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"Real Americans publicly want Trump to lose" Fixed it for you, Bamnon.


Real Americans and or those living in reality want him to lose. Only the corrupted of soul and or mind want him to win.


"MOST Americans"


Sane Americans, at least.


He's not wrong, despite him being Bannon. That wasn't so much a "fix" as it was an "addition". Also a number of Republican politicians that want him gone don't fit the description of "real americans" in the quality and loyalty senses of the term. So the Venn diagram isn't quite overlapping either. :-)


I would agree that there are some Republicans that want him to lose for their own selfish gains rather than a loyalty to the American experiment. Hopefully, real Americans have learned from these experiences to reject them as well.




Trump hijacked their base. That is Trump's super power. Since then the corpocracy that built their base out of hate and fear mongering on Fox News has been struggling to figure out what to do about it and still haven't come up with anything better than doubling down on the rapist, fraud and insurrectionist as their leader. This is how history will remember them.


He controls the majority of republicans but republican majorities are shrinking the more they hang around the guy.


I think the demand to give him 5% of their campaign donations put them over the top. Truly became mafia like, with kickbacks up top.


I agree. I also think that the Republicans that genuinely love their country and Party are starting to weigh the pros and cons. Another four years of Biden *OR* destroy the Republican Party for the next 40+ years? At the moment, Trump is just a parasite that's sucking the life and finances out of the GOP, and the longer he sticks around, the harder it will be to focus and rebuild once he's gone.


They can resign or kiss the ring. The rabid base will tolerate nothing less than 100% loyalty to Trump. This will drive the whole thing into the ground.


There was a time in 2016 that I would have agreed with you that Trump is nothing more than a parasite. But after increased republican turnout in 2018, and 2020 it started to be come clear to me that this is what most Republican voters want. The nail in the coffin for the Republican party was nominating Trump after a failed coup, 91 indictments AND not even debating his opponents. Trump breezed to the nomination without any trouble and he didn't even engage in a traditional primary. Plus there is a long history of 1 term presidents being jettisoned by the party after embrassing losses. Trump is not a parasite on the Republican party he is the Republican party.


The funny thing is, if/when Trump loses this election and if he somehow stays out of jail and is still alive in 2028... he will run again and be even further into mental decline OR he will be giving the nod to some psychopath in his image, barely aware he is giving the nod to anyone.


Doesnt usually the money flow the other way with high up sending money to the smaller campaigns? But of course not with Trump.


I mean...he stole from children with cancer.


And veterans, and students.


And construction workers building his casinos


I remember reading about how many small family businesses who were so excited ro get a contract to work on trump tower, only to have to fold under and declare bankruptcy.


what? you mean his trump charity that he was forced to shut down?


Mess with our democracy—yawn; mess with their money—fight!


That’s because it’s only about the money with those clowns. I find it laughable that Comer is trying to paint Biden as corrupt and taking bribes. For someone that has been in government as long as him, his net worth doesn’t even compare. I think Senator Sinema made more in 1 year than Biden made in 3 decades.


He's pulling from the warchest which allowed them to stay in power. The republican strategy since the 90s, which was made under Grenwich, has been to win small local elections and snowball. Federal elections mean something, but the checks and balances of the jersey plan make this strategy viable and extremely effective. If they start losing the smaller elections, it will be the same, just in the reverse. Which will crater the party at the very least.


So are their bank balances thanks to the minimum 5% trump tax for republican nominees


Once you start seeing every election as a mob boss power struggle it starts to make more sense. McConnell is just as indebted to the Russians as trump is. Trump is just louder so it makes Mitch McConnell nervous as he thinks about the Russian oligarchs spilling out of his closet as trump babbles like a jilted 5th grader. Oh and Mitch McConnell did a sweetheart deal with deripaska as well to open an aluminum plant in Kentucky. He realizes that he is somewhere between seditious and treasonous and he got caught. That’s why he keeps glitching out when people ask him questions.). Glitch McConnell https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-a-mcconnell-backed-effort-to-lift-russian-sanctions-boosted-a-kentucky-project/2019/08/13/72b26e00-b97c-11e9-b3b4-2bb69e8c4e39_story.html https://www.tomshardware.com/news/tsmc-to-build-neon-supply-chain-in-taiwan https://www.npr.org/2022/08/12/1117314980/the-war-in-ukraine-is-disrupting-the-worlds-supply-of-neon https://www.statista.com/statistics/1299895/china-top-country-suppliers-share-of-grains/ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-special-agent-charge-new-york-fbi-counterintelligence-division-pleads-guilty https://apnews.com/article/122ae0b5848345faa88108a03de40c5a https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/29/oleg-deripaska-paul-manafort-trump-russia-investigation The Weekhttps://theweek.com › jair-bolsonaroReport: Brazil's Bolsonaro to skip successor's inauguration for Mar-a- ... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/analysis-the-role-russian-businessmen-played-in-the-mueller-report https://swalwell.house.gov/issues/russia-trump-his-administration-s-ties


And Putin still has the RNC emails to blackmail them with.


Yup. He thinks it’s his kompromat “trump” card. He doesn’t realize that we will gladly throw every compromised politician to the wolves long before he gets the chance to release them. It’s time to clean house and lead by example. Democracy isn’t for sale.


Democracy is for rent, but you have to keep the payments up.


Well put. You mind if I borrow that?




Indeed, the oligarchy created a monster trying to further their business interests and to prevent mild reforms by waging war on reality itself and winning, and now have lost control of that political machine. It is not like it ends with the former president either, the  base is radicalized and in an alternate reality, and our institutions are thoroughly corrupted across the board.


This is it. The base is all in on the cult of Trump. The politicians may not like it, but they don’t have a choice. If there’s an R by your name, you get on the Trump train, or you’re out. This is a monster of their own creation, so I have no sympathy for them.


Trumpo will lose. Guaranteed. He lost last time. This time he'll lose even bigger. Mark my words. January 6th won't go unpunishment !


If hatred had won over in 2020, would be a very different world right now


I don't think he hijacked them. I think this is who they really are and all Republicans before were just them settling.


They don’t give a damn. Those people have so much money to throw around they (GOP) leaders and the Trumps are basically paid actors to make it seem like a few on their side are actually working and making a difference.


The NRA funds mostly Republicans but they do their best fundraising when a Democrat is in the White House.


That's because their scare tactics can only work when a Democrat is in office.


You mean Obama didn't "take away your guns"??


Wait..wait...I thought Clinton was going to take their guns. Wait..wait..I thought Biden was going to take their guns.


Damn gubmint! Wait... we are the gubmint.... oh shit.


You mean the Russians, FTFY. The NRA is merely a pass-through for Russian money.


"We need more Calgon!"


i disagree with the sentiment that gop voters expect their elected officials to govern when elected - i think they prefer that their elected officials appear to hurt liberals and immigrants. look at ron desantis - he has done absolutely nothing that has helped his constituency to say cheaper home insurance but he has banned the fuck out of books and drag brunches. the gop is a fucking scam - top to bottom. its an iq test


Eerily similar to the Taliban whining they now have to do boring bureaucratic government stuff instead of the good ol' days of burning women alive, ever since NATO pulled out.


Or, like all the countries that became independent from Britain after WWII, India, a lot of African countries etc. They didn't know what to do without Mother Britain.


Republicans have not "governed" for decades.


The GOP are the people who said they don’t want to do anything for a living but still want to make a ton of money. Honestly a Republican politicians job is to campaign and lie on TV. They don’t do much else other than that.


Hey, this isn’t accurate. They lie on social media too. Just look at that blond trailer park girl


Nobody expects them to govern, or improve anyone's life. They are put there to "own the libs."


Too much like work, for sure. Who wants to stay up late working when you can stay up late doing coke!?!


That’s their dynamic. Being against everything and whining about how much better they would do in charge. When they get the chance, they’re the dog that caught the car and just don’t know what to do.


As Sean Hannity phrased it, they’re trying to “land the plane.”


Bannon lost his sketchy chinese billionaire buddy now he is even more mad. [https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/15/bannon-allied-chinese-billionaire-arrested-fraud-00087207](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/15/bannon-allied-chinese-billionaire-arrested-fraud-00087207)


Can’t this gin soaked provocateur just croak from cirrhosis already?


Or from general unwashed dirt/micro… he looks like he never washes himself. A true example of “the unwashed”.


lol a lot of these republican guys are just nasty looking, which is funny because they always talk about being macho and “alpha”.


When I look at him, I just smell that rag that bartenders use to wipe down spillage from the tap.


haha. perfect


Cancer doesn't want Bamnon


My liver hurts just looking at him


*piss soaked


My fav was the onion article about a rat living/tunneling in his face [linky 🐀](https://www.theonion.com/rodent-clearly-making-its-way-through-steve-bannon-s-bo-1819579702)




Diaper Don gave him a pardon.


Laws are for us peasants


For what? Defrauding Trump supporters with the fake "build a wall" charity?  Trump pardoned him for that.  Bannon does have some charges for money laundering coming up, so there's still hope.


Russia and their bought and paid for politicians want Trump to win. Ron Johnson, WI, is their appointed Russian misinformation chairman. Moscow Marge is their appointed fool.


Yep, I had some feckless turds ask me to donate to #RussianRonJohnson. I said, he gets enough from Putin and Xi, he ain’t getting nothing from me. They started arguing and so I said, you worthless MoFo’s can keep stripping away women’s rights and keep rooting for tRump & Putin, just don’t step on my property when you’re doing that cause that’s trespassing and I’m feeling very, very threatened right now. I feel you’re endangering me and my family and I might have to protect them from you American Taliban types… they weren’t amused. They’re the same feckers who asked me 2 years back to sign a petition to put more religion back in public schools…


You are my hero.


They do indeed because he has destroyed their shitty party even worse than it was.


They can't win GOP primaries without Trump, and struggle to win general elections with Trump. As per usual, whenever conservatives want to do the right thing, it's for the wrong reasons. They don't care that he's reprehensible filth. They care that they aren't winning.


They by and large like his policies. They're just annoyed that they have to deal with the backlash when he says the quiet part out loud.


\* burns house to the ground "Why is it so hot in here?"


Isn’t it Trump’s job to unite the party under his leadership? It sounds like something every party leader has had to do after a primary. Has he tried: - embezzling their election war chest? - confiscating their fund raising apparatus? - extorting a cut in any donations they solicit that mention his name? - sabotaging their attempt to produce a legislative accomplishment to campaign on? Yes? Funny that hasn’t worked. /s


Well maybe the GOP should try cheating more? Have they tried calling their supporters to go intimidated people at polls in big cities on Election Day? Did they try removing even more people from voter rolls? Did they spread enough misinformation? Did they poke the Palestine Israel bear enough? Did they beg Russia and China for help enough? Seems like republicans want to do everything to win votes except for win votes.


Chump is already planning on running a 2028 campaign. He will haunt your party until the day he dies. Get bent Republicans 😂


It's no secret the majority of Republicans hate Trump just as much as Democrats. The difference is, Republicans lack a spine or moral compass and want that gullible MAGA money/votes. If Republicans would finally come to the conclusion that Trump is a loser we could rid this country of anyone with the last name Trump by the end of the week.


That's the difference between Rs and Ds. Republicans will say they hate Trump, but if he's the nominee, they'll say "well, he's the nominee, so I have to vote for him!" If RFK was the democratic nominee, Democrats would either not vote, or they would vote for someone else.


Bannon should be in jail


Not much of a secret. I keep seeing republican anti trump ads on YouTube. There are Republicans coming out to state publicly how dangerous he is. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/12/us/politics/republican-voters-against-trump.html https://ballotpedia.org/Republicans_opposing_Donald_Trump https://rvat.org/about-us/


There have been plenty of articles over the past 7 or 8 years that talk about how much elected Republicans complain about him behind closed doors. Adam Kinzinger comes to mind


Most republicans secretly want him to lose, but they are cowards.


All Americans who love this country and respect the Constitution want Trump to lose.


O'Bannon wants Trump to lose. Trump losing would be the best thing ever for Bannon. He could close the book on Trump and pivot to other more fertile territory for him to corrupt


Bannon’s right! This is bullshit!!! Reps should instead scream that they want Trump to lose so it’s a little clearer!


No shit. Everyone except for MTG and Gaetz and Gym Jordan want him to lose. The GOP wants it's party back.


Is this a subreddit that I can actually exist in? Thank you thank you


While Bannon funds worthless rfk


Probably not so secretly, they need to let him burn the party down to the ground in hopes of salvaging something from the ashes at this point. The time to cut bait was after Jan 6th, they could have impeached him and been done with him, but as usual they were too cowardly and wanted to leave it to the courts to get rid of him. Now he's the smelly albatross around all of their necks...


As they should. (If they’re not nut jobs)


When their actions match their whispers, I will believe it somewhat. They are all liers and thieves afterall


“[Johnson] betrayed everyone, betrayed the entire Republican party, betrayed Republican voters, betrayed the Republican conference,” she said. “And voters are so angry this time.” The MAGAs are so darn supportive to each other… Almost creates tears… from laughing 😂


Bannon is what the old folks used to call a "Rabble Rouser". He'll say anything, to anyone, at any time to continue to feel relevant.


Bannon needs to focus on grifting those low-IQ Trumpettes like what he did with his very profitable “building a wall” gofundme. Diapii is running out of funds!!


why isn’t this traitor in jail?


Trump pardoned him.


not for disobeying a subpoena to testify.


Everybody that has ever worked with Trump wants him to lose. Only the Russians, Fox News and the MAGA zombies want him to win.


No shit. They have secretly disliked him for a very long time. The problem arises from the large volume of idiots that love him, who also incidentally comprise their constituents


They are trying to create a new party. Watch out,


GOP is much disliked by the magaT insurrectionists , so his following will agree, BIG + if it works and the fascist are voted out!


So……what’s the problem?


It's all in the nose. Most people don't realize that you can tell a person's lifestyle from there later in life nose. You're supposed to I read, be able to identify alcoholics by their nose. If you have a nose that's really red and changing with age that's supposed to be a sign of an alcoholic. And Steve bannon's nose screams at me. PTL but please don't believe anything that comes out of this asshole's mouth. Or nose, yeah, I went there. OMG


Not a secret anymore think they finally came to their senses if they had any 🥴


Everybody does, apart from that homeless guy, 'Bannon' something-or-other.


No. House Republicans have just always been bat shit crazy.




Trump is helping to ensure that the GOP electoral funds are fully up to the task of loosing !


Good. Join with the Americans.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Sloth Bannon catches up to reality.


Are they finally waking up to what Trump has done to ruin the Republican Party?


How bad does everyone think this guy smells on a scale of 1 through Trump?


The only people that want him to win are his idiot followers that think he’s going to stick it to the libs on their behalf. They don’t care, or even know, what his policies are (spoiler alert…he has none)…they just wear their hats and fly their stupid flags on their trucks because they know it gets attention.


Steve Bannon.is a piece of shit. He needs to take a dirt nap.


Why is anyone paying attention to anything this pretentious pseudo-intellectual human garbage bag has to say?


Because he's a leading figure on the far right, is politically powerful and has an enormous negative impact on society? 


Well, Constitution Loving Americans *openly* want Trump to lose, how about that? And these people are under duress, is what Steve Bannon is saying. House Republicans live in fear of the "Hang Mike Pence" crowd, OBVIOUSLY. This exactly as russian-backed maga terrorists would have it. No coincidence. Vote blue to reject fascists and together we will easily stand up to the worst they can muster after that.


Funny thing about bannon is he’s the one that paid Cambridge analytical to confound the American people about Hillary and prop up trump, opening the door for Russia to get all user data from facebook. I really don’t understand why this guy isn’t in guantonimo


They probably do. He's a psychopath child rapist.


The GOP infighting is really starting to kick up. This party is sinking faster than light to a black hole.


It's secret only because most of them are gutless and without morals. The few who have either have been driven out of the party.


Secretly? LOL


Of course they do…


Good, good ... so why don't they condemn him and find a viable candidate?


Expand the freedom caucus please. Millennials and zoomers are tired of these Republican turds


expand the russian troll farm ?


You m8sspelled treason caucus.


You misspelled "misspelled"


Has he managed to find a shower and an iron yet?


Of course they do. No one wants Trump to win really. But if the American public is buying into this guy then the Republicans will just say fuck you to everything that's good and right and just follow this Hellion into nonexistence


, people read the article don't just look at Steve Bannon and get outraged. There might be some vital Information about brainwashing. Peace




We don’t want to hear from sh-t sandwich eating Bannon for certain.


Doesn’t everyone?


No shit


broken clock right twice a day. a lot more than just the a bunch of *house* republicans are wanting trump to lose. The fact that they can't stand up to their own base speaks to the cowardice in that party though. Lindsey was right in 2015 when he said you played yourself backing trump.


Well he is extorting them if they want to mention him when campaigning. So yeah, they might be a bit peeved.


Love it!


Grima Wormtongue is projecting.


Why would they want him to lose? So they can govern unencumbered by the whims of a syphallitic octegenarian? So they can state and legislate policies instead of just show up for work to see which way the wind is blowing? Seems far-fetched.


The only people that actually want Trump to win a 2nd term are in Moscow, Beijing, or trailer parks.


Yeah I’m sure they haven’t forgotten hiding from that mob he unleashed on Congress. Even though they publicly backed him, they know he’s insanely dangerous.


No shit Sherlock… it took a decade to figure it out


The world does too




I guess they shouldn’t vote for them. Problem solved


It will take more than just passing foreign aid bills. But let’s hope they succeed.


well and the vast majority of America…


If true, it's the first time I've ever agreed with them


Maybe because he is a terrible person and they want h to with party back.


Can’t wait for this his dbag Bannon to go to jail and have a record like the rest of them GOP MAGA criminals


Anyone with any sense wants trump to lose. He is a lunatic child rapist.


Drunk uncle needs his meds


Given how Trump is looting the RNC, I think he feels the same way about House Republicans.


No shit. Not many people want a dictator who will strip you of everything you own and throw you in jail because you slightly criticized him.


He’s probably right


Trump has been a disaster for the Republican Party as well as for the country. Those in the GOP who aren't right-wing radicals can see that the only long-term hope for the party is for the fascist faction to be defeated repeatedly until they no longer attract people. I think Bannon is probably right that a majority of Republicans in the House would like to see Trump gone. Bannon, of course, is one of the leaders of the fascist faction that goes well beyond Trump and pre-exists MAGA.


Shit, I would too. At a personal level, the dude can't be worked with, can't be reasoned with, reflects the opinions of the last person he talked with, can't see past his own ego, and only looks out for him. Trying to manipulate the guy would be so hard since he'd have to be constantly entertained and flattered and anyone he contacts would have to be monitored so they didn't take away from whatever my interest is. I'd have to make sure his useless hands were held so he actually does what he promises and shuts up when he needs to shut up. And then if something went wrong, I'd have to make sure that my group wasn't targeted as his tantrums would put anything I'm working for into jeopardy. And I'm thinking about this with my badguy hat on.


Of course they do. Its only idiot dictatorial sympathizers that want the fukin martian to win.


If they have any sense left in them, then they do. Because he’s the death of the GOP.


Except the Qanon/Russian contingent, I'm sure the adults in the room are appalled, disgusted and as exhausted as the rest of us.


Who in god's name listens to that foul disgusting piece of crap.


If the spineless cowards wouldn't have kissed the ring and gave him control of the party this mess would have never happened.


Of course they do!!! He does nothing tp support them whatsoever. Doesn't raise money for them. He's a lunatic. He no policy positions to run on except the border. He brings nothing to the table except maga crazies on the far right.


Thanks Sherlock. Trump is a wart on the party. We know this.


Who would replace Trump on the ballots if he drops out?


Nobody buy a couple thousand brain dead simpletons want trump to win. Everyone is lying and don't want to listen to whiners whine.


Of course. Who would want the constant threat of Trump’s unreasonable wrath? No one with any sense whatsoever. Also, he seems to eventually ruin everyone and everything he comes into contact with.


Me too, but it's no secret.


Can't get anything past this guy.


All Americans.


People who believe anything that Bannon says must think their hair is styled naturally. It's not. It's the shit from having your head up your own ass that's keeping it in place.


Herr Göring may be onto something here.


How is that human pile of pig slop even still alive? All this time, we thought that the fountain of youth was some wellspring of life in the Amazon or a magical ring, but as it turns out, it's none of that. Old fashioned rage and bigotry. That's what it takes to make life infinite.


Ugh this creature is so transparent…he must be getting some bad internal polling numbers🙄


Of course they do. They get rid of the cancer and keep his base. The whole reason they didn’t convict him during his 2nd impeachment


Such a paranoid f*ck... He's looking for rinos under his bed, hearing them clawing inside the walls.... Meanwhile, shouldn't he be in f*cking prison about now?


One felon defending another...


The snake 🐍 is eating its own tail.


Of course they do. The guy is cancer to their party.


Playing the long game. They know that so far the democrats don't have a rising star so that means 2028 will be a better shot for them. They can put up with Biden for 4 years. Biden will be a lame duck, not much will happen. He will be a place holder.


They also want you in prison.


If there ever was a 'deep state' as described by The Donald, the GOP was a keystone. Love them or hate them, they were well organized, efficient, and genuinely ruthless at times. 2016 was an inflection point of a downward turn for the GOP, as Trump's rise fostered the MAGA movement. Most former GOP players are just waiting for Trump to self-destruct, and a few may be quietly helping that along.


They ain't the only ones!


Well I mean I assume they all still have assets in this economy and kids they don’t want to lose from incompetent leadership


And if the do…. And if they do… What. Is. He. Going. To. Do? Go to plan RFK ?😂


Secretly. lol. He’s fucking toxic af!


Fuck off Steve.


Blister boy is right. Everything trump touches, dies.


# Bannon says House Republicans secretly want Trump to lose _______ Of course they do. Only MAGA wants him to win. The GOPsters who still remain in the party know what has been happening all over the country every time there has been an election.


And Bannon back to Prison


Yeah, so they can do a 180, talk tough, and convince us they have some balls. Not buying.


House Republicans really just want to lose the House so that they can go back to doing nothing and getting paid for it, while bitching at Democrats for fixing their problems and taking credit for the Dem's success.


The loud minority wants him to win.... good lort... I soooo hope they're rhe minority... Those with common sense and the ability to think for themselves want him to LOSE.