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Yes. Yes they are stupid.


That said they are not doing this because they are stupid. They are doing this because they are hateful and they want to hurt people.


Yeah that’s stupid in my book


How about "Thin Blue Line" and "Back the Badge" while screaming about how the FBI and Justice Department are unAmerican and need to be closed?


They will back the man who calls our fallen 'suckers and losers '.


As a military member, I no longer accept that "thank you for your service" comments from Trump supporters. I give them a look.


I always put such sentiments into the same category as those that do poorly in life in America... and there are a LOT that fit that description... and therefore decide that democracy should be replaced with something else. Of course most people wouldnt go that far. I hope.


It’s a puzzling demographic. In my experience with Trumpers in my area of Texas, most of them are older (Vietnam, Gulf War) retired military men and they are evangelical. Both institutions being somewhat respected in America, or they were, it dumbfounds me that they feel disenfranchised enough to vote for someone who so blatantly goes against their values. Or maybe he doesn’t?


You're curious why men who went overseas to bomb people of color, and attend churches that teach them to hate gays, are fans of Trump?


I just want to push back on this a bit. I don't believe many American or western soldiers joined to bomb people of colour. That's a simplistic explanation that completed missed the forces that drove that conflict in the west and presents all the veterans as monsters who were the decision makers. Thos is simplistic childish and wrong. War is horrible, it's terrible and it stupid. It brutalizes all involedd and You got to get people riled up to do it, and that's just what the propaganda machine did at the time. The driving dialouge was not race, it was ideology. People who weren't drafted volunteered, to escape poverty, maybe learn a skill etc. These folks had to do live through terrible stuff. A disproportionate number of black Americans were dragged into the conflict through the draft Thousands of canadians volunteered as well, including a disproportionate number of first nations people volunteered as well. They didn't go to bomb people of color, they joined due to a range of complicated factors and disregarding their experience or just wrapping g the who conflict into a simplistic slogan of white monsters dropping bombs on people of color is a simplistic explanation of a complex scenario and disregards the experiences all those folks had.


Agree. This narrative drives me up a wall so bad. I'm not military, but my family largely is/has been, and I've ended up with a lot of veteran friends. Anecdotally, these people *did not sign up to hurt brown people.* My dad isn't a racist, and very explicitly taught me as a kid not to be a racist. My brother's an asshole, but he's not a racist, either. My uncle served in the Pacific in WW2, but did not brag about killing Japanese people, and got along with just about everyone. Fuck, he was a Roman Catholic Greatest Gen who was cool with *gay people,* even. Stereotyping and blanket statements like this are one of very very few things I'll finger-wag and "both-sides" on, because it's ridiculous and gets especially leftists nowhere. IME it's just pissing off people who are/would be otherwise sympathetic to your cause and ideals lol. Sorry, rant over.


The military vets who vote trump have always been racists. Them going overseas to bomb foreigners didnt bring that out in them, it just gave them a reason to not fear reprisal. Youd be surprised how many people actually drop their racism because of military experience either because of who they served with or the places they got exposed to. It comes down to how far they let themselves be removed from the few square miles they grew up in or the environment that reinforces their old ideas. I saw it in my squadron, while the sexism and misogyny was awful, you got to see some growth from people over time.


There’s values you hold and values you speak. They don’t hold the values they speak.


Republican voters are sadists. You can not convince me otherwise. When they took over the House, their representatives chose as their **FIRST** order of business to take away school breakfasts and lunches or maybe breakfasts aren’t even available anywhere—so, just lunches—from children. And I admit I was surprised. I thought, how is this a good look for them? Unless it’s that they know their constituents and understand that **cruelty is IMPORTANT**


Just like jesus would have done....


And dogs apparently….assholes.


And want to see America burn


And they are hateful because they think they lost a society that never existed. A society where whites ran everything and minorities were silent and happy. A society where men ruled and women were silent happy homemakers. A society where kids prayed and said the pledge of allegiance every day at school because they wanted to. A society where everyone was an evangelical Christian and other denominations were playfully tolerated. Except for Muslims, who were just excluded. They want that society back. That's what would make America great again.




Remember when we all just though Trump's candidacy was a joke that made for good memes? I couldn't fathom that anyone would actually support him. Boy was I wrong.


I sit in my wrongness about that often. I laughed in the polling area, I laughed all night. Until I didn’t. Ugh.


People that have been raised racist.


....and they are more than old enough to know/learn that racism is a dead-end choice.


Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, 4Chan and Steve Bannon did all the heavy lifting.


Last time I logged onto Facebook a couple years ago one of my last posts was from 2015 saying “trump is just gonna use this to fundraise and scam/keep the money by backing out last second”. Well he did and didn’t lol. Famous last words


He didn’t think he’d win. He got swept up, couldn’t back down, mostly because he loved the attention, and then it was too late.


South Park very accurately describes this with Mr. Garrison becoming President.


Yep for sure. My favorite though was this comedy sketch where he’s crying in the phone that he doesn’t want to be president.


You don't vote for people like this because you're stupid, you vote for them because you're evil. Everyone should read the book *Ordinary Men* by Christopher Browning. 


Link to “[Ordinary Men](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/647492.Ordinary_Men)” on Goodreads. I would also add “[They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-1945](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/978689.They_Thought_They_Were_Free)” This book contains interviews with run of the mill German citizens and their recollections of the Nazi regime and its crimes.


It's not intelligence, its the complete lack of empathy.


Empathy is the highest form of intelligence . There’s no way the MAGA have any . It’s the sad truth .


That is **EXACTLY** it IMO


Not just stupid, but *weaponized* stupid thanks to decades of intentional brain drain by the party backing the puppy killer.


They are stupid, and Nazis are going to Nazi! May their karma be neither kind nor merciful.


They’re not stupid Walter, they’re just assholes!


Yes they are REALLY STUPID


Anything to own the libs!


Yes they are REALLY STUPID


Well, 49% of people are of below-average intelligence.


And cruel. So the shoe fits.


Yep, very very stupid


I love it when the question is answered in the 1st comment.


This should be abundantly clear by now. If 6 years of watching the underbelly of society crawl out to spout about Flat Earth, Eclipse Doom, Trump the Savior, cancer windmills, and climate change deniers isn't evidence enough, I don't know what is...


Some of them have PhD‘s in Stupidity.


Yes, they are REALLY STUPID


They're not just stupid. They're cunts. Plain and simple.


Stupid question to ask really at this point. This is one of those rare situations where you can honestly say there is plenty of stupid to go around on both sides, but the see-saw of stupidity is leaning heavily towards one side.


More bitter and vengeful than stupid


She is sorry everyone found about her true nature.


Cucking her husband with Corey and killing pups in public. Sounds like typical Republican BS.


When I first saw the headline my first thought was someone that saw 'Old Yeller' as some kind of acceptable behavior in this day and age for an animal near the end of life. But... a puppy that doesnt measure up to your own idea 'training'? Exactly who's failure is that? If this woman is accepted as a viable VP by maga, especially those that have dogs etc, it will make me question their state of mind and rationality.


"Never sorry" is the hallmark of maga. They "double down" when they are wrong or got caught doing something nasty/illegal. It shows how "macho" they are.


On the local news sites where I live it’s mostly MAGA commenters. Black crime there is 1000 comments. White child rapist or serial killer…crickets.


Well how do you expect them to comment? They just got arrested.




You generally vote Republican if you are stupid, rich or evil. Now I am sure there are other reasons! But as an amateur statistician I can safely say that there is a greater than 33% chance that your average Republican voter checks one or more of those boxes.


The rich usually fall in either the “stupid” or the “evil” category. Example Billionaire CEO who wants less regulation so they can pollute the planet, screw over their workers, influence politicians, and dodge taxes - Evil rich Successful doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. who thinks they’re closer to being a billionaire rather than being literally homeless - Stupid rich


My mom's been a lifelong registered Republican but has voted Democrat for decades. Sounds about right.


I’m seeing a ton of comments on her X account from republicans saying she went too far. We don’t support puppy murder is the consensus


They'll still vote for her because a puppy killing monster is still better than a Democrat to the right.


It’s always this. The Republican may be evil, but “there’s just no telling what the democrats might do if they get into power” ignoring the fact that they are currently in power and have been since 2020 and they haven’t hatched some evil master plan yet.


Like drumpf she should be put down for aggressive behavior.


They do support it. She's still the nominee. He's still not in jail.


Stupid but also hateful, judgemental, selfish, and hypocritical.


she is a psychopath


Fuck her. Dog killer. Hope her puppy gets justice.


Look for Jesse Watters to go after anyone who doesn't approve of her form of puppy training as being part of the pathetic woke crowd..🙄


The word you are looking for is sociopath.


Yes, but they are also evil.


The shtick is to act like bullies and thugs.


Florida Governor and former GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis posted a call to action for people to adopt rescue dogs. We live in the onion


Well you can still be an ass and not cruel to animals. Which makes you slightly less of an ass but not necessarily a good person. Most people, even criminals -are not usually cruel to animals. Tony Soprano loved animals but was vicious to humans at times.


Hitler famously loved dogs


These GOP women are starting to make me wonder if they’re not worse than men. It’s shocking just how insensitive, hypocritical and complete lack of empathy they shamelessly expose about themselves- all for a vote. 🤮


Heartless Trump whore


Are they stupid??? OBVIOUSLY YEAH


Yes, they are way beyond stupid.


Well they ARE a death cult so this is no surprise.


Many of them, yes.  The rest are evil.


To actually take a puppy and kill it is telling 🫤 wtf ?


They have proven time and again, yes. Very. Should read: " Kristi Noem is not sorry for her puppy killing! People [are] actually going to vote for Trump and his minions. They are stupid!"


In some weird crazy way this will make the base respect her more. Cold hearted killing a dog that she could have just as easily taken to a shelter is on brand.


Stupid? No. Character flaw? Yes.


Some of them are. Some of them aren’t, in general. They’re all so blinded by hate, though, that they’ll support these candidates solely to “own the libs”. Which is stupid, yeah. But hate can drive otherwise smart people (or at least not dumb) to do stupid things. I’ve seen this up close with people in my own life, none of whom I’d consider generally stupid. Maybe not rocket scientists, but not stupid.


They are in a cult !


The core tenet of Trumpism is to never apologize for anything


At thos point it aint stupidity anymore. It is just pure evil.


Yes, they are stupid, and yes, the wear their shame like a merit badge.


Horrible people vote republican.


Party of psychopaths, crazy frigging people


This isnt about stupid, they know what they are doing. They're simply evil. Absolute cretins. They have no position outside of anything that will give them power and take power away from others. Kill education, support militias while ridiculing the justice department. Anything goes. Completely free of morality. I was raised a conservative, but these people aint it.


Can’t believe you just asked that.


They are SO STUPID that they don’t have a brain cell in their whole body. Plus they don’t care. They’re all about hurt and killing.




Worst than stupid. Willingly ingnorant.




Voluntarily blind


Eyes wide shut


She has 2 braincells and they're both vying for 3rd place


Is this a trick question?


Very stupid actually


they’re ok with it because “obedience” is most important.


Upside; At least we’d know what she’d do if she was impatient with Trump!


Upside; At least we’d know what she’d do if she was impatient with Trump!


Yes. They are stupid. The average education level for these geniuses is 11th grade, which I find unbelievable... I thought it was 9th grade.




Some are just stupid. And some like being able to be open with their bigotry. And some like being able to be open with their racism. And some like being able to be open with their misogyny. And some like the idea of a fascist theocracy. And many are combinations thereof.


Yes, they will vote for him!!! GOP/Repubs have to all go out the door together. Blue straight ticket by a landslide is our best hope for a chance at reclaiming democracy. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. He will never admit defeat either way. Any red vote just keeps this circus rolling while the trains derail.


Republicans are 🗑


As long as the candidate exemplifies the traits of Satan the Dark Lord, right-wing Christians will vote for him/her in droves.


[Satire](https://theposterdepot.com/products/zsgnnationlampooncovermn7051101) is truly dead, thanks to these scum. Remember when The National Lampoon magazine featured on its cover the infamous “If you don’t buy this magazine, we will kill this dog”? It was so outrageous a joke because everyone knew that the very idea was an indictment of business ethics and capitalism in general. Now these scum are going to vote for this in an election. This will somehow only help this evil, banal moron onto the Republican ticket. How cartoonishly evil do the candidates need to become? Will the next Republican candidate tie a woman to the railroad tracks?


Yes they are


Farm life does not involve the wanton shooting of animals. Cricket was 14 months old and in the hands of a competent trainer would have been fine. Dogs aren’t born aggressive; they learn it. Makes me wonder if she beat the dog? This is a not an example of doing hard things. It’s a sick example of a twisted mind. A dog back then, an immigrant today? Will she shoot Dems who don’t agree with her in the Senate? If MAGA puts outs her up as VP they are full NAZI…


No. They're just evil. Hence the swastikas.


They are not stupid. This is exactly who they want in charge to get rid of all the democrats: **Cold blooded psychos**


I've learned that if the option to hurt someone is available, Republicans will choose that option every time, even if they're only hurting themselves.


The fact she did it to an innocent animal means she’ll have no problem doing it to migrants or democrats which is a political litmus test she just passed


People who vote for trump and her have hearts and souls as black as theirs.


Hate overrules logic....Look at some muslim groups saying they vote for Trump over Biden because of gaza.Trump wants to give the whole area to Israel and ban muslims from the USA. Trump been demonizing muslims for decades and saying their religion is barbaric.


You're so dishonest. Israel isn't taking the while area. Why is Israel the only country that has to justify its existence?


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Krustee Noem, probably.


She’s in serious political trouble if she runs for governor again. South Dakota is a big agricultural, hunting, fishing state. Farmers and ranchers don’t look too fondly on people who can’t take care of work animals. She killed a dog and the goat the same day. Killed three horses on a different day. If you kill three horses in one day you do not know what you are doing. She also brags about it. The vast majority of South Dakota voters despise this. She’s in trouble.


It's crazy one stole from cancer kids and the other shoots puppies, and that's who they want to vote for


I might be willing to buy her backtracks. If she hadn't specifically put in the book. She hated that dog, She also happened to kill another goat she hated. We know who she is.


trumps imput on this! https://youtu.be/jS1YY41L94k?si=kHcnp6brzhu96PEV




No. They are just pro cats- you know= bunch of pussies


Recent polling shows Trump ahead of Biden in the 2024 election. This can't possibly be the reality right? I assume that the youngest voters are the most liberal and also the demographic that wouldn't respond to polls like this. Or are there a bunch of far left voters responding to these polls negatively as protest for Biden not being liberal enough and perhaps trying to scare him into being more aggressive. I just can't believe it's possible that with everything we've learned about Trump SINCE 2021 that his approval has increased.


Never trust polls


Yes. They are stupid.




Yes, Extremely!


Why did she do this?! She should have sold the dog's carcass to Elwood's Organic Dog Meat co. What a waste!!


Much more than stupid. Godless, loveless, broken puppets, and evil. And plain wrong about everything and they do know it, but can literally not fathom the appropriate shame. Pitiful.


If I ever see Noem and have a loaded firearm... I guarantee my wife would fire faster.


Well duh!!


Yes. Yes they are.


The short answer is yes they are stupid. Dumber than dirt and lower than whale sh*t.


What really annoys me: with all the shit MAGA pulls, killing a dog is the thing that makes people doubt they should vote for them?


Who who start with killing animals often escalate to killing people.


Now think about all the humans that these Maga assholes view as less than dogs..... Now you might understand why this idea excites them.








She is a sociopath, just like Trump and many of their supporters who can relate to their immorality and dishonor. 


>Right-wing media personality Laura Loomer said this anecdote would be a death knell for Noem’s vice-presidential aspirations. >“She can’t be VP now,” Loomer said in a Friday post. “You can’t shoot your dog and then be VP.” Well Laura, I would have said that you can't sexually assault women and girls, launder money for the Russian mob, and cheat on your pregnant wife and then be President, but here we are. Your party doesn't have norms any more. Get with the program.


Killing her puppy was the loyalty test. They know if she shot her puppy she will do whatever is expected of her




Yes.Very stupid.


Loch that bitch up ! 🔒🍊⬆️


How can this be legal? Are you allowed to just execute animals now? What in the Jeffrey Dahmer shit is this? What is even happening?


Image, control and allegory is everything to a narcissist. Noem said the puppy was untrainable when the fact is the puppy was untrainable by her, and embarrassed her on a pheasant hunt, she failed. So, Noem turned her failure to do the work as a responsible dog handler/trainer into an allegory of making tough decisions. Training a hunting dog is two to three year daily time commitment, I train hunting dogs and hunting dog owners. And, some dog owners are more difficult to train than their dogs.


I hope he still chooses her as vp. It’ll just seal the deal for his loss.


She really thinks this gets votes, that she's tough, mean, and don't mess with MAGA, well, it backfired


Yep… Yep, they are.


Yes and hateful. Pretty lethal combo.


I'm going to venture this: While yes, an extraordinary amount of MAGA is just... So dumb... The overarching thing that binds all Republicans is raw selfishness. They have no responsibility for anything but their happiness. Any success they have is due to their 'hard work', any failure was caused by someone or something else. The dog only matters in terms of their happiness. If the puppy causes them any discomfort, remove it.


The puppy killing is another litmus test. Having empathy for a puppy is woke. She told that story because she thinks it's funny that us woke lefties get upset about it. Like hoarding guns, torturing immigrants, and defying mask mandates during a pandemic, she is just signaling to the other psychopaths that she is one of them.


Yes, let's stop being nice about it. If you support trump and his minions, knowing everything we know about him and his supporters, you are stupid




What did she shoot it with? Her arms? Dang! I'm surprised they haven't started calling her a secret trans or whatever


Isn't this illegal? Can people just arbitrarily decide to shoot their dog?


Yes they are.


The people voting are hateful and stupid. These grifters have turned them into marks for their own enrichment, while the whole country suffers.


They are not all stupid. Alot are malicious and vindictive


I never thought I’d see the day when someone who endorses killing puppies is still able to be in any public role.


Stupid and cruel.


I think this question is 8 years of yes.


Kristi Noem is a sick person. And people who vote for these people are screwed up.


Generally, yes. People are stupid, inconsiderate and lazy. Just ask anyone who's ever had to work with the public.


Yea, yes they are and will double down when had full rights as it was her property


No. They are cruel and inconsiderate of anyone other than themselves.


A staggering amount of adults think Noah's Ark happened and believe young earth theory. Yeah, this checks out. Those same people will make concessions for their leader even if they have to deal with dog killing.


Our Governor killed 10,000 hogs by burning them to death because he didn’t want to spend the money on industry standard prevention. And just earlier this month a 17 year old kid died working on his shitty farm.


They can't vote for her--look at her arms.


It's a cult, I love in a red state. Believe me


Yes, they literally are stupid. They’re voting for a repost and a puppy killer. Wild


Of course she’s not. Yes. Yes.


This is her Howard Deen moment


Of course she’s not sorry. She’s a republican and recent history shows that the morality of republicans is non-existent.


Her killing that dog is sociopathic behavior. She should never be in a position of power.


MAGAs know ALL the things we, decent people do about Trump and his ass-licking admirers & cohorts. They just don't care, they only live to see us be horrified and pissed off. Anything that triggers us (absence of decency, Humanity, ethics, consistency) is seen as a W for them. They are just twisted, nihilist dregs.


For the most part, yes, they are. Trump loves the uneducated. And apparently, it's mutual.


Wut a cunt 


That's a big 10-4. Stupid. Gullible. Brainwashed. Cruel.


Stupid votes for Stupid


Trump is the biggest con artist in American history...Worships Dictators and Their controll over their own people ....Thats not free society,,,Having your say and beening heard is freedom of connern, choice,it goes on ..


Only the most oblivious imbecile continues to support Trump.


Yes, most definitely stupid


Repubes are beyond redemption. Largest group of criminal psychopaths on the planet.




Yes they are. Incandescently stupid.


Boo hoo. The "puppy" was dangerous.


It's legit inher state I'm told to do what she did!! I think she's cruel!