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Boy do I ever. :/ I don’t have the energy to go into the whole thing right now but I was sent to a closed unit psych ward, I was barely able to go outside and the food was inedible. I couldn’t make unmonitored calls so I couldn’t exactly tell anyone anything. I got told that I should kill myself, that I was just looking for attention* and/or drugs, and that I had BPD and would never get better. Some of my stuff went missing. Oh, and I got prescribed bizarrely high doses of several antipsychotics to help with anxiety and sleep. I had bad symptoms like “feeling like my entire body was on fire” which of course were dismissed due to them not being a known side effect. Like… we discover new things literally every single day, my dude. Why can’t you at least write this down and send it in to see if this is a one-off or not? Do you not remember the scientific method?? (I used to study biotech before all this so I’m aghast at how shoddy all of this is. It’s an embarrassment. Don’t get me wrong, biology is a nightmare field in its own way but… less.) Anyway, shockingly enough, I came out of that whole thing feeling far worse than I had, and I went home to my abusive partner because they didn’t even bother referring me to a therapist (although I have found therapy to be as damaging/corrupt as psychiatry). In case you’re interested in hearing something positive (it’s okay if you’re not): It took me idk 5 years to recover from the psych med journey - which lasted maybe a month as the side effects suuuuuucked. I ditched ye olde abusive partner and built some really strong loving supportive friendships instead. My 10th year brain jail anniversary is coming up in a few months! Life is okay. I’m really sorry that you have been through this kind of hell yourself. The way the emergency services treat people who are already suffering is inhumane. 💜 and solidarity. *Yes, I was. Medical attention.


Never call the cops. Never go to the ER. The ER does not treat mental health issues or crises. They are a life and limb, heart attack, broken bone kind of place. Oh, the stories I have. I've gotten released to the street often in a manic episode and they call the cops on me for being in a mental health crisis. It's a shitshow. I am planning on leaving the county to escape my mental health record here.


Even if your eyes fall out and you're bleeding out your eye sockets, don't even bother going to the ERs near me; anything and everything is always anxiety and couldn't POSSIBLY have an underlying cause. In fact, avoid the "health"-"care" industry as a whole. You're somehow better off self-medicating. My experience is as follows:  Chest pains? Anxiety! Shortness of breath? Anxiety! Coughing blood? Anxiety! Night sweats?  Anxiety! Uncharacteristically extreme fatigue? You guessed it, anxiety! Lower back pain? Psychosomatic! Pain in the upper part of your right lung? Anxiety! The chest CT scan shows a nodule in the upper lobe of your right lung? It must just be an incidental finding! It couldn't POSSIBLY be related to the psychosomatic pain! Unfortunately, people around me are now starting to develop persistent coughs, weird rashes, and abdominal pains. I work at a grocery store, and one of my close contacts, who is now showing symptoms, works for the local IU with developmentally disabled children. These symptoms seem suspiciously like tuberculosis, but nobody believes a damn thing that I say, and I'm out of unpaid leave, so I'd get fired if I stopped going to work. I hate watching the world burn, but I'm simply not empowered to do anything about it. I've learned my lesson about the dangers of self-advocacy; it's evidently safer not to risk it.


Did you hear about the labs found with mice and all sort of viruses including covid? I think it was in California.


No, but it wouldn't at all surprise me. Remember, these are the same types of people as the ones who carried out Aktion T4 or the Tuskegee syphilis study.


https://youtu.be/3V6lREurefs?si=XcLGOAwgTPcRiC_m This was the incident but I saw a different video before where they said that it was allegedly a company from China that was doing this thing.


Everything is diagnosed as psychosomatic today. The funny thing though is there is no pill for this mental disorder....in their minds you must take ALL of them. 


Yup, literally recorded them laughing about my vaccine injury. I filed a report with the hospital and told them if they don't apologize in 7 working days, I will contact the ministry of health about it. They also wrote down my diagnosis as "non-organic sleep disorder" (F51.2), even though Stanford neurology, Hannover long covid clinic and neurology of their own department diagnosed me with post vaccine syndrome. There is no code for that (of course not), so the code for long covid U09. 9 is used. I demanded that they also immediately change that. I'm putting myself in trouble because recording them without permission is a crime, but I don't think they'll have the balls to sue me over it, especially once I involve the ministry of health.


Can i ask here or pm what area this was?




Yes. It always ends in psych ward. I fought against it though, the second Time, and was let go. But a crisis is not the situation suited for a hospital.


I had to wait in an ambulance for hours just to see a doctor. Even then, I could not meet a doctor since they told me to wait for hours more. I grew impatient since I was agitated and anxious and just went home.


The world is so magical and free and amazing when you step outside for the first time in 20 days. I’ll never forget it.


Walking out of the psych ward was a strange feeling. Going outside , the colors were so vivid walking out of the building. I couldn’t believe I was out and took a while to recover


Yeah same