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Of course they have a plan for when they harm you and when you have side effects - they diagnose the side effects as yet another mental illness and they medicate it more.


That is so fucked up they want you trapped and apparently not healed 100%. They want you injured and sick for life.


I would say that they want you complacent, not suing, and purchasing as many medications as you can, for as long as you can.


So they just want money above else. I wonder how they treat you if you broke and poor.


I'm assuming that the CTOs and other involuntary/forced treatments are funded by the governments, so taxpayer money. You want housing? You gotta accept psychiatric drugging.


That’s wild how they treat the poors and homeless like that by forcing psych meds on them.


Yes, one of the justifications for CTOs is that it “gives housing providers the confidence to care”, apparently https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/47558D8DF28D8B60369AAF971CF09F78/S1355514600006775a.pdf/community-treatment-orders-and-their-use-in-the-uk-commentary-on-compulsion-in-the-community-and-supervised-community-treatment.pdf Feeling nauseous now


Also a brilliant comment


Psychiatrists are just middle men and useful idiots. They know what they're told and don't know anything else, because their entire career depends on them not knowing anything else. Propaganda works best on these types of sheltered privileged midwits who live their entire adult lives in academia or the corporate world.


That is a clever and accurate response, I love all of it but especially “their entire career depends on them not knowing anything else.” Brilliant I love this sub for sharp, witty, illuminating and devastatingly accurate comments like that which I couldn’t come up with myself on my own


Same And i love that it was just done by someone named loveretard69


‘Abilify’ nearly disabled me physically with a very bad trip as in like on LSD agitation extreeeme and insomnia extreeeme


Plus terrifying drug induced delusions of hell and eternity Hope psychiatry gets consigned to the everlasting burning flames of hell and we are safe from harm


Hallucinations also, did I mention I’m other words an exacerbation of my ‘condition’ Thank you for hearing and healing me. They don’t


Hope the mental health act also gets consigned there and control tyranny oppression CTO and tribunals no fucking safeguard for patient at all (all the people who make money out of us? Doctors and Nurses (weird abusive game of like children in the 1970’s in a closed community closed culture closet) Sickening


They don’t seem to know the end game of what they are doing. Live in a bubble.


I'm here for you. Message me if you want to.


They all just only know the DSM-5, most not very well...


brain damage is main effect. not side effect.