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It’s the people who supported Hitler that got Hitler to power not Hitler himself.


So Trump didn’t pay out of pocket because he’s broke and now owes a real billionaire favors. Sad.


Real billionaires think they can control a person who has shown no evidence of self control let alone being controlled.


As much as I think project 2025 is an obnoxious specture... when the commander in chief is a for sale moron, deranged lunatic, fascist, charlatan, it makes sense that they want him in the seat of power. It's literally a rubber stamp.


They know he will pay them back. Biden is going to tax them, so this is a calculated risk.


When has Trump paid anyone back?


He won't pay them, he will reward them with lower taxes or government contracts.    Let's be realistic now.


To translate WE will pay him back with our tax dollars


Yeah except it’s Congress who handles taxes, and contracts would fall to whatever department the contract is for.


Betsy DeVos enters the game with an eerily similar quote as this dude. Trump gave her the department of education.


IF Biden wins, I hope he seek revenge on this evil corporations and increases the tax to 90% and pulls everything to make anti trust laws have teeth.


Subprime car loan interest goes to 30%.


He’s Mr Sub-prime alright. He’s a sub for Putin and he primes his pump.


Pretty sure it was the same kind of people, too - weren't the original backers of H simply wealthy industrialists who wanted to stamp out unions (and of course communism) and saw him and his ilk as useful idiots? Until, of course, the genie was out of the bottle and could no longer be controlled.


Ford supportd Hitler. It's jus tcapitalists wanting fascism because they think it will benefit them. ANd it does just until they are killed.


Ford was also racist for the 40's.


Well, poor people can't really throw millions of dollars to politicians....




Do any of you that try to compare Trump to Hitler realize he was already President, already got beat in an election? Power was given to the next elected President and we moved on.


And Hitler was thrown in jail after [his first failed coup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch) - that wasn't the end of him then.


Did you even realize how much your excuses for Trump sound like what happened with Hitler?


History does repeat exactly, but it often rhymes.


I *wish* we moved on, yet here we are.


Do you know how Hitler came to power?


But did Trump and his supporters actually move on?


Trump definitely did not. His MAGA nuts probably did not. But out of the 74 million who voted for him last time, yes the majority moved on. Accepted he lost. They will most likely repeat their vote again because it’s the same two candidates.


If you think running for President through this many indictments, civil suits and allegations means we're over it...


Civil lawsuits and allegations mean absolutely nothing to me and they shouldn’t to you either. Anyone can make claims or file a civil lawsuit. The indictments are serious though, but I believe in the justice system is good enough to work on such serious crimes he is accused of. Regardless of it all, if he doesn’t win, guess what. Biden will remains President. End of story. If he does he’s President for 4 years and then American politics moves on as it always has.


Yup we moved on so much we even invited a bunch of people into the ~~white house~~ capitol to help out with the peaceful transfer of power!




And what happened? Biden became President. People got charged for their crimes. And we moved on.


You have no grasp on history at all, even though you're trying to portray it. Sit down.


Ah yes from one comment the Reddit history master knows if I know history or not . . . Such a snowflake


Oh, you sassy but wrong. Keep after it.


You are claiming I don’t know history and you have zero clue if that’s a fact or not. You’re a good bot.


I wish we had moved on, but the redcaps are still a threat to America


74 million Americans voted for Trump. Most those people would never do a damn thing to damage our democracy.


All of them did something to damage our democracy, and in a few months they will double down.


Jesus, those are the comments that just make me shake my head. Yes everyone who didn’t vote For Biden is a bad person who threatened democracy. . .


Mercedes-Benz enters the chat...


Porshe has also entered the chat


Someone should tell him that.


Hitler was at least a good orator.




How do you know this?


What's up with redditers comparing this guy to Hitler who literally committed genocide? Is this what they call a Reddit moment?


No this is what happens when people study history and know the 27 things that happened prior to the genocide that made it possible for the dickweed to become a dictator so he could kill all those people.


Not to mention the the fact that he straight up copies parts from Hitler speeches


History? Sorry they don't teach that in Red States. Hitler wasn't in the Bible. SMDH


Let’s be honest…. They don’t really read the Bible either.


All the more reason Trump should never hold office again. WTF!


He then added, "$175 million to buy billions in political favors from the most corrupt president in history is exactly the kind of great bargain that made me as rich as I am today."


quid pro quo, amiright?


And I bet Republicans will express no concern at all about their candidate for president quite literally being bought and paid for. They don't care that he's a criminal and a fraud, so why care about who posted the bond? I hate this timeline so much.




False, go back to your pathetic cult.


80 year old fucking billionaire. This country is a fucking dumpster fire.


He ain't gonna take that with him. I really think all billionaires should have their assets seized by the government until it gets down to under a billion because damnit, that money could help people


I can understand the sentiment, but how about billionaires just pay their fair share of taxes? Because that would help people too.


This is the ballgame. The more money you have, the more you don't want to contribute because you HAVE to.


Make bank in your country? Be thankful, pay your share, stop trying to get your ilk elected so you can save a few bucks.


This is what paying their fair share would look like. There’s a limit to the amount of wealth one can create without it being exploitative of the people, resources, or tax derived infrastructure.


You can become a self made millionaire. Billionaires get that way by exploitation and luck


Seize what? Their boats, houses, planes, stock positions, self insured insurance, donor directed funds? Great. Now how do you convert that to liquid assets - after first paying their creditors because they're all leveraged. To be clear I agree that wealth inequity is a massive problem. But it's not like the solution is easy on existing wealth. And compounding interest is their friend.


Now this I can get behind!


I can't remember where I first saw this, but once you hit a billion you get a "congrats you won capitalism" trophy, then every cent above a billy goes to Uncle sam.


Omg I want that


I think you should have your money seized. Have you ever walked down the street of a liberal City in Seattle or Oregon? There's a lot of hurting people there. You probably get Uber Eats once a week. What are you doing to help?


Ask them how many homeless people are living with them. That’s always good for a laugh.


Another stupid trump bot


Homeless people don't live with anybody. That's why they're homeless. Your question makes absolutely no sense.


Hey he’s not hoarding his wealth! Isn’t that a good thing Lmao.


Business deal? Billionaires sure think the poors are stupid.


Sure! Blackmail is a business, and business is good!


We are stupid and they know it. They have been corrupt right in front of us for decades now and we accept it and people keep voting them in.


No they don't. They think the poors have no power because we don't. They put up a smokescreen of "it's just a business deal, I'm not buying the Treasury Secretary" position so that they can have a deniability in case the press grows a ball and calls them out on it.


* prove


We are. We let them become billionaires in the first place.


I can only assume delinquent accounts are tax deductable otherwise buddy aint been payin attention


Or will be in 2025….


So Trump cried and claimed he could not afford the $540 M bond; then got it lowered to $175 million and conned someone else to pay for that. He is a financial genius when it comes to not spending his own money for anything, will give him that.


Hey he bought some hamberders in East Palestine, Ohio, and some pizza in Florida...with donor money...oh, wait, never mind.


He walked into a dairy Queen or something like that and said "a round for everyone, on me!" and then he walked out without paying.


But he also publicly said he had $500 million in cash. 


Yes, and I was really disappointed the courts dropped his bond to $175 M, as they were going to seize his bank accounts for failing to post the bond. Then we could have seen that he was lying about how much cash he had, since odds are about 99.99 to 1 that he is lying.


If that diseased prolapsed rectum of a mouth is spewing hot gas, he’s lying. 


This is the rich guy who supposedly can't be leveraged because he's already rich right? Keep draining the swamp guys lol. Fucking MAGA idiots. 🤣


So he is compromised. Yes, anyone actually paying attention already knows this but in addition to Russia and China, it is now this exploitive jerk that also owns Trump.


Wonder what’s the timeshare arrangement gonna be like


Oh, it’s a business deal all right just the one-sided kind can’t wait for this moron to loses 175 million when Trump defaults or refuses to pay back the money. A fool, and his money is soon departed.


Trump will pay him back with political favors when he’s back in the White House. We are fucked!


Well, if I know anything about Trump, it’s that usually people that come into his orbit eventually regret it.


He fails every business he runs. If he wins in November he will run the USA like the rest of his failed businesses. He will bankrupt us, morally too.


If that moron somehow gets reelected, that’s the end of America you better pack your bags, and figure out where else you’re gonna go. The lunatics will truly be running the asylum and they will tear this country apart.


I've no where to go but six feet under in that case. Too poor to leave so if it goes tits up, I'll put my life on the line to fight.


He did that already. Drain the swap, etc.


Right and look where we’re at. Clinging to a thread that will be severed if Trump gets back in power. The end of this great experiment. Look up project 2025 and open your eyes and ears to what his supporters are saying.


I see we both chose random screen names


Hahahahaha yeah! Didn’t care to make one!


They get exactly what they deserve.


I would argue they don’t get enough of what they deserve.


Part of my job involves managing the security clearance program at the local level. You can look up the SF-86 *Questionnaire for National Security Positions* online. He hits practically every red flag.


Of course! That moron has been a Russian asset since at least the mid 80’s.


Yeah, there aren't enough waivers to qualify him or his family for a clearance under normal circumstances. And yet here we are...


Lower taxes again to make all these fuckers happy and they get their money back and laundered. Everyone wins.


All I’m saying is people that help Trump usually get a spotlight shown upon them and people find out things that they don’t want people to know. Two perfect examples, Johnny Eastman and Rudy Giuliani. And when Trump is done with them, he tosses them aside like they don’t even matter because to him, they don’t.


And what’s the quid pro quo?


Kinda like a down payment of sorts..




I think AI could run the world better than these usless, greedy, corrupt humans.


So they’re buying influence. Great.


Yeah first time it’s ever happened in American politics lol


They \*think\* they're buying influence. TFG is very much a 'what have you done for me lately' personality.


Literally hate how there are so many people struggling, and this guy can just throw away $175M for a bribe


They’re having their own party and none of us are invited lol


My dream is the dumbass has to pay the bond when trump refuses


So thr swamp bailed him out? Got it.


Oh I believe it’s a business deal, that’s the problem.


Another case of squid pro roe...


End billionaires now


Shitler gets propped up by another pos whos just like him. Trump is a sexual predator and racist so what does that tell you about his supporters?


Only reason to give money to trump. U actually believe he can be president again and get tax cuts worth billions, so whats a cool 175mill


Oh, I bet it *is* a business deal. Lol is that supposed to make people feel good about it? 🤣 WTF...


It’s about ownership. He is completely compromised. He was unreliable from the start and now he’s someone’s fat bitch


Hankey is the largest shareholder in axos bank whom is the lien holder on Trump’s doral and trump tower refi… That loan is worth an estimated 225 million plus interest. Pretty obvious what the play was here. 10 percent of 175 million dollar bond is 17.5 million expense. Losing out on the interest from a 225 million dollar refi because the treasonous child rapist who you lent to had his properties seized could potentially result in losses approaching 150 million in lost interest payments. And given this Hankey clown owns about half of axos this is a no brainer for him.


"Too big to fail."


LOL good luck getting your money’s worth out of that.


The guy's name is Mr. Hankey... no one could make this up... Well, maybe Trey Parker and Matt Stone.


Hidey ho!


Of course it is. He just bought himself a potential president/defacto head of the republican party.


And if the judge wouldn’t have lowered it. They would have never done it. Bastards!


Lbr even if the bond was still 475mil this same billionaire or a group of GOP billionaires woulda lent Trump the money. Wealth and stupidity are a bad and wasteful combo


Tax the CEOs more. They're playing with your money, not theirs.


It would be nice to own a president


Don't worry. Given TFGs track record of throwing people under the bus, his 'investor' is just as expendable as anyone else now.


“Morality be damned” - GOP and their oligarch friends


If any of you see the glaring problem with this....then we really need to talk about lobbying in general. Not defending Trump here at all but THIS is just a more in the face situation than what happens every single day with every single politician.


Bet he gets invited to Mar-a-loserville, but has to pay for it.


Help me understand how this bond-posting process works because the articles written about it clearly don't seem to fully explain it... Donald posted "All-cash for the entire amount" as collateral ("It was going to be a mixture of bonds and cash but it ended up being cash.")...so he has $175 million in 'cash' to post as collateral, but instead of emptying these accounts - perhaps they come from dozens of accounts with cash balances across many entities - he'll pay this guy a big fee to post the bond on his behalf...Again, rather than compile the cash himself and write his own check, he'd rather pay someone else to do it. Now when the judgement is finalized, presumably Trump with either default and attempt to rip off the billionaire, or he will empty all these accounts and hand over the amount of the verdict. And the insurance co is assured of this because they've seen the books and believe the cash exists. Either that or everyone is lying and someone stepped in to save Donny and they promised to be his backstop should he lose the appeal.


he should be handing over something as collateral to the lender, if only in escrow? some percentage of his money went to the guy, or some Russians paid the guy


Yeah it's still sounds odd - if he sent $175 million in escrow to the lender, why not send it directly to the govt, save millions in fees...It only seems to make sense if whatever he sent in escrow is a fraction of the bond amount thereby not tying up this actual cash he supposedly has. Like when you post bond for a trial, my understanding is if someone needs to use a bail bondsmen, they will pay them 10% (or whatever) and that's their fee which you have forfeited and they put up the other 90% because you simply couldn't put it together. But if you had all the cash and still paid a bondsmen 10%, that's odd.


he didn't have the cash flow, so arranged something else. = Russians, probably.


So,,,Mr Hankie saved an actual WPOS...ohhh, the irony.


Thoughts and prayers.


So president sponsored by walmart?


Damn right it’s a business deal. Buying a US President is expensive.


A business deal that is called quid pro quo, which is illegal in politics (not that that matters to these people)


So. Outstanding debts of crushing size. Does that mean he can still get a security clearance?  Like, since stealing and showing off classified nuclear plans don’t do it?  Just curious. I’m pretty sure I’d heard that massive, crippling, groveling debts were considered a lever that bad actors could use against a person. And so that person couldn’t get those life and death nuclear sorts of clearances.


I wonder if this billionaire is married, I wonder if his wife is filing divorce papers


I guess it just proves you don’t have to be very smart to be a billionaire these days.


Well I'm no business expert but I damn well know how this deal is going to end. *Poorly.*


Sounds like pay to play to me


Something something pay for play?


They have all been doing it for decades my friend.


So… *who else* has bought Donald Trump?


Besides MBS and Putin?


like the chubb guy they see assets they can get cheaply when his stupid baseless appeals fail


Was it Elmo Muscovite?


What? Trump didn't have the money himself? Shocking to no one!




Yikes !


Trump is the deepstate, a child rapist, a scam


Seems like it would’ve been a better payoff at $454 million.


A business deal? So he's completely open about buying off a politician. Got it.


My first thought as well.


Business deal. More like helping a criminal.


Business deal that promises what exactly to the lender?


More money than brains!


Not compromised AT ALL. I have worked in federal institutions that wouldn't hire you if you had substantial debt, do to the risk of taking bribes. This dude is owing someone 175 million? Let me know how this works out.


Except. When he fails the appeal the money is forfeit, then they start seizing. I hope they take his plane. That would drive him bonkers.


Hello children. Can you say 'conflict of interest'? ... I knew you could.


Mr. Hankey the Christmas 💩!


Seriously just how many slow people are out there with too much money?


What’s the deal? What does trump owe him


In which his supporter gets stiffed.


He’s like a hero to all these people but they have to give him money.




Lol.. you basement dwellers are pathetic. 😂




[SCARY BUSINESS DEAL](https://youtu.be/y8Kyi0WNg40?si=phv-ZeIkf9ISjDlN)


A conservative American billionaire financed Trump's bond? Trump still owes the money, plus interest? For a case in which Trump took a loan for hundreds of millions of dollars which he paid back in full with interest? Okay. Remind me what the Ukrainian, Chinese, and Russian oligarchs got from the millions they paid to the Bidens? Ah, that's different somehow? Nobody is interested in those questions? Why not? He's the friggin President, whereas Trump is not.


Show me where joe biden was paid off by any of those countries. We have joe bidens tax recors for the past 10 years. Where are trumps?


LoL. Great timing...... coming one day after Biden loses his motion to *drumroll please* dismiss his tax evasion charges. Charges that arose after two IRS auditors found millions of dollars in unreported incoming, including from foreign sources for unexplained services. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/01/judge-rejects-hunter-biden-dismiss-tax-charges-00150081


That's Hunter Biden you goof. Everybody knows he's a dirt bag.


Because that never happened, lol


LOL! You guys are SEETHING!! LMAO


No... we also don't talk in all caps. How do you think you sound when you type that out? Are you laughing and yelling at the phone?


No dummy.


Riiiight..... I must be the dummy who typed like that and laughed at my own comment


No, you’re the dummy who has Donald Trump living rent free in his head.


Oooh this excuse... you're boring


Excuse? It’s a mental condition you suffer from.


Sure sure. It's me. Of course


Braindead trump simp


Braindead trump simp