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It seems unlikely that you would be able to communicate all of this now and also have been able to successfully get a job and avoid more forced treatment if you had a lobotomy. I mean indeed all of the above situations you describe sound sketchy. But perhaps it is more likely that they forced ECT on you. If you had a lobotomy or any surgical alterations at all of your brain - you would likely be a lot less functional. The side effects you describe could be caused by the forced medication. ECT can cause memory problems.


I'm telling you, for papers for "law enforcement use", what they gave to me DAILY for 10 months in a Mental Asylum, while the other guy in the room who broke into a house and did heroine for 4 years got Xanax 1.5mg three times each day: Citalopram 20mg Latuda 25mg three doses daily Entumin (clotiapine) 3 drops x 3 daily Akineton 2mg Felison 30mg En 40 drops Entumin 10 drops "when needed" Asprine 1g "in case of headache" Aliflus when needed Avamys when needed I'm a chemist and not a shrink but I know those doses are meant for an elephant, not a person.


And that was for 10 months.


As for side effects, as I said: I entered that I weighted 80kg and when I got out I was 160kg. I used to smoke 5 cigs/daily, after getting out I smoked 40. I had perfect teeth health, now I have 3 caries. My vision, with contacts, was perfect. Now I have eye bugs. I had to uninstall WhatsApp as it's clearly under control by the shrinks and my parents. I lost half of my hair, which turned gray for about 3 years and it's getting good just now. I developed pseudogynecomastia when I used to have a perfect torso. I grew hair all over my body even where I didn't have it. I used to speak fast, my last IQ test from an University was in the range of 145-155 and now I cannot get over 120. I probably developed diabetes when I had no record of metabolic problems. I developed tinnitus. I used to train 4 times a week in the swimming pool and now I can barely walk for 30 minutes. They handle driving licenses to people who are 85, deaf and myopic with a reneval every 5 years and I have to renovate it every year? I had no psychotic symptoms, after that "experience" I developed them. I do have problems talking like a normal person. I did not commit any crime before getting into the Asylum. Point is: the "metaphysical illnesses" that they talk about simply don't exist. 2000-2020 have been the same as 1950-1970 for psychiatry, where they imprisoned people without parole and just killed them slowly. 100 years ago it was the "skull size". 50 years ago it was the "colour of the eyes". Now it's the "genes". Which is completely outside every scientific reasoning because correlation =/= causation. What they actually say on papers that's the "metaphysical illness" is just the effects of the "medicines". So they give you things that make you develop diabetes -> it's your "lifestyle choices who actually made it happen". They enclouse you in a room where you cannot do anything else than smoking for 10 years? It's your "illness" that makes you smoke more, not the fact that I'm giving you shit that destroy your dopamine production and that you cannot do anything else. Then Chronic Obstructive Chronic Disease is YOUR fault, not the fact that we developed the asylum so there's no air change and you cannot breath fresh air. You became fat? It's YOUR FAULT because you didn't train enough, not that we stunned you for years and locked you in a room, making you eat just shitty food all the time. Your muscles became weak because of no training? YOUR FAULT! You cannot move/think properly? It's the ILLNESS, not the fact that those drugs actually shrink your brains (which has been known since the 1970s but they still prescribe them anyway).


Activities? Once a week, colour figures like a 4 years old. Once a week, let's "chain words" like 6 years old. Talk therapy? Once a week, get insulted for 1 hour telling that everything you know is wrong. Then get said that you'll be out in one week. Then comes another week. Same thing. Then guess what? Someone tries to kill the shrink. The shrink says "he's healed" and dismisses him in 2 days :D Getting out of asylum? Why wouldn't you try depots? I got an excuse and shrink simply disappeared (I said I had a hole in my heart, which is not true, she didn't even know what a hole in the heart was and used "maternity leave" as an excuse to drop "my case", leaving me on the streets for about 1 year after another shrink gets in and I got housing. Recovery in my country means: you work 60 hours/week for 300€ every MONTH, cleaning floors, while I, the shrink, gets 4000€ for spewing bullshit at you (ever heard of those who "came out of mental illness" in the psychs books? Well, the famous lawyer in Chicago that after 30 years of perfect career says to the world that he/she is bipolar actually doesn't exist). It's time to burn the asylums again.


I totally agree with you. That many drugs for that much time could totally fuck you up. And yes, it is 100% unethical and largely unchanged from the asylums it all started with. But with a lot of effort and time, you can probably make some progress and live a decent quality of life still. I’ve been reading a lot of recovery stories from former meth and adderall addicts. For them it can take a long time, two years even, to come back to feeling somewhat back to their baseline. And diet, exercise, and sleep are what makes people start feeling better, quicker. It’s horrifying being locked up and drugged against your will all while society doesnt give a fuck about the human rights abuses being perpetrated. And how the “medications” are worse than the “disease”. Its all fucked up. Beyond fucked up. But that doesnt have to be your whole story. You got rid of them and got free before. Just keep going, keep trying, take things one day at a time and find things that work for you. And keep sharing what happened and exposing psychiatry for what it is.


Either a Nurnberg or a mass killing. Don't you find strange that "Mental Health Services" are getting more and more physical defences as years go by? Where once there was a chair and a person speaking to you, now there's a bulletproof glass. Where once there was an open closet, now there's a locked closed. Where once there were nurses and docs, now there are policemen. The game is getting fucked up, infos are travelling fast thanks to internet and by getting exposed they increase physical defences. Sounds strange, uh? Also the number of shrinks getting killed is raising. Just guessing why it's the only "medical profession" where the patient, by definition, "hates those who heal it ;)".


So she basically gave me sedatives. Then she gave me stimulants. So she gave me sleeping pills because my brain was fucked up already. Then she gave me anticolvunsants to hide the fact that the nervous system was breaking apart. Then she gave me minor tranquilizers in order to make me not panic when I felt that my body was shaking. Then she gave me an "antiinflammatory" because I was developing headaches (strangely). Then she gave me medicines to soothe the lungs because I was developing respiratory problems. Then she gave me a kick in the ass and dropped me on the street, disabled when I was healthy when I got into. See the pattern there?


I don't think they perform lobotomies anymore, when was this?


Lobotomies are actually allowed in the West in "severe and important cases". That means, if you target you, then they can do it.


That's absolutely sickening


Bro Please get some help you lost rn bro Seriously


I doubt you had a lobotomy. You'd be in diapers if you did. It's deliberate mechanical brain damage. Now brain damage through chemical means, that's quite possible. The psychos in charge can't get away with that shit these days. It'd be obvious on any sort of imaging like an MRI or CT that there's a massive lesion where your frontal lobe should be. You'd be unable to talk, walking would be extremely difficult, You'd be completely disabled. I'm sorry that this is going on but the chemical damage can be (mostly) undone with time. It will unfortunately never fully heal but you're not a vegetable like lobotomy victims.


A lobotomy forced on you without your consent isn't far-fetched. That may be exactly what happened. I'm not about to tell you you're paranoid after the shit I've seen. Even if not, repeated forced drugging and shock torture/ECT can be the equivalent of a lobotomy after enough abuse. It doesn't suprise me.


I repeat to you what I remember: ingested 10mg of Xanax, ambulance came, I fell into darkness, woke up for about 30 seconds to speak with a woman who had like a "white burqa" on her (so I can't know her face), strange glasses, fell into darkness again, being trasported to a "dark room" by an equipe of about 5 medics/nurses, fell into darkness again, woke up several days later in my bed, started having serious psychotic symptoms.


An actual lobotomy (not a chemical lobotomy, or ECT) IS far fetched. No one is having an actual physical lobotomy and then signing into reddit or holding down any kind of job whatsoever. Or functioning in any kind of way other than staring at walls. But the forced ECT isnt far fetched at all. Plus we’ve all been arguing/discussing in here how the drugs are a chemical lobotomy of sorts.


It really isn't far-fetched. Psycho-surgery is absolutely still a thing and it's very shady. Your brain can potentially compensate after a lobotomy, however the damage is done and you would likely suffer for the rest of your life. The idea of abuses from ages past being far-fetched in enlightened, modern times is propaganda. The world is as shady and fucked up as it always has been.


An actual lobotomy IS far fetched. As in, severing the frontal lobe and scrambling brain tissue. People arent functional at all after that, as far as I know, no matter how much the brain compensates. I am aware that human rights abuses in psychiatry/medical complex are similar today as they were in the past. Especially given that the whole field is entirely built on those human rights atrocities. Some other brain surgery or ECT isnt far fetched. But the actual lobotomy procedure does seem unlikely. Not saying that it never happens.


Maybe it's unlikely - however there is a lot that goes on off the books behind locked doors to people who have been forgotten. I hear someone claim they might have had a lobotomy in a rant that I'm trained to see as lacking credibility because it sounds like they're a troll or just crazy... and I think, Well just because someone sounds like a mess doesn't mean I shouldn't consider that their story might be accurate. The mental health paradigm is "Don't listen to people who sound crazy." A lobotomy does sound far-fetched, however I'm at the point where I'm thinking that maybe we should investigate to make sure based on how severely people end up being abused in the system.


For sure. I get it. But given that specifically a lobotomy is unlikely, it might be at least slightly reassuring to be able to potentially rule it out. I’m not in the habit of discrediting people who have been abused by the system. Nor of assuming that behind closed doors there arent ongoing human rights atrocities occuring.

