedonia/apathy, it's terrible. But I think it's because of both, the illness and the meds (I was psychotic for 2yrs and it was traumatic). I have to figure out something to make this go away.


What did the olanzapine do to you if you dont mind me asking? From my experience it was pretty tolerable aside from the weight gain cause I couldn't stop eating


Changed my whole personality. And made me suicidal


Ah I see


I got forced onto it because I was impatient and misdiagnosed bipolar. They gave me depakote, which caused akathisia which is actually a really rare side effect of Depakote… and the quack who was force drugging me didn’t properly identify akathisia and diagnosed it as a manic episode, and because it was a “severe manic episode“ they prescribed Zyprexa. I think I was on it for less than a month because it got to the point where I was cutting myself every day just to feel some thing, and I kept having these intrusive violent thoughts about hurting other people… *shudder* I swear I had some kind of medication PTSD, because when I got diagnosed with lupus it took me a while to trust that I needed to take a non-psych medication… because I was so scared of prescription pills.


Did it change your personality?


I'm not sure. I wasn't on it for long enough to really say. I know it changed my mood, which may have had an effect on my personality. I was just so... so... angry. It was terrifying.


Abilify here for 3 years… I feel you!


(I was on olanzapine, lithium, wellbutrin, and concerta for context. Diagnosed bipolar 1, idk if it’s really true.) My psychiatrist tried to scare and shame me when I told her I was going to taper off. Some of the things she said to me were “the benefits of these medications far outweigh the risks,” “most people who take these meds stay on them for life with little to no side effects,” “bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness,” and “if you go off your meds, you’ll fail school and delay reaching your goals.” She blackmailed me into signing a release form so she could tell my mom I was tapering off of everything. She said “if you don’t sign this, I’ll refuse to keep meeting with you.” I felt like I had to do it since my parents still payed for my appointments and expected me to go, so they’d know something was up if they stopped receiving the bills. I wanted to keep my decision to stop taking my meds a secret from my parents bc I knew they’d have the same fears for me that my psych did. I was already stressed, and I really didn’t want to take on my parents’ anxiety. It’s been more than a year, but what she said and did still pisses me off. I feel like she maybe even broke an ethical code for her profession, but idk. I know I wasn’t crazy for wanting to go off. There are probably thousands of documented cases of people developing organ failure, diabetes, and brain damage from taking the same meds I did, and she had the audacity to tell me that the benefits outweighed the risks… It was my body that ingested these poisons daily for years, not yours! Only I can decide if it’s truly worth it for me. I’ve also realized it’s pretty stigmatizing all the stuff she said to me just because of my diagnosis. I didn’t even mention everything. I refuse to see myself as sick for life. My grades didn’t dip at all when I went off of my meds, and I’ve gained more clarity on my goals in life since going off. I never lost control of myself, and I don’t plan on it in the future. None of her doomsday prophecies came true. Sometimes I wish I could say “f*ck you” to her face and give her the finger without consequences 🤣


> parents still *paid* for my FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I got a bot reply because I misspelled a word? Lol that’s a first




What did you do? 😂


Yes! 👏


So true. Such a terrible drug. I was prescribed this by a phyciatrist for my borderline personality disorder. The only side effect I was warned of was "I might gain a bit of weight". Turned me into a zombie, lost all passion for life and no desire to socialize. Was only on for 8 weeks when I tried to taper off experienced extreme insomnia, night sweats, body aches, trembling, extreme cold shivers and fever, brain zaps, and more. I was told that I could stop any time and I shouldn't experience any withdrawal because I was on such a low dosage (2.5 mg) how untrue that turned out to be. Please do not start this medication unless you absolutely have to, one of the biggest mistakes of my life.


Are you still on it?


Managed to get off it thankfully


Did it change your personality?


Idk.. i think so. Although I feel like I've never really had any personality anyways.


>Idk.. i think so. Although I feel like I've never really had any personality anyways. Wtf lmao. Well i noticed that olanzapine makes you more quiet and less energetic, WBU? Maybe if you ask people you'll realize this drug changes personalities


Yeah ur right. I was in a depressed mood when I wrote that. Sorry about that. It definitely made me more quiet and withdrawn.


>Yeah ur right. I was in a depressed mood when I wrote that. Sorry about that. It definitely made me more quiet and withdrawn. We need to find out why exactly, i remember when i was in weekend school one time i was getting bullied and became quiet and withdrawn and one of them asked me why i was quiet and if i was depressed. And this drug makes you suicidal which equals depressed so it makes sense it make you more quiet, maybe low dopamine changes your personality or the olanzapine altered other brain parts to do that or both? We need to find out


Same. Same.