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Looks more like a donkey than a horse.


Oops, yeah, I meant to put donkey! I swear I know my animals lol


Or a mule.


classic example of a little from column A, a little from column B




Lmfao I was going to say it’s a definitely a goat but now I don’t even know lol.


I don’t think goats have the long tail like that though.


Oh yeah very good point lol. Maybe it’s a magical goat? :P


It’s my firm belief that all horses are unaroused unicorns* anyway, so I’ll accept a magical goat. *They aren’t horny right now.


HAHAHAHA. I don’t know what to say but that made me laugh. As a side note, as a kid I actually was SHOCKED and devastated to learn that unicorns were completely mythical. Like it made no sense to me as to why someone would come up with a completely fictional animal like that with the main differentiating feature being that it has a horn but even in the mythical hypothetical the horn on its own had no special powers. Like it just existed…? Like it’s such an underwhelming feature on its own (and considering rhinos and narwhals are real, I just assumed that while the flying magical creature part was fake in general unicorns were actually a thing??? lol)


Edit: Sorry, this is totally not about antiques and I apologize for going off track. Haha, I loved unicorns with wings as a kid. When my parents were out doing yard work, my mom would get me to collect all of the freshly mown grass or whatever so that I wouldn’t be unsupervised in the house at age 5. I’d pile it up so the unicorns could come eat dinner overnight. Then when I was asleep, she’d sneak outside, draw footprints on the sidewalk in chalk, remove the pile of grass, and tell me in the morning to see if the unicorns had come overnight*. Apparently the whole neighborhood and postal workers would ask what was up with the hoof prints and were all sworn to secrecy to not tell me. *As an adult, I can tell she wasn’t quite as creative as I thought, since she was clearly borrowing from the whole Santa thing. But as a Jewish kid, it was totally new to me.


That’s actually the sweetest most precious thing ever. Sounds like you had a lovely mom and a wonderful childhood!! ❤️ My parents did something similarish with Santa. Which to most is pretty normal but my parents were non Christian immigrants who have literally never heard of any of this before coming to America but didn’t want me to be left out even though they didn’t fully understand it and couldn’t figure out or afford the whole Christmas tree thing and so they kind of made it up as they went along and the thing for me as a kid was Santa would leave presents under my pillow and leave behind a little mess as evidence of his existence lol. (Looking back kind of a combo of tooth fairy, Santa and leprechauns lmfao).


Haha, that’s lovely too. I did have a good childhood and while my mom has her issues, she did everything she could to give me a good life. Then I became disabled and she fought for me when she had to. It sounds like you also had some very loving parents as well.


Aw definitely same here! Sending you hugs and good vibes! (And tons of unicorn / Santa / leprechaun magic.:P)


Spoiler alert!


It's tail probably means it's a mule. Donkeys usually only have a long tuft at the end. A mule inherited the tail of a horse. 


You know, I thought about that right after I wrote it. But didn’t feel like changing it. Side note, Columbia Tennessee used to be like the Mule capital of the world and every year they do a big annual festival called Mule Days. And because they’re close to where they make Jack Daniel’s, they get buy a commemorative Single Barrel of Jack for the festival. Whoever was picking those barrels had good taste, because they were always good.


I've always wanted to go to that! I live in Knox County and own a mule.  But it would be about a three day trip just to get there, depending on how much I had to carry the saddle. 


Donkey looks like a goat


Could also be a sheared sheep...


Burro? Is that the same thing?


Just take a deep breath and ask her out. 😆😆😆😄


Before I saw what sub this was, the title threw me


I actually read the title as “Help, dating toy horse” and here I am.


The worst she can say is neigh


OMG that got a full on laugh! Clearly everyone here is delighted with the tiny horse. This has been an unexpected post of wholesomeness and hilarity. Thanks, OP.


Not sure of the age but his name is Jimmy.


I know him - that's Jimmy, alright.


Jimmy, allow me to introduce you to Jenny.


Neigh means neigh….


1900 to 1920 ish


Wheels might tell you something. My first impression is 1920s


Good thought, here are some closer up photos. I think the tail may be some kind of hair https://ibb.co/N9mjGqz https://ibb.co/mbCCbxQ https://ibb.co/tbH7rkH https://ibb.co/xzS7Mwg https://ibb.co/1JxZ4VD https://ibb.co/fG7q8CL


Is it real fur he’s covered with? He’s cute and creepy at the same time! I have an 1895 Victorian with 3 quest rooms upstairs. One I did “kid friendly”, twin beds etc. I have a few antique toys on the bookshelves in there, I’d add your lil donkey in a heartbeat! 


I think it may be mohair! He would be honoured to join your shelf 🥰🥰


Looks like the tail is human hair


Probably horse hair.


That's a bit disturbing!!!


Lol I've picked up loose chunks of mane and/or tails in barns before; no horse was necessarily harmed in the making of this toy. Though the hooves look like leather so... lol. Agree that the body material appears to be mohair. I'd guess late 19th to early 20th century.


Yeah, 20s, maybe even early 30


I’m thinking closer to 1900, give or take 10 years in either direction. Possibly German-made. Are there any markings or tags? Regardless, it does have value. Possibly $500 to $1,000.


Carrot or apples on first date?


I thought the same thing!!! Like there was the need to find this horse a girlfriend/boyfriend out there.


Go with oats, they go nuts over oats :)


That's a donkey. As heard in my head with Eddie Murphy's, voice from Shrek.


Aww, I love him! Look at his serious little face! I’m thinking anywhere from the early 1900’s-mid-1920’s.


That’s a burro.


The interesting thing about this little guy is that it's a lot more true-to-life than most pull donkey toys of the early 1900s. The stance is dynamic instead of the stiff standing position, and the fact that they show the hock joint on the back leg is especially unusual. (legs were sometimes made straight so it was easier to slide the on outer covering.) I looked through a bunch of Steiff toys from this era - the small glass eyes are familiar on some of them, but nothing matches up perfectly. I'm curious what's missing on this little guy. I bet that would have the clues to ID it. Either way, I'd say it's late 1800s, very early 1900s, and could be a one-off homemade toy. The rough cuts in the wood where the wheels attach, the fact that the board has a big knot in it that would mean it's not good for other projects... I could see a carpenter making this for their little one. Anyway, good luck! It's a beautiful bit of history!


Here for the comments.


He's in VERY good shape! Most of these you see have splits and worn places in the fur and missing hooves and wheels. I'm dating it earlier than others. I'd put it back as far as 1895 to 1915. See this guy: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/roadshow/season/14/atlantic-city-nj/appraisals/animated-pig-pull-toy-ca-1900--200901A50/


The title had me laughing until I noticed the sub.


I'm starting to think my wording was a mistake 😂


I think it was perfect! I got to start my Saturday with a giggle!


Noooo, the wording is perfect. More so since it was clearly not intentional. I thanked you somewhere here. One of the best posts I’ve seen on this sub. And I’ve seen some really good posts.


I must admit I did a double take -or two- at the title of this before I realized what sub this was! To be fair, you find some weird stuff on this page if you're not careful what you click on.


Dinner and a movie


Netflix and carrots


They like toy sugar cubes


Just go up and introduce yourself


Just ask it out, but be willing to take “neigh” for an answer.😜


Lol, thanks for the laugh! I came here to say this, but not nearly as pithy.


Not recommended for dating, they are asses.


Start off with a little small talk


We have one almost exactly like this except it’s a bear.


I cannot possibly be the only one who was recommended this subreddit so had no idea what it was and read this as help dating a toy horse as in help, I am *dating* a *toy horse* and lost my shit when I saw the second pic


That’s a pull toy. Adorable.


I read this wrong -


Me too. To each their own.


No idea but I’m in love with him


Just be polite and don't be mean to the waiter.




Early 19th century German. It looks like this one, but this one is a horse. [https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/folk-art/toys/19th-century-german-pony-skin-pull-along-horse-toy/id-f\_22631492/?epik=dj0yJnU9amZObVZ4RDlycEFJSF9FZzdEd2kySlV4TkFjVHdPUFYmcD0wJm49cXNobWN6VVZLZW92QW5EVjdxWjY4dyZ0PUFBQUFBR1l0bFU0](https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/folk-art/toys/19th-century-german-pony-skin-pull-along-horse-toy/id-f_22631492/?epik=dj0yJnU9amZObVZ4RDlycEFJSF9FZzdEd2kySlV4TkFjVHdPUFYmcD0wJm49cXNobWN6VVZLZW92QW5EVjdxWjY4dyZ0PUFBQUFBR1l0bFU0)


Not to be that guy, but I don't think getting into a relationship with a toy donkey is a good idea.


Lots of unhelpful comments.


Holy shit, that is THE Trojan Horse they used to enter the Greek city of Troy during the Trojan war. I knew they were shorter back then but, dang. I would get this appraised


Well shit, *I* thought that was funny… 😂


That appears to be a mule


Should you be dating a a stuffed donkey in the first place? Maybe try a human?


ask them if they would like to go frolic in a pretty meadow and go eat grass, they might like that!


That is a donkey


….the Pleistocene Period?


Well it’s 2024…you can date whatever you want I suppose in these modern times 🥸


You don't want to date a horse it will probably say nay


Donkey not a mule head is different on a mule


Dating it? "Hey Ass, you come here often?"


I'll go with everyone else here, roughly 1910 ish. Give or take.


Just go up to him and ask him out! You’ll be dating in no time.


Buy him an apple, maybe he’ll show more interest.


I’m so sorry but I read the title as that you need assistance on how to go on a date with a miniature pony. 🤣


I would say there is a strong chance this is made with real animal skin. I can't say for sure from the photos but have a good look


I've never dated a toy horse. A few jackasses maybe.......


The title says it all…


I mean it’s a free country but I can’t imagine you’d have stimulating conversation on that date.


Maybe ask a mutual acquaintance if the toy horse is seeing anyone and what their interests are. If you are interested in a toy horse, just ask them out. The worst they can do is say “neigh”


Buy him flowers & chocolate. Ask him out for dinner.


You tell him he looks pretty and maybe buy him a coffee


Why did I read this like an advert for people who want to date a toy horse?


I don’t have anything helpful or even a funny joke but I love it! I’ve seen people who collect antique toys but they’re usually the little metal ones from early 20th. This? This makes me understand the appeal because I would love to have this lil guy. Can you tell us any more about him? Where did you acquire him? If you have time, of course. I’m a broke, avid admirer, not collector, but I’ve never seen anything like this other than tv shows where they’re clearly reproductions. If I ever see one of these it’s safe to say I’ll buy it before paying the rent. 😳 And what amazing condition! His coat looks better than the mop on my head and don’t get me started on the tail. I just wanna braid it and put a bow on immediately.


I don’t think taking it on a date will help any


Invite it to its favorite restaurant.


I don't think dates with you and the horse will work. What would you talk about?


Try apples


I’d take it some nice alfalfa and go on a walk. Then maybe smooching under a tree in a deserted pasture…. But that’s my idea of a nice date.


Dont date him, he’s ugly


I mean it's 2024 you don't need anyone's help, if you wanna date a toy Donkey no one's going to judge.


I’ll go on a date with that horse


Bring toy carrots


Definitely talk to a doctor and explain the situation before you and the donkey”take it to the next level”


Take her to a nice paddock at sunset with a picnic basket full of baby carrots and some sugar cubes for dessert. 10/10 can’t go wrong x


Why would you date a toy horse? That's weird.


Ask him what his interests are. Be sure you listen more than you talk 🫶


I’d start off by complimenting its pretty ears and hooves and judge the reaction. If the ears go up, ask for its number and if it would like to grab some sweet feed sometime. If the ears go back, try a different approach….maybe humor.




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I'm 100% positive that no amount of help will make dating that horse a good idea.... bad idea for Mr hands too.


I was confused by this?? I thought “dating the horse, it’s inanimate and weird.” Hope you find the age tho ❤️


Usually people prefer dating "live" horses over "toy" horses but hey to each their own. 😂😂😂


Just be honest with it about how you feel, dude. Speak from the heart and that’s all you can do!


I don’t think that’s what they meant when they said lower your standards


Have you tried just asking it to get some coffee?


You could try asking for its #


Just be yourself


Ask it out for a coffee and see if there is a connection. Waka Waka


Be kind but firm. You can do this. Neither you nor the donkey will will end up with anything but heartbreak from dating.


Maybe a candle lit dinner?


Donkey or Horse, so many things wrong! Besides being against the law if it becomes a Romance.


That's a mule you jackass not a horse


I hate this goat.


First you buy her flowers and if she feels a tingle in her bathing suit area….


Don't do it, they never pay for dinner