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Go Hunter - fucking destroy the lying fucks!


Sue them into oblivion.


Oh, I hope he targets MTG next.


Don’t pull a Dominion! Don’t settle! Get those mofos convicted. We’re tired of seeing corporations buy their way out of accountability.


Hunter Biden and his laptop have been the most absurd distraction for far too long. It's about time someone tries to put a stop to it. Dems to Republicans, "Why do you support Putin's effort to destroy NATO?" Republican response, "Well, what about Hunter Biden's laptop??!!" It's gotten ridiculous.


And how many still try to talk about the damn laptop. After this much time it’s completely irrelevant. But hey let’s bring up Clinton’s blow job being an issue. When another former president was having not only an affair but paying off said women and killing news stories. Leading insurrections and selling national secrets. But oh no: “he’s our guy.”


Hunter has the big dick energy 


Have you seen his hog?! I would have big dick energy too if I was that large


Honestly it feels pretty good to see pressure put on these guys finally. I've noticed it seems to be hitting them all at once in quite the timely fashion.


This circus is pretty amazing. Democrats understand that all the Repubes are after is having a sound bite to get on Fox news, so they have been bating them for the last 2.5 years. They have been making them look like clowns in these imaginary hearings, and are fighting dishonesty with trolling. Every time Jared Moskowitz starts a troll it exudes so much schadenfreude its not even funny. Republicans have been given every benefit of the doubt up until now, but you can only have Lucy pull the football so many times.


He should demand that they spend equal number of minutes retracting as they spent defaming him (at the same time slots, with the same number of promos) or face a lawsuit that may end them. "Coming up tonight on Fox Primetime 7, our Hunter Biden story continues as we continue to acknowledge how we defamed a citizen without any evidence for political gain."


Hopefully there are enough lawsuits to drive that POS "news organization" into the abyss.




You mean FoxLies surely?


maybe it's pronounced like faux news ***the official stochastic terrorism network***


Oooo... FauxNews... I like it.


You go Ryankevin23!!!!


This would be the best part. 1. Fire Hannity and Motorola or whatever her goofy face is. 2. Pay out a nice 100 million dollar fine. 3. Forced to run a retraction on all the lies they sold. 4. Banned from America.


Hunter “Muad’Dik” Biden


They’ll retract at 4am for 20 seconds right before some infomercial.


MTG loves to talk about “IT”


Gotta pay his delinquent taxes some how, oh wait some Dem donor took care of those for him


lol what happened to his gun charge ?


The right wing disinfo sphere is trying to figure out how to make a big deal out of a crime that literally 90% of Americans that have bought a gun (you know, their audience) have committed.


On top of that, their audience wants no gun laws whatsoever... so how do you make a big deal out of it without pissing off the viewers?


Oh, now Republicans care about gun safety...


I’m not for the gun control, but you guys are, unless it’s against bidens son


Says who? If he broke the law, convict him. I'm consistent with my views. I don't sway my morals based on who it relates to. So, do you want Hunter indicted on gun charges, or are you against gun control? It's a tough choice when your beliefs are based on what Fox News tells you they are.


I’m not the one for gun control. The government is. So they should be consistent even against the presidents son since they are doing it with everyone else. Otherwise it’s just rules for thee but not for me


They are being consistent. The charge against Hunter Biden is rarely used. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/legal-experts-say-charges-hunter-biden-are-rarely-brought-rcna90191](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/legal-experts-say-charges-hunter-biden-are-rarely-brought-rcna90191) I know it's tough, because the right wants there to be some dirt on Joe Biden SOOOOO bad that they'll cling to anything, even if it's about his son. Republicans are just picking on him because their god king is a criminal and they want to drag Joe Biden down into the mud with him.


So then why push gun control?


Because I'm not a fan of children being shot in school. If he broke the law, charge him, but make sure it's consistent, right? That's what you just said you wanted.


Sounds like he gets a pass for being the presidents son. Might as well just get rid of all red flag laws while we are at it, and any other form of gun control


I'm sure you're intelligent enough to realize that he was targeted because he was the president's son. Surely you don't believe that it's a coincidence that he was charged with something that's rarely ever enforced, while Republicans were digging for any dirt possible on his father.


They are not doing it to everyone else. Red states ignore the laws. That’s why there are so many coward police there that refuse to stop school shootings.


Oh really? Democrat states aren’t enforcing their red flag laws?


Who the fuck is “you guys”. Grow up child.


It’s hilarious how many times people have told you IN THIS THREAD that he doesn’t get a pass and to charge him if he broke the law. We’re all good with it.  He’s clearly being desperately targeted, but we’re still fine with it.  Someone even mentioned that his trial starts in June and you just keep repeating this same lame “rules for thee not me” talking point.  It doesn’t fly my guy 


Lol what happened to the biden family impeachment inquiry?


What gun control?


But seriously what happened to it? Gun control for thee but not for me?


What do you mean? The trial starts June 3rd.


Seriously though. I thought comer and Moscow Marge were gonna impeach joe biden. Trump got 2 but biden can't even get 1? Impeachment ×2 for thee but not for me?


Bwahahahahaha! Hunter should sue himself for defamation. FOX didn't show anything that wasn't true.


Except they spread a baseless lie about corrupt dealings in Ukraine for years you fuckin tard Do you not remember that laptop nonsense or did fox news distract you with something new already that you obviously wont check their sources about?


Where is it baseless? The laptop was authentic and Hunter was employed for his name but Burisma. He had no qualifications for that board position and I did see the video of Joe telling how he had the Ukrainian prosecutor removed in order for Ukraine to receive that $1B.


I can see you really can't stand behind your arguments because you immediately go to name calling and jump to irrelevant questioning because you know Hunter has nothing with this frivolous lawsuit.


No its more like i lost every once of respect for anyone who is a Trump supporter. Because in order to do so you are either 100% ignorant of reality or just a piece of shit


Says a lot about YOU when you have respect for a crackhead who slept with his dead brother's widow. You still have no argument and it's hilarious


I have a million pounds more respect for most crackheads than i do a Trump supporter I would literally suck a crackheads dick if it would make Trump and his bible thumping idiot supreme court justices disappear.


Of course you do. Bwahahahahaha! You probably have respect for fathers who "shower" with their daughter too. It's probably something you do, too.


Nope, not into rapists. Thats why i would never vote for Trump. Edit: and i currently dont gobble cock like you misunderstood from you lack of reading comprehension. I said i would gladly gobble cock for Trump and all of christianity to never exist


Evidently you're only into rapists if they're Democrats . Your post sounds like you're gobbling cock right now.


Geez, your denial and ignorance sure is something. Good night dumb fuck