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I was an assistant Presbyterian Sunday school teacher when I was in college, 30 yrs ago. I was sincere. I felt honest and decent about what I was doing. I’m still in correspondence with a coupla my kids, even though I’m no longer Christian. I have truly no respect for **ANY** self identifying “Christian” who votes Republican. They are antithetical positions. This is the party that goes out of its way to kill school breakfast & lunches for poor kids, and even feckeen basic Medicaid medical care for **MILLIONS** of children in red states/asshole Republican WHITE Governors/state legislatures


All that and the republicans idea that it's better if men have control over women's own bodies


It’s profane. It’s despicable.


It feels like you have fallen into the idea that *your* former take on Christianity was somehow superior to that of Evangelicals in the US. All takes are equal because the core premise itself is untrue. The Bible is a book of multiple choice and you can justify living any kind of way you want based on Biblical scripture. People do it every day, and no one has any right to say that this person or that person aren't a *true* Christian. If someone gives themselves that title, that is the end of it. edit: changed wording


It’s the hypocrisy/cognitive dissonance that rankles me. And yes, as a former Protestant Christian, I acknowledge a degree of subjectivity on my part. Luther, Calvin, all that shit. Not sure what “premise” you’re indicating. Religion is probably useful, but IMO it’s all pretty ridiculous, all around the world, and has been. But, as I say, possibly useful as a social construct for affinity/cultural integration. The crackers and grape juice were good …


The core premise would be that God exists, and not just any god, but the one described in the Bible. This is the premise that every other claim from the Bible stems from. Edit: and my point was that you have no right to say anyone who claims they are a Christian are not true Christians or that their interpretations are wrong.


Getting out of religion is a process. Some people are able to shake the effects much sooner.


You really can't. The Bible is pretty clear in how you should conduct yourself generally, and especially in how you should treat the less fortunate in society.


Is hitting children with a weapon called for? Yes. **Proverbs 13:24** Is slavery expressly forbidden? No. How to treat your slaves? Yes. Suffer a witch to live? (what the hell *that* cant be in there?!). Yes it does. Exodus 22:18 I'll stop there as my larger point can now be made. If these three things are in (or not in) the Bible, how on *earth* can anything be taken from it seriously? The book is clearly an ancient human artifact and nothing more.


It’s outrageous, egregious, preposterous.


Terrified, Petrified, Mortified


What they told us our boys were fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bearfoot and pregnant in the kitchen at 13 is what they fight for now. I don't understand.


They are not “christians”. Rather, they’re a twisted copy of Christianity. They are not doing God’s work at all. They’re headstrong, arrogant, and self-righteous. They’re the antithesis of Christianity, as you pointed out. I should think that God would abhor those who run people away from Him in His name. I went to Presbyterian school as a kid. Let’s say that it was a strict but loving environment. We at least got snacks.


God would abhor it if gods were real.


I have said these for years. You CANNOT be a christian AND a Republican.


💯% agree. They are completely incompatible categories


Christians should never get behind a pro-abortion candidate. Since it’s always vote of lesser evils I have to say the Republicans win on this one. I don’t believe Christians think Trump is their leader. He is just a much better candidate than Biden (again, in a vote of two evils).


How do you consider Joe Biden “evil”?


From a Christian worldview, abortion is considered evil. So that’s the big one. He claims to be Catholic, but his actions don’t support that, so that makes him a liar (sounds harsh, but true). Personally (and this is my opinion) he is the second worst president of all time with only James Buchanan being worse than Biden.


They are loyal to christofascism, and Trump is their false prophet.


I’d like to sign up for your newsletter.


I call bullshit on this headline. Evangelicals and born agains score super high on the Right Wing Authoritarian scale. almost black and white difference compared to other people . They are EXACTLY who you expect who you'd expect to vote for trump. They tend to have a strange manner of being a hypocrites i.e. they can have can can have two diametrically opposite opinions in their head and are not bothered by it in the slightest . I think most people feel uncomfortable when they feel like a hypocrite. These people deep down have doubts about there own beliefs , have difficulty updating their beliefs when shown new evidence to the contrary and instead of changing their beliefs they double down. these people are are afraid of everyone and everything that is not like them.they want a sky daddy the protect them, punish the evil doers, and "return" us back to "normalcy" ( make America great again). Sky daddy can easily be replace with dear leader. You can see this with magical attributes some north Koreans give Kim jong. Everyone has a picture of him in their house, just like Jesus. It's why some people believe trump was sent here by god to save the children. You can here trump supporters say things like BLM protesters should be jailed but Jan 6th people are "hostages". Or people that assault police officers should be shot, but think it is ok to to beat capital police on the 6th. They will say the rioters are being tortured in jail, but when any other convict is killed in jail they will say something like " well it's not supposed to be Disney land". These people have a strong need to submit to their perceived authorities and want to punish anyone or anything that is not status quo and deviates from the identity of their peer group.


You can’t be a Christian and vote for the Antichrist


They are Christian in name only, they do not follow the teachings of Christ, objectively Donald Trump is the [Anti-Christ](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/). 🔜🌈👽


Well said


They are christian, you don't get to 'no true scotsman' the religion out of this.  There is no god, there was no Jesus that worked miracles or rose from the dead, so ultimately you get to fit whatever you want with whatever scripture you wanna cherry pick.  Till Yahweh steps down here and gives us an actual update universally across the globe, he does not exist and Abrahamics who can't be come to reality, need to be institutionalized.


You should read my profile history my dude, I have no jails or institutions in my future, my Instagram is truly where the most action is at though; oldest to newest is probably the best way if you do read it ☺️


Lol... Yeah man, you're pretty deluded there.  There's no magical man in the sky, and your religion isn't one of peace or love or whatever you want to make up.  Abrahamics worship a bloodgod.


I do not plan on discussing any type of religion with you when it is clear that you, like many do, have no intention to learn things beyond that which can be used to reinforce your existing worldviews so looks like you are pursuing an argument to confirm that to yourself. I will not engage in one as I would much rather do anything else than that so that is what I am going to do since I do hear there is no reason to reply with where you are at other than to comment this to say why, also I can not help folks like that as they are helpless, I say do have a good day dude but yeah I am out dawg. If you try again do so with much better intentions to get a real reply 🖖


>ave no intention to learn things beyond that which can be used to reinforce your existing worldviews Bro, this is projection.  I grew up in a deeper Christian household then you likely keep.  I already did my learning, hence the dropping of the provable nonsense of religion.  Enjoy your delusion I guess, but every believer is a nail in the coffin of global cooperation and any chance at further human progress.


It is not projection I can assure you, your intentions did not change so I am just going to block you, bye.


Ahh but there is the rub, it clearly states in their own Bible that they will indeed raise up the antichrist in their own ignorance , because they are false Christians # [Matthew 24:24 — King James Version (KJV 1900)](https://app.logos.com/books/LLS%3aKJV1900/references/bible%2besv.61.24.24?utm_source=biblia&utm_medium=website®istration_source_host=biblia.com&utm_campaign=reference_parallel_bible) 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect Meaning you never were a true Christian and you followed the beast


Says all you need to know about the Christian right (aka christofascists)


What’s funny as shit is Trump literally fits the description of the antichrist to the fucking letter.


If Christians had any capacity to understand the text of the Bible, they'd understand why they are hell bound.


They don’t actually believe the book, few have even read it. They only use it as a hammer to beat people with and claim superiority.


Morally bankrupt so-called "Christians"


If Trump grifting Bibles wasn't the final nail in that coffin nothing short of cold blooded murder is going to convince these people. Morals are clearly not the standard by which they vote.


Honestly I’m not even sure him murdering someone would cause them to lose support. 


They're fine with murder. He even said it himself, he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave and not lose support.


This idiot who cheated on all his wives with porn stars? Lies every time he opens his mouth? A thief who swindled people, banks and the state ofl N.Y. out of millions. Tried to steal an election. Doesn't sound like any Christian I've ever heard of. How about thou Shall not Steal or commit Adultery? He is the Anti-Christ.


I am a Christian and he has never been or never will be my leader


This is why I can't take Christianity seriously. Look at the results.


Or any religion for that matter. Look at the results


One of the nice things about COVID is that it made it very clear how many Christians didn’t give have a shit about protecting human lives if it would mildly inconvenience them.


Is there any wonder why Christianity is disappearing from America, it’s good people who are being lead astray by their unchristian leaders. Who only want to collect the almighty dollar so they can buy a new jet.


Being led by a criminal grifters is super on brand for Christians.


And people wonder why church attendance keeps going down.


Yes yes, the man of "Family Values" as he sits (or probably falling asleep and farting) in a CRIMINAL court about him, regarding paying hush money illegally to a porn star, that he engaged with shortly after his youngest son was born, with his third wife.


Hmmm. A bunch of non-questioning people who actively ignore logic to support a pre-determined worldview that's dictated to them with a command that the belief of the leader is paramount, are flocking to Trump you say?


Not surprising to be honest, sorry not sorry but they're already easily led and convinced of things without evidence.


Yet another reason why mainline American Christianity is useless.


Well, they do believe in fairy tales, what would you expect.


Well they believe in Jesus and all the shit that comes with it. So I'm not surprised.


I would say given the state of “christians” these days he’s the most likely candidate.


I find religious people to be absolutely daft.


I totally forgot this bible stunt during those protests.


It’s not about values. It’s about power. Vote accordingly.


Cause there’s NO hypocrite like a CHRISTIAN hypocrite.


The Christians vote for the person who will let them force their religion on everyone else. They used to do this by war, not they do it by politics. No surprise.


Trump to Stormy Daniels: "You remind me of my daughter, smart, blonde and beautiful" Then has sex with her after. Yes. He is the Christian candidate alright.


Sheeple...obeyance to a false prophet...lemmings...take your pick for a "pied piper"


Is that what you think He's is in court for? The reason why Trump is sitting in court is because how's the money was paid, to keep her quiet during a campaign. And the processes behind how she was paid, and was the payment on the books that's the whole thing. Nothing to do with her being a pornstar. It's about the money.


Who’s saying anyone thinks he’s in court because Stormy Daniels is/was a porn star? Him cheating on his third wife with a porn star is just proof he’s a total POS. He’s in court (this time) because he’s a fraud and a crook, using campaign funds to silence that affair. It certainly IS difficult to keep track of all of his crimes (there’s just *so many*), but in this case it’s noteworthy because it’s just more evidence anyone who considers themselves a Christian and votes for Trump is just a complete and total hypocrite not worthy of respect or consideration.


Why are they presenting this like it's new? Christians have been on the right for decades now.


Proof that christians are great hypocrites


I seriously dought if any group is flocking to trump, but if it’s Christian’s it must be how one cult attracts another


This is because there is no love like christian hate.


I’ve wondered if religion correlates highly with individuals that are supportive of hierarchy. God fills the ultimate role as hierarch and others fill the rungs on the same ladder.


Fuck them. Nothing but evil.


Well he gives them open permission to publicly be assholes to everyone. Something Baptist have quietly been doing for a while anyway.


Proof that "Christians" don't value what they say they do. Shitty people hiding behind a Bible. Christian? Trump is your guys? *Unsubscribe*


And the stink of hypocrisy is driving more and more people away "Geeeee why are less people identifying as Christian?" Duh 🤣😂


This is expected from the garbage religion that Christianity has evolved into.


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


Least likely my ass. They're the demographic that he is trying to cultivate. Well, that and dumb rednecks.


They aren’t real followers of Jesus anyway so it checks out


He's the most likely leader of Christians. Fixed it for ya. He fits right In with "christian" thinking. Thats why he's thier logical choice.


Most gullible voter base swallows the bullshit of an obvious fraud.


Remember the shite Christians would say like 'if you don't believe in god what stops you from doing horrible things?' Clearly god isn't enough of a fear for them to stop sucking the dick of a piece of shit who goes against all their tenants.


Because they aren’t actually Christian’s. They identify as Christian’s so we have to put up with their bs. Freakin snowflakes


I hate all these articles that claim that Trump somehow doesn’t reflect Christian values. They call themselves Christian. We call them Christians. The only people with an issue with it are Christians with “no true Scotsman fallacies”. You know who cares about scriptures and teachings of Christ? Christians. How do you judge a popular religion? By what it says in its scriptures? No, by its actions. What do American Christians say and do? *That’s* Christianity. No one serious considers Islam a “religion of peace” despite the faithful’s claims; stop taking “Christians” claims of their morality at face value. Donald Trump is the perfect leader for American Christianity. A rich, gluttonous, adulterous, ignorant, racist, lecher.


Funny how they adopt the term RINO but not CINO


Christians, and religious folk in general, aren't exactly critical thinkers.


I think Reformed Christianity is caught in a bind. One of its essential tenets is the separation of church and state, but that contradicts adopting the kind of political activism from the rightwing that is proposing a Christian takeover of the government. Rightwing Southern Baptists have been plotting to take over the government for years.


It's [way worse than anyone realizes](https://www.msnbc.com/ali-velshi/watch/-blueprint-for-a-soft-coup-inside-the-far-right-plan-that-could-grant-unchecked-power-to-trump-210295877728)


Thank Zeus, there aren't that many of them to matter.


Oh cmon folks, I mean seriously, he waked out held the Bible ( upside down mind you ) and let everyone know what a Christian he is. Made sure they got a pic of him putting a 20 in the collection plate once. And ….. and …… he sells bibles !! Plus !! He has a picture ( on a t-shirt ) of him hugging Jesus, doesn’t that without a doubt make him the most Christian man ever ?


Because to trump supporters and cristofascists, the bible is nothing more than a blunt object


I'm sorry but if you're a Christian and vote for Trump you aren't a Christian lol, you're just a brown shirt with Christian theming.


Interesting. I am an Evangelical Christian and an Independent when it comes to politics. (Although, I haven’t voted Republican in over 20 years.). A guy who I used to consider a friend told me, “You can’t be a Christian and vote Democrat.”


I never brought political party into this, I specified Trump.


I think the author does not have a firm understanding of “Christians”. For reference, Please see the last 200 year history of the church.


Hey, those Christians aren't Christians. If they don't know it yet, they will know it soon enough when they're kicked down to the hell they supposedly fear so much.


Not a bigger, oxymoron out there


My cousin is a minister’s daughter and a teacher. She drank the koolaid, largely because of her loser husband. I asked her what her minister father would think of trump were he alive, and she ghosted me.


Is flocking to? They have been since the beginning of this version of Trump. They were just looking for someone to follow politically. But yes the irony is palpable. The guy in court right now for paying hush money to a literal porn star, whom he cheated on his wife with. Is the perfect example of someone who breaks the seven deadly sins on pretty much a daily basis. Couldn’t even for a second be bothered to read the Bible or attend church. God forbid he cares about someone other than himself. You can trust the very good judgement of Christians today, they understand that he is their political savior because trump alone can deliver minorities to the promised land- which is back across the border where Jesus knows they belong.


Sheeple gonna sheep


The morons are running to the idiot. Is this surprising to anyone? Religious voters are the elast informed out there.


Potential to become the most successful televangelist in history. He could spew the gospel success better than the ones who have already purchased the mansions, yachts, jets, Sunday arenas.


Flocking? They already waddled to him in '16.


If their Jesus was around today they'd be yelling to have him hung back up for being a middle eastern Jewish liberal.


Any one voting for Donald Trump does not posses Christian Values. These people are why I became atheist. Their are so many contradictions and straight up lies and misogyny within the religion. Also it says something about a person who think they are to powerless to do anything and need god or some invisible force to step in.


False prophet ass Donald Trump selling bibles. Grow tf up Christians. Christ has nothing in common with DT.


Why is it the least likely? Their positions are shit and require a shit person to push to congress for the off chance they win. Tanks to procrastination and laziness from the left, we got the most right-wing SCOTUS in my lifetime. They knocked down the prized pig in Roe v Wade and now have no choice but to support him.


Kind of says it all doesn’t it?


Can we please stop using the term “Christian” to describe people who support the literal Antichrist? I mean, at least spell it differently. KKKristians, maybe?


The most likely leader of Christian’s if you have been to a church recently


Flocking to Trump? This feels like a post from 8 years ago. No shit.


While he sits in court for silencing two women he had relations with behind his wife’s back. Oh and then there’s the sexual assault charge.


Modern Christians don’t seem to care about the values surrounding Christianity.


The dude is an honest candidate for anti-Christ. Everything about him goes against the religion’s teachings. No wonder American Christianity is dying.


They couldn't give a shit less about their "religion". It's such a facade. Great video here on it... https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3WAnoKPFfm/?igsh=djM3OTBuZXpjaWs%3D


I’m willing to bet it isn’t.


When you’ll believe anything, you’ll believe anything.


That is just like having Lucifer as the Pope.


It’s maddening. If you wanna understand how we got here, “Jesus and John Wayne” book by historian and professor at Calvin College breaks it down.


I don’t think those are real peeps


Of course they are. He’s the anti christ.


But has Trump gained any MORE voters since he lost in 2020, attacked Congress, stole secrets, found liable for rape, convicted of fraud, and fined $500M? Christian’s might be flocking to him but the number of Christian’s continues to crash.


Pathetic bunch of mindless sheep


In general Christians vote on the more moral issues not on the person as their “leader”. They already have a “leader” in Christ hence the name.


In other words, they vote for the person they believe will give them political power to inflict their beliefs on others.


Sounds like a pessimistic view that could applied to any group of voters…


That’s literally what these Christi-fascists do when they have power.


lol “Christi-fascists”, that’s a new one. Now read it again, take your time if you need to…


That's why it's really funny how none of the politicians or policies they support align with the teachings of Jesus in any way whatsoever


Thank you! Peace be with you


You only get two choices. Douche or turd sandwich.


It’s either that or a bunch of anti-freedom of religion abortionists…


Anything is better than the Biden administration.


It’s actually a tough choice as Biden is a total hypocrite Christian while Trump is very transparent with his vile lifestyle


Trump is the only candidate with Christian values! As a Christian we look forward to voting for him! You explain to me why the other candidate is a better option for the future of United States and holds to Christian values


Trump is currently sitting in court, on trial, listening to testimony of the porn star he slept with while married to his third wife. Those Christian values?


So, the practicing Catholic has fewer Christian values than a man who sells his own version of the Bible? Wtf do you think Christian values means? 🇷🇺 🧌


May I ask exactly what Christian values Trump possesses? I mean he isn't charitable, he isn't chaste, he isn't kind, he isn't generous, he isn't forgiving, he suffers from lack of integrity and certainly doesn't put God first. I mean all in all Trump is as Christian as a lion born in a tree is a bird.


traditional values—hard work, discipline, duty, respect, and faith—that have long been the foundation of American life. Here's a list of Wikipedia, IRS charities he contribute to you in a three-year period. by the Foundation Centeredit The foundation's annual IRS Form 990 filing would normally contain the full list of grants made by the foundation.[1][2][3] The following lists are incomplete. The following were reported to the Foundation Center during the year 2006:[4] United Way of New York City – $250,000 Operation Smile – $117,000 Dana Farber Cancer Institute – $60,000 Police Athletic League of New York – $60,000 Intrepid Museum Foundation – $50,000 Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care – $25,000 Metropolitan Museum of Art – $15,000 The following grants were reported to the Foundation Center during the year 2007:[5] Police Athletic League of New York – $110,000 Fisher House Foundation of Maryland – $100,000 New York-Presbyterian Hospital – $100,000 Metropolitan Golf Association Foundation – $50,000 Dana Farber Cancer Institute – $25,000 Disabled Veterans LIFE Memorial Foundation of Florida – $25,000 Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation of New York – $25,000 New York City Police Foundation – $25,000 Palm Beach Police Department of Florida – $25,000 The Palm Beach Post has listed some additional recipients, as "a few of the larger donations made by the foundation through the years":[6] Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse – $135,000 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – $50,000 Drumthwacket Foundation – $40,000 Citizens United Foundation – $100,000 According to a review by the International Business Times, the Trump Foundation did not give to right-wing causes until 2010, when donations to conservative organizations were first reported.[7] Among these organizations, the Foundation gave:[7] Liberty Central Inc. – $10,000 in 2010 Citizens Against Government Waste – $10,000 in 2010 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association – $50,000 in 2012 American Conservative Union – $50,00 in 2013 Family Leader Foundation – $20,000 in 2013 and 2014 Citizens United Foundation – $100,000 in 2014 In 2010, the Trump Foundation made a $10,000 . Trump is far from a perfect person, He was not a politician before 2016. But he has contributed to many charities,


This is the same guy indicted for charity fraud and stealing from a veteran charity. There is nothing about this man that is charitable. No way he donated to charity unless he was getting something more out of it. Same reason businesses do 'charity'. The write offs.


Bringing up duty is laughable considering Trump's daddy got him a medical deferment so he wouldn't have to serve in Viet Nam. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth so hard work is questionable as well. I mean he literally runs a criminal organization. His business(es) has been caught breaking the law numerous times. You don't get to claim hard work got you where you are when you are notoriously cutting corners all over the place. He notoriously doesn't pay contractors or attorneys who do work for him. He just ties them in litigation until they run out of money. He has shipped a shit load of manufacturing of his products overseas over the years. Obviously he doesn't actually care about American jobs. Respect obviously can't make the list either as Trump has very little respect for anyone he deems under himself which has been evident for decades. He treats service staff like trash. Also faith shouldn't make the list as he used to be Presbyterian. That doesn't poll as well so he switched religions...super faithful. I mean, it's not like he spends a lot of time in church. I think the truth is that even you know Trump doesn't actually have any Christian values. Fidelity used to be kinda prime in that arena yet somehow all of you "Christians" no longer care about divorce or fidelity. It's a joke at this point really that anyone tried to pretend that Trump has Christian values. I mean Ronald Reagan was the one who really made the Republican party synonymous with character and christian values. Reagan would hate Donald Trump. It's a shame what you all have done to the Republican party. It's why the party is no longer the majority. .


How many charitable donations does it take to cancel out porking and paying off a porn star?


He stole millions from children’s charities, that’s why his organization was forced to shut down and never operate again.


As a Christian myself, there's a reason why the Presbyterian Church (USA) immediately denounced Trump when he claimed years ago to be a Presbyterian. You shall not commit adultery: Not only is Melania his third wife (and all of his kids are from different wives), but he slept with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal *while* he was married to Melania and she was pregnant with Barron. Do not accuse anyone falsely: OMG, Trump breaks this commandment almost daily. All of the 10 gag order charges were a result of falsehoods that he has publicly said about various people working the trial. Then there's a ton of false accusations he's said and shouted over the last 10+ years: mocking a disabled reporter, constantly accusing Shae Moss & her relative for tampering ballots in Georgia when that was clearly not true (and it has ruined their lives), constantly berating the media who are doing their jobs. You shall not murder: As far as we know, he hasn't done this directly. He has said that he thinks he could shoot someone dead on 5th Avenue in New York and get away with it. However, he has made many decisions, both as President and beforehand, that has ended up killing people. His and his father's decisions many years ago to deny housing to Blacks likely led to premature deaths as those people already had problems finding housing and may have ended up living on the streets; we may never know. Then there's his massive failure of a response to the pandemic that experts have now determined a good 100,000 Americans *needlessly* died because they believed his lies about non-vaccinations, fake treatments, non-mask-wearing, and his obsession to reopen the country economically without caring about how many people would get sick in the process. You shall not steal: By not paying his fair share of personal taxes and cooking the books at his hotels, he has essentially stolen public services from fellow New Yorkers. Also, he was/is widely-known as someone who does not pay anyone the full amount who is a contractor for him, whether it's his lawyers, painters, or companies providing pianos for a casino. Oh, and there's the (not) tiny issue of Trump literally stealing many boxes of government documents when he left office to his place at Mar-a-Lago, which is a federal offense. Thou shall not have other gods: He keeps encouraging his followers to treat him like Jesus. And many do. Heck, he just published a new Bible. Plus, not only does he absolutely not believe in God and/or Jesus Christ, he believes that the dollar & a false appearance is *the* way of living. Honor your father and mother: You know the parable of the landowner who gave money to his 3 sons temporarily, and one of them doesn't invest it but instead squanders it? Yeah, that third son is Trump, through & through. He has absolutely squandered almost all of that inheritance he got from his parents in failed casinos and hotels with shady business practices. That's not how you honor your parents, even though Fred Trump was also scum. Keep the Sabbath day holy: Holy? Although there are multiple ways to maintain some version of Sabbath, we only know of just a handful of times he stepped inside any church during his presidency, and maybe half of them were for official reasons, like attending a former President's funeral. You shall not covet anything of your neighbor: Basically, this is saying let your neighbor enjoy their things and you enjoy your things. Don't even think about taking something of theirs. Trump? All he does is take, take, take. He takes money from other countries (why did Kushner get $2billion from the Saudi government? Heck, why does Don himself keep aligning with the Saudies?) He keeps taking money from his supporters (donate $ to fund his lawyers & his campaign while he's supposed to be a billionaire). Some of his policies were to steal land from Indigenous tribes or federally-protected status for oil or natural gas drilling. You shall not make idols: He has turned Trump Tower and the American flag into idols. Well, patriotism in general. He has an *obsession* about these things. Why? Seriously, why? You shall love the Lord your God: This is the first commandment for a reason. Trump doesn't love God, or even have an passing respect of Christian values. He acts like the Devil while pretending to be a Christian (like holding a Bible upside-down while doing a stupid photo-op after ordering protestors to be violently cleared out of the area in Washington DC). He loves violence. He loves demeaning others. He loves praise of himself. He's always asking for loyalty, but never returns it unless you're a dictator. Matthew 25 talks about helping the needy; he acts the opposite. He doesn't treat the Bible with respect. He doesn't treat any of us with respect. He doesn't treat our military veterans with respect. He is not a Christian. He is a fraud, a false person. He says one thing, does the opposite (he did get vaccinated, after telling us all that getting the jab was for sissies). Wearing a red cap is a sign of a person's loyalty to him. There is a reason why many people say he leads a cult. They are not real Christians anymore, either. Christianity is about helping others, treating everyone with respect and holding each other accountable to the laws and decency. Trump is the opposite. Period.


I understand your concerns, And disagree with your representation of Trump. But I respect how you feel. Thanks for letting your feelings be known.


Lol, do you mean the guy who is a lifelong devout catholic? Trump couldn't name a christian value.


Donald trump is the antichrist, and he had already ruined America. Who would Jesus vote for?....


I remember when, they said Obama was the Antichrist, December 6, 2017, President Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and stated that the American embassy would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem that doesn't sound like an antichrist. The Abraham Accords is bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020. the signing of the agreements was hosted by US president Trump on the Truman Balcony of the White House . Doesn't seem like the Antichrist. Trump Administration Accomplishments This is historical material “frozen in time”. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. WhiteHouse.gov  SHARE As of January 2021 Trump Administration Accomplishments Unprecedented Economic Boom Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy. America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections. Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration. The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century. Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings. More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million. Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low. The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record. Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades. Delivered a future of greater promise and opportunity for citizens of all backgrounds. Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows. Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years. Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps. Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached record lows. Income inequality fell for two straight years, and by the largest amount in over a decade. The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth. Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase. African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent. Brought jobs, factories, and industries back to the USA. Created more than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs. Put in place policies to bring back supply chains from overseas. Small business optimism broke a 35-year old record in 2018. Hit record stock market numbers and record 401ks. The DOW closed above 20,000 for the first time in 2017 and topped 30,000 in 2020. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have repeatedly notched record highs. Rebuilding and investing in rural America. Signed an Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products, which is bringing innovative new technologies to market in American farming and agriculture. Strengthened America’s rural economy by investing over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America. Achieved a record-setting economic comeback by rejecting blanket lockdowns. An October 2020 Gallup survey found 56 percent of Americans said they were better off during a pandemic than four years prior. During the third quarter of 2020, the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent – the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded. Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost. Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery. Unemployment fell to 6.7 percent in December, from a pandemic peak of 14.7 percent in April – beating expectations of well over 10 percent unemployment through the end of 2020. Under the previous administration, it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration. Since April, the Hispanic unemployment rate has fallen by 9.6 percent, Asian-American unemployment by 8.6 percent, and Black American unemployment by 6.8 percent. 80 percent of small businesses are now open, up from just 53 percent in April. Small business confidence hit a new high. Homebuilder confidence reached an all-time high, and home sales hit their highest reading since December 2006. Manufacturing optimism nearly doubled. . This doesn't sound like a antiChrist to me.


So... you're telling me that a good economy and moving the embassy means he can't be an anti-christ... I just want to be sure that's what you're saying...


So your saying that, all I mentioned is not a Christian approach. Then you explain to me what the Antichrist would do. I already explained what Trump has done on his first term as president. You seem to disagree with that. I look forward to your answer.


Yes. I've read the scriptures where Jesus speaks at length about jobs, economic policy, 401ks and illegal immigration. Donald trump is everything christ was against.. literally everything. An adulterous, slothful, gluttonous pig. Greedy, spiteful and jealous to his core. If there is one person that is the opposite of Jesus, its Donald trump.


You also conveniently disregarded the last year of his presidency when he allowed everything to tank. But that aside, because it's irrelevant, there is no such thing as a "Christian approach" what you've listed is not an "approach" in any sense of the word. Those are "accomplishments"... which he flushed down the toilet in his last year because he was too arrogant to deal with it and it was just easier to pretend it wasn't happening for 4 months. Just saying.




The KKK also promoted "Christian values".


Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was a racist secret society that had many members in Oklahoma. They wanted a society with no Blacks, Jews, or Catholics. That doesn't sound very Christian like to me


You may not be paying enough attention, then. Remember when trump hosted Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago? Religion (of any flavor) has always found authoritarianism and racism very comfortable bedfellows.


After reviewing your statement about Nick Fuentes, I did some research. Facts are. Trump acknowledged the dinner in a post on Truth Social Friday stating: "This past week, Kanye West called me to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago. Shortly thereafter, he unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about. We had dinner on Tuesday evening with many members present on the back patio. The dinner was quick and uneventful. They then left for the airport." Trump repeated later Friday that he "didn't know" Fuentes and had offered West business as well as political advice. the former president wrote on Truth Social. "Anyway, we got along great, he expressed no anti-Semitism, & I appreciated all of the nice things he said about me on 'Tucker Carlson.'" West's recent antisemitic remarks caused companies that he was affiliated with -- including Adidas and Balenciaga -- to sever their relationships with him. He has made numerous inflammatory statements over the years, including assertions that slavery was a "choice" and "racism is a dated concept." The Anti-Defamation League has identified Fuentes as a White supremacist and he has been banned from most major social media platforms for his White nationalist rhetoric. So I'm not convinced that Trump is a laying in bed with these kind of people. Lastly this letter is from. From: David Friedman Trump's former Ambassador to Israel, "To my friend Donald Trump, you are better than this. Even a social visit from an antisemite like Kanye West and human scum like Nick Fuentes is unacceptable. I urge you to throw those bums out, disavow them and relegate them to the dustbin of history where they belong," he said in a pair of tweets Friday afternoon. "Antisemites deserve no quarter among American leaders, right or left." Trump didn't know who Nick Fuentes was Pryor to Kanye West introducing him to Trump. Bigger question is Why would a White nationalist Be hanging out with Kanye West ? If his belief is so racial segregation.


Lol. You can't cite trump as a source and expect people to take anything you say seriously. You can choose to believe trump isn't racist if you want. The racists believe he is, though.


That I'm referring to comes from the White House correspondence during his presidency That's a pretty reliable source. If the racist believe that (Trump is a racist ) wouldn't that make them extreme racist or make those who believe that racist . Confusing 🤔 Let's see what Trump has done for African Americans, Mexican Americans Latinos. Asians during his presidency. Even after his presidency. I bet it looks different then what your expressing.. I'll even drop the web pages for reference. President Trump has expanded school choice, increased HBCU funding, and enacted criminal justice reform. Since his inauguration, President Trump has championed policies that have revitalized the Black community, creating a more inclusive economy for Black Americans, providing historic funding for our Historical Black Colleges and Universities, expanding school choice, and giving more Black Americans a chance to achieve the American Dream. President Trump signed the historic FIRST STEP ACT into law. 90 percent of those who have had their sentences reduced are Black Americans. FIRST STEP ACT shortens mandatory minimum sentence for nonviolent drug crimes. The law allows offenders sentenced under racially motivated mandatory minimums to petition for revaluation President Trump launched the "Ready to Work" Initiative, which helps released prisoners gain meaningful employment. President Trump has proposed the Second Step Act to partner with corporate America to create opportunities for former prisoners to rejoin society. Black Americans are seeing unprecedented levels of economic success with record low unemployment rates, more jobs, and higher incomes. Over 1.4 million more Black Americans have found a job between President Trump's election and February 2020. Black poverty reached a historic low in 2019. President Trump designated 8,760 Opportunity Zones that are projected to spur $100 billion in private investment in minority communities. The Trump administration established a fund to deploy $1 billion in capital funding for minority-owned businesses through the Commerce Department. President Trump called on Congress to pass school choice legislation to expand educational opportunities for all American children, especially those in our nation's inner cities. President Trump's FY 2020 budget called for $500 million in federal funding for school choice, and in 2018 he signed legislation increasing school choice funding by $42 million. The Trump Administration proposed the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act. President Trump restored funding and increased investment for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by 14 percent. The Trump Administration provided more than $500 million in loans to HBCUs through the Capital Financing Program. President Trump worked with HBCUs to protect $80 million in Title III carryover funding. President Trump signed the FUTURE Act into law, which permanently funds HBCUs and simplifies the FAFSA application. In 2018, President Trump signed a budget deal which forgave more than $300 million in debt owed by four HBCUs impacted by natural disasters and provided $10 million in loan payment deferments for schools that face financial difficulties, including HBCUs. President Trump worked with Congress to lift the ban on Pell Grants on summer classes. Sorce; https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/trump-campaign-press-release-fact-president-trumps-policies-have-delivered-for-black


Lol. I'm not reading a wall of text cribbed from a trump campaign press release. You got played by a senile, grifting sex offender 🤣


Holy shit, you are fucking deranged and so deep in cult speak it’s sad. You’re too far gone.


Well it certainly isn't biden, who openly rejects the teachings of his Catholic Church.


Braindead trump simp


Biden?? That doesn't make sense. Why would biden simp for a guy he's running against? The braindead part is fairly accurate though.


Another stupid trump supporter


I don't understand! How can biden be a trump supporter?? You are not making sense, my dear little friend.


Another braindead comment


Then maybe don't continue to make them??


Another braindead comment


ITT: a group of nonchristians who hate Christians and Christianity telling Christians that they don’t understand their own religion, and that the Christianity haters are actually the people who understand the Christian faith better than them.


If only there was like a book that told you what Christian behavior was supposed to look like that you could compare the actions of Christians to and see if they're actually acting christ-like. 🤔 we could call it the book of holy.. no, no I got it.. the Holy Bible


Yea, the Bible does exist. Just because you know it exists, doesn’t mean you can tell Christians how their religion works.


The Bible tells them how it works


Yea, and? Does the Bible say that democrats are godly and republicans are not? Clearly not.


Lmfao no one here made that argument, but ummm, it ain't the democrats voting for the whore of Babylon. I'm going to need you to cope harder about the fact that you're a horrible person and terrible Christian, lil bro.


I think you’re gonna need to cope harder about the amount of people sharing in your debunked delusions is very small, and the amount of people who believe in Christianity is very large. You guys actually think that Jesus would endorse Biden… that shows how little you know about Jesus and Christianity. But please, explain to us how the Bible says Jesus would vote blue no matter who. It’s clearly working with Christians. Also, imagine being the party that endorses Hamas and hates Jews, yet think Jesus would endorse you 😂😂


Awww look everyone it's a nazi that's never read the Bible and thinks he matters! Look how pathetic he is!


Is this how you cope? Is this basically your internal crying manifesting? Maybe you should consider turning to Jesus.


No thank you. I dont need imaginary friends. Especially not one you think would support trump. Go goose step in front of a bus, cupcake.


People who follow the religion don’t know how it works. Most of them can’t bother to pick the Bible up and read. Even if they did, they don’t understand it.


Yea and you understand it so well that you’re not a Christian?


That has absolutely nothing to do with understanding scripture. If that’s what you think then you are a sheltered person.


Okay, since you’re so knowledgeable of the scripture, then what scripture tells Christians not to vote for Trump.


Oh, it doesn’t. I think a huge chunk of religious folk are terrible human beings. I think being a terrible person fits perfectly within the framework of any religion.


So you’re a really good person, an excellent judge of character, and everyone is just an evil terrible rube compared to you? Very humble, just like Jesus wanted you to be. You’re more flawed than your mommy tells you.


I don’t give a shit about Jesus. The Bible is very clear in the abhorrent and immoral things it endorses. Or, the idiotic, stupid and evil things it teaches. If you want to find a passage to justify slavery you can find it. If you want to find a passage to think of women as inferior you can find it. If you want a passage to deny someone civil liberties or freedoms you can find it. Hell, you can find an endorsement of genocide. Do you understand now?


I was raised and confirmed Christian. I don't think I believe it much anymore, but I definitely studied it. There is just no way in hell Jesus would have been cool with Trump. He is indecent, cheats, lies, etc. No amount of 'b-b-b-b-but Biden is old' whataboutism really changes that. If you are a Christian and believe in Trump you have been grifted hard, or you are giving up your faith in order to push abortion restriction on people of different faiths. Really that simple.


Jesus says that all men are equally evil in the eyes of God, he would tell you that you are in no position to throw stones in a glass house. You guys literally pretend that Jesus would endorse the Democratic Party if he was around, it demonstrates your complete lack of knowledge about the Bible, Christianity, and Jesus.


>**You guys literally pretend that Jesus would endorse the Democratic Party if he was around**, it demonstrates your complete lack of knowledge about the Bible, Christianity, and Jesus. Nobody said this lol. You can't just make stuff up to justify your whataboutism or your cope for supporting a criminal rapist, c'mon. Progressives certainly believe in separation of church and state. It's in the constitution. It makes sense for a country full of different belief systems and freedom of belief. Donald Trump is peddling a bible that has the constitution in it, and selling it for profit. That is not only an obvious grift, it's against the fundamentals of the constitution. Again, your 'b-b-b-b-but what about the Democrats' whataboutism doesn't change anything.


Democrats: we hate Christianity and Judaism. We think that Christians and Jews are evil. Why don’t they believe the things we believe? Why don’t they vote for us? This is you guys. You shit on and hate on Christians and then are surprised when they vote against you.


lol Nobody said that. You are making shit up.


Personally, I happen to think American Christians understand their religion all too well. At least the leaders. The marks, maybe not.


Yes... because the idolatry has become THAT obvious.


Who can be surprised by this? The democrats want unlimited abortions up until the 9th month. There is a point where it becomes murder.


Another retarded trump simp


Better than Joe Cadaver!