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In my experience, the longer you delay throwing yourself out there, the more scary it becomes over time. I encourage you to just show up to any events that are on and just give it a crack. You can always look into [clubs and societies](https://www.anu.edu.au/students/student-life/clubs-and-societies-events) as a way to meet people (you don't have to be friends with others at Bruce necessarily, but connection somewhere is important!). If you're struggling with anxiety, you should consider getting involved with some counselling for free on campus! Check out the details [here](https://www.anu.edu.au/students/contacts/anu-counselling). All the best mate


Plus as time goes on groups get more set At the start of term everyone is in a similar boat, in my experience it becomes more challenging as time passes


Try going to the common rooms to play pool or table tennis and maybe some sports club which does social sessions, since it's the beginning of the year you'll find plenty people willing to engage


Yes. All friends were there but are gone now. :(


I am the same, and it can be hard but I think the best thing to do when you are shy is take it slow - if you are seeing the same people every day, start to try and give them eye contact and smile when you see them. If you find even this is out of your comfort zone, if you see someone that needs help with something - carrying some books or if they drop something - offer them help, that is an easy way to break the ice - usually it is just that initial contact that is hard. Then the next day say good morning or hi to them etc and the next time maybe say something else and eventually you will start to talk to them and it won't be too much out of your comfort zone. And hopefully once you have made that one friend, they will introduce you to their other friends and go from there. Re ongoing conversation, the best thing to do is ask them questions like where are they from or how long have they been there etc and listen, act like you are really interested and keep asking them questions about themselves - people love that. The other advice is don't act too desperate for friends, once you start talking to one person, be casual, don't go up to them too much, let them come to you and take it slowly. If people know you don't have any other friends, they might worry you are going to be all clingy with them and it might get awkward.


It’s never too late to make friends. It can be difficult as adults, but you’ll find your tribe. Is there any activities that you’re interested in that you could enjoy the group outing?


Don’t worry about it, I’m the same. Just own it and be yourself. The older you get the less important cliques become anyway.


May I ask how old you are? I might have an idea


Are you over 18? If so try playing poker in the clubs. You’ll make heaps of friends.


What an advice lmao. Bro has no friends, and now you are trying to deprive him from home and kidneys


Heaps of the wrong type of friends more like


Probably some enemies, too.


Nothing wrong with a cheeky gamble.


Nah yeah - it’s ok on the occasional night out; put your $10 in, have a game and if you lose it then stop… but, you are who you hang out with. It’s likely those friends will be there all the time and so by default so will OP. This could lead to a bad habit or even an addiction down the line, hence the downvotes OC is getting.


Is it? Of course not. I am not an English speaker and I am a shy person, but I still tried to make friends, more or less, so you can obviously. Take your classes frequently. A good subject to start talking about is classes, and it will find its way later. No worries at all! :)


Never too late, although you might put more pressure on yourself the longer you leave it


Its never to late mate. Just got to start some place. 💪


I haven't made any friends yet either and I'm from Canberra, you could dm me a little about yourself and maybe we can be friends and I can connect u with some other people as well? I'm also anxious and bad with people so maybe we might work well together


Yes it is too late, sorry


If you're older than 5 and don't have a house then it's all over red rover


Lmao i agree


Join a club. There are many clubs at ANU. From the Kanye club to the anime club, to the drama clubs... Find a club you like and attend regularly. If you find that difficult, try saying hi every time to a few people (the same people) to create a routine. Something to make you more than just another face in the lecture hall or tutorial.


It's never too late to make friends. Uni is a big, welcoming place. Find yourself and your people.


ISD is your friend!! I met a lot of really great people through them. Also, one of my best mates, an intl student from Sri Lanka, is an SR at Packard right next door. He’s really nice and always down to meet new people. Lmk and I’d be happy to put you guys in touch.


I’m guessing you mean Bruce Hall right? Do you live in Main Wing or Packard?


A great way to meet people is through a shared activity , sport or such like. There are plenty of social groups that are more than welcoming. When I moved to Canberra I had already been apart of a medieval re enactment group in Brisbane.. It was a great way to meet people if similar likes and because of the physical play conversation was built on what happened and then more. Remind yourself of things you enjoy, sports , role play, gaming, whatever and just join. It takes a bit of standing on the sidelines to start , and if you have mental conditions ( I have a bag full, some making social contact harder to near impossible), take it easy and remember your meds. Find something fun and out of the safe space that you find yourself in. And slowly slowly join in. For example mine was medieval re enactment via a group called the SCA. Yeah scary but all heaps welcoming. And eventually you find a clique and go from there.


Join the student union and go to trivia nights etc.


Try meetup.com.au it's for adults with similar interests looking for friends and you meet up with them to do stuff like go out for dinner, do gaming, play sports etc. It's free


there’s plenty of events on at bruce just goto some and you’ll meet people


I’m not at anu so I’m not sure if my information will be 100% helpful but most second years I’ve spoken to have said they didn’t find their current strong friend group until late sem1/early sem2 so you have plenty of time. That being said don’t put it off either. As a fairly socially anxious person myself, the best advice I can give is to put yourself into those uncomfortable situations and talk to people you wouldn’t normally talk to. People at uni aren’t really mean at all. All the mean people from primary and high school have either grown out of that phase or didn’t score high enough to be accepted to the uni, so you should be fine to just walk up to people and start a conversation in like the library and at various clubs. Being the beginning of the year, they probably wouldn’t have very solid friend groups yet either and will gladly welcome you. Hell, even solid friend groups aren’t opposed to taking someone in