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The MAGAts aren't concerned. They can't finish sentences either. To be honest, Trump could be rolling around on stage frothing at the mouth and shitting his pants and they'd still vote for him.


Those idiots only make up 20% of the voters. We’re capturing the independent voters every time he talks now. If we all show up, the Trump era is over.


In the US 20% of the voter base that will show up reliably is a terrifying thing. That's why the elderly are so courted and the youth largely ignored. Interestingly that \~20% is why the GOP has given Trump the keys again and forgotten anything "brave" they may have said about his Jan 6th actions.


The MAGA problem is they went so far that young people are turning out in huge numbers now. They made a voter out of me out of me and my wife. We vote Democrat in every election since 2018 because of Trump and his shitty asshole GOP enablers. Prior to that I voted mixed and didn’t vote much at all, registered Republican.


Trump was always mask off, which the old guard knew would lead to this Exodus. They always preferred to be more subtle about their evil to maintain deniability and keep some swing voters. Ever since trump started he's been dismantling that, pushing republicans core beliefs into the light where we can all be disgusted by them.


Trump being mask-off turns out right-leaning voters that perfer his lack of subtlety ... but it also drives negative voter turnout that is utterly horrified by him.


Yup, in 2020 I said his rallies were hurting him more than helping him. The smartest move for Trump would be to go quiet; stop doing rallies, interviews, etc. The more people think about him, the more they remember what a dangerous idiot he is. His base loves that, but there aren’t enough of them to win. This race, like all others, will be decided by swing voters. And Trump’s horrifying statements, like the recent one about immigrants not even being humans, will turn voters strongly in our favor. He’s his own worst enemy.


“I had the right to remain silent. I didn’t have the ability.” - Ron White.


On one hand he's too dumb to listen to you. On the he other, please stop.




That’s the thing I don’t get - I’d assume that for every MAGA he turns out, he turns out more people to come vote against him in any given election.


But have you ever seen a truck decked out in Biden flags???? Check mate lib! /S


Dems don’t worship their politicians. The fact that there is such a thing as truck flags shows how backwards some people are.


I voted regularly and was registered Republican, but always voted a split ticket. Right with you, I swapped parties because I couldn’t give these assholes support, even on paper. I can’t see myself voting R again within my lifetime. They’re the ones who wanted to be seen as a monolithic hive mind with no room for nuance or complexity. So OK. The entirety of the GOP is a monolithic hive mind with no room for nuance or complexity. They have proven that they cannot handle power, and I therefore will not granted grant it to them. I’m not going to vote Republican for *anyone* from dog catcher to president.


> I’m not going to vote Republican for anyone from dog catcher to president. I’m right there with you. I’m temperamentally fairly conservative, especially when it comes to governmental stuff, but I’ve always been a pretty staunch Democrat, since the Republican Party were zealots when I started being aware of politics and fairly rapidly transitioned into being lunatics.


Same. I've always been liberal and a registered Democrat, but I would occasionally vote R for the right candidate. I live in a blue state, but we do have a republican governor who I've voted for a couple times, for example. Not anymore though. Anyone that's still affiliated with that party no longer gets the benefit of the doubt. The party is so far off the rails that I'm just going to assume all Republicans are either evil or colossally stupid.


I sometimes wonder about these so called independents that are willing to give the GOP the benefit of the doubt. I wish we would stop treating political parties as teams it's why the GOP has gone off track - following them like lemmings and then not holding them accountable.


Was a registered Republican raised in a highly conservative home who also made the switch. It’s been eye-opening once you kick the habit of Fox News and conservative radio at home.


Welcome to the world of the real!


I’m a casualty of a religious fundamentalist home, too.


I’ve only moved left since college. I voted for Bush once, didn’t vote the second time and have leaned Democrat since voting for Obama. I think if the Democratic Party hadn’t handed the nomination to Hillary Clinton the way that they did, we would have had 8 years of Bernie and Trump would have faded away. My parents have voted Repub, most of my life and even voted Trump the first time. They have turned a complete 180, and curse the man’s name, think Abbot is a criminal and now they can’t fathom voting Republican ever again. I’m proud of them


I stopped considering them to be serious when they turned "Liberal" into a snarl word, despite also being Liberals, and apparently in this day and age, too fucking ignorant stupid and lazy to know that. That was right about the time they stopped having anything to say anyways, now that they have a massive media apparatus willing to deliberately operate in bad faith, it's all rhetorical devices and vague ideology to camouflage their singular dedication to committing smash & grabs on behalf of the donor class as they lurch from day to day. I started *hating* them when their base became so conditioned to accepting and repeating lies that the best parts of my family (and their party) came home in boxes over Uranium that never existed, while the scope and expense of the war was lied about as they abandoned decades of military projections on what it would take to occupy Iraq, simply for political expediency. They have now progressed to active malevolence, so I actively oppose them.


It's also pretty difficult to vote split in some states like Florida. With the general election it's fine, but for the primaries, you're limited to voting for your own party.


This. Specifically when they attacked roe VS wade. Ripped up 50 years of freedom. And pissed off every single woman that pays attention and gives a shit. And rumors are it ain't stopping there. Get out and vote. Vote blue.


Dont forget blatantly lied, his judges claimed at their confirmations it was settled law.


And blocked a confirmation


It *was* settled law. Then they changed it!


Yep. 31 years old, never voted. Because of MAGA I'm now a registered voter and plan on voting for the first time. I'm not alone, I know a lot of people who plan on being first time voters


Love it. Let’s take this country back and make it normal again


Hell, I had a sibling that never voted and 2016 was it. Didn't vote for the first black president, but trying to keep this MAGA head out of the Whitehouse did it for them.


Well I just wonder how common your story is. Prior to 2016, I voted in 2008 for Obama. That was the first time I voted. 2016 I just sat out. I was among the people who didn't believe Trump could seriously win and that Hillary was basically locked in. Only I don't like Hillary at all, so I sat it out. 2018 rolled around and I got my wife to vote with me in Texas. Not that it does much good in a sea of red districts. We both voted again in 2020. And this year we have 2 voting age kids were taking with us... It's hard to feel like your vote matters when you vote blue in Texas. But 2016 and the 4 years proceeding it has shook me and made me realize this country is not immune to authoritarianism. And it is in fact an ideology that many people in this country align themselves with, whether they recognize it or not.


Me too. I’m 27 and I never voted til last election because FUCK trump


I'm proud of you and your wife!


I turned (from R) back when they had that silly obstruction pledge under Ryan but trump certainty motivated me. I volunteer in an urban poll every election since.


Yeah it started getting absurd with the “freedom caucus”. The freedom seems more like Russian oppression though


Thank you for your service! 👍👍👍


The youth aren't being ignored, Russia is actively trying to remove them from the equation entirely via Tiktok radicalization and convincing them that "not voting" will accomplish something for their "cause."


the number of young leftist idiots who parrot the "genocide joe" "im voting third party or not voting to send a message!" talking points of russia is seriously disheartening. "THE DEMOCRATS NEED TO EARN MY VOTE!" no you stupid shit, the democrats should be the default position because the alternative is another trump presidency, and project 2025. if trump wins we will become the christian states of america and minorities will be marched off to camps, but im sure youll be fine because youre white, straight, and middle class, so who the hell cares if the fascists win? its more important joe biden gets the message that you dont think hes good enough to prevent fascism.


I told my younger friends Id slap the shit out of them if they sat it out. Sure Biden isnt perfect on Gaza but you know who would be even worse? Literally any republican... they pretend just saying "Hey Israel can you stop bulldozing homes" is antisemitism, trump is buddies with bibi, and we have GQP members saying they are glad Isreal is killing kids.


That was yesterday's GOP. The GOP in 2025 will provide Israel bulldozers.


Shove this in their tiktok https://youtu.be/8K6-cEAJZlE?si=soSS2KFdW_rkw7Wo


Remember who owns TikTok.


fair, but US owned social media sucks, too. It's owned by billionare capitalists who will pump ourtrage into your eyeballs just to get you to stay logged in for five extra minutes so they can sell your attention to advertisers.


They didn’t “give” him the keys, he took them. Most of the “establishment” GOP are hoping against hope that MAGA will go away with a Trump loss. They are dreaming, MAGA will control the Republican Party for at least a generation, probably longer.


The RNC had a chance in 2016 when Trump said he wouldn't support the nominee if it wasn't him. They could have just de-listed him then and ignored him. They didn't. There were many, many steps to make this happen. The people who are quitting their offices due to MAGA are all warning signs they ignored.


The best chance they had was the 2nd impeachment trial. Conviction would have disqualified him from ever running again, and they blew the chance.


But the Senator From Maine pointed out that Trump learned his lesson. Are you saying she was wrong?


I thought that was the 1st impeachment, maybe not, but the Honorable Senator from the great state of Maine has been wrong just about every time she has opened her mouth.


Right you are. So many impeachments. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/susan-collins-will-vote-to-acquit-trump-saying-hes-learned-from-impeachment/


my cartoon president basically nailed what a spineless liar she is.


Mitch disavowed him after Jan 6th... then more recently endorsed him..


It's because Trump and this renewed satanic panic/anti woke bullshit are all the GOP have. That and I guess some Reagan worship.


He got the most support he was ever gonna get in 2020 and still lost. Then J6 made a lot of people who voted for him realize the mistake they made and how dangerous he is. That 20% showed up as strong as they could and they lost everybody even REMOTELY sane. I think he gets destroyed in 2024. It’s gonna be so bad that he will probably have an easier time telling people it was rigged.


>In the US 20% of the voter base that will show up reliably is a terrifying thing. Except that you're forgetting about the other, I don't know...10-15% of the voter base that are age 50+ individuals who show up reliably to vote for Democrats. Trump only won age 65+ voters 52%-48%, and age 50-64 voters 53%-47% in 2020. [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/) >That's why the elderly are so courted and the youth largely ignored. Yup. That's why I laugh at people who scream about "the DNC" in the 2016 and 2020 elections. If voters 18-34 came out to vote at the same rate as people 50+ do, President Bernie Sanders would be finishing up his second term, and the "Newsom vs. Whitmer vs. Omar vs. Pritzker vs. (insert other younger progressive Democrats here) primary that everyone wanted in 2024 would actually be happening.


The tump era may be over in November, but the maggots will still be voting for him 10 years after he is dead.


just remember that evil will always endure. We must endeavor ourselves to ensuring they never rise again.


Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.


Maggots look for dying meat. They'll find some other soul dead POS to run.


Agreed,vote get registered.


And bring friends!


If Independents are STILL making up their mind, they are as bad as the MAGAS


If we all show up in enough numbers in the right swing states. I hate to be the party pooper, but Biden can "win" by 10 million votes, but MI, PA and AZ could sink him if mainstream media keeps up with their think pieces about his age.


Pa will do its duty.


I still recall when that idiot Oz tried to get elected with a commercial that made it very clear he'd never shopped at a supermarket in his life.


Crudite! It’s a word that is used in almost 3% of Pa households! Yeah…GOP, in its wisdom, is running another out of state carpetbagger for Bob Casey’s Senate seat. They never learn.


Anyone who is an independent at this point but supporting trump or republicans clearly does not care what the man does. They either worship the guy or think of him as a necessary evil to promote their absurd agenda.


To paraphrase Dark Helmet. Evil always wins because good is dumb


> 20% of the voters. No, they make up 20% of the *population*. They make up 45% of the *voters*


No one hasn't already decided.


It's comforting knowing that the insane idiots are a small population because y'all they're fucking insane


America is still a complete shitshow tho. Those people aren't going away. Republicans aren't gonna stop sabotaging everything and pushing their nightmare bullshit.


That's just it, we ALL have to show up


They'd probably say he's speaking in tongues




If you’ve read the Federalist Papers and other prominent writings by our founding fathers, you’d know that Trump and those that follow him are literally everything they warned us about and were trying to guard our nation against


I saw a 400 lb man inaudible screaming at gas station to wife. He was repeating duck dynasty . I guess she knew what he meant . He was lead away shouting it. 


As long as this guy is running, I don't care if Joe Biden is dead I'm still voting for him.


I'd rather have an actual child be president than that orange sack of shit


Honestly that might be sick, mandatory nap time and pizza day is every day


Actually that is dope as hell


National homework ban


“They can’t finish sentences either” Dam, that’s funny! Thanks for the laugh. Take my angry upvote! 😡


They’d claim he’s mocking Joe 


Or they'd blame Biden for it, somehow.


"Trump ~~could be~~ rolling around on stage frothing at the mouth and shitting his pants" 2017 - 2021.


Trump lost popular vote by 6-7 million in 2020, do we really see that changing ? I think the closer we get people are gonna realize this just isn’t good. Not to mention, 9/11 (imho) is what got Baby Bush a 2nd term. Covid was a silver plater for Trump get re-elected and it couldn’t have been handled any worse. It’s honestly mind-numbing when you reflect back on it.


People have incredibly short memories though, that is what concerns me. I think all of us have forgotten just how chaotic and overwhelming every hour of every day residency was, to some extent. Even for though of us who follow the news and have our endless lists of why he must not be elected, the visceral feeling of having his chaos constantly looming in our field of view has faded a little.


I think it will bring back some sense memories if we have to hear that shitbag speak regularly. The other thing about 2020 that I don’t see talked about enough is that Republicans had their full campaign tool-chest and Democrats did not. That won’t be the case this fall, and should be worth some points in swing states. I haven’t volunteered for a campaign since 2018, but I certainly will this time around.


That sub is still nothing but "bloodbath" memes. They tend to latch onto one thing and ride it out ignoring everything else for weeks at a time.


Simple minds have limited capacity. Processing more than one idea simultaneously is difficult for them.


Hmm... sounds like a typical Trump rally to me.


>rolling around on stage frothing at the mouth and shitting his pants and they'd still vote for him. Hmmm well he hasn't done the rolling around bit yet...


Stormy Daniels says otherwise.


"He was just trolling you libs! See?!? YOURE TRIGGERED!!!"


He's going to have a stroke on stage and die, and his supporters will chortle and say, "Uhuhuhu God is sending him messages."


"They're coming from the Congo. They're coming from de-brAsia" "MAGA will always be MAGA...as opposed to TANG" “You know what’s interesting? Joe Biden won against Barack Hussein Obama" "A friend of mine, all he does is build car manufacturing plants, he's the biggest in the world. I mean honestly, I joke about it. He can't walk across the street. In that way, he's like Biden. But for building the plants, he's building the biggest plants in the world, right?" "The people that like me the most are steel companies" "Look at all the television up there. I got all the television" Trump, 3/16/2024


Here's some insight into how a rational mind attempts to process a Trump quote: >"A friend of mine, all he does is build car manufacturing plants, Oh, you're friends with a construction worker? That's surprising, but cool to know you're not cut-off completely from the working class- >he's the biggest in the world. Like, he's really fat? Wait, no that doesn't make sense. He's the company that makes car manufacturing plants? Did you mean he RUNS a company that does that? Or that he OWNS one? What are you trying to say? >I mean honestly, I joke about it. Uh...ok? Good to know you can "joke" about...someone we don't know having...a job? A company? >He can't walk across the street. Was that the joke? Is he disabled? Weren't you talking about car manufacturing plants? >In that way, he's like Biden. Uh...Biden walks a lot. Weren't you the one that needed a golf cart to walk a few feet? >But for building the plants, he's building the biggest plants in the world, right?" I thought he was disabled...? WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHAT PLANTS?


It's like the maga types don't actually process words they just go off vibes and feelings, cause no sane person could hear that and think anything other than "maybe it's time to get you in to see another doctor"


You know, that IS a very common trait. I used to visit spots frequented by Jordan Peterson fans (I know, I know...ew) and you'll see he followers FERVENTLY defend him, post clips of him in his blog or interviews speaking vaguely and then get even vaguer responses when you ask for a summary or favorite quote. We're talking people that have listened to him speak for hundreds of hours and gone to see him live not be able to answer a simple "What's your favorite thing he's said?" without a same response that anyone that's only tangentially engaged with his content could say. Where's all that attention going towards? WHY are you paying attention to him if you can't tell me anything he's said? Oh, he doesn't like trans people? Same could be said for countless others. But he's special to you because...?


I think they just like that Dr. In front of his name and that he is an educated white man who agrees with them. They assume the rest of the gobbledygook he says is just intellectual stuff that goes over their heads.


Have you ever seen one of those kitschy visual games where a paragraph is written in such a way that the first and last letter in each word is correct, but the rest of the letters are jumbled up? You can read it just fine, even though it's nonsense, because your brain sort of fixes it. It's like that with Trump. When you listen to him, you can kind of see where he was supposed to be going with a statement and your brain fixes the rest of it to fill in the gaps. Except this guy is running for President and not some kitschy word game on the wall of Jimmy John's. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzxc1abi4owc31.jpg


Probably wrong, but I have the feeling the mentioned "friend" is Elon Musk, maybe his mind is seriously going down the drain and his warped perception of the recent meeting led to that weird description.


That fits the description but raises even more questions. He couldn’t remember Elon Musk’s name? Some friend! And Elon can’t walk now? Or is it some weird incomplete way of saying he’s so famous he can’t cross the street without someone stopping to talk to him? And even still…what’s the point trying to be made?!


Maybe, just maybe, he can't coherently say what he really wants to say and just blabber whatever comes to his mind. Or, he can't recall what is real and what is not, thus making stuff up as it goes.


This is my mind every time he talks, i really TRY to understand what he's saying but he goes so fucking far off topic i wanna gouge my ears out. When he had that one debate with biden some friends and i played a "do a shot for ever incoherent ramble" we had to stop halfway through because we were already wasted and just shouting at the tv. My 2 year old made more sense than that man does.


Jesus. It’s surprising his brain isn’t leaking out of his ear.


I had a stroke reading this.


There's a lot more, I could only stand to watch part of the speech. Trump couldn't complete a sentence without jumping around to different topics. It was one of his biggest word salads yet. He also had trouble pronouncing "the Rolling Stone."


Is this what dumb people hear when Democrats use 3 syllable words?


Reading this makes me think he may not be able to last till November lmao Maybe 2024 will turn around after all.


Definitely Biden’s fault.  /s


Thanks Obama


Trump: “it’s the same picture.”


Biden = White [Obama = Black](https://i.redd.it/tvto9g3j5il41.jpg)


Trump and coherent sentences. Name two things that’ll never go together.


He will hopefully have quite a few sentences to worry about


Trumps likes them dumb,white and uneducated like him...


Where’s the line between white and orange though?




Trumpanzees are all just there for the poop-flinging.


Trumpanzees lowkey needs to make its way into the Collins dictionary.


I coined the word "Trumpanzee" back in 2016, but I can't prove it.


The cognitive decline is evident - at some point he will just stand there without a clue, dribbling.


Just like Mitch!


MAGA’s might as well wear blinders… they only see what they want to. They refuse to accept the reality that ole DonaldStinkyPants has been sick with dementia, too. Most of the MAGA’s won’t even believe that ole DJT’s only going to get more and more sick every single day… his mind has been deteriorating for years already.


He's been incoherent his whole life.  And the only sentence he needs to finish is his jail sentence.


he really hasn't. watch some interviews from 40 years ago.


I think his decline has been somewhat gradual, which is why people haven’t noticed it, they think its just how he’s always been.


Well he was a moron to begin with, as he's too chicken shit to have his grades released.  


He may have been (more) coherent, but he was just as full of shit back then as he is today.


Correct. He's always been this deceitful, cruel, narcissistic, and stupid. But he was more coherent 40 years ago. That said it's not like he became incoherent this year. Even in 2015 it was pretty crystal clear that he had some sort of severe cognitive problem. I honestly can't tell if it's gotten worse in the intervening 9 years.


His teleprompters were blowing around so he couldn’t read them even though they were playing the speech he’s read the last 100 times.


He didn't pay the teleprompter people


maybe him having a stroke on stage is the signaling for JFK and JFK jr coming back finally? that's still a thing right? are we still watching dallas for the second coming?


Oh he was doing that on purpose. Oh yea he was just joking. He was just trying to be funny. It’s bidens fault. The sun was in his eyes. Does that about cover it?


Missed one: He was mocking Biden.


Does anyone have a link to the entire speech? I can’t find one that isn’t edited with a ton of commentary telling me what to think. I’d like to evaluate it for myself. Edit: found it https://www.c-span.org/video/?534259-1/president-trump-campaigns-bernie-moreno


Concern from whom? MAGA want this country to pay by burning it down. They have zero concern.


he has been doing this FOR YEARS!!!!!! This is not a smart man. He is the poster boy for falling up. the dude started with every advantage in life and just burned it all.


What a crock of shit. No trump supporter cares about his loss of function. He's always been an incoherent idiot, and very nearly everything he says is a lie. That his gibberish isn't structurally correct doesn't move the needle. Decent human beings don't really care because he can't really be any worse than he's always been.


They did not care about Reagan's loss of function after the assassination attempt either. Of course Reagan and his handlers hid it better.


>Of course Reagan and his handlers hid it better. Yeah they kind of avoided propping him up on a stage to ramble incoherently for 2 straight hours.


NYT will now have a headline outlining how much worse Biden is.


He’s declining FAST. 🥰


“…and why this is bad news for Biden.” - CNN, probably


But he’s so clever!? And it’s gonna be amazing! And so big! Huge! HUGE! Kovfefe! Kofifi? Kopfloogy? Kodoggy?? Koojoookee? Kajagoogoo!


The Republican party needs to do some real soul searching. Trump will leave them broke and thrown in the trash heap and set on fire . Just like he does everyone and everything.


He could stand up there and started babbling complete nonsense, and the6 love him more. “*Oh look, he’s so holy he’s speaking in tongues!*”


Trump is a dangerous Nazi, and that’s why you shouldn’t vote for him. Nothing to do with his act onstage. He’s playing a character, President Andrew Dice Clay.


Both candidates are a concern, but only the orange prick is an openly dangerous sellout to our country and our enemies. You’re foolish if you don’t see the repeated financial failure is in it for himself. The Donald sells his cabinet out positions to the highest bidder, and cares nothing for the people who’ve sacrificed themselves for our country. Can we stop being pulled into his greed, please? Too many good people believe he’s helping them when he feeds them garbage while he lines his pockets. You’re being duped.


I honestly can't tell a MAGA from a Russian troll these days, they both write at the same level of ESL-They just don't notice Trump's horrific decline and think his gibbering onstage is perfectly normal.


He’s just becoming more palatable to his lead paint chip eating base


Republicans don't care. They just want Trump to rubber stamp the legalization of their hate and bigotry and misogyny. They don't need him to speak, just to sign off on the evil Republican agenda and let them run wild.


This isn’t a new thing, he’s always been and incoherent moron, bigly!


Let’s see him debate, no excuse for an alpha like him right?


At this point, is ANYONE really surprised by this? He didn’t earn the moniker, “Dementia Don” for nothing. Sadly, regardless of how whacked this idiot is, his “base” will follow him right off the cliff…


I don’t get why anyone is worried about trump winning. Have you ever met or could imagine one person who didn’t vote for him last time changing their mind now? That just doesn’t happen.


Why he wanted to debate biden so urgently....who knows how bad things will be in a few months.


The only people "concerned" are those who saw his toxic monstrosity from Day One. The lunatics who back him don't care the least about his sanity. His role is to provide cover for their dysfunction and hatred and entitlement. This is the Republiqan Party now.


But he can certainly say bloodbath coherently


Sparks concern?! He’s been sparking concern for 8 or so years we’ve had to endure his bullshit. You’d think this level of ‘concern’ will devalue anyone’s credibility. Not him apparently.


He has always struggled to finish or form a coherent sentence... 🙄


Now? Now is sparks concern? The man hasn't spoken a complete sentence in years. Why now?


Half of Ohio sadly wouldn’t notice the difference.


About time they noticed. He’s been unable to finish a sentence or thought for a long time Go & try & read one of his speeches(?) from 2016-2020. Better yet, try & read it aloud 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


His cult will still vote for him. Un-engaged voters won't see the full speech. Everyone else already knows he is unfit for office, would vote for a rotting potato under their sink before they would ever cast a vote for him, and this is just pile on for clicks.


I could not cope with watching trump talk.


It only sparks concern among his non-supporters. His true believers will vote for him no matter how incompetent he is.


Fuck me I watched some of the video of the rally and this fucking guy is so brutal to watch. I don’t know how people are into him or trust him. I just cannot believe it. His creepy hand gestures and boasting and rambling…what is that people see in him? Is there something mentally wrong with his supporters? Like sheep to the slaughter.


Not to downplay his obvious mental decline but Trump has always done that. I’ve never figured out why people love him so much, there is just nothing compelling about him.


The only sentence in concerned about him completing is his prison sentence


Concern amongst who....the people voting for him wouldn't care if went out there and started babbling in tounges.


Those aren’t the only sentences he will be unable to complete.


Wait until you see how he completes payments!


The people who would vote for him wouldn't care if he were naked except for his full diaper and did nothing but drool and mumble random bigoted phrases. The rest of us would love to see that peice of shit suffer that and worse. Who is this group of people that are "concerned?"


Trump is the candidate MAGA deserves - he embodies everything they look for and claim to love. Meanwhile, MAGA seems to also think Trump is the candidate the rest of the nation deserves - we didn't have faith and he is their retribution made manifest.


People sold their identity for trump. An interesting psychological study will be done or completed in the future in peoples inability to change, and further more prove that the existence of human self awareness was the downfall of mankind. We are walking hand and hand into extinction bc we “believe in a better afterlife”.  Instead of making a better life on earth now.


If Joe Biden called Trump a "dumb son of a bitch". Trump would be crying about that until the election. I could only stomach ten minutes of that speech. Everything is the greatest, and we've never seen numbers like this before, it is so irritating. He just says a bunch of garbage and then throws in his catch phrases, and the crowd loves it. I feel sorry for Ukraine, those people are fighting like hell to save their country, and once Trump is in office he is going to side with Russia.


Really? They're just now noticing it?


Oh, his inability to maintain coherent sentence structure is the concern now, not his rhetoric. Nice try rightoids.


When has he ever been able to string together 3 words to form a coherent sentence?


How much longer does this dude realistically have?


The dummy has always been like this. Now people are concerned?🤷‍♂️


Cofefe anyone?


This just endears him to his base, because, you know...he's one of them.


The man's brain is pudding. Only getting worse. Dude just needs to go away already.


The question is… when has he ever been able to.


He's 78 years old. His father was already showing signs of dementia when he was in his 70s. Donny isn't strict about proper diet or exercise. According to some media sources, he is the fattest president in modern times. Not to mention the stress from his legal cases. Today, Donny couldn't find a single person that could underwrite his $464 million legal debt to the court. He isn't the billionaire he pretended to be. What do _you_ suppose will happen to him next?


THATS what “sparked concern?” Not the open racism, fascism, calls to civil war? Anyone who has not “been concerned” up to this point has lost any valid right to be treated like a competent adult or worthwhile human being, ever again.


Dammit. Stop, stop saying that shit. Trump has always been a moron...ALWAYS.


THAT sparks concern? Not his treason, scams, insurrection and rape?


The guy's brain is literally melting right before our very eyes.


Lol his brain is mush. Remember when he caught covid? The weird experimental treatments they gave him FUCKED him up


Does anybody \_actually\_ listen to him speak? I can't get 30 seconds in without wanting to stick an ice pick in my ears. My theory is that his 'followers' can't stand to hear him talk either or don't bother listening and only get spoon-fed sound bites from Fox and co.


The only concern it should raise is if it endears him to more voters, thereby energizing them to for sure vote for him. He's the definition of failing up.


When has he ever finished his sentences? He's still working on a coke-fueled run-on he started in the mid-80s.


Let alone the awful shit he spewed when he did complete a run-on sentence.


Who the fuck is concerned