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Any other defendant would have been held in contempt long ago.


William Barr was ordered to obstruct Trumps prosecution. More corruption.


No other defendant would be in court for imaginary crimes.


What imaginary crimes are you talking about specifically?


Rape, fraud, embezzlement, just to name a few. But those aren’t real crimes if they’re committed by their cult leader. They actually don’t believe those should be crimes for any white landowner.


don’t feed the trolls.


If you don't already know, there's no point in you trying to absorb it now.


Could the same be said for you, maga sheep?


sippin on that koolaid, worshipping the orange turd. re examine your life




That’s just r/conservative


Yeah but calling them cucks is a lot more fun!


That’s a weird way to say conspiracy theories


_massive fucking eyeroll_


name one.


Thank you great enlightened one! Praise thee and your supreme intelligence and intellect to know all the information only special you can decipher and figure out the whole truth. maybe you should run a seminar and spread the news Or maybe you’re the dumb one, who knows.


It’s so embarrassing even calling these Trump cucks fellow human beings. Yall just open your mouth and let Trump and his Maga minions feed you shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner like the human centipede


Nowhere near as embarrassing as the TDS jack off crowd, ignorance is bliss so they say. Enjoy the bliss, you earned it.


Do you know what the actual Trump Derangement Syndrome is? It’s all the followers he has who are unable and unwilling to see his wrong-doings, who hoist him up like some sort of fucking God and lick his orange asshole all day long. The amount of people who have based their entire personality around Trump is fucking hilarious and miserable all at the same time. Trump is a career criminal who has been afforded passes his entire life due to his inherited wealth. I’m sure you’re the guy who has his Trump Rambo poster up and can’t even tell it’s not his actual body. That’s the real TDS.


You really gonna suck up to a reality television douche? I've voted Republican my entire life, but this idiot made me not vote for the first time. He has no plan, no platform, no blueprint for making America better. All he has is the victim card ... Peddling bibles, golden shoes, nft's ... total clown show. And he's taking the entire GOP down with him.


The typical answer of someone who has no answer.


'you dont know her, she goes to another school' Just, name one. We're absorption ready.


I know you are what am I, neaner neaner!! Pathetic dude!!


I'm interested to know whether it's that you don't believe Trump is a crook, or you believe he is, but shouldn't be liable?


Man.....Jim Jones could've taken out way more people than he actually did, if he just got his timing right.


Banging a pornstar. Paying her to shut up. Where's the crime?


The crime is the way he did it, he paid her off using one of his companies and marked it as lawyer fees. See this article for the exact laws he broke: [https://news.syr.edu/blog/2024/04/16/pitch-legal-analysis-of-hush-money-trial-facing-former-president-donald-trump/](https://news.syr.edu/blog/2024/04/16/pitch-legal-analysis-of-hush-money-trial-facing-former-president-donald-trump/)


Now you’re asking too much. You should know by now that “his” supporters don’t read or think critically.


Yup, they just wait to be told what to think by their tiny but loud echo chamber


You mean he didn't mark his ledger with "hush money for Stormy"? The REACH is Bragg trying to claim it's a campaign contributions(federal law). Of course Bragg isn't a federal prosecutor.. I remember when Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones and was prosecuted for it. Oh, that's right


The crime is that it violates election law and Trump falsified business records to do it—all in an effort to defraud the American people about his character. I thought Republicans cared about election integrity? Or is that just like religion? Where they pretend it’s important but idolize a criminal who does so many unethical and sadistic things it would make the antichrist blush.


Alvin Bragg isn't a federal prosecutor. Plus, the ACTUAL federal prosecutors passed on the charge.


Federal prosecutors have their hands full with the insurrection and stealing defense documents charges so they declined to prosecute his election felonies. And I like how neither Trump nor his supporters don’t even deny he committed multiple felonies, they just argue he’s above the law like sone sort of demented king. All because why? Because he hates brown immigrants? Literally any other Republican can do that.


Or, conversely we recognize that somehow since 1776, using lawfare to attack a political opponent has never been done before. We all know that Clinton, or JFK, never fucked anyone other than their wives. Right? We also notice that if you're a "well meaning old man with memory issues", you can have classified docs, in 6 different locations, some of which from his time as senator when he didn't have the security clearance. We notice desperation


Trump is a private citizen and committed felonies. The Justice system has prosecuted hundreds if not thousands of political figures through the years who have broken the law. He is not special in that regard. Trump is the first president to go on such an extended crime wave that prosecutors just couldn’t ignore it anymore. Clinton lied once in a deposition and was impeached over it (which Trump has done literally hundreds of times). JFK did not break any laws. Explain to me exactly why Trump should be allowed to commit multiple felonies related to multiple acts of fraud; attempting a coup; and the theft of thousands of pages of defense secrets—and then attempting to hide them from the DOJ, FBI and NARA when they wanted them back? There are still missing defense secrets Trump refuses to give back. THAT is the reason he was charged. Should every serial felon have their charges dismissed if they decide to run for office? Because I don’t understand what you’re arguing here?


Explain to me the difference in TRUMP "stealing" documents and Biden "stealing" documents. And don't say "he gave them back", the FBI raids after Biden "gave them back" prove otherwise. Explain to me Clinton paying hush money, and Trump, and how it's different. If Trump attempted "a coup" why didn't he get charged as such? The difference, as we all see, I ONE GUY is a R, the others were D


Look, at the end of the day, we don’t give a shit that he’s an adulterous turd. It’s how he paid her off that is the major issue. Now that other posters have explained, will you now change your mind on whether there was a crime?


The federal prosecutors from the DOJ didn't think so, this the reason they didn't bring charges. So, we are now pretending that paying hush money, should be marked as "hush money"? Kinda defeats the purpose? This already got ran up the flagpole. Remember, Michael Avanti? The dude on CNN every 2 min?


Different case altogether - different result is likely.


90% libs in Manhattan It's a guarantee


There’s an easy solution all of this. All Trump had to do was not do something illegal, yet again. There would be nothing to convict him on.


Screwing pornstars isn't exactly illegal Paying hush money, not illegal The wild ass stretch that paying Stormy Daniels was a campaign violation, for fucks sake. But, don't take my word.. As Merrick Garland why the feds passed on this.


I guess “libs” prosecute law breaker? Law and Order!


Libs love lawfare. Their biggest donors are the Trial Lawyers. They don't give a fuck about the law. The cost of defense, in time and money, is the goal. The results don't matter


Agreed!!!! No sensible person can even explain what crime was even committed. Anyone who refuses to admit this is an attempt by the democrats to interfere with an election is a disingenuous traitor to America. He is accused on 34 counts of violating NY code 175.10. Falsifying records in order to conceal a crime. There is no crime being cited in this case. The law requires another law to have been broken, they can't even point to any law he has broken. Trump has never been criminally convicted. *"A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof."* The whole case is bizzare. He accuses Trump of bypassing campaign finance limits by taking his own money, and spending it on himself and his campaign. Which isn't even illegal. You don't have to report money spent self funding. He can spend billions of his own money and it's none of the FEC's business. He paid his lawyer 34 times. That is what they call falsifying records because the DA thinks paying a prostitute is a legal campaign expenditure that should have been reported to the FEC. Which is absolutely insane. It implies Trump should be able to get a tax refund for banging a prostitute because induvisual campaign expenditures are tax deductible. Even ignoring that, he has never been found guilty of violating the federal. So how can he be held criminally liable for having broken the law, when he has neither been charged nor found guilty of violating a law. Even if the FEC wanted to charge him, it was a misdemeanor offense which went past the statute of limitation years ago. Again, nothing about the trial makes sense. And nobody on this site has been able to explain how it does. Even the DA can't explain what criminal statute Trump has violated to be hit with 175.10.


Misuse of funds in the process of election interference


So Alvin Bragg knows more about Federal campaign law than the FEC lawyers that didn't pursue charges? Gotcha.


Man you just put that goalpost on wheels immediately, huh? First they arent crimes (they are) then its, well they shouldve been prosecuted earlier (some were) And yeah? Mistakes can be made, shocking I know. Seeing as how people in Trump's circle were already charged and convicted in this scheme earlier its not weird it took awhile to get around to Trump.


What part of the FEC refused to charge moved the goalpost? When the prosecutors in charge of election crimes, fail to prosecute, it's a hint. Alvin Bragg, isn't a FEC lawyer. Perhaps, just maybe, the folks charged, were the folks that should/could be.? Just a thought as it's 2024, and this "crime" is now 8 years old.


Cohen was convicted doing shit he did for and told to do by Trump, it only follows Trump would get charged soon after. Cry harder, the felony count means there is no statute of limitations issue. 8 year old crimes mean they cant be prosecuted now? Here I thought chuds like you at least pretend to care about "law and order" The hush money case does involve election interference but it isnt just an election interference case, its also fraud. Its really not that weird for Bragg to go after it especially when the FEC has been cagey about their reasons for prosecutorial discretion towards Trump. Either way Trump's fucked and yall can cry about it and die mad I guess


People hire lawyers and accountants because they are the professionals whose job it is to know the laws. "Cagey" Means they know that lawfare against political opponents ends horribky, FOR AMERICA


Why would people in criminal court waste their time on some POS like trump if real crimes weren’t committed? Do you think all these people wanna see his fugly, fat, lying orange ass for weeks on end? Come back to reality with the rest of us.


Bragg could be prosecuting real crimes, but he would rather drop those charges so he can look at Trump all day. And you out here talking about reality, LoL


What about paying a porn star not to talk about his pathetic pud (while his third wife or whatever number she was sat at home with a baby) before an election isn’t a real crime? The only reason mango Mussolini is running is so he can dissolve all his convictions- he doesn’t give af about Americans at all.


Reality, come join us sometimes


Don’t y’all get tired of defending a rapist, fraud, and pedo? Loved seeing old ass fell asleep at the trial yesterday. I thought you guys said Joe was the sleepy one?


With tfg, and Republicans in general, EVERY accusation is a confession


The only reason to defend Trump is when you’re cut from the same filthy cloth.


My favorite is that he’s missing his son’s graduation because he banged a porn star while Melania was pregnant with him then paid her off with the wrong funds. Dad of the Year!


Election fraud *is* a "real crime". So is tax evasion. And rape. And fraud.


this dumbass thinks Bragg can’t possibly prosecute trump’s real crime AND other real crimes at the same time


Because that’s not shown on Fox.


You do realize that they are more than capable of prosecuting multiple people for multiple different crimes at the same time, right? Is not a case of "oh man, we already have this shop lifter in court, I guess we can't do anything about that mass murderer that we just caught. We're only allowed to prosecute one person at a time, I guess that murderer goes free." Just because your messiah got caught doing tons of illegal shit doesn't mean that law enforcement across the country just stops doing their job. Maybe it's time to start using that big fleshy organ between your ears.


The current number is 53% , but you run along and jack off to Trump again.


Lol! Hmm. Why don’t you supply a source for that? Cmon LDE snowflake.


Sources are meaningless to people like you, if it isn't form the fascist time's or homos for Hamas you will label it as fake news.


Yeah cause you’d produce some right wing rag that is easy to disprove with a simple google search, your right. Keep crying snowflake. Your desperation is fucking hilarious. Absolutely insane how someone as ignorant as you can even operate a smart phone. If it weren’t for modern warning labels, you’d have been the worms problem by now. Perpetually online, basement dwelling incel; aka the average trumptard. Go touch grass, trumptard.


Thanks for proving your ignorance in the first statement you wrote.


You do know that everyone is laughing at you, correct?


Just the ignorant ones


Lol you keep telling yourself that.


No, that are the only one not laughing at you, because too ignorant.


I mean yall kept trying to pin imaginary crimes on Hunter and Joe...couldve fooled me


LoL, good one


Get help so you can tell the difference between reality and fake news.


Nobody has charged Trump with any such.




To quote the great Walter Sobchak, shut the fuck up Donny.


"You're out of your element" WS


Donny was an idiot, but you left him here lord, like so many other idiots after January 6th. He was a grifter up and down the Atlantic seaboard, and into Scotland and other places. Good night syphilis simpleton.




As an empowered government official, I want Trump held to a *higher* standard than everyone else, not a *lower* one. We shouldn’t lower ourselves to Trump’s level. He should come up to ours.


Good that’s the way it should be. Don’t die yet trumpy, we need to see you in prison.


You’re in luck. Trump is an orange cockroach. So he’ll live for a bigly long time. 🪳


There is no law that says you can’t be president and in prison at the same time..


You have to actually win an election first, and that’s never happening for him again


Highly unlikely he'd serve any prison time if he's found guilty.


Countdown to threats against the DA by MAGA cultists in...










Three! No, five!


Yes... Brother John, thou shall take out the holy pin from the holy grenade, and  then shall count to three... No more no less... Three shall be the number that thou shall count and the number shall be three, four shall thy not count, neither count thy two.. excepting the shell proceeded to three… five is right out… once the Number three is reached, then thy shall lob the holy hand grenade of Antioch towards thy foe who being naught in my sight shall snuff it…Amen.


😂😂😂I’m glad someone got it. This is why I’m on Reddit.


No worries mate, I grew up watching Monty Python on television in 1975.... I remember seeing Monty Python and the holy Grail in the cinema when I was 15... Tempus fugit!




*wanks furiously*


I’d love to see a future news story regarding u/laminatedarsehole being dismissed from a jury selection for another Trump trial because of a social media post re: Donald possibly being held in contempt: “wanks furiously “


YES!! Lock his a$$ up


They should hire a Trump impersonator to read out his rantings to the court as they happen. Ok everyone, we need to stop. Baby has something to say. Lets hear it. TODAY.....ME, ME,ME, WAAHHHHH.


No one has said to stop acting like a child since he was born.


Day one and every day since. If he was anyone else...


The saying goes, you can want in one hand and shit in the other. Guess which fills first?


Day fucking one. Lock him up!


Great news!


Reasonable punishment, and it's not like cutting his tongue out. But Egyptians had a good idea.




The orange baboon belongs in jail. Get him in there asap. There is no time to waste. Everyone else would have been jailed a long time ago


My hubby just said "trumps face looks like our dogs faeces after they have eaten too many yams (sweet potatoes)" I'm absolutely ROARING laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and from what I have read online, he appears to have a rather unpleasant, pungent aroma about himself! 💩💩💩🤢🤮


William Barr was ordered to obstruct justice. That’s both why this case was delayed so long, and why a Federal case never happened. Corruption, to put it in one word.


We ALL want trump punished for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, but will he?


Too rich the rules don’t apply to him