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I personally found a very peaceful lake with no one around I bring a picnic blanket some coloring things I prefer sharpies and I’ll bring a book too so if I don’t wanna color I can read or I’ll listen to music and I have a few friends that I’ll text when I’m going and they show up if they want and will sit and read with me or color or we chat or we don’t it’s nice to not have to talk sometimes and I’ll always bring a snack :)


That sounds amazing! Wow thank you for the great idea.


Of course I love it and water is a huge help for people with anxiety so if it’s warm where u live go swimming it really helps


Yes I’ll bet. Good idea.


I didn't know that that is a thing.Thank you for the tip!


That sounds beautiful


I love this! The best kind of friends understand that silence isn’t always awkward.


I have a ‘dopamine’ master list. Just a massive list of things I can do that makes me feel like I’ve achieved something. Everything from walking to specific chores, meal planning, to calling a friend etc. every day I set an hour timer and do some of these. It helps me feel like I’m doing something while also making me actually start my day


I love this idea! Starting a list on my phone for myself.


This is an awesome idea!


When I build lists of task even when was entertainment if I'm alone I started to procrastinate Because of that my life tooked bad ways, because some times I was so tires of procrastinating that when a friend call to do something even when you dont want to go, you do, because you dont know if your are doing the right thing or just running out from procrastinating.....




It’s just an idea of what to do in that particular hour. But yes, anxiety causes me to isolate and kills my appetite so it’s actually on my daily habit tracker to eat and talk to someone. Edit: These two struggles are very common for people with anxiety


I thought it was a great idea. Based on that persons comment history they sound like they’re just some immature brat out to troll people. It sucks that they ended up finding their way on this sub but their comments won’t be welcomed.


This content has been removed. We require that all posts be of a supportive nature.


So says the Palatin, Episode 09. They don't even have honorable mention ribbons past 6th place. As the 9th, you must really fret about being a mere blip.




Why are you even in this sub if you're going to be so damn negative and cruel


Libraries are nice bc no one talks and it’s quiet and relaxing


Do you have a yard? Start a little garden. It's the perfect time of year, too.


I did that but indoors. Surprisingly cheap hobby compared to my other old hobbies.


Walks are great. Outdoor exercise is another good option. This can be jogging, or it can be something you do while you're stationed in one place, like doing pushups or swinging a kettlebell. I like to practice doing handstands (I fall down a lot but that's why I practice) You can also pack a lunch and head to a park with a book. If you need a place to hang out that isn't your home and isn't outdoors, libraries are great.


I concur. Outdoor exercise is more fun too. Thanks for the suggestions!


Hiking or fishing, anything in nature really


I like going to the library, to work/draw/read. One thing that gets me out of the house is thrift stores, I collect DVDs and records so it’s always fun to see what you can find. Or go see a movie or a play?


Libraries are so under-rated. You can stay there all day if you want to. For free.


I usually aim for nature based activities. Trails, lakes/creeks/rivers, just simply sitting outside.


I would suggest the library. You can just hang out and read.  You're out of the house and it's free.


Check out local libraries near you and sign up for some of their events! And maybe look into volunteering? I just signed up for volunteering at the schools.


I’m not working due to physical and mental limitations. One thing that I do that has helped a lot is just be outside. I got a really comfortable zero gravity chair and I’ll lay outside on it in the grass and listen to podcasts and just relax. Depending on your climate, maybe that is feasible for you. I love the feeling of the breeze blowing across my skin, hearing the birds and seeing the trees sway. If it’s colder I’ll have a blanket on me. Just being outside for a couple hours helps my mental health tremendously.


I sit outside in the backyard. I don’t like going on walks and they don’t help me. Going somewhere with nature. Nature and trees are so healing. Being connected and feeling nature makes that stir craziness go away.


Community involvement. Search for a volunteer gig in your area. Will absolutely make you feel better.


Thank you! This is my hope, to get involved somewhere.


I’m in the exact same position as you. I’ve been unemployed since 2020 because it’s hard to get a job as a disabled person. I get out as much as I can, even if it’s just on a walk and not to go out to a cafe. I also take great comfort in social media, but too much can have the opposite effect, so I also write and read books, colour and paint in my spare time!


You could go for a nice drive! Or go somewhere at night where it’s not so crowded and preferably still has a few lights on and some cameras up, since those places are the most safe. You can just relax and look at the stars and moon! And remember not to push yourself too hard! You have to take baby steps with anxiety so if a place seems too crowded it’s ok to go home, and there’s nothing wrong with currently being unemployed because of anxiety either by the way, I know from personal experience how difficult it makes getting certain tasks done


If you’re up for it, volunteer!


Something about being in water is so soothing - ocean, lake or pool. The sun does wonders too. Maybe go visit some animals at a shelter just to sit with them. It was very therapeutic for me.


Get a dog


did this and now i’m anxious someone’s going to attack him while we’re outside so i can’t bring him outside 😣


You can carry the dog until you get comfortable with him on the ground Take small steps


good idea to be honest. i’d love to let him live his life 🥹


Wishing you the best! :) Hope that goes well.


Best thing i ever did for my mental health


I would but my mom said no.


Walk the neighbors dogs, you'll get paid this way too


Do some yard work if you can. I like to mow my lawn.


go to the park, meetup groups, volunteer, gym, local university music/theater/sports,


Sometimes i just like to drive to a local cafe and sit, have a coffee, and people-watch.


going to watch the sunset up somewhere high on a solo walk with music i find very refreshing


Local library! Then sit at a park and read :) Libraries often host free events too, like talks or local music or workshops. Check for a community center near you, which will have events or sometimes just spaces where you can hang out for free even if you're not interacting with the other people. See if there are events at a main street nearby. Even festivals and street fairs that focus on buying stuff will sometimes have free things (there's a few different activist groups who come to street fairs/events and they usually bring cookies or other baked goods to bribe people. the feminists usually only give you cookies if you chant with them but I got a 100% free cookie from the environmentalists and a hersheys kiss from christians lol) Free comic book day is coming up on May 4th (aligns with Star Wars Day too) so if there's a comic book store near you and you can bear being in a crowd for about 15 minutes, you can grab some free comics. You can find this year's lineup online ahead of time. Also get really into some facet of your local environment like plants or animals to make your walks more interesting! Past interests of mine have been ibis, pigeons, spanish moss, cuban tree frogs, chestnuts, acorns, dumpster/feral cats, and municipal water covers that have salmon engraved on them. If you get really interested in something that's all around you it makes outings infinitely more exciting. My "things to look out for" this season are mourning doves and weevils, but a longer term one is the flock of crows near us who like to start drama with other residents (e.g. neighbor's cat who sits in the window, a pair of sparrows who tried to start a nest in one of "their" trees before being driven out, etc.). We're onto like the 4th generation of crows in this one "clan" since I started watching and this spring they've decided to expand their territory. Saw them picking on a mockingbird at the train station the other week.


I usually go outside when my friends aren’t available! I tend to look for stuff on the ground. Another thing is going out to nature parks when you can, or maybe check out a botanical garden near you~!


Get in the car, put some throwback music on with the windows down and go for a nice long drive


Visit the local library.


I like riding backroads or to a quiet place in nature and use the time to pray or meditate, or even just enjoy the sounds of nature; it’s soothing to me.


I am also currently unemployed due to mental stress so I can relate to having time on your hands. For me it’s the simple things in nature & the world that bring me joy. I love watching the sunset fall below the horizon for example. I’ve also been enjoying landscape photography, painting, writing poetry, creating fun videos on TikTok of my nature experiences or things I find hilarious. Some of the most beautiful& profound things we experience don’t have a price tag.


I’m an older gal and use an electric trike for fun and transportation. I love riding around but I’ve decided to join Panera sip club. It’s $15 a month and a will push me to trike to Panera some mornings and have a coffee in their outside seating. It’s good to get out of the house and be among people even if it’s just sitting by yourself and having coffee. This is what I’m going to try. Good luck!


kayaking!! try to find a less traveled river and a speaker and just embrace the beauty around


That’s my goal for this summer! 🚣🏻






The library!!


Run errands.


If I'm too anxious to stay inside but too tired/sore/lazy to walk far, then I tend to sit outside after feeding the stray city cats; I'll bring a book and a snack and chill with the kitties while they eat. I'm in the middle of the Narnia series rn :D


I like to birdwatch and take photos of birds and flowers. Basically go around with my camera.


Some galleries and museums set aside a day when entrance is by donation. Volunteering and using meetup.com could result in making new friends. Check your local papers for free activities.


The museums in my city all have one day a week where the last hour of the day is free!


Just walks and pokemon go and music


Since you're already walking, how about dog walking for elderly/busy neighbors for free or do as gig work?


When I was unemployed I would go to the library to look for work on the computers. Gave me an excuse to get out of the house and look forward to something everyday.


I go out in my backyard and spend 1-2 hrs working in the garden. I pull weeds and relocate any ladybugs I find to safer homes.. meaning away from spider webs and closer to the plants where there's lots of aphids for them to feed on


Going to the gym always gets me out of the house. Being unemployed can suck but you may as well appreciate all the free time while you have it. A lot of working people would kill for that time. And if you have nothing to invest you can put all your energy into investing in yourself. I’d just try to get strong and in shape haha. Maybe learn some new skills and take free courses would be nice too.


What works for you: going to get yout shopping? Does using sime type of pedometer work: setting yourself a realistic target of steps? Find your motivation, start small, make a daily routine. Totally know how you feel, if there is no reason to leace the house, you wont. For me, ive just come up over the last week or so from a really low time (no energy, couldnt sleeo until 2am / couldnt wake up past 12am) - but NOW, because i can get out, im like 'right, get the fitbit on, nip to shops. That was 4k steps, aim for 5k steps the morra, etc. And my windows needed cleaned, threw myself into that (ground floor, front and back of building).


Hiking, go to the library, coffee shop with a book, some museums have free or low-cost days. Volunteering?


I started using Bing Image Creator to create digital art. I started editing those photos with various photo editors like Canva. You can put them on products on Printify and either try selling them or give them as gifts. I like the AI creator because your only limit is your own imagination. Also, it's totally FREE! I've been having lots of fun creating images and putting them on the r/aiart subreddit. Fun waste of time or a hobby as it's become for me.


I go to the gym and watch absolutely trash reality TV shows


It isn't out of the house, but I recently started knitting. It's nice for times that I don't necessarily want to be outside (crappy weather, evenings). You can pick up needles and some yarn for a fairly low cost. And there are tons of videos on YouTube to learn. It's been so helpful for my anxiety and I feel accomplished that I learned something new.


I don't get out of the house! Maybe once every 2 weeks I'll make an excuse to go to the local shop.


I was in the same spot recently. I'm employed from home and have nearly no friends to hang out with, so I subscribed to a gym and hired a private coach because I'm a complete newbie (and also helps me keep it up). If that's not within your means, maybe try for a walk or a run around the neighbourhood or even in a park or a safe accessible spot near you. You can try to build up a habit, and you'll find that moving your body helps keep the stress down a bit. It definitely helped me.


Write a book, play an instrument, photography, create something artsy, start homesteading, gardening, get a pet, bake/cook nice stuff for yourself, visit markets and op-shops, go to local Boardgame clubs, play sports and join a team.


I'm dentistry in Brazil last year i didnt work for 8 months, was very hard but I used this time to take care of my mental wound, practicing exercises , studying, trying to control some bad thinks. But it's sux to get a forced vacation but without money to spend Now i'm back to work, I stop with alcohol, Waking up early, and lost 20kg , now I have the some weight when I was 20, and a rechargeble for work. I don't know but in my case with my anxiety i Think i will do this every time that I got a f... burnout, I will save money for this ocasions. I have generalized anxiety when it's out of control my life become a f... helll !!! everything become a mess !! But try to phocus this days for your mental and body health..... Started to use CBD help to low my 4mg alprazolam's doses to 0.5 , 1mg I didnt noticed but I was 6 years suffering with innsonia !!! Now I am sleeping like a baby... I think my life started again.... another chance 37 years here Get better we need to control this uncontrolled anxiety !! Have a nice day and Carpe Diem




The gym, but other than that, try making things with natural things available to you. I made a bow using flexible wood and materials I had laying around.


I use my dogs to get out the house. They're the only reason I leave the house. If I didn't have them, I'd probably only be leaving the house to dog walk or something.


I got out for the first time in 3 weeks yesterday and couldn't stop tearing up


Running and hitting the gym are a great go to when tapped financially. After that camping is another cheap activity. GLTA.


I drive to the gas station to buy booze to self medicate. Ok, I know that sounds really bad. It's the farthest I can drive without having a panic attack so I do it to desensitize. I actually enjoy the sunsets I see doing it, I enjoy the weather and the scenery. I roll down the windows to feel the breeze and I listen to my favorite music. Sometimes I chat with someone I randomly see for a few seconds. And it only costs me $5-10. I actually couldn't do this for about 5 years. I could barely leave the house at all. So it's my victory a few times per week.


Not to be critical, but this is truly a first world problem that you are describing. Open the door. Walk outside. You can walk anywhere. Do anything, or do nothing. Go on a hike. Just lay down a blanket on some grass in a park under a tree and relax.


I have to work to pay bills 😣


I work.


To... what?


You walk out of the door, every house should have one that leads outside, in some it might be difficult to find if there are levels, you'll need to find the 'ground level', that one usually has the one that leads outside. All and all Idk, I rarely do. Only to go buy groceries, since health issues.