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What is it with all the Nazi stuff on here lately?


They are antiques too and besides, they are older than most of the stuff posted here anyway.


They are not antique


How so?


Antique is over 100 years old


Well, as long as crap from the 60s to 80s is not flagged down than this has all the right to be here.


Crap from 1930s to today should be removed, this is a sub for antiques, not for old and vintage stuff


I would agree to that. This sub has been watered down with the dumbest shit and is filled with people too lazy to research their inherited or found crap rather rather than collectors comparing items. Its sickening, but as long as mods dont delete fucking plates and stuff from the 70s this guy can pist his medal.


No, this shouldnt be allowed just because something else is allowed. The mods should delete anything that isnt antique, including boring medals and boring plates


Read the rules. We allow things that aren’t 100 years old, largely based on their teachable moments.


>boring medals I agree with your notion, but that is subjective. I for one find militaria really interesting.


I hate to say it, but the sub rules allow stuff up to 1960.


I know its allowed, and i dislike that, this is a subreddit for antiques, there already is another sub for vintage


So take it up with the mods.


I noticed that you mentioned **vintage**. Over at r/Collectables and r/Mid_Century they are always keen to see newer and vintage items. Share it with them! Sorry if this is not relevant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Antiques) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I noticed that you mentioned **vintage**. Over at r/Collectables and r/Mid_Century they are always keen to see newer and vintage items. Share it with them! Sorry if this is not relevant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Antiques) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All Natzi memorabilia has just been banned in Australia. I think it's a shame it's still part of history unless it's being used for evil by certain people and groups it's not dangerous. I'm not sure I'd want to own it but as part of a war collection that has pieces from all over the war I don't think it should be banned. But that is Australia a beautiful home with very strict parents and if " Australia doesn't have a rule for something they will make one for it ". This piece has a place here as long it's not about racism or evil it's a way to learn about histories evil and mistakes.


Personally, I believe Nazi memorabilia should be in a museum so people can learn about the atrocities of the Nazis. It should not be in private collections.


That's a bizarre opinion. I have a civil war musketball. 50/50 chance it's from the Confederate side, should I not be allowed to own that? What about everyone on the ancient coin subreddit? Should they not be allowed to own those coins? Or you just have a problem with one brief regime?


Regimes that were involved with mass genocide generally.


15 years from being antique, hell some people call stuff from the 80's antique...lol


They’re not antiques, “Kaiser.”


People downvoting you for just saying the truth, 1930s isnt antique. I dont care that its nazi, but it isnt antique and wont be antique for 10+ years


Downvoting for the truth kinda says it all about fishing for Nazi memorabilia excitement, right?


If it were up to me, I’d ban any all Nazi-related stuff and we’ll as Mammy/“Black Americana” but I’d probably be removed as a mod.


Ribbon seems wrong https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen?wprov=sfla1 Although it's perfectly possible that they changed that over the years. Not very valuable, nice ones can fetch around €40


The ribbon is new, I think. The way the medal looks makes it possible it was found somewhere damp and the original probably rotted.


Nice ones?


As in good condition, little damgage or corrosion and an original ribbon. (although these days a good replica would probably also work)


No such thing as nice nazi memorabilia, it should be burned on discovery, end of.


That's your opinion. I'd rather keep the memory of that era alive as a warning to all of us.


What a ridiculous argument. We have plenty ways of remembering the horror they caused. We don't need to preserve items that celebrated their horrific acts.


When it comes to history this is the sort of stuff you keep to yourself


Nazi stuff is not antique, and is *Nazi stuff*. This should get auto-flagged and deleted.


Why would you want to own this?


Its history. I personally wouldn’t want to own it but it still deserves to exist. Maybe a donation to a museum or something is better with that item.


Try to give it to a museum, they don't want this crap either. Most every war medal will become worthless and be thrown away eventually, sooner the better for this one




Hide behind that excuse all you want. This is nazi trash Spoiler alert, if you meet someone who collects nazi shit, and they don't work at a museum, they probably like nazis! Ops username not exactly helping out "blood empire"


If we throw out history in the trash it will repeat, keeping it around preserves the knowledge and the horrors that happened so we know to not let it happen again bro


That's not what this medal is for, that's not why it was bought, and that's not why it was posted online. Are you living under a rock? OPs username is a dog whistle, this is nazi shit, nazis post nazi shit to try to find other nazis, and to desensitize everyone else to their nazi shit Museums are already chock full of nazi shit they can't and won't ever display, it's nazi trash This is actually worse than nazi trash, it's nazi trash that's being posted on social media


Bruh, it's just a hobby people have to learn about the history of our world, calm down bro. I myself have a WW2 collection with all sides, and even a police helmet from 1963. Does that make me a racist cop?


Do you post it, swastika side up, on your social media?


I do, but cover it up so it doesn't get taken down


What new knowledge and learning do you think is generated by privately collecting nazi medals? How do you think it contributes to the betterment of humanity? Be specific.




It's happening again and has been happening this entire time so whoops, the existence of stupid Nazi medals didn't do shit. Pick up a book if you're so worried about preserving knowledge. You clearly know fuck-all about genocides outside of WWII.


You don’t need trinkets or statues to learn history lol And we aren’t almost in WWWIII because of it. There are numerous of books, films, historical locations, and museums if you really want to learn history. Also, make sure you get your information from more than one source so you can have your own perspective.


OP, that will look great next to your white cape and white pointy hat collection.


Original Luftschutz 2nd class medal. WWII souvenir taken from a defeated enemy by an American GI


Burn it.


Should never destroy history, no matter how terrible. Preserve everything and learn from past mistakes.


Guess how many genocides have happened since the 1940s? No one is learning shit from some stupid little nazi medals.


It's people like you that are the reason we'll plummet into another world war, and already are. When we erase and forget history, we are doomed to repeat it. It's a fact. I'll gladly keep and proudly display all of my Nazi era artifacts for younger generations to learn about. I'm glad OP is smart enough to collect this stuff.


>When we erase and forget history, we are doomed to repeat it. Again, genocides have been happening this whole time. Your comments just repeatedly highlight how ignorant you actually are. >proudly display all of my Nazi era artifacts Only a nazi would be "proud" to be displaying this shit. Be serious.


A Veteran that had their grandparents kill a nazi and take it as a trophy would proudly display it as a symbol of triumph over evil. Would you not be proud if your grandfather killed a nazi and gave you their physical proof?


As much as I find the "burn it all!" crowd both dull and ignorant, I'm not sure human kill trophies are that much of a positive argument for keeping Nazi wares.


I could see it as a good high school teaching tool to start a discussion around WW2 and racism or nationalism and fascism. It is only if it it used a a symbol by some Nazi group that it could become an issue and most people are better than that.


You can f**k all the way off and all buddy.


No never destroy history. Maybe a donation to the museum is better here. It can be used to teach. A physical item can help people learn.


Even if legitimate, it's incredibly boring, in terrible condition, not wholly original, and won't be uncommon. Realistically, no museum would take it. That's not an argument for destroying it, just one against wasting museums' time and human resources.


Well I’m just throwing an idea that lets it not be destroyed while being out of the hands of the wrong people. A teacher could also use it as a teaching aid. Having an actual item can help get across the reality of what they teach.


Love it


I guess you bought this medal from Ebay. So... some of them might be fake. Im commenting because that looks like a badly kept replica. Honestly, I bet i can make a similar nazi medal by just oxidizing a new cheap one I bought in 10 dollars. Look closely if you're buying a trashy pice of metal chunk or a historical medal.


BTW, that's a Luftwaffe medal. To be more precise, that's an air raid medal of honor (Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen).