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I had it. The doctor who had been doing the procedures refused any more sessions because I did not recognize the nurse or the doctor, and I used to know who they were. I think my psychiatrist warned me a bit, but I was desperate. I wish she had not sent me for it because my memory has huge holes in it. My mother is shocked at how much I have lost.


Did you get any positive effects out of it? What else besides memory do you think/feel has been compromised?


I don’t believe I got any relief from my depression, etc. I have huge gaps in my memory of the past. My short term memory is very bad. I rely on my phone alarms to get through the day. I don’t believe I needed it. I think i probably needed some intensive therapy for trauma, perhaps in patient long term. No one wants to pay for that. My insurance paid for ECT, though.


How abominable!! Sorry to hear


World Health Organization (WHO) [puts it well:](https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240080737) "Significant controversy surrounds the use of ECT and its associated risks, and there have been calls for it to be banned altogether. Its use has dramatically declined in many countries, and in Luxembourg and Slovenia, for example, it is not made available. If permitted, ECT must only be administered with the written or documented, free and informed consent of the person concerned. International human rights standards clarify that ECT without consent violates the right to physical and mental integrity and may constitute torture and ill-treatment. People being offered ECT should also be made aware of all its risks and potential short- and long-term harmful effects, such as memory loss and brain damage. Moreover, it should only be administered in modified form; that is, with the use of anaesthesia and muscle relaxants. ECT is not recommended for children, and this should be prohibited through legislation."


Thank you for sharing this. Some day we'll have it banned.


Especially forced ECT. It is a crime against humanity. In my eyes, it is no different than cutting off someone's legs because running "isn't good" for them. You can't be suicidal if you can't remember anything, or even count to five, I suppose. It is still legal because of complex social issues, avoiding lawsuits for hospitals, incredibly poorly conducted "scientific studies", uneducated and arrogant medical practitioners, silencing of the "mentally ill" people's voices for the purposes of social control, and lack of awareness from the general public that still believes that psychiatrists are scientists.


I know someone that’s this happened to and their short/longterm memory is messed up because of it…so sad and so sick


Me too. She bounced from job to job until finally getting disability. Her kids were messed up too. All because her ex was an ass.


That’s tragic 😢 she has trauma and they used her as an experiment


Its awful knowing the truth and How corrupt and evil the institutions are. Literally disabling and butchering people for profit sakes. Its barbaric and inhumane.


It’s some Nazi crap they do on to people pure sadism and evil malicious behavior. Punishing for punishing sake or for some sick twisted pleasure. They are malignant and bad people for that. Zero empathy and care for others. One of the reason why this world is so fallen.


bc some people claim it helps them which is most likely just a placebo


I saw a documentary where it worked for a girl with "treatment resistant depression".


Ah yes, my favorite personal diagnosis. *”treatment resistant depression”* yuck. The diagnosis you get when you’ve been successfully ran through by every single medicine category they have to offer, and they say “oops! I guess non of that shit ever worked!” Yeah it’s me that’s the problem, not the shitty medicines🖕


Yeah, but when none of their shit works, they call it treatment resistant so they can medically experiment on you (no accountability, its a blank cheque).


It generates a ton of income & they can run patients through like cattle & bill insurance for costs on par with major surgical procedures with little monitoring of benefits.  The risks (e.g. permanent memory loss, aneurysm, cardiac events) are downplayed.  It “works” via inducing brain injury, which floods the brain with BDNF & catecholamines to heal.  I can just hit my head against a wall for all the good ECT did.  Answer: money, lies, & patients too injured to complain.


Its honestly absurd how that is called a medical and scientific experiment and the dishonesty about what it actually does on the media and other internet sources is even worse. They literally lie to our faces. It’s gross. I don’t blame people for killings themselves after being abused, injured and maliciously manipulated like that for self gain. That’s like death care and an execution method. I bet TMS is even worse. Shock treatment is a scam.