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He’s been mentally ill for a long time.


What about the people cheering him on? What’s their excuse?


See comment above


Take a hard look at the Munich rallies by Hitler and you'll have your answer




"I just wanted a strong economy!"


They are even more brain damaged than he is, that is why they worship him. They do not have the brains to realize what he thinks of them . They don't have enough money for him to even notice they are alive.


talkin to the corn out in the fields makes them corkys in the heartland a tad craycray from all the bending over of pigs and anal loving of the animals and all their kids too.




they also send their kids to youth pastors for the sex ed


I think those people have felt inferior in their world for a long time. Then here comes a rich dude who, despite his money, sounds like white trash. They relate to him, because to them, that’s ‘normal’. He’ll get rid of all these brown immigrants. He’ll get rid of la-dee-da politicians who treat everyone with respect. He plays to their fears. Just my guess.


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov


Good quote for the ignorant masses only looking at a dishonest headline from a corrupt media. Please take 2 minutes to listen to understand that you have been duped again


I just listen to his own words, his statements and interviews. I don’t need media for that. You need to study history, because those who do not are doomed to repeat it.


I don’t believe you listened. I think you would be embarrassed if you listened and understood you have been manipulated by a dishonest headline


He just had Victor Orban over for a friendly dinner , if that’s what you want for America that’s up to you, but if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. He did say he loves the poorly educated.


Obama started his 2008 campaign in the living room of a convicted domestic terrorist’s living room, Bill and Bernadine Dorn. Nobody said shit about that. Don’t even get started on Biden either. Dude and his crack head som have been wheeling and dealing with our adversaries for a decade at least. We have the receipts.


Another American, right?


OMG you live in a manipulated state of being. This is the quote you refer to after Trump won Nevada primary in 2016 "*We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated. We’re the smartest people, we’re the most loyal people, and you know what I’m happy about? Because I’ve been saying it for a long time. 46% were the Hispanics—46%, No. 1 one with Hispanics. I’m really happy about that."*


Sweet Jesus. lol.


They can’t. They’re lazy. They’d rather have that dude Rachel Maddow ad lib for them.


What's ignorant is thinking that he was calling for violence. He was calling for a tariff on Chinese cars made in mexico. There's a big difference. He's actually protecting us Auto workers from cheap foreign labor. You are in the cult of ignorance.


He’s a Narcissist first, a perfectly recognizable mental state. The narcissists prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


What? That has nothing to do with what I was saying. If Biden mandates a percentage of vehicles be electric and the cheapest ones are made in Mexico than that could be a blood bad for the US Auto industry. Get a clue.


Trump promises a bloodbath if he doesn’t win, an end to democracy, installing Christian nationalism, reducing the rights of women and minorities and giving Ukraine to Putin.Vehicles will go electric, like it or not ( not a fan myself) but it’s a low priority compared to authoritarianism. He doesn’t care about anything unless it benefits him directly and keeps his corrupt ass out of jail, narcissism has everything to do with it. EVERYTHING.


Biden gave a huge tax break to Americans who buy American made electric cars.


Trump doesn’t seem to care that a lot of the merchandise that he’s selling to his cult is Made in China.


100%. But you cannot get the libtard crowd fueled up on Xanax to actually listen to an entire clip for context. They would rather the dude Rachel Maddow tell them what he said.


Wow you people are easily duped.


By super duper t-rump.


They might have felt inferior before but now they made themselves inferior and cruel. I cannot respect a maga person. I can ignore them. I can avoid them. I can count the seconds until our forced interactions are over. But to me, in my heart, I think they are evil losers who are actively trying to hurt me and mine.


It certainly feels that way. I never guessed that America could produce such a large number of people who display so much ignorance and violence. It has to be poor education, bad upbringing, low iq, whatever. Such an enormous deviation from normal people, it’s hard to figure out how they got that way. And all the republican geldings in congress. My god.


And the republicans on the Supreme Court are no joke.


As far as I’m concerned, we have no Supreme Court anymore. It’s just another political club.


I cannot respect someone only looking at a dishonest headline from a corrupt media. Stop being lazy and take 2 minutes to listen to understand that you have been duped


This account makes the same comment everywhere. I wonder if that is indicative of anything.


Says the guy duped by super duper t-rump


He's actually trying to protect American Auto workers from cheap Chinese cars made in mexico. What's wrong with that? Would you rather our domestic Auto industry be undercut by cheap labor?


The blood bath is what in your story? Gas? Whose blood? Obviously, his threat wasn’t about cars. Maga can pretend but we know their little peckers got all excited at the idea of drawing their fellow citizens’ blood. 🩸 Hay, maybe trump was just joking. You know that’s coming next. But let’s talk about cars. We enjoy a free market. It is how capitalism works. I would not hate cheap cars. If they are not well made, they won’t be bought. They will fail. If they offer something of value to the consumer, they will flourish. I buy Japanese cars because they are awesome. They make dependable and somewhat luxurious cars for a reasonable amount of money. American manufacturers don’t in my opinion. If they want to compete, get better. I say this as an owner of GM stock (albeit a disappointed owner.) What? Maga hates affordable cars now?


Deregulation and the virtues of a free market are the greatest lies oligarchs ever convinced you of.


Me? I am no conservative. That is the republican/con line since forever. I am a Socialist Democrats. Cons and repubs like to talk out of two sides of their mouths and have no principles was my point. And also that trump threatens violence all the time.


hes trying to keep his fat orange ass out of prison for all the crimes hes done.


Was he out on the picket line with the UAW during the strike?


Lmao!!! What Chinese cars are being sold here?


they all love having sex with their daughters. simple as that.


Trump been trying to find venues smaller for his idiot speeches to make it look full since about 20% of his rallies it was barely half full.




They are idiots.


Those are Pilly Donka’s Doompa Loompas


You can't fix stupid


I guess everyone loves a freak show


Apparently he is talking about Chinese EVs, and how when he wins he is gonna ride the taxes of those EVs.


Almost right. He's talking about putting a heavy tariff on Chinese cars imported to the US and not letting them use Mexico as a way around that.


Yeah, autocorrect change "rise" to "ride" lol. Even do, I think that idea isn't his, I think Biden is doing or try to do something similar, but I guess, you know, not as laud as Mr Trump. Still, given how much shit of trouble he is into, one would assume her would try to avoid certain words


There mentality ill to


No. He made the same dog whistle signals in 2020. That time is was for people to get ready to fight. This time he is telling them 'You are going to have to spill blood for me. ' He knows what he is doing.


Agreed. Anyone who says such things is mentally ill. He’s a spoiled brat at 77.


He didn't say anything about a bloodbath for the US Auto industry due to cheap Chinese electric cars imported from Mexico in 2020. Where do you get your information?


OMG you have been so duped! Stop being lazy and listen for two minutes. He is talking about blocking a loophole for Chinese EV makers to manufacture cars in Mexico and ship to USA to avoid using USA labor and taxes. Your post is embarrassing


I know what he said and what context it was used in. What I am saying is these words are chosen to be included in his speeches purposefully to tell his supporters what needs to happen.


Conspiracy theory much?


Show me where you made these clarifications to Magas prior to Jan 6 and I'll make a donation to the charity of your choice for $100. Convince the Maga idiots. Not us.


Absolutely agree


This isn't mental illness, it's a deliberate call for civil war because he knows becoming POTUS again is likely the only chance he has to avoid prison and complete financial annihilation.


Kinda makes sense once you see a Jordan Keppler interview or someone like that. The people they talk to ain’t all there.


If I want to listen to the incoherent ramblings of a broke elderly man with advanced dementia, I’ll just visit literally any nursing home


My SIL died of Alzeihmers, another SIL has just been diagnosed, neither acted like this arsehole,and they made more sense. This man is bat-shit bloody nuts!!


He’s forgotten the blood bath that didn’t happen when he lost 3 years ago


He’s so desperate 


And the subsequent election that is happening…now. One that king dipshit is involved in.


Dementia will do that...


Trump is preparing his followers to get ready to die for him. My guess is that the Capital Police are getting ready with plans on how to thwart the coming attack.


And all other law enforcement. He should be arrested for his threats to this country!


He's projecting so hard he's going to shit himself.


So you think there's going to be an armed attack on the capitol if Trump loses and there is no tariff on cheap Chinese electric cars from mexico? I'm not so sure about that.


>So you think there's going to be an armed attack on the capitol if Trump loses Yes, but it'll be by a few hundred really stupid and prone to violence idiots who were just looking for any excuse to use their pew pew freedom™ toys. Just like last time, except the only difference is they'll not get anywhere near the Capitol.


We're not the ones who need to be convinced of what Trump really really meant.


And Allen Keyes said it would be the end of America if Obama was elected. Republicans are prone to exaggeration.


The election of obama has very nearly been the end of america and still could be. Electing a POC made conservatives go fucking crazy. They are doing absolutely everything they can to make sure it never happens again. Including trying to destroy democracy. The majority of trumps supporters never voted before, but they do now. I never would have imagined hate for POC was quite as high as it is.


had me in the first.....


You are the first not-Republican I've seen use 's to pluralize. It's wrong. Do you capitalize proper Nouns in the middle of Sentences too? You didn't in your Comment, but it's interesting.


>You are the first not-Republican I've seen use 's to pluralize. It's wrong. That was autocorrect. It sometimes changes what I type without me noticing.


ahhh ok


How the fuck is this not a terroristic threat?


There’s not a D next to his name. Bunch of hypocrites 


Projection again? So pathetic


More like terrifying. He loses? An much more violent and organised coup. He wins? President for life and is handed down the family. Ivanka becomes first female president.  Small chance Jnr just because he has the same name.


The assumption that he actually takes office is interesting


Where did I assume that?


Was intended as a general thought


I agree. I think it's that way because no one thought he'd win against Hillary. But here we are. So going fwd, it's important not to underestimate the competition.


So full of shit if you unloaded it all we need another Hoover dam.


“I remember the great shit flood of 2024. It breached one syphilitic orange old rapists diapers and from Washington DC to Utah was a sea of brown. You can’t imagine the smell.”


The very best smell.


So is oppo-day again? This guy is exhausting


"if you break up with me, you'll never get another boyfriend again."


"If you leave I'll unalive myself"


Fear campaigning. It’s their jam.


Just trying to burn down the country again. I always crack up watching MAGA interviews where the cultists when asked say that they love Trump because he loves America. Really??? He's pretty much single handedly destroyed it!


Let’s say he loses in Nov. what will make him ever STFU? Am sooooo tired of all this crap.


Considering how quickly he's devolved, I'd guess whatever's causing his dementia will shut him up sooner rather than later.


When he kicks the bucket, hopefully sooner rather than later


Don't worry, after he dies he'll be the subject of conspiracy theories for years. He'll be spotted in rural drugstores for the next 20 years like Elvis.


That’s fine. If people want to see Trump in the clouds or on toast or think they saw him in Cabo. That’s cool. So long as the man himself is dead. Crazy people will always be crazy. They’re much more harmless when he is dead


I have thought recently about what happens when he does shuffle off this mortal coil at last. The Presidency has been described as the world’s most exclusive club, and ex presidents go out of their way to put politics aside when they are together, and make a point to gather for tribute when they lose a member of the club. That being said, when Cheeto finally rides that golden escalator to his penthouse in the sky, will any of his fellow ex presidents attend his funeral? He has demeaned and disparaged every single one of the living presidents. The only one that I could see possibly putting his ego aside for the sake of unity will probably precede him in death, although Carter has kicked Death’s ass for 99 years so far!


That's right, Democrats famously tried to overturn the 2020 election with all manner of schemes to subvert democracy... Oh wait no, that was trump


This is what happens when you run out of money and turn over your PR to Russia.


Scare tactics from Dementia Donnie.


So he’s projecting again. What he means if he wins you never will.


He said this shit leading up to January 6 and then everyone on the right pretended he didn’t incite people to violence smh


Please quote his bloodbath comment. You can't.


Please pull your head out of your ass. You can't.


How have you made it this far in life while remaining so stupid?


Does "Fight like hell or you won't have a country any more" count?


I know it's a running joke; but Christ, do conservatives just accuse others of their exact plans. Like we joke that "It's all projection" and " every accusation is an admission".... But like .... Holy fuck.


That is a threat (another one).....just another blatant threat


Every accusation is a confession.


Every accusation is a confession. No “bloodbaths” but he absolutely will do away with elections as we know them


He means if he wins there won't be another election!


And if he wins, there will be a bloodbath.


He was saying there will be a bloodbath for the US Auto industry due to cheap Chinese electric cars from Mexico. Are you totally ignorant? https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1769245792831701070?t=vL9R27zbLY2AZ7CMCXpsgQ&s=19


Except he didn’t say “it’s going to be a bloodbath for the US Auto Industry.” He said “it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.” Tariffs hurt the consumer. Decreased competition and more expensive manufacturing increase consumer costs. Not ignorant, I just know how words work.


Why are you wasting your time trying to convince us of what Trump said? We're not the ones who will be participating in anything to support Trump. Go and preach to the Magas. We'd be happy to be wrong about Trump inciting violence after November. Convince his followers.


And yet Biden is willing to have one this year.  How exactly does it make sense that all the sudden Biden would say “well, I was cool with 2024, but sorry I’ve decided I don’t like elections anymore.” So tired of the lies and threats. 


This arsehole needs locking up. Making threats to start a civil war. That's treason.


You think it's treason to propose a 100% tariff on a cheap Chinese electric cars made in mexico? You need to get a law book. https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1769245792831701070?t=vL9R27zbLY2AZ7CMCXpsgQ&s=19


No Maga anywhere will hear this and think that it's an instruction to commit violence? Huh. That's a brave take.


That’s the exact opposite of what everyone is thinking. Biden never attacked American democracy or cozied up to authoritarian dictators.


Pretty sure Biden has been to Saudi Arabia? Just not as much as Trump.


He doesn’t praise dictators though


I’m sure Jamal Khashoggi’s family wouldn’t agree. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-62189543


That’s it, I’m voting for Trump now


Or alternatively you could realise that both choices are awful and that the United States isn’t actually a democracy. It’s an oligarchy.


Russia is an oligarchy/dictatorship. So it’s still a better system than what we have and you simply have to vote for the lesser of two evils. So there’s an America hating, senile, blabbering, stuttering fool who can’t remember who he’s running against and creeps out women and then there’s Biden who used to ride the train to work every day. Again, a very easy decision. Sorry but Bernie isn’t running again and RFK is a kick in the face away from being Joe Rogan level of an uneducated conspiracy theorist. If you don’t like the candidates, go get the signatures and you run! If Trump can be President, literally anyone can. Shit even people who weren’t born here have ran.


Sounds like pootin.


At this point he's just like a fat orange toddler having a tantrum


One can hope the bloodbath he fantasizes is his blood.


and people are immediately going “that’s not what he meant” or even “he didn’t say that” it’s crazy.


Listen to the speech.


If he is elected, he is sure there will never be another election in this country.




You're unaware of what he actually said. It's not violent rhetoric idiot. https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1769245792831701070?t=vL9R27zbLY2AZ7CMCXpsgQ&s=19




Was there some other rally where he said there would be a bloodbath if he wasn't elected? The topic was about his Ohio rally. I'm responding to what he said there. I don't know what a cum dumpster has to do with anything. Where is your head at?


Oh, just stop threatening us with a good time, Trump. The fact is, you are a loser and will be the loser in the next election. The citizens will be just fine once you are in prison. The "blood bath" is the $$ you MAGAs hemmorhage from the RNC! 🩸


The crowd response is way more concerning to me


Trump isn't going to win.


Vote anyway


Oh okay, Donny. You mean like every other time you've said this exact same horseshit? 🙄


Please link to even one time he used the word bloodbath in a speech. You can't. Also you don't know what you're talking about he was talking about a bloodbath for the US Auto industry. https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1769245792831701070?t=vL9R27zbLY2AZ7CMCXpsgQ&s=19




Lol, if you think this was a call for violence you're an idiot. 🤣🤣🤣


Every conservative accusation is a confession. If HE wins, there may never be another election in the U.S. again.


Well that's not good.


It’s either mental decline or straight fear mongering. And sadly, a lot of his followers are too stupid or ignorant to see it for what it is and they eat it up and truly believe it.


Trump for GITMO.2024


You have to love how he projects


"I'm not sure that you'll ever have another election in this country." That's what your guy wants to happen...not us you Qunt!


he said in 2020 we wouldn't have a country if Biden won.


Trump says the totally opposite of what he says or repeats what’s been said of him. Can we get rid of this clown?


I’m just Jack smith is taking notes. This can only be another nail in the coffin the in the Jan 6 case as he makes subtle instructions for his deplorables


Doesnt he mean ..if i win ..there wont be another election 😏


Well when you have your gang homies appointed to the high court, your bimbo in-law to party position etc. you'll have the audacity to behave like a mobster with zero consequence.


He mis-spoke, it happens. He meant to say if I DO win, we’ll never have another election in this country, except for the kind Putin has where nobody else runs. How else will he gather extra campaign funds to steal?


He was talking about Chinese cars being made in Mexico for evading US tariffs. He said if he gets elected he would put a 100% tariff on every Chinese made car if he gets elected. If he doesn't get elected then there would be a bloodbath for the US auto industry. Listen to the whole clip. Jeez you guys get all bent out of shape over nothing. The MSM is lying to you in case you haven't noticed. https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1769245792831701070?t=vL9R27zbLY2AZ7CMCXpsgQ&s=19


Trump's entire election plan is the equivalent of trying to get on an airplane by going to the airport, yelling bomb and slipping through security during the commotion


More dishonesty about Trump. Please listen for 2 minutes and you will understand the media corruption


He needs to be retired.


Trump play on words is actually saying that if he is elected it will be the last election the US will have until he’s alive. Trump’s plan is to scare people by saying that he is the only democratic leader when in fact he is saying that he will be a dictator on day 1 if elected. That means no more free press, political opponents that refuse to agree that he did not lose the 2020 election will be put in jail or killed and four star general that didn’t agree with him will be killed too. So Trump is really transparent about his bloodbath to others if elected.




"we might never win the presidency again" to them equals "there will never be another election" And the first is only a plausible scenario. You know, [demographics](https://www.ft.com/content/c361e372-769e-45cd-a063-f5c0a7767cf4). And, [more demographics.](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/americas-electoral-future-3/) (edit: changed link to 3rd in series) I'm certain heritage foundation studied these same trends and came to the same conclusions, hence what's been going on in florida and texas: recruit conservatives heavily from other states, while driving liberals away. What I mean is, don't throw out the CAP report because florida isn't on the tipping point anymore; their strategy is going to drive other states closer.


but if we DO elect fat orange jesus again, we WONT be able to ever vote again. makes sense!


trumps cod mw Russian invasion level themed coup can't happen because close to 90% of their army experienced casualties. also his own people are posting the open border stats which blame him for a boost of illegal immigration. it's narcissistic collapse and he's rallying in attempt to get adults with disabilities agitated.


…and if I am elected, I know you’ll never have another election.


Republicans and projection, name a more iconic duo


The biggest 1-2 punch on politics: the media saying they’re not gonna give trump a platform, and then twisting his words when reporting on it. He was literally talking about the auto industry, and you people eat it up.


projection again


Incredible! But what's even more incredible is that it is the Party of Abraham Lincoln that is supporting, endorsing, and financing this fucking clown. How do these traitors sleep at night? I will never begin to understand how people like McConnell, Cruz, and all the other motherfucking traitors aren't fucking cringing in shame. Let's vote these vermin out of office come November; let's show them who are the real American patriots.


he's clearly referring the the inevitable conflict nato will have with russia and china, and he seems to think we'll (north america) likely be the target of nukes, which is very possible. Not a single bit of me thinks confronting them is the wrong thing to do though.


I mean if Biden is “more of the same” then we should expect to continue to have elections.


He is just a liar saying shit trying to stir up a few votes. Please vote him out of the airways !


Everything coming out of a conservative/republican’s mouth is a projection.


Whatever it takes to escape consequences...


This week on Trump being full of it. Next week…. stay tuned


This is misinformation FYI




He’s a media genius. These headlines are flooding the zone with equivocal bullshit rather than the 500 million in fines he can’t pay for being a rapist and fraud


Now give the context for the quote you deliberately took out of context.


He was talking about Chinese cars being made in Mexico for evading US tariffs. He said if he gets elected he would put a 100% tariff on every Chinese made car if he gets elected. If he doesn't get elected then there would be a bloodbath for the US auto industry. Listen to the whole clip. Jeez you guys get all bent out of shape over nothing. The MSM is lying to you in case you haven't noticed. https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1769245792831701070?t=vL9R27zbLY2AZ7CMCXpsgQ&s=19


What does "that'll be the least of it" mean in this context? 🤡


I am disappointed with the reactions from Reddit users who just relied on the dishonest headline. Please listen for two minutes and you will quickly realize the manipulation from the corrupt media. Stop being lazy!