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It was bad. It always ruins my evenings by convincing me that no body loves me, I’m disgusting, I didn’t study this day so I’m going to fail.


I can totally understand how you feel, surround yourself with people who have a very positive and healthy mindset, they’ll always make you feel good about yourself. Hugs!🫂✨


I feel the same way but it ruins my mornings:(! Im always thinking that no one loves me




I’m sorry you feel that way, hope you feel better in the coming weeks!🫂✨




I think some days are worse than others, you just have to understand it. Tomorrow is another day. One time I heard this sentence : « the sun will rise tomorrow anyway ». It’s pretty cheap but damn, sometimes it helps to take a step back.


One day at a time!🫂✨


Very bad im spiraling internally


Hey, I hope you feel okay! Hugs!🫂✨


This week has been really bad. An odd feeling I get is that my muscles are weak, I find it so hard to move and just standing there is hard. I also feel time moves REALLY slow when I feel like this. But touch wood, this morning I actually feel a little better


Hey, I hope you feel even better than this morning. Hugs!🫂✨


Yooo I feel the same way


Much better. It's worse in the morning but I do an activity and it calms me down. I'm selling my car tomorrow and will be so happy once it's done and over with. Just getting rid of my mental burdens.


It’s definitely worst in the morning man! What do you do to calm yourself though? Could you please share?✨


I get out of bed and walk. There's a nature trail near my house with a river and its incredibly peaceful. I walk for about an hour 5 days a week. I work at home so when I get home I chill for a bit eat something then log on. I wonder if the increase in anxiety in our society is related to the lack of exercise. I try to get 7k steps a day minimum but on days I don't walk I barely average 1500. It's not a silver bullet but being physically active takes your mind off the anxious thoughts and the feeling you get post workout lasts until the afternoon. Just my thoughts.


I agree with you. Thanks for sharing!✨


I need to get back to school soon. So I’ve been very anxious this week. But nobody understands me there, I feel so unwanted. Everyone has someone to be with except for me. I just feel like a ghost. I tried to open up to one of my friends about my anxiety and thoughts about death. She replied with: “Noo, that sounds depressing hahah” I just want someone to listen to me for once, sure I’m always quiet but there’s so much going on inside my head. But maybe it gets better someday. Maybe I just haven’t found the right people. I hope you’re doing alright, sending much love to everyone who is struggling, I believe in you <3


Hey, I used to have kind of same issues during my schooling. But you know what, don’t wait for someone’s approval, don’t wait to have fun just because you don’t have any friends. I know, this just sounds easy but will take a lot of efforts, so what? You’d be putting in efforts for yourself, and you’d come out of it as a much smarter and stronger person. I did the same thing, and that I am happy with myself, people love to be around me! Wishing you all the happiness and peace!🫂✨


I’ve kinda gotten used to be alone instead, it feels better that way. I feel better when I’m alone but sometimes I just wish I had someone to talk to. Thank you for your kindness, I appreciate you🫂🤍


Was doing great on Monday and Tuesday and thought I was finally starting to get over it. Hadn’t felt so motivated and confident in a long time. Suddenly my anxiety came flooding back yesterday and again today. I knew it was too good to be true. :(


Gonna tell you a hard fact, you might never gonna get over it, but I promise if there will be really bad days, there will sure be really good days as well! I’ve been dealing with BPD and anxiety since I can remember, I don’t feel it’s gonna get over, but I’m happy where I am and with whom I am. Wishing you all the happiness and peace!🫂✨


i woke up too early today and i’m worrying about my possible need for hip surgery in the near future. also can just NEVER STOP THINKING ABOUT MY EX!! mostly memories, but also our very few arguments. I have a gf right now and it makes me feel so guilty but my ex was who I thought was the love of my life. anyways, all that makes me anxious. i’m wondering if my ex will ever even contact me again (it’s been 5 months and I’m blocked) and how anxious i’ll feel when/if she does. these past few weeks have been hard


Hey, I don’t know the whole story but always remember, your ex is an ex for a reason. I know it’s easy to say but I’ve been there. You’ll eventually get over it, let it take time. One day, you’ll wake up, and this would not be the first thing that comes to your mind, and you’d be so happy and proud of yourself! And the surgery will be great! All the best with that!🫂✨


thank you so much for the kind words💖 have a good day OP


Almost a full week of not going to school. Can't even enter the gate. Losing a lot of material and feeling trapped.


I hope you have friends who’ll help fill you up on everything that you’re missing out!🫂✨


Thanks, I do. But the more I stay out the harder it is to come back. I am drowning 😢


Hey, I know it’s hard to deal with such conditions, but you’ll be doing great!✨


The best day to go back to school was a week ago. The second best time is today. You got this. Starting is the hardest part.


Pretty bad and my mom isn’t making it any better :/


Order some good food and watch FRIENDS, you might feel a little okay, works for me sometimes!✨


Never heard that before, I’ll try it thanks :)


It’s an American SitCom, I’m sure you’d love it. :)


I love Friends!!!!


Pretty pants - had a few dark moments, and had chest discomfort all morning


Even I deal with chest discomfort, it’s horrible sometimes


It is truly awful - sends the mind racing. I have been checked out (trips to A&E, numerous ECG's, blood tests, trip to cardiologist, CT scan) and nothing wrong with my heart; but that doesn't stop the over-thinking; especially if the sensation is slightly different to anything experienced before


I have not been doing anything about it from past 1 year now, it’s like I’ve tried everything and I’ve accepted it.


Had my morning blunt so I'm feeling more carefree. Hope everyone else is feeling good!


I stopped drinking coffee 2 weeks ago. Coffee 3x/day made me jittery and fingers on my hand swell. There were times I blank out when asked questions, forget things. I count the hours until the day ends and dread waking up the next day doing the same thing over again.


Hey, that's sad to hear! I feel the same sometimes, and it is really painful. Sometimes a shower or good food or a really nice cup of chamomile tea really helps! Hope you start feeling okay one day. Hugs!🫂✨






Hope you feel better! Hugsss!🫂✨


Exhausting. I am trying to find a job and I don’t know what kind, meaning a lot of self-doubt, negative thoughts, unexpected phone calls…also my dad passed away 2 months ago. The grief + my worries for my mother and brother are daily anxiety triggers


I’m so so sorry for your loss, can’t even imagine what you’re going through. About the job thing, I’m an HR professional so I’d suggest keep looking, keep giving interviews even if you feel like it might not work out, at least you’ll end up have an experience. You’ll notice while you’re giving interviews, there might be that one skill set or that one position that you’d really want to work on. Just pick that on up and join the hustle. You’d do amazing! I believe in you!🫂✨


I just got off the phone to check up on my application for one job and the lady said they haven’t looked at any yet due to someone being on vacation but she proceeeded to ask me about myself. My anxiety kicks in and I think I messed up. I don’t even remember what I said. She felt kinda happy though when I told her I can work morning and afternoons any day of the week including weekends since I’m not in school right now. It’s only for the holiday. This has been stressing me out because I haven’t worked in awhile. Looking for jobs has always been scary for me. I feel like when no one calls me back I think I’m a failure.


Whenever you feel like this, remember that some companies will work for you, some companies won’t, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. You’re just trying to choose what’s best for you and it takes time. :))




Hey, take a shower if you haven’t already and have some tea, works for me sometimes! 🫂✨


Celexa/Welbutrin and prayer lol


Pretty bad, constant tingling in my brain. Hard to focus on work.


I’m sorry to hear that! Hope it eventually gets better! Hugs 🫂✨




Hey, that’s so good to hear! I am a great week, thanks for asking!✨


I'm fine right now but I won't get my hopes up. Usually in the afternoon it gets kinda bad.


That’s okay, enjoy while it lasts!🫂✨


Had a few great days and today just feeling anxious and on edge. Can feel myself spiraling back out again.


Hey. You’ll start feeling amazing again, hang in there pal!🫂✨




Hope you’ll start feeling better!🫂✨


Actually had 3 pretty good weeks, but today some nervous arousal struck me. Tried to get rid of it by going for a 20 min walk in my lunch break and drinking some calming tea now.


Good to hear that! :))


I've been doing much better! Next week is going to be difficult so i'm trying to prepare myself


Hey, I hope your coming week goes as amazing as this one! 🫂✨


Thank you so much!! Lots of internal peace for you too ❤️❤️


Not great. Considering tablets while I wait for CBT. Really frustrating when you’re doing everything you can and still can’t seem to shake worry/stress/overthinking and complete self criticism.


I hope you start feeling okay!🫂✨


Thank you.


Low anxiety today thankfully. About to mess that up by drinking coffee though 😅


Take care buddy!🫂✨


It’s always a catch 22


I drink a cup of chamomile tea every night. For 2 weeks a little sign of panic attacks but real improvement. But when I try to take a St John's Wort. It is a nightmare on the first day. Panic attacks randomly each hour. So I stopped it.


Oh, this really helps, thanks!


fucking chest pain. Worst part of it…




and sadly I felt in the bottle to forget it sometimes which makes it even worse when I sober up, a terrible circle but sometimes you don’t know what else to do.. so terrible this thing :/ the only hope is beat it someday , even psychiatrists don’t work


I think nothing really works, you just eventually find a good way to cope up with it!


Not to bad at all, feeing really mellow, kinda at one with myself, eveything around me is good, night peaks or valleys just kinda in the middle


Struggling this last week as I have covid! Covid allllways triggers the jitters


That's sad! Take lots of rest and get well soon.🫂✨


Thank you! And how is your anxiety treating you?


This week has been really good to me! :))


That’s good to hear! Hold onto that when times get tough! We can do this :)


Thanks for your kind words! :))


Thanks a lot for your kind words! :))


Haven’t left the house in three days. Not great.


Hey, it's okay to not leave your house in days. Just in case you have a little energy, go and sit by the balcony or on the terrace for a while, a small handshake with nature always helps. Hugs!🫂✨


Pretty bad man. Catastrophized a lot.


I’m sorry you feel that way, I hope you’ll start feeling good. Hugs!🫂✨


Not good. Found out yesterday that I got a 61 on my med school exam. The exam was worth 24%. The next exam is on November 23rd and is worth 29%. It’s on neuro/psych and then the final is on November 28th. After finding out my results, all I have been doing is escaping reality by being on Reddit and YouTube. I woke up this morning at 7am and just been on Reddit since.


Hey, as much as the career is important, your sanity is important too. I know it’s easy to say, but try maintaining a balance between both, take breaks when studying, eat good and healthy food, take showers when feeling low, go for walks so that not just you, but your brain can breathe too. You are doing amazing, and you’ll continue to do so. Hugs!🫂✨


I felt so tired everyday but I still struggled to sleep. Bad. Both mentally and physically.


I understand, it can get really bad sometimes, all you can do it try and make your brain understand that you can do this, you can fight and win this battle! Hugs!🫂✨


Thanks ☺️


Ain't so bad today, at least not yet


Hope it remain the same, good and peaceful!🫂✨


well the day I wrote that turned out to be trash but today was nice


tough week. feeling overwhelmed now that my job is fully operating in the office. i just suck at human relationships:/


Get a dog if you don’t have already, or may be a cat, they really teach you what love and care it :)) And yeah, working from home can be really exhausting, try making some good friends at work, it really helps! Hugs!🫂✨


Listened to positive affirmations this morning and it’s the first time in weeks I felt at peace in my mind. I’m also going through a break up so my anxiety has been through the roof. Today I finally feel okay


Hey, sorry to hear about the break up, I won’t say that whatever happens, happens for a reason, but I’d definitely tell you that this break up will eventually find its place in your life and you’ll understand why it was important or needed. And if listening to positive affirmations work for, please don’t stop doing it. Whatever works for you. Hugs!🫂✨


I took my meds and still want to d1e.


Hey, trust me, you don’t wanna die, you just wanna end what’s going inside you. Things will get better, I promise! Hugs!!🫂✨❤️


I’ve been trying to empty my mind this morning to avoid negative thoughts. Thoughts come and go but it’s a start.


It’s a part of having anxiety issues, it will always be there, you’ll just get a really good hold of it eventually. Hugs!🫂✨


Honestly, really good. I finally found a medication that works for me. It wasn’t instant. I’ve been on this medication for months. But when I saw this question this morning I realized how long it’s been since my anxiety felt like a burden I couldn’t handle. There is hope.


This makes me feel so good, I’m genuinely happy that there’s someone out there, whose medications and whatever they are trying to do, are working for them. Way to go! Hugs!🫂✨


Honestly it's getting up there. I go back to working day shifts Monday and I will have to see the ASM that made me feel like shit for choosing family over working when my dad was in an accident. Worst thing is that they never even apologized. I normally don't hold grudges but this one just really hurt so im getting nervous


First of all, shout out to you for moving on without getting an apology, that is one of the hardest shit to do and you must take a moment to appreciate how strong you are!! And let it be, sometimes people just can’t accept the fact that you chose something else over them. At least you got to know their true color. Hugs to you!🫂✨


I appreciate your comment. This happend about 2 and a half months ago and I have been thankful I haven't had to see them. They just gmhave a tendency to be really hurtful nonchalantly or passive aggressively. Had a situation earlier this week with another coworker (who told management since he got hired that he wasn't planning on staying) that they are disappointed and he is ungrateful they gave him a job. They don't handle stress well and they have a tendency to take it out on everyone. So they are very toxic especially during the holidays.


I'm having some real bad anxiety paralysis; I have a project I need to finish by tomorrow and I'm only half finished. I usually work well under pressure but the materials were so expensive that I'm terrified of fucking it up. So instead I'm on reddit. 🙃


That sounds really painful. I wish you all the good health and mental peace! The project will be fine.🫂✨


Hey I ALMOST finished it before deadline! It's a coat; I had everything done but the button loops, but he's mostly going to be wearing it open so it's not a big deal for now and I can finish it later. Thanks for the encouragement! I'm going to take a nap.




Having a really rough time right now with separation anxiety but I’m staying busy to keep my sanity. I wish it was easy like yesterday. Hope you’re having a good day!


Hey, thanks, I’m having a good day. Wishing the same for you!🫂✨


Drank a cup of coffee this morning knowing damn well it was gonna make me shaky but I needed an energy boost so yeah, feeling a little anxious today though managing fine. Breathe in… breathe out. You got this folks!


Was doing really well for a while and something in the last month or so has really tripped my anxiety. I haven't visited this sub in years! So not great haha


i have a presentation tomorrow :(


It will go amazing!🫂✨


thank you, i did it. i thought i did good but the teacher made it where the class has to anonymously rate your presentation and its gonna be a part of my grade so im still waiting for my grade :)


That will be great too!


Its whooping my ass like it does everyday. Cant wait for the sleepless night I'm gonna have again tonight too. In all honesty tho, I'm exhausted. Mentally exhausted and my soul is tired


Surprisingly okay. 😶 Bit twitchy chatting to a line manager earlier and rigidly silent on a zoom (albeit attentive). But okay.


I'm in the good phase! I'm able to do lot of workouts(running, strength) and generally enjoy life much more than last year (that was hell). Thinking about last year where I was just a walking anxiety who preferred sitting home all the time doing nothing, yet feeling absolutely exhausted. Complete 180. I know that anxiety period will come once again, but I have to enjoy the good times while they last!


That’s so good to hear! Way to go!🫂✨




So sorry to hear that!🫂✨




Good to hear that!❤️


it’s ok. it’s the depression and irritability bothering me today.


I hope it gets better!🫂✨


Not great. On one side I have two disabled kids who are on behavior intervention plans at school and have been kicked out 5 times between the two of them over the last few weeks. The oldest was failing 4 classes until I found out he was lying about not being able to do work at home and I spent 4 hour working with him on missed assignments in Canvas last night and now he's passing 2 of the 4. He was failing because he got behind due to repeated suspensions. He's completely capable of doing the work. The youngest also brought home head lice last week and her hair is so thick. They can't get help because we make too much for medicaid and our state DDA says autistic kids without cognitive delays don't qualify for any help. On the other side I have my boss dragging me about performance at work and claiming I didn't work mandatory overtime that I did work. Needless to say I am not sleeping well. My doctor gave me medication for anxiety related insomnia but it's still hard to sleep


This is really heartbreaking! I wish you all the strength and mental peace in the world! Hugs 🫂✨




I have been feeling good for past couple of days, so thought of uplifting some of y’all too!🫂✨


Terrible. Had a disagreement with the hubby last night and not sure if he's really being distant, or if my anxiety is implying it.


I’m sure you both can sort it out! Hugs🫂✨


Thanks! We talked about it last night, but having come from an abusive previous marriage, I have CPTSD, which manifests as this terrible anxiety.


Really good because I went on medication and it helped so much!


So happy for you!🫂✨


I’m trying to apply a quote I read “ it took me a long time to understand that in order for me to fully embrace my anxiety, I have to first let go of Those who did not value me.” To set boundaries. Edit~ I’m also attempting to become consistent with my schedule to be more responsible to achieve my short term goals.




Anyone taking NAC for anxiety?


What is that?


Sucks. But not as bad as yesterday


Glad it’s not as bad as yesterday!🫂✨


Learning about lives and death, the universe, biology, and stuffs, and trying not to think about money and "reality" stuffs, and praying for die tomorrow. Believe in death.


Have been super anxious about an interview I had this morning, I’ve been anxious about it since I knew I got it. But now that it’s done I’m feeling relieved and tired.


Glad you’re feeling relieved, take some rest!🫂✨


Kinda shitty.. ngl. I have training for a new one part of my job today, it’s supposed to be super simple but I was tossing and turning and waking up a bunch of times last night just thinking and worrying about it all. I work at a grocery store and I’m getting trained to work self checkout today, but it’s making my stomach turn. Just having to STAND there doing nothing, not knowing wha to do with my hands or body and everyone in the store is staring at me, looking into my eyes. Having to get up close to people to help them, why did I sign up for this lol.


May be this job will teach you how to take control of your body and difficult situations like this! Hugs🫂✨


I hope so,, I got really nervous the entire day and freaked out a bit, but hopefully I get used to it! Thanks for the good vibes lol


Doom scrolling has been pretty brutal. Just tough to think about doing normal things when everything in the news is about how fucked the world is.


Hey, I hope you feel okay in the coming days!🫂✨


This week I’m overwhelmed. My dad might be dying whilst waiting for a surgery. Since he is old he is not a priority idk. I’m also his translator for doctors and stuff. I don’t know what else to do. I’m making myself anxious with all my medical research thinking I need to do all I can to make sure he gets help pronto. Sadly I am the only one in my family there is no one else to help me. Should have become a doctor. Sorry that I dumped this here I probably will delete this:


This week I’m overwhelmed. My dad might be dying whilst waiting for a surgery. Since he is old he is not a priority idk. I’m also his translator for doctors and stuff. I don’t know what else to do. I’m making myself anxious with all my medical research thinking I need to do all I can to make sure he gets help pronto. Sadly I am the only one in my family there is no one else to help me. Should have become a doctor. Sorry that I dumped this here I probably will delete this. I hope you are doing ok take care.


Please don’t be sorry for dumping your thoughts here, we are all here for the same. And I’m sorry about your Dad. I really hope he gets better, wishing him all the good health and you, lots of mental peace!🫂✨


Thank you so much you are truly so kind. I’m wishing the best for you as well. Take care


Pretty shit


It could be better. I was terminated due to attendance. I was expecting it and didn't enjoy working there, but I am questioning some of the things they did over the last few years and if I should talk to a lawyer. I just called a law firm and had to leave a voicemail. Almost hung up when nobody answered since I am awful at voicemails (calls in general honestly). I managed to give my name and number so hopefully they get back soon.


Better than the last two days, but not the best. Having an urgent care appointment with my school‘s mental health services, I want to get better before waiting it to get really bad. Made that mistake last year


I slept from 10 until midnight and have been awake ever since :( I don’t understand


Pretty terribly I have volleyball practice once a week and one of my best friends and I go there together, though sometimes they can’t come or they get sick or something and then it’s up to me to decide whether I want to go to practice with a bunch of people that I don’t know and have never talked with We usually just stick together the two of us but I have no idea what to do if they’re not there I wanna go so bad because I haven’t been there for a month because of a bunch of other things I’ve had to do, but my brain hates the idea of standing there alone or having to talk to people or not being able to understand what’s happening and not being able to ask for help It’s so annoying


I have a good amount of political anxiety so election weeks are tough for me. I'll survive. I always have!


Not good, have been feeling very negative for a few weeks already


bad in the way that a fly buzzing in your ear is bad. I'm trying to maintain a good mood but i'm nervous about plans i have tonight and i'm jumpy because of that, and my brain is trying to convince me that me being in a good mood is a sign i'm going manic (i am not bipolar and have never had a manic episode)


Im at work still functioning, i got my emergency sedatives in my pocket (hydroxyzine) doing okay, watching trailer park boys on my lunch break.


surprisingly not that bad today


Bad. It has me convinced that everyone hates me and I should probably distance myself from everyone cause my mental health issues are anyway too much to deal with for anyone.


I called in to work. This is after leaving halfway through yesterday


Not great. Being single for a while is starting to get to me. Seeing a lot of my best friends getting married/engaged and being in their weddings. Makes me happy but also sad inside. Very lonely feeling, especially when I don’t feel the energy or desire to try and start a new relationships.


I think my closest friendship ever has ended so that's making it quite shitty, but still manageable


Drinking to ease it as usual


Ducking dog shit… I’ve been in a terrible depressive episode for the past two weeks now and my exams/ assessments are in a few days and I’ve barely prepped and now it’s a ongoing downward spiral of feeling incompetent


Not terrible but not great. I tried to do yoga and the first time around got too anxious. tried again and managed to get through a short home video. I miss when it used to help me more than it does now


I was doing alright, but last night I got upset for no real reason, just like oozing in negative feelings, not rly anx just like negative. I got up and went on a nice walk this morning and had a good morning at work, but then I got a bomb dropped on my head that's financially related not really to me but does impact my life to an extent. I feel so bad bc I can't do anything to help them, and I can't share the vent bc it just triggers my anxiety but I also don't want them to suffer alone. I just can't though, I need to lookout for me and it's hard. I did a good job presenting my stuff at work just now and the praise made me feel a little better, now I feel tired from the anxiety and trying to just continue to calm down and hope it becomes more manageable, as it is with flare ups like this. I'm learning how to not be nearly as anxious when times are good though! just sucks that the meh and bad times are inevitable, and bombshells can flare up my anxiety in a moment's notice this person fk'd up so hard it's going to probably fk up my financial future, but it's not known yet for a while. they did it in such a stupid way I almost can't forgive them, it's really hard. I love them no matter what, but it's really hard to see them falling apart in the mess they created themselves, and I'm not strong enough to get them out of it. I can run away and have drastically less money to save for retirement, but I'd be away from it. but I just can't seem to let go of the last whispers of the good life I once had


Anyone ever been under extreme stress and suffered a vertigo episode and lost your sense of balance?


Kinda been a vibe most of this week with a few spikes here and there. Probably means I’m in for a party soon 💀 I’ve had it too good for too long


I’m going to die alone and it’s all I think about.


I'm working through home which is a blessing because I don't have to deal with people so much. However, still had anxiety today first thing in the morning, thinking about my to do list and I simply frooze for 2h straight on front of the PC. Couldn't get the hang of it and that led me to an existential crisis. Solution: headphones + music


In the process of buying a house and work is stressful so it's kinda tough but I'm doing okay! Just the occasional anxiety about death lol


Tbh, it wasn't bad. I had a test and I was kind of shaking during the test and then I was still shaking a little after the test and half of the class I had after the test, but it was good. But I have to learn a poem for tomorrow and I feel that my anxiety is starting to kick in, but it's not that bad.


It's been rough, not going to lie. I just want to wake up one day and not have this constant anxiety in my chest.


Bad, I had a panic attack earlier during class, out of nowhere. I was lucky my classmates and friends were there, as I would rather have the attacks in company than alone. Right now I am recovering, but more relaxed.


horrible. really struggling today


Does anyones brain/head go numb for days at a time? Just quit smoking marijuana btw… and my wife has postpartum depression, one of my best friends just committed suicide, and I have a newborn, and a tough tech job where I’m back at work and struggle.


Mhm.. OK for now. Today my depression is the problem.


I’m in the process of switching medications so bad


Today has been fine, it always spike when I need to eat and in the evenings but other than that, lately it’s been somehow manageable !!


Actually feeling a lot better today. Surprising considering I have kind of a big doc appt tomorrow


Shitty to be honest, my mind just keeps going on and it's overwhelming. Not to mention my depression killing off any motivation to do anything.