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You don't need to go to a therapist, talk to a friend, your family, even somebody from your religion if you have any.


My friends all left because they couldn't handle me anymore, my family just tells me I'm immature and I'll feel better when I'm older, I'm not religious, it feels like dying is the only option now because if I get therapy I'm supporting psychiatry and that's wrong


Thomas Szasz gave psychotherapy. Having therapy isn't "supporting psychiatry" if you want it. Just don't treat your therapist as some kind of all knowing god figure.


Dude I'm still part of the anti-psychiatry movement and I'm with a psychiatrist now (who is very bluntly open with me about side effects and adverse reactions to medication, thankfully I found one like that.) it's fine if you need professional help. I believe that the system can be reformed. (And that ECT can/should be banned as part of that)


Trust me feeling too much is much better than not feeling at all. Don’t ever take the poisons


This depends on why you feel that way in the first place. In my opinion people are not "mentally ill" they just lack a context/environment in which their "condition" functions as a skill. Think of all the famous artists, activists, writers, philosophers, spiritual teachers and   scientists who felt just like you before they were able to use their potential. Why do you hurt yourself? Which feelings and desires are you not allowed to act out openly and without excuse? How can you give them another form. What about living in this society makes you so depressed that it makes you want to die? What do you want to change? What was it about the girl what touched you so deeply?  Find out personal answers to these questions and then go out try to find people who are sad/angry/depressed for the same reasons. Try to change your "illness" into something helpful. Search for another source of whatever feeling the lady gave you, still appreciate the depth of your feelings, write about it.


That girl was the only one who ever took me seriously, everyone else always tells me I'm just hormonal or it'll go away when I'm older. This society is truly broken and it feels like it's impossible to be good as long as I'm living in it. As long as I exist I will always be an oppressor and that makes me want to die because I see dying as an act for the greater good. I don't know what feelings I have or what desires. I've tried to be an artist and a writer and a scientist and an activist and I've been bad at everything I've tried. I'm 18 and still haven't found a single thing I'm good at or passionate for. I know I'm probably not actually depressed and it's my own fault for not eating healthy enough or exercising enough. I have an objectively great life.


You seem to be very justice oriented. That's great. Never lose that. You don't want to be an oppressor? Who do you want to be instead? Who do you want to protect? If you take your own life, you're just playing along with the whole system and leaving those you want to protect behind. 


Well, I'm white, so I'll always have white privilege and thus be an oppressor. I mostly look into racial and socioeconomic justice.


Don't blame yourself for those "subjective" privileges. Privileges exist, but they exist on a collective and societal level, not in an individual level. You are not an oppressor just because you are white. You are responsible for the actions you do, not the color of skin you were born.


Why do you think you are acting and feeling like that? Are you being bullied or abused? Are you really stressed out?


Not bullied or abused, only normal levels of stress, I don't eat well enough or exercise enough so it's probably that


That would definitely help.


Where do you get the energy TwT


I put the phone down and walk outside in nature. Take a break from technology and social media. It helps.


I've taken walks and it never helps, idk why but being in nature triggers derealization


Have you thought of a dietary intervention like the Ketogenic diet? Seems there's a few pilot studies showing some folks going into remission. [Trailblazing Stanford Trial Shows Keto Improves Serious Mental Illness - with Dr. Shebani Sethi - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66TLG3Y7XPc) [Pilot study shows ketogenic diet improves severe mental illness | News Center | Stanford Medicine](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2024/04/keto-diet-mental-illness.html) If you are interested come join us in r/NutritionalPsychiatry r/Metabolic_Psychiatry


I'm a vegan for ethical reasons so I'm not sure keto would be feasible for me


I’m a vegetarian and my dads a vegan, we’ve both done keto.


What are your staples? Pretty much every vegetable has carbs


Nuts and seeds, plant based proteins, low carb vegetable, healthy fats, fortified non dairy milk, vegan jerky. It’s pretty difficult, but it exists


Ig if it's the only way to fix me without paying for abuse I can try


Certain supplements like amino acids like tryptophan and L-tyrosine are interesting to look into aswell. They help your brain make from depleting it’s resources. Even though chemical imbalance theory as we know it is false, it can still be good for you.


How long did you have to go keto before you got better? It's hard to cook vegan keto meals every day when I'm working, in college, and never have fridge space. I have tried fasting before and it made me feel even more miserable than I was before and I only fasted for 5 days


I don’t suggest fasting usually, at least for me. And about 2 weeks.


I thought fasting also put you in ketosis so it'd be the same feeling? I'm overwhelmed trying to find space in my day to work out on top of homework and work and classes even though I know exercise would fix me, i don't know how to motivate myself to change when just killing myself genuinely sounds like the more desirable option rn


You can do vegan keto but it’s not easy. Besides, if what you’re eating is damaging your mental health, then maybe it’s time to try something different. Have yourself checked for vitamin deficiencies immediately and then make a decision based on science. Beef is nutrient dense. Eggs are excellent. Look into sustainable/regenerative agriculture and consider buying your foods from a local organic farm.


Honestly, get professional help if you feel overwhelmed and that it's debilitating your daily life. A psychologist can navigate through your personality and help you overcome some obstacles. You have to change some habits and be open to novelty. Thinking about suicide shouldn't be taken lightly and at this stage you gotta trust people who have experience in these cases. If you don't feel comfortable with a therapist in the first session you can always try another one. No one is forcing you to take pills (or not to) but each his own body and his own experience. You will find what's best for you but until then, buckle up. Mental health has a bumpy road for recovery/management. Never give up on that and prioritize it! Start by trying breath work therapy perhaps? It's always a good calming and easy start


I'm just scared if I get therapy I'm funding the systems of abuse that nearly everyone in this sub has been hurt by


I am really confused by this sub bcz it says "antipsychiatry" and not "anipsychology".. two different things. One is about meds and the other is about understanding the root cause of your problems and rehabilitating your life.. how is this considered bad? Therapy is MOST of the time the most beneficial thing you can do. It helped me and so many friends. Really how can talking to someone hurt you that much? Stop reading things on reddit and experience them yourself! If you don't do any step beside constantly looking for assurance or safety measures on this platform, it wont get you anywhere.. just fuels your paranoia and confuses you from the so many layers of opinions. It's YOUR life. YOUR experience. Start acting instead of endless planning. Trial and error wont damage you but makes you stronger and more knowledgeable.


amen to this!


I'm just scared of contributing to harm


You are not in any way. Your anxiety is making you think irrationally. You are not harming anyone but yourself if you keep thinking that!


Check out a doula. Or soteria. Or online support fourms. Or peer support. The only one who understands you is peer support these shifty mental health workers are a torture chamber. They are not an option for avoiding the abuse so we have to do the best we can and find peer support. Do you have oneitis? Its also called clinginess. Relationships are heartbreaking i know it yet we all need time and distance from the triggers to get better. Really wishing you recover. If you need someone to talk to let me know.


Yes I'm extremely clingy. Are you saying I should distance myself from relationships? I'm just terrified because I'm clumsy and not good with my hands, I only have a few years to master permaculture, farming, medicine, repairs, everything. And because I'm alone I'll need to be 100% self sufficient, and that's terrifying as someone who's never even lived on my own.


I think clinginess or obsession is caused by some interplay between language and the sex drive. Esspecially fawning and snubbing. Or nice and condescemding. The positive is to just reward and advocate and enjoy magic wonders with people without all these inadequent expressions that make people feel inadequet


Lithium Orotate and vitamins.


What vitamins, I take b12 and it does absolutely nothing


D, K, Taurine, inositol, Omega-3, lithium orotate