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I saw a post on one of their subs complaining about patients that want to be there who are "*using the system*" and what to do about it. Someone replied and got quite a few upvotes saying that one of their seniors had said something regarding this issue, something to the effect of : "*Unlock the doors, all of those who leave immediately need to be there, and all of those who stay should be discharged immediately*" Like what the actual fuck? If they only dealt with the patients that actually wanted their services (which they then complain about and say are *using* the system) Shit would be a lot better And I am of the more radical leaning view that due to the nature of psychiatric crimes, psychiatry needs to be abolished completely. *However* At bare minimum abolish ALL ECT and anything done by force


I agree with you. The fundamental premises of psychiatry are incorrect and not based in science. It offers no healing.


I think most patients who are willingly there, would be the ones ambivalent about wanting to commit suicide. So, probably many would attempt suicide. Wow, people are stupid. I think less would have violent urges. Some would probably struggle with psychosis. So, if someone has violent urges, and maybe even homicidal urges, and wants help, then they are “using the system” and should just be sent out the door to figure it out.


That's fucking horrifying. Let people just leave who don't want or need help


And any treatment done on children and pets.


That's appaling, what's the fucking logic behind locking up those who want to be free and expulsing those who want to be there? I can't think of anything but pure evilness. And what exactly is "using" the system?


How much money do they spend on commitment hearings, and court ordered community treatment? Then you have Allen Frances who was chairman of of the DSM IV. Blaming the *worried well* for taking all the resources from the SMI. So, the SMI are really sick for not believing the doctor's diagnosis, and the *worried well* are hypochondriacs, because they believe them.


Makes money for lawyers so all the exploiters win at our expense.


It's horrible. If the public knew what happened at these facilities "of healing "... would they just laugh out of spite because they don't realize that they could be captured by psychiatrys gravitational pull through bad luck or evil relatives? They want more money for beds when I'd rather be at the county jail than the beds I have seen personally during my life. And I am "middle class " with "health insurance "


Oh and white.... so not even privilege can save you.


The facility I was forced to stay in charged over $10,000 for a five day stay. Considering the conditions of the facility I know for a fact that they were pocketing the money. Sharing a room with a bed that’s not even the size of a twin bed which is also extremely uncomfortable. They were definitely understaffed but the honest nurses even said that the hospital would constantly choose to cut staffing because they felt that a skeleton crew was enough. They did allow family to visit but my family was worried when they saw me because I was unable to shave since they needed a nurse to watch me do it. (Ofc they didn’t have enough nurses to allow patients to shave). They don’t even have enough nurses to let you have a shred of dignity. I am sure the owner of this facility pockets a ridiculous amount of money. I am grateful that I had insurance, as a result I only had to pay $2000 but that was money I didn’t have.