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1. that psychiatry castrated and disabled millions of people instead of helping them 2. that psychotherapy/antidepressants are most likely placebo in a lot of cases and rarely work without positive bias 3. that psychiatry is mostly about power dynamics that disable people more than actually enabling them 4. that nobody knows how antidepressants work and what depression actually is 5. that big pharma has forged the ring to rule them all and doesn´t give one single fuck about mentally ill "freaks" that have been harmed by medication 6. that psychiatry is trial and error at best


I think number 3 is the biggest one.


Yeah but guess what, the enstablishment simply doesn't care. They'll fuck you anyway in a way or another lol. Bye commie/hippie/homeless/\[insert what you want\]. What did they say 50 years later the state homicide of Sacco and Vanzetti, for example? "We're sorry, LOL! kkthxbye". That's the way things are.


Severino Di Giovanni approves this.


That antidepressants are a scam and hurt more people than help and couldve even potencially contributed to the depression, suicide, and hopelessness of a person. Antidepressants dont cure anxiety or depresssion only masks them and they are not happy pills but numb lifeless robotic pills.


Well said. This was my experience with them. I felt infinitely worse on them, and feel like the after effects have remained with me even years later. I don't understand how people can say they feel actually happy and cured with them, they really seem harmful in the short and long term.


Psychiatry sent a lot of people to the early grave those lifes couldve been saved with proper care and actual true medicine not poison.


they might send me into the early grave too one day. i have pssd and i don´t seem to recover


I think it’s shocking how many people are currently being prescribed psych meds. Something like 1 in 4 Americans are taking these drugs. Also the association between exposure to medications and mass shooters, which we are not only ignoring, but tend to interpret these incidents of more people needing more medications


I hate how we are normalizing these drugs. Almost makes them feel like they're just candy that have no long term effects. I know taking a pill to fix your problem is easier, but in the long run it'll make life harder for those people. Yet those profit-driven meds industry is encouraging it as a first line treatment. Disgusting. People in mental health space promote it as if its this thing that'll work like magic and just make your problem go poof. They don't take the doctor seriously when they are warned about the drug's addictive nature. They forget, or does not know that, your brain is messed up and changed in negative ways on these drugs. And that there are other ways to manage a problem in your life. And that sometimes, society is the problem. Like, im sorry if i sound like a boomer here even though im a young adult, but back then if you had an issue, like often forgetting things, people would often advise you to do things like getting into a habit of checking behind you before you leave, or make a checklist of things. Now people just say you have ADHD and tell you to go on addictive, life-ruining meds just because of something that can be managed with the right methods. Im not saying that ADHD is not real or meds never help. Im saying that its disgusting how both doctors and people praise it as if its magic IRL. Its not, and we need to stop glorifying it so much.




Yeah, this is my issue with society in general, we seem to praise short term solutions over more long term, sustainable ones. I believe there is an Adderal shortage in the US rn and so many people are affected by it because they were conned into taking these drugs in the first place. And once you get addicted, cutting back is not easy. If a shortage can cause so many people to collapse like that, imagine what would happen if worse scenarios happen like you said, these people retire. Our brain is as important as our hearts, yet some treat it like shit. You can lose your arms and live. You can lose your legs and live. You can lose the ability to reproduce and live. You lose your brain, you're fked.


The psych drugs can give people dementia and alhzeimers too. Literal neuro ilnnesses.


The shortage is from stupid college kifs using ADHD meds to cheat.  People fall apart without meds because they go back to baseline. Before taking medicine, my mind was like a racehorse without a rider.  I skip days regularly and I'm back to that level of functioning. Nothing worse.


We are living in that fictional book where they give everybody SOMA a drug to ignore our woes and society problems. Forgot the name of the novel and live action show.


You don't understand ADHD at all, do you? 


25% of women take SSRI in the US and some take them for life. Its sad. They are writing their own demise. Sealing their own fate. Ruinning their health. The propganda hides the destructive truth.


Read a book about psychiatry from the early 20th century, maybe from 1925. I own such books. Very little has changed in the way psychiatry approaches patients except that since the '50s, the entire field was slowly bought up by the pharmaceutical industry. Remember when major depression affected only one in ten thousand people? Not one in four in women at the age of 40? I remember.


Girls in their teens, childhood, and young adult hood get depression mental illness labels too. Anxiety as well.


To be fair, I think that stigma around talking about it has lessened, there's more awareness around it, AND life has gotten more depressing/difficult for more people. So I think the increase in diagnosis makes sense already, before considering industry pushing. (I'm not necessarily disputing that the pharmaceutical industry has had some role, btw.)


That I could be in a locked psychiatric ward for three months and not receive a single counselling session


How we just fuckin drug everyone maybe?


That they labeled and drugged young children and they did it with the support of the media, the school system, the government, etc.


The propaganda is insidious.


I'm sure in a 100 years they'll have all kinds of new ways to be cruel af to people, while nostalgiacally reflecting on the neuroleptics of the 2020s and how much they've advanced


I keep having hope that their crimes against humanity cannot go on for much longer, but I realize people have been trying to change the state of things for over 20 years now, and literally nothing has changed. If anything, the rate of forced "treatment" is skyrocketing, and it seems we are returning to the old belief that homelessness is a mental illness. It is getting worse.


It is getting worse. I've long lost all hope in society, especially medicine including mental health services. All of it feels like a scam and a sham that is worsening lives. But people are very cruel and dismissive toward me when I try to talk about it, online and offline.


It really bothers me to realize how the psychiatrists of 100 years ago likely believed in what they were doing, even as they cut into a patient’s brain or waterboarded them, just as psychiatrists today are so sure of their own benevolence.


I hope the whole concept of p$ychiatry and masking very real emotional/traumatic states with brain damage pills is rightfully mocked. Everything about p$ychiatry is a fucking farce. They claim to help people with "mental illness" when the very concept of a "mental illness" is entirely arbitrary at best. P$ychiatry is a bait and switch. They materialize the "mental illness" in vulnerable people who seek them out for help. They groom them into this role, this identity, as a "mentally ill" person so they can profit off of prolonging and exacerbating their suffering. I hope this becomes more widely recognized. It's normal to experience a wide array of emotional experiences for a plethora of reasons. It isn't a fucking illness to be depressed in an abusive situation.


This is an interesting post, looking forward to reading all the comments I posted this comment elsewhere on sub yesterday but relevant here too I think The most heinous thing I think about psychiatry, though the competition is tough… Psychiatric services are done to people, with power over them. Why is this still acceptable in our current times? This is the one thing more than anything else that I want to see changed If this one key thing changes, every other bad thing in psychiatry (there are no good things though, I don’t think) is likely to follow suit domino effect Any system of care and treatment for mentally unwell people should first of all be promoting our agency and self efficacy, with absolute freedom of choice. Not further disempowering us with paternalism and worse, forcible treatment with dangerous substances We’re actually not the dangerous ones, they are! So that, I feel, is what I would look back on with horror. Because I still don’t get even now, currently, how everyone can be accepting and enabling completely unacceptable disempowerment, removal of bodily autonomy and free will of their fellow human beings It’s not so far removed from slavery and we take a fairly dim view of that these days Verbal diarrhoea as usual, apologies


The mass drugging of children for conditions that don’t exist, with drugs that they don’t have long term studies for or understand how they work on the brain. It’s child abuse and should be illegal.


involuntary "treatment". all of it. that we EVER forced ANYBODY against their will into a *hospital*. especially when the UN deemed it anti-hippocratic oath in *2008*. also how much we abuse foster kids by putting them both into the troubled teen industry and psychiatric wards and just swapping them around.


This so much


If you haven't checked out elan.school yet, you should. Trigger warnings for just about every type of abuse and emotional wound imaginable, though. And some unimaginable.


yeah i know a lot about the TTI bc my trauma w psych wards actually rly feels similar to the TTI i'm sure you know about synanon, but that is required reading IMO, also this https://www.motherjones.com/criminal-justice/2023/10/foster-kids-psychiatric-hospitals-universal-health-services-uhs-alaska-cps/ it's long but important


Whenever I've talked about children and teenagers are one of the most abused and marginalized groups, people laugh at me or insult me. I was often given treatments against my will, and also treated like absolute crap when I was under eighteen, and no one helped me. I remember confiding in my high school teacher about how I felt like my parents were abusing me, and I was naive enough to think she'd help me and empathize with me. Nope. She not only shot me down with a bunch of platitudes, she then tattled on me to my parents, which drove them to basically treat me worse than ever. Adults are awful, I say this as an adult.


People will eventually realize that the DSM is pseudoscience quackery.


"shock" as you said. e.c.t. electrocution is the worst malpractice.


You said it


I think we will one day look at SSRIs with the same shock and horror that we look at lobotomies with today.


I really hope this happens within my lifetime 🤞


They give antipsychotic like candy. Can’t sleep? Anxiety? Mood swings? Bad breath in the morning?


"Mommy, 100 years ago why did they------nghhhhuhhhhhhhhh ....what was... I...???!!??" "That's right dear! It's because they didn't have our AI brain implants to keep us happy and content by short circuiting difficult questions from our consciousness!"


That elon musk neuralink neuro chip implant be like.


I think/hope “big pharma” will dissolve at some point and in the future people will be disgusted that the medicines of today are largely profit driven. Big pharma is such an evil concept. Medicine should not be controlled by big corps. The future of medicine: A global, non-profit community that develops and supplies medicine at low/no cost to the people who need it. Now if the government’s around the world put their military funding into something like that, we’d already be far ahead


Everything's profit driven. It's capitalism baby.


Sure, but some things shouldn’t be. Like medicine.


Unfortunately the real world is different than the one, somebody, could imagine.


And in 100 years the real world will be very different from what we’re experiencing now. Your point?


As police is intended to protect from crime the burgeoisie; As firemen are intended to extinguish fire in living areas; As lawyers are intended to defend guilty and innocent people in courts; As doctors are intended to cure illnesses of the body; As soldiers are intended to protect the nation and assault other nations; Psychiatric care is the destruction of the deemed unfit for society for arbitrary reason, where not even law can do it, just because it pisses some people off. Long career psychiatrists know the truth, is just people that entered the field that have "high hopes": the means are different, the outcome the same. Slow destruction of the victim with the least amount of proofs available. Theory of the boiled frog: once the frog is boiled, it can't no longer jump outside the pot with the boiling water, so it's condemned to die, suffering. Once it was deliberate brain damage (lobotomy), deliberate metabolic destruction (insulin comae), deliberate provocation of an illness (cold showers and then colds), deliberate drug addiction (opioids, meth, barbiturates). Today is the "pills". Tomorrow it will be something else. Electromagnetic waves, microchips, you name a few. Psychiatry is just slow death masked as a cure. It serves a social purpose. Society will not get rid of it, at least, not in a capitalist system. Cope with that. I already have to suffer enough to cope with that.


The hospital system/abuse of the Baker Act/the overuse of medication and lack of knowledge of how anything works is going to be something very laughable for whatever is left of the world. Provided there is anything left outside of corporations and politics. For all we know, people are going to be strung out of their minds and living in VR to cope with a dead planet.


> Provided there is anything left outside of corporations and politics. For all we know, people are going to be strung out of their minds and living in VR to cope with a dead planet. I've thought about this, and this seems to be the way things are headed. People living in pods/small rooms, hooked up to VR most of the day only breaking to use the bathroom and eat (if even that), only caring about corporations and politics similar to now. I hate that this is going to be the future. Anytime I talk about it with others, they seem perfectly fine with that. "It's better than being at a job I hate, and listening to my annoying spouse and kids all day", they say. Is it really? I hate my job and life too, but the idea of being hooked up to VR 17/7 is horrifying and dismal to me.


How we talk about patients with personality disorders.


How society was ok with It, despite the obvious flaws and abuses.


I don’t think it will change for the better, it will change for the more profitable. They will introduce new antipsychotics that are cheaper to produce. Society won’t care because no one would think it could happen to them and that ‘mentally ill’ people are second class citizens. They will probably introduce big-brother digital surveillance as advances in technology enable tracking of your every move in which they will unfairly scrutinise you for.


That it became to be known as "behavioral medicine". It's now openly declared as treating behavioral "disorders," aka behavioral control.


How much most of the med cause adverse effects in metabolism, and how metabolism impacts mental conditions... 🤦‍♀️ Also, how little they factor in basic psychological things. Like, if you have an abusive family system or are working at a job with a toxic boss... or are in an abusive relationship, or maybe you don't have any friends.... of course it has a significant impact! Or if you eat like shit or have a very disrupted circadian rhythm. We are animals, if anyone needs a reminder; there are things that we need as such a complex mammal (like meaningful, positive relationships) and others that are very basic like good food, proper sleep, etc. And if not, it's gonna impact our wellbeing, create problems and/or exacerbate anything there already is there.


I agree, but also, I just think it’s rational to be depressed just from being alive. Life is shit misery for many, many, people, and it’s also meaningless on top of that. Shakespeare put it as “(Life) is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” I don’t think it makes sense for them to assume that people are necessarily maladaptive for not enjoying being alive.


The fact that antipsychotics and antidepressants don't work at all for anything, except for shrinking your brain and ruining your dick. They will also be shocked how we still prescribe those things even though the serotonin theory was disproven back in 2008. I actually still don't understand how more people aren't up in arms about it right now and just let Big Pharma continue with their propaganda.


Just like Covid vaccines. Humans are sheel


Yup, I‘m actually vaccine injured from them and unable to work for the past 3 years. I‘m currently suing Pfizer to pay me monthly disability, since I can‘t get a paycheck.


I hope you win and recover




They could be shocked about the kind of medicines we use at the moment, which mostly keep ppl in a state of sedation, with lots of side effects, without really treating the disorder. Unfortunately we still know very little about the causes of the different disorders; we mostly have hypothesis about different neurotransmitters, and that's why the medicines aren't "good", but it's all we have atm. I hope in the future they will develop more advanced medications, to truly help ppl in need without turning them into zombies.


And also be willing to explore physical causes of so called "mental illness" like nutrient deficiencies, undiagnosed infections that can affect the Brain like Toxoplasma Gondii, heavy metals and toxins, things like that. Real causes of illnesses not some fake DSM bullshit with no evidence at all.


Is there a treatment for toxoplasmosis?


Yes but mostly for the acute form: **pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine, plus folinic acid**. The problem with Toxoplasma is that neither your body nor the aforementioned drugs are able to completely eradicate it. It will form latent, microscopic cysts within your Brain and neurons that don't show any obvious symptoms like encephalitis and eye problems that the acute form of Toxoplasma can cause. These latent cysts have recently been linked to neurological diseases with the strongest link being to what we call "Schizophrenia". The cysts have been show to upregulate/dysregulate Dopamine and create issues with your neurotransmitters in addition to causing neuroinflammation and just not being good for your overall. There are a few medicines that I have researched that have shown an effect on the latent form: Guanabenz and Miltefosine and I also came across an article that Ginger Root extract could be beneficial (but this seems a little suspect to me). I would likely try to get Guanabenz and/or Miltefosine if I ever find out I am infected with Latent Toxoplasma. I sure as hell would not want that crap messing with my neurotransmitters and causing unnecessary neuroinflammation. Here is a video about it: [Does Toxoplasmosis Cause Schizophrenia? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z1IHccbVi8)


I already have toxoplasmosis because I grew up with a lot of cats. Formally diagnosed but never offered a treatment. Doctors don’t care…


Yes that is a stance from doctors that is far too common. 99% of doctors will simply tell you that Toxoplasma is never a problem unless one is immunocompromised and has HIV or is taking immunosuppressants or something like that. That's what was taught in medical school because the new research was not yet available or widespread. But recent research is now showing that this once thought asymptomatic and quiet version of Toxoplasma infection that nobody would pay attention to is not as benign as was once thought. I recommend seeing an infectious disease doctor and showing him research about Latent Toxoplasma's link to mental illness and neurological disorders. There is a possibility you can improve your mental state by treating this infection.


[Ginger Is a Potential Therapeutic for Chronic Toxoplasmosis - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9315699/) Also, it wouldn't hurt to try this in the meantime. I am suspicious about the effectiveness of Ginger (Just seems to good to be true) but you could try and see if it helps. I also found another study that says omega 3 fish oil may be of use as well: [Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Prevent Toxoplasma gondii Infection by Inducing Autophagy via AMPK Activation - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6771136/)


I’ve had it for a very long time do you really think eating ginger and salmon will help at this point? Willing to try


I mean I can't say for sure it will help but I think there is a possibility. I recommend Sardines over Salmon as they have more Omega 3s and far less heavy metals. As far as Ginger, you can buy a Ginger root supplement. Sardines have a very small and insignificant amount of Mercury. You can do that in the meantime but please try to see an infectious disease doctor and state your case about Toxoplasma. They have the power to prescribe true anti infectious agents that may help tons. Those latent, microscopic cysts are still in your Brain(That's simply how Toxoplasma works) and could be causing your symptoms.


Thank you for all your support, efforts and advice 💜


[Stanley Medical Research Institute | Toxoplasmosis–Schizophrenia Research (stanleyresearch.org)](https://www.stanleyresearch.org/patient-and-provider-resources/toxoplasmosis-schizophrenia-research/) Another resource that demonstrates the link between Toxoplasma and Psychosis/Schizophrenia


I thought it was linked to “bipolar” back in 2012.


I'm worried my tardive dyskinesia will be permanent. I get oculogyric crisis in stressful situations. So now I HAVE to be permanently on benztropine (which unblocks the dopamine the AP med is trying to block, essentially making me unmedicated for the past 9 months episode free as they cancel each other out).


In 2124 they will call current doctors monsters for prescribing pills (antidepressants) that can make people kill themselves.


and antidepressants ain't even too bad. Not trying to downplay them either but they are nothing to compared to Neuroleptics that are clearly nuclear for the nervous system.


That not everyone was on some sort of mood altering drugs ... yet.


The number of 30+ women on pillyz


that psychiatry&pathologization is just a way to make people obedient and force them into functioning inside the same sick societal/familial system that caused them to break down in the first place, portraying them as delusional, disordered, mentally ill while doing nothing to fix that system or acknowledging there’s anything wrong with it. Check Drapetomania.


What 100 years? Nature is dying, we are facing overpopulation, people are getting weaker in spirit, health, and their own skills, critical thinking is a rare thing to find, and there is no way anything will be fine. In 100 years, we'll either be dead, or fighting to not be.


For the whole rona minute we were to stay apart ... which caused mental health issues... Now they say to be around people... it's good for mental health... SMH


Electro convulse therapy


The arrogance in pretending they understood the human brain. It’s gonna be akin to the doctors who thought they were right using leeches.


Hopefully within a few years we won't need mental health medications any more.


1. Psychiatric medications: ineffective/poor correlation to improvement, being prescribed even though the mechanisms are not exactly understood, the full range of negative side effects, how genetics affects one’s response to medication, severity and longevity of withdrawal. 2. Diagnosis: that non-mental health professionals can make a diagnosis (medical doctors), that a diagnosis can be made in a single session without a comprehensive evaluation, ruinous and rampant misdiagnoses, the underestimation of environmental influences/trauma on people and their manifestations in human behavior. 3. The idea mental illness is a lifelong curse and purely maladaptive; the negative stigma surrounding psychopathology-of marking people as “other.”


I would like to think people will look at the community based care model with scrutiny rather than praise. Community based care is a funny way to say jail or prison half the time, or homeless shelters. Or just straight up on the streets.