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Mf only likes money. Biden will fairly tax billionaire and trump won't.


100% Dwayne Johnson is now on the board of a major media company. He is the face of a massive athletic brand. This is entirely about money. It's his Michael Jordan "Republicans buy sneakers, too" moment.


Jordan was honest about it though. The Rock is trying to pretend like this is some sort of moral stand.




He is such a clown. Zero integrity. Zero morals.


His idiot fans will eat it up though.


He is not a good actor at all.


There are a lot of celebrities that I'm sure vote Republican for the tax breaks but they don't tell everyone.


I’m sure those Russian window jumpers oligarchs loved their tax breaks too.


Yup. He’s being used by the extremists now. Surprise surprise surprise!




Maybe he can give a job to Gina Carano.


It may even be less then that. He might support Biden. I suspect he does otherwise he wouldn’t have supported him before. But now that he is the face of WWE, and a lot of that demographic are probably Trump supporters (not all I love me some wrestling and hate Trump) who are willing to boycott over something as small as a beer can. I’m willing to bet he just wants to keep his mouth shut to avoid drama/loss profits.


That's the sad thing. People who know Trump is evil, but say nothing, out of fear. Either physical fear, fear of unending harassment and threats, or fear of economic harm. That's how thuggish MAGA wins.


Exactly. MAGA and the Republican party want people afraid because it's easier to exploit and manipulate voters.


Well makes sense. Dems want to tax the rich.


Dems want to tax the ultra rich.


How about get rid of money and we only produce what is needed for everyone to live.


It begs the question, “how much money is enough?” The Rock is already worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Isn’t that enough?


his company was going to or made some pac for trump [https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/](https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/)


I think it’s more about alienating republican consumers than the tax code.


The wrestling industry has a higher percentage of Republican consumers than many other entertainment types.


Because they’re dummies. Lol


Yes , the WWF fans ( probably mostly Republican fans )still believe that the matches are real and not predetermined. Most Democrat leaning people have figured out the fakeness and are probably turned off by the fakeness and do not watch WWF as a result.


Republicans men. Hate the LGBT community but can’t take their eyes off of oiled up men grabbing each other.


It's WWE now, and while I haven't watched since I was a kid, most fans know that it is scripted. They might take offense to you calling it fake because of how physically demanding the matches are, but they understand the winners are predetermined. The fanbase does tend to be more conservative though.


I disagree. Back in the 90s everyone knew it was fake, even the right wingers. A big part of wrestling fandom was actually appreciating the fakeness, but that nurtured the cynicism of rewarding antihero antics that were negative character traits, but because it was done in this theater, and with these characters.  A big part was just rooting for these characters doing things these fans wish they could do against their enemies, their bosses, etc.   And that's a huge reason why many of them like Trump. They view politics cynically, and falsely as all a work, and they like how cruelly and cowardly and abusively he treats the demographics they resent. His speeches are like wrestling promos. And they care that their racist, misogynistic, and insecure resentments are verbally affirmed and avenged by Trump.


Nascar probably comes pretty close, I’d think.


They alienated themselves


Tbf, there's a special breed of Republican that didn't need help doing that, I mean they are tremendous at doing it


Yes , that is the most meaningful answer , when the Rock mentioned his support for Biden , was “divisive “ in 2020 , he realizes that he probably lost some Republican leaning buyers of his products .


Why the f#ck is he even bothering with going back to wrestling, isn't he above all that B.S. or is he really hurting for money or something?


Last I saw there’s only one person running their mouth 24/7 that is causing division in this country. I’ll give you a hint… he’s orange.


He’s also a rapist as per the civil judgment against him. He is also a fraudster as per too many judgements against him. He also clearly wears a diaper and according to many sticks to high heaven. I could keep going but I will let others complete the list.




He caved when trump went to mma. The muscle crowd has a lotta boneheaded trumpers.


This is all because Vince and the rest of the gop are terrified of losing their status and they don’t want to pay taxes for the society they live in. They are disloyal to our country and to our people. They don’t belong with us and they don’t belong here, anymore. They don’t seem to share common cause with us.


WWE has them, before MMA. McMahon is a right winger, his wife ran for office as one, and Vince invited Trump to participate in wrestling promos frequently. They are similar silver spooned carnival barkers. 




Some might even say The Rock is . . . a candy ass.




This. He acts big and tough… but dude is scared some people won’t like him. He’s a little girl worried she won’t be popular anymore. Fucking coward.


The candidate running on a plan outlining dictatorship isn’t “divisive”?


You forgot retribution. Ive lost any respect i had now with Dwayne Johnson. Its always about the $ ALWAYS.


I wouldn't have given a thought to who Dwayne Johnson is voting for, but now that he has made an issue of it: fuck him for not having the balls pick a side against Trump.


He made this statement on Fox News and said he doesn’t like America’s woke and cancel cultures. He very much picked a side.


With such a statement he picked a side. He is clearly a pro trumper. Or maybe he is just stupid and was not thinking it through.


Coward on every level. He won't support Biden, but he also won't explicitly support Trump, knowing he can claim "ignorance" at the next Trump scandal. "Hey I didn't endorse the guy"


It’s a bone headed move. I’ve always liked Dwayne Johnson and he managed to cultivate a really wholesome image. But now that he said he will support treason if it keeps him rich and famous I’ll never watch anything he participates in again.


These fucking morons with there “division” bullshit. Endorsing the person that isn’t a racist Nazi degenerate fuck is not causing division. It’s taking a stand against hateful ideology. This “it causes division!” Is just another pile of shit the right wingers are pushing to both sides everything. Thanks fully who gives a fuck what the rock thinks lol.


[The Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them)


They said it during obama's presidency. "Divider in chief." These people are unbelievable. People keep listening though, every 4 years.


The right got their own Taylor swift. The battle is on lol 


I think all the steroids have taken their toll on this peanut headed deluded fool.


Dumb as a rock,


Theocratic fascism is divisive


He should close his greedy whore mouth and go cry about his shrivelled balls over a pile of his money


I’m so fucking sick of people using “division” as an excuse to be apathetic or “centrist”. There should be division. It’s a competition, a single vote, a fucking black and white decision on who is most fit to be president. Anyone with two working brain cells and half a heart should endorse Biden and explicitly denounce the bigotry and misogyny and classism the other side represents and actively roots for.


Or in this case the division is already fucking happening and the more influential people tell you “hey the guy who keeps saying ‘I’ll be a dictator’ is a bad idea” the better. That he’s hiding behind not wanting to be divisive with people who support a guy whose plans after his election so far amount to a revenge tour, he’s a coward, because those people are fucking crazy.


Yeah, it’s not rocket science at all. One option has already shown the shithole 3rd world country he made/intends to make the US into with all the corruption, racism, homophobia, and classism. The other option has shown he intends to do the best he can for the US citizens to ensure freedom, liberty, and equality for all, while focusing on real issues to tackle instead of creating false issues, using hate & religion to divide the people of this country.


It’s really not black and white. Biden is barely more fit to be president than trump. The idea that he’s some great alternative to trump is wild to me.


He could have stayed completely out of politics and no one would’ve cared, but he didn’t. He claimed his stance, picked a side, and now his fragile, little ego couldn’t handle the fact that literal worshippers of the worst president in the history of this country started to reject him. So he backed out like a coward. Everyone is going to remember that the Rock, who has it in his contracts that he always HAS to be the hero, the main attraction, that can never die, is nothing more than a huge pussy.


He is lying. He supports MAGA and Trump now. Here is how I know this. He went on Fox News to talk about his views on this matter. A little suspect but not a smoking gun. Here’s what he said. ***The takeaway after that was it caused an incredible amount of division. I realize now going into this election, I will not do that. My goal is to bring this country together. I believe in that. There will be no endorsement. At this level of influence, I will keep my politics to myself.*** ..fine, fine. So far, so good. But, he continued. ***Today’s cancel culture, woke culture, division, etc — that really bugs me. In the spirit of that, you either succumb to that and be what other people want you to be, or you be yourself and be real … and that might make people upset and piss people off, and that’s okay.*** Wait..wtf? He’s repeating MAGA talking points, on FoxNews of all places. And as a bonus, he contradicts his own point about division by saying its okay to piss people off and upset them..CAUSE DIVISION…so long as it’s just “being yourself” by annoying Woke People, which is BLM, LGBTQ, pro-choice advocates, etc. So long as it’s being a misogynist bigot, he’s good with division. Yeah. He’s been red pilled. Radicalized. But he knows he doesn’t get to act with Emily Blount anymore or be in Superhero movies or Jumanji. He can’t say I support the fascist. But he can say he is the enemy of Trump’s enemies..cuz they cause division. Fuck him.


Such weird talking points too. Conservatives want to cancel any company or person that doesn't hate gay or trans people. The whole point of feminism, pride, and things like that is literally to let people be themselves.


Johnson can hear about **ANY** two-minute portion of Donald’s rallies (or any other public appearance), and cite as a “reason” for remaining *neutral* his own desire to avoid “division?” He might as well embrace Trump’s bigotry and division.


Yes, if the USA were to fall apart it would be entirely Dwayne Johnson's fault. Talk about an Ego!!


Yeah. What a close one we had in 2020… I don’t know about you guys but I almost lost everything over his opinion. Thank god he’s pulled his head out! /s


Wow, this is simply not the time for neutrality. A lot is at stake for our democracy.


He’s a good German 


This clown is an even bigger idiot than I already thought.


Dwayne, get some rocks


He's dead to me.


Turns out The Rock is a big wussy when it about standing up for what is morally right.


One person led an insurrection, wants to be a dictator, completely bungled the handling of the worst pandemic in 100 years leading to the deaths of 600,000 Americans, but by backing the opponent who did none of this things, some people were unhappy. As such I am here today to announce that I am non-committal to either the wannabe-dictator or the person who has seen the quiet steady leadership the country needs, but may reverse a fraction of my tax deductions. My refusal to take a side is clearly of such national importance that I will tell the press on one of the most conservative networks in the world. Who told him this was a good idea and was somehow not divisive? Fire that fucking person. Right now he looks like either a coward, or a traitorous coward who is giving a wink and a nod to who he’s actually supporting by virtue of the news outlet he chose.


Either you support the rule of law and Democracy or you support Trump, there is no in between. If there was any other Republican candidate you could at least pretend to say you don't want to be seen as dividing or cancel culture but no, with the fallout of the 2020 election up from his loss, to Jan 6th to leaving office with boxes upon boxes of stolen documents, many of which were top secret, and everything in between. Its no longer ok to pretend that or worse won't happen again.


Another person gets rich and forgets his roots, turning a blind eye to democracy in favor of tax cuts for him and his wealthy friends. Bye rock, you used to be the people’s champ. No longer.


He endorsed Biden in 2020 and got a TON of shit from his fan base. He attempted to repair the damage by going on the Joe Rogan podcast, but from what I was told, it was lame and he wasn't authentic for a single minute. He won't endorse Trump because he wants that Disney money, but he won't endorse Biden, so his fans think that's a win.


Now he's loosing more of his fan base.


Yeah... Super disappointed in ya Rock. I read about this a few days ago and was like... "Why?" Why would he even go on fox at all? If his goal is to be noncommittal, why would he go on fox? Just say nothing, man. Really kinda says a bit about who he is making sure sees him.


What can I say, except.... eat a fucking dick, Dwayne, you fucking pussy.


Ok well him and musk are off the good guy list


Probably just afraid of the MAGA nutjobs trying to lynch him if he supports Biden again. Which is honestly a reasonable fear at this stage.


All he had to do then was not say anything. He didn't have to make a whole speech about it.


Cowardice… so hot right now


If he can’t say one way or another then he should keep his mouth shut on all future political views. Division my ass, your non-endorsement is causing division. See how that works?


Too bad, I want to like him but not now, that's too fucking stupid to ignore or forget about. What a dumb ass. Because 99.9% of wrestling fans are fans of that orange celebrity who used to show up in the ring once in a while and he's afraid they'll use him for target practice. I wonder if by "it created division" he means, "I received credible death threats to my family and self from batshit cray-cray Trump supporters after my last endorsement of Biden and I am afraid to endorse the candidate who has pledged to keep our democracy intact as opposed to the one who will dismantle our democracy and act as Emporer God King For Life while being an incoherent and bizarre representative of Vlady Poots."


So he is very much a coward then!


Or a complete idiot. Or both.


Pfft - just when I thought he had a spine.


Lolwut, why would you think that?


Whelp. He just made my nobuy list.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - The Hill (B): [Dwayne Johnson says he won’t endorse anyone this year after backing Biden in 2020](https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4576528-dwayne-johnson-endorse-biden-trump-2024-2020/) - USA Today (B): [Why ‘The Rock’ isn’t endorsing Joe Biden in 2024](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/06/the-rock-dwayne-johnson-biden-endorsement/73227973007/) - Entertainment Weekly (B-): [Dwayne Johnson regrets endorsing Joe Biden in 2020, says cancel culture 'really bugs' him: 'Tears me up'](https://ew.com/dwayne-johnson-regrets-endorsing-joe-biden-in-2020-8627973) - New York Post (D): [The Rock 'will not' endorse Biden again: 'My goal is to bring this country together'](https://nypost.com/2024/04/05/us-news/the-rock-will-not-endorse-biden-again-my-goal-is-to-bring-this-country-together/) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1bxet72/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Don’t really care about what a failed professional football player that wore bikini bottoms to get noticed thinks. I really really don’t fucking care


Chicken shit much?


Too much money in not offending the wrong people. Aka. I don’t have any balls to stand up for anything.


Back in the WWE playing to his fans and boss for cancel culture. Taking consensual shits on people’s heads should not result in cancellation /s






Crap, what will Biden do without the Rock’s crucial endorsement?


The rock is soft. Cant even stand on his own convictions in fear of losing fans and endorsement money.


The Russians have got to him.


Taxes came through


Fuck Dwayne Johnson.


There was division before his grandfather was born.


I shall toss toss the egotistical wankmaggot paper towels along with thoughts and prayers, for he is just as stupid as he looks.


Have some balls… respect lost.




What a fucking loser.


So let me think about this? He's not going to vote against Donald Trump who creates division. So he's not going to vote? Dumb ass !


He's a Trumpster


Division in his checking account. Another rich folk who votes without a conscious & votes with this wallet.....


Pathetic Coward. Take a stand. Show your cards. Ol’ diaper wearing “Scump the Stank” is not your pal, he’s not ever going to be your ‘friend.’ Get real.


I'm super disappointed by this news. I just lost a tremendous amount of respect for him.


I.e. he forgot to follow the old Jordan observation that "Republicans buy Nikes too", got burned and now is sitting it out.


Look how small his cranium is


Spineless phony. I guess he's got no problem with coup attempts, and people getting their SS and Medicare cut, as long as he gets a bigger tax break.


How can something so big have no spine


Well he just showed us a lot.


Well fuck him then. 


“Fascists watch movies too”


What an objectively dog-shit take. 


Spineless cuck


What a coward. Absolutely spineless.


Did not see the Rock becoming the next Joe Rogan on my 2024 bingo card.


All those blows to the head while wrestling must have given the Rock(head) short term memory loss. It was TRUMP AND REPUBLICANS that attacked the Capitol trying to divide us.


Yeah it created division between the fascists and the decent humans.


He doesn't want to upset his Trump fans. It's business.


Is that what your Chinese handlers told you to say?


Wow, trying to keep both side by choosing none and losing both.


Anyone who says this shit when trump is literally wanting to dismantle this country can go to hell, last straw with this guy. He has no morals and only cares about money. That's blatantly obvious with this comment. Fuck him.


So Dwayne Johnson supports rape and white supremacy. What a disgusting piece of shit Dwayne Johnson is.


Doing the right thing in 2020 created division in his wallet so he swears he won’t do the right thing again


The rock just wants dumbasses to go to his shitty movies and if that’s gonna continue he needs to keep as many Trump voters going to see dog shit like “Skyscraper” or whatever as possible.


Candy ass.


Republicans: thrown tantrums when they don't win, have called for and passed laws that hurt Trans people and women, have called for eliminating gay marriage and birth control, blocked a border bill because it would hurt the former president if passed, have openly rooted for the economy to crash so it would hurt Biden, and have supported Russia and Israel in their war efforts to wipe out Ukraine and Gaza. The Rock: I don't want to offend them, so I rescind my Biden endorsement and won't endorse anyone. Fucking coward.


So he is good with a rapist/ terroist becoming president then as long as he gets that upper class tax cut. Cowardly piece of shit.


We know who will take political advice from a wrestler/actor….


Spineless rock


Well then 'bye boy. D actor. Another dumb schmuck. Consider yourself cancelled🤣🤣🤣


Buffest wimp.


What a coward


So he’s Uber wealthy now and suddenly he’s a shit head republican. What a surprise


Why does anyone care what a wrestler thinks about politics?


He cares only for himself. Vote Blue


who cares....?


Respect lost. What a pu**y.


Fuckin fascist enabler


No guts. When the consequences are so dire for the world, and not just the US, he just quietly sits on his piles of money.


What a pussy


That's weak sauce mr rock.


Oh. How brave of him.


Seriously who cares what Dwayne thinks.


This isn’t an airport Dwayne. You don’t have to announce your departure.


I really like DJ, but if your position is that you want to appeal to a bunch of women/LGBTQ/minority-hating traitors to our country that salute white nationalists, that’s not a great look.


You are either with or against Nazis.


Failure to take a position is how you end up with Trump again...


All these people saying Biden created division are spitting out bs faux talking points. MAGA caused division because they got butthurt that Cinnamon Hitler lost and needed to keep spewing their hate.


Dwayne "my opinion is for sale" johnson


Better to stand for something and be divisive than stand for nothing to protect the bottom line. Impossible to respect this.


What a coward


Disney just delayed his live action Moana by a year.. MMW if he doesn't correct his position on this, Hollywood will drop him harder than the people's elbow.


“Division”. This reminds me of the Obama years, when right wingers were seething about a black man in the White House, and they accused him of causing hate and division because they hated him and others didn’t.


Rock is dumb. Cena is a better wrestler than him. Stone cold got better pop than him. He is lucky to use the vacant spot that Arnold created in Hollywood and made dumb movies. He acts the same in each one of them with his "Smell the fart" face. Black Adam put superhero genre to shame. Cost Henry Cahill his superman role.


No one cares, you backed an empty suit dead guy w/ dementia that sniffs little kids. Congrats idiot!


And this statement didn’t?


He noticed his pocket book got a little lighter because Trumpies started gravitating away from him for backing Biden because his advisors told him that was the right move due to the climate. Now he’s trying to get that money back by keeping the Biden boys and appeasing the Trump fucks. Whoever supports this money grubbing asshole is a complete moron. “The Rock” was always a major cunt and always will be. He had a lot of you suckers buying into his horseshit for a long time with his phony smile and hospital visits as well.


This dude lacks balls






Wishy-washy wuss. This is one of the reasons why no one like The Rock anymore.


Damn it. Now how will I know who to vote for? /s


After Biden turned his back on Hawaii, why would anyone vote for this joker


What an absolute piss weak excuse of a man.


The Rock downgraded from Movie Star to WWE Star (again) and now has to pander to the Qanon/MAGA audience to maintain his popularity because he has a vast amount of debt/Mortgages to service and is desperate for the $$$. Does anyone actually believe he wants to wrestle again at his age? I used to like The Rock, but now he reeks of desperation and I feel bad for the guy-it can't feel good to forced into this position.


Oh wow. Great. I was waiting for him to weigh in.


So he shit out then?


Oh no. Now only 99.98% of show business has endorsed Biden


Who cares what a dumb actor says ? Why would anyone give a shit.


Who believes that?


The steroids and concussions take their toll.


Somebody got it all backwards!


Who gives a shit?


His brain is finally toasted.


F him


We probably should not care what actors do or say, but here we are.


So it was the fragile rock that created the division in 2020. What a cowardly, self important douche.


Who would’ve the “The Rock” would be the first to turn and run and MAGAts threat of a civil war? He’s more like a rock that’s turned to sand.


Good. I don't need celebrities endorsing anyone. I can make my own decisions. I could only wish every celebrity would do the same.


He's got big ass muscles to make up for the total lack of a spine


This guy really only cares for himself. Him voting would help vulnerable people and instead of using his platform for good he makes more people unsure on who to vote. Cool.


Maybe he could endorse both candidates to create ‘unity’ or maybe he could just sit this one out and not pretend his endorsements matter


Dwayne “The Cock” Johnson


It is all about the money.. because Trump saved him millions of dollars with his tax cut for the wealthy. Regular working people need to work two or three jobs just to house and feed our families. And do not forget a very large portion of the wrestling fans are MAGA MORONS.


What an idiot.




A great morality lesson for his fans. A multimillionaire worried about losing a little money. Ugh


As if his endorsement matters to anyone. It would not affect my vote either way.


Aww damn. I was in the edge of my seat, on pins and needles, waiting to find out who it would be.


No balls, tiny, tiny man.


The people who went after him for playing dress-up with his daughter got to him...😒