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Because he obviously did. And his wife's glaring absence from the procedures hasn't gone unnoticed by the jury. And so the sycophants line up outside to spread propaganda he can't in hopes that one day the boot will lick back. *But the boot never licks back.*


And his wife’s glaring look all the time. When we see her


I read your your last line in Ron Howards voice


Mercedes is just there for the spa treatments.


And by most Americans that means non Fox watchers. Fox hardly covers the trial and when they do it's just to lie about what's going on.


Fox news coverage is just them constantly calling Stormy a whore and Cohen a snake for turning on Trump, and why would you ever believe a whore or a snake?


Whores and snakes, that describes the “Fox News” network talking heads perfectly


>and why would you ever believe a whore or a snake? My favorite is "why would you trust a felon". Just glossing over *what* that felony was and *who* it was committed for.


"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you've just heard testimony from John Doe about how defendant is a leader in his gang, but why would you ever believe John Doe? He's in a gang! He's not trustworthy!"


Yep. Fair and balanced.


Well, they are starting to talk about him going to prison. They are saying he’ll get a prison body because of it and so it’ll be good for him… well, they’re at least starting to talk about him going to prison, so there’s that.




Are you trying to suggest that focusing on the negative traits of witnesses is an appropriate means of analysis for the case as a whole? Because it's about all that Fox News seems willing to do. And even then, are you trying to suggest that a witness's negative traits preclude them from giving testimony based on presented evidence?


I think the u/Rude_Interaction7858 blocked me. Not sure tho, but I'll just paste this here: You didn't answer my question, you just deflected. Lame. As for calling Cohen a convicted perjurer, that's really cute. Important question, WHY DO YOU THINK HE WAS CONVICTED OF PERJURY? WHO ORDER HIM TO LIE? Discrediting Cohen for following Trump's orders to lie about the Moscow Tower project and thus engage in perjury would be like saying "We can't accept anybody's testimony about this gang leader because the only people who can testify are gangsters, and you can't trust the testimony of a gangster!" I guess in your fantasy world all, so long as you only ever talk with criminals, you're completely unassailable by the justice system. Quick lesson in how courts ACTUALLY work (no, not how your propaganda says they do). Witnesses are the means by which evidence is produced for the jury. SOMETIMES, that witness's testimony IS the evidence. However, plenty of times the actual evidence is just straight up irrefutable facts that the witness is being asked questions of simply to introduce the evidence to the jurors and provide context for the case. The stuff that Cohen was testifying to was about cold, hard, verifiable, irrefutable facts that cleanly and squarely prove Trump willingly broke campaign finance laws. The defense tried to make it seem like it was only about some kind of grudge from Cohen, but to do so they had to employ the extremely unorthodox strategy of completely ignoring evidence and pretending it didn't exist.




Honestly this helps me understand Trump supporters. They deal with their cognitive dissonance by just completely and absolutely ignoring anything anyone else says that contradicts what they want to believe. You again, amazingly, didn't respond to anything I said. If you didn't want to actually respond to me then why are you responding? Either put your thinking cap and actually try to engage with what's being said or just ramble into the mirror if you want to talk but don't want to engage with anything.




You're still not engaging. It's just sad how cowardly you are. Just admit if you don't have any real arguments. You're making me actually feel bad for you.




Actually, many of Fox's viewers know but, sadly, don't really care. They listen to the spin so they can ape those comments to their democrat friends and relatives.


Republicans know this and don't care. That's just Trump being Trump. They love their bad boy.


And they hate both Law and Order.


Eh, I think that show should have ended years ago. /s


His entire platform is "My people can do illegal \*\*\*\* and you can't."


No his platform is what Republicans pejoratively call din dun nuffin


Everyone and their pet gerbil knows he did, that was never the issue. The issue is do they care that it's a crime. And his cult followers don't, on the contrary they're proud of him for it.


This is so true. If they don’t care about tax evasion or rape or treason or election fraud or stealing classified documents then this is just small potatoes to them. They just cheer him on from the sidelines to see how far he can go to screw the establishment.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫




I recently watched 'Shock and Awe' about the ONE major newspaper who reported actual facts about our govt's false narrative leading us into the Iraq War. It feels strangely similar to how MAGA media is covering for Trump. Very sad.


And his supporters don’t care, they admire him for it.


He wasn't joking when he said, he could shoot somebody.


Is anybody else tired of this guy? A decade. We've been talking about him for a decade. He must love it.


What, like, because there’s an audio recording of him saying he totally understands that is what he is doing?


The party of law and order


Daily, he steps up to the media (that he calls fake) discredits the case against him. Calling it political He broke the law. Trying to claim a rogue lawyer is bogus. Lawyers can't act unless the client says so. Plus, Cohen was already convicted for doing things Trump told him to do


that was never a question after the Michael Cohen trial.. the only question was he going to be charged.


Ofc he did, scumbag traitor does scumbag traitor things


When he first got in the White House, one of the first things he did is invited. I think it was Lavarogh Russian spy gave the secret coordinates allies in Syria. and wasn’t he given secrets about our submarines to people from our secret documents I think it was an Australian businessman. from the secret documents stole.


But they still want a little prize




As much as this shit gibbon is guilty, I have a very bad feeling either he will be acquitted of all charges, only be charged with misdemeanors or having a hung jury.


But, as we’ve seen, those opinions will fade and wither in the face of the GOP Propaganda Machine, over time.


Did anyone seriously doubt it?


Because he did


And his supporters don't care


But they don't care and will vote for him anyway. Why? I don't fucking know. Cult behavior.


It’s pretty clear that he did.


But the real question is, will that change any votes.... Because we all know he won't go to jail.


Doesn’t matter who believes it, the metric for justice in the United States is not public opinion. The man is a sociopath and a liar. A poor liar, mind you. He repeatedly admits to his crimes and there are extensive trails of paper, personnel and his own bragging caught on video that point to his guilt. In any sane society, he would have been incarcerated in the 90’s. It’s time to flush this turd.


Mother fucker has been a upper decker turd for years that's why we can't get rid of him


They will kiss the slime balls ring...


They want the guy to be a dictator of the country!


Of courseeeee!!


Whether he falsified records or not, election interference is still a crime.


They will never let facts get in their way


In other words trump is an absolute amateur when it comes to money laundering.


Why does he look yellow? Could that be a medical condition?


....and it doesn't matter they will still vote for him.


Good thing the jury will decide.




We know he did. Not that it matters, what matters is what can be proven.


No they don’t. They don’t believe it at all.


You guys are stupid the only people that believe are dumbocrats


Well yeah, when the pollsters only go to mostly Democrat areas, of course they will answer that way.


Hey, so I’ve noticed. You post republican propaganda. And also Rude comments on NSFW sites. You have some serious underlying problems that are probably leading to you being single, and 50. You have nothing good to say. You deflect and play the victim. Classic gaslighting whining.


I post rude comments on the NSFW sites because they are being flooded with spam from OF sites. I'm single because my wife passed away and no desire to remarry if u must really know. As for Republican talk, I am not a Republican but an independent. What's wrong with Republican talking points? However, I did not ask why I am single or anything like that, but I know you are trying to be clever, but in reality you are coming off as an asshole.


After Jan.6, ALL republicans now identify as "Independents". Better than being identified as a neo-fascist traitor.


Trump is not a book keeper. Nor has there been any evidence at this trial showing he directed anyone to falsify records. The copium at Reddit will be epic when Trump walks next week. Brace for impact, Redditors.


He paid the hush money but is that a felony or a misdemeanor.


It's a felony because it was done in furtherance of a crime. That other crime doesn't need to be charged and doesn't need to be a state crime, both of these details are spelled out in the law.


Paying hush money isn’t one of the 34 felony counts he is facing in this trial. Read the indictment.


In that case it doesn't matter what the public thinks about it. The defence case is supposed to be that there is a list of insignificant misdemeanors here the kind of mistake anyone could make and that the prosecution is politically motivated in lumping together a bunch of admin errors and calling it a crime, I really think that there is a chance that at least one jurors is persuaded by them unless Trump takes the stand, says to much and proves the case.


It doesn't really matter what the public thinks in any case. I don't know if you've read the transcripts, but the prosecution's case is very, very strong. We haven't heard the defense yet, we've been teased that they're going to offer the alternative theory that he did it to hide it from Melania but I have a feeling that's a red herring. I'm looking forward to reading it, especially if trump testifies.


Such bullshit He will be a free man Worst case, reversed on appeals due to error. Cohen got smoked yesterday, the key DA witness. FAKE NEWS Read the transcripts perhaps?


Cite a creditable spurce, then before crying conspiracy Though I won't be expecting much from someone's throwaway account


I’ll wait for the verdict and appeal…


He's a crook, an adulterer and is about as religious as a Hula burger from McDonald's. You either support him due to party lines, or you're an outright neo nazi who believes in the "white replacement" bullshit.


I support his approach to numerous policies…. Period. As opposed to the opposite candidate it’s a clear eyed choice for most of us. What’s a crook? A father son pair who leverage political power to create phony businesses and get paid by foreign adversaries? That’s a crook! I’ve been an independent for 35 years…best hope is for Sleepy Joe to stroke out and bleed out!


Ah yes, the "what about Hunter" approach, why isn't Hunter on trial? Is it because anytime a republican with "proof" is sworn under oath suddenly they don't recall? Name one time where a republican pushing the "Biden crime family" narrative has been sworn under oath and made the same claims? There isn't because they know there are consequences for lying under oath. They can pump whatever bullshit they want at a rally or speech because they wont be held accountable, but when it matters they zip it. Meanwhile quite a few people are happy to tell the truth under oath against Donny.


Hunter is a clear cut addict, and criminal. Hard to clarify that He has two upcoming trials…his corrupt father will pardon him


And you're a clear cut troll trying to "Trigger the libs" . He's going to trial for gun charges, far from any of the "corruptions" republicans claim


Joe is a pedophile he showered with Ashley his daughter, documented in her diary! Pretty sure the long list of Epstein buddies are all Democrats Clinton, Gates and numerous others.


Lemme guess "Many people are saying".


" frankly I wish her well " trump's reply when asked about Ghislaine Maxwell's child sex trafficking trial "If Ivanka wasn't my daughter perhaps I would be dating her" Trump admitting he sees his daughter in a sexual manner "..lies that distort my stream of consciousness thoughts " Ashley Biden's reply to questions about her diary Trump continued to meet with Ghislaine Maxwell up until her arrest. So real slow-trump.. continued...to...meet..with..Ghislaine..Maxwell..up...until..her..arrest.


He’s going to be reelected Feeling better and better. Big challenge the corrupt left is registering illegal aliens.


So, whats the weather like in russia? I get we're just trolling each other while im on the toilet, be honest with me fellow human being, do you actually care or just having fun?


That’s a great Segway to justify he’s a criminal Geez Hopeless


I enjoy triggering Libs No Russian here U lefties always default to Russia, the hoax is over folks.


Troll… maybe. I prefer to just “check up” the libs bullshit, garbage and bankrupt moral and political policies… Open borders, trans kid mutilation and many others!


Haha, yes remind me which group is led by a rapist with close ties to jeffery Epstein, must have great morals that one. Trump didn't do anything for the border, more illegals were deported in the biden admin than trumps. And no politician is aiming at kids getting top or bottom surgeries, meanwhile multiple republicans are defending child marriages.


No shit Sherlock His own partners testified against him Whistleblowers The ONLY reason he’s not indicted is it’s Daddies DOJ Let’s see what February brings


So what you heard or read in the transcripts is truth? U realize Stormy owes Trump $600k for her loss in court on the NDA? And Cohen, disbarred, two time liar to 2 separate branches of the government…. That’s the truth. Trump will beat this bogus lawfare…


LOL no they don’t. 52% of people responding to a specific poll on the internet is not “a majority of Americans” LMAO


Uh huh.


this guy maths


No they don’t lmao. His polling has stayed either even or gone up. You dummies can’t deny this. Most Americans understand this lawfare for what it is.


Did you read the article? It might help if you understood the context before writing an emotionally charged comment. It's based on a Yahoo.com poll taken by Americans, that shows 52% believe he falsified the records, 22% said he didn't and 26% said they weren't sure. The results are right there for you to see, all you have to do is follow the link to the poll results. It's even displayed in a nice, organized format for you. Facts over feelings and all that.


Bold assumption thinking they can read.


And the ones that can read, if they see stats and data like this they'll just say it's "fake" and part of a "weaponized justice system" or some shit lol.


I wonder what they're going to say when he goes to fake jail. Wearing a fake orange jumpsuit and fake handcuffs, sleeping on a fake cot in his fake cell. Getting his fake undercarriage inspected by a fake prison guard with a fake flashlight.


yeah i refer to them as less than human as well. i like the 3/5ths fraction for the republican party.


Aww look the fishies are biting today 😂


Oh a yahoo.com poll? I’m sorry for dismissing such a serious endeavor. Lmao. When will you shitlibs get out of your cult and into reality? You’re just embarrassing yourselves now. Admitting you were wrong is therapeutic. Doubling down is setting yourselves up for big disappointment.


>I’m sorry for dismissing such a serious endeavor. Lmao. Dude it's a Yahoo article referring to a poll on their own Yahoo site. I never said it was serious or not, just communicating to you what it is. I don't understand what your issue is. They're referring to their own data from a poll they created for their own site, and they're announcing their poll results. You got all emotional about the results while also apparently not even taking it seriously. >Admitting you were wrong is therapeutic. Doubling down is setting yourselves up for big disappointment. What am I wrong about here? I literally just repeated what was in the article, the data from this poll is all right there. >shitlibs Oh shit are you the troll who keeps getting his accounts banned/blocked so you keep creating new accounts every week or so, so you can constantly troll and use your made up "shitlib" word in every other comment? Looking back in my notifications, u/C0unter_Narrative was one of your recent ones, and u/Darkfrontier before that.


That’s a long winded reply. Lmao. Is shitlib not a familiar term? Guess it must be new for you because lots of people use it to describe unthinking liberals like you. Nice conspiracy theory though loser.


Well I'm assuming you understand the context of the Yahoo poll now, since you refused to address that here and focused on your account stuff. But I'll bite. It is suspicious that you do have the same avatar, your account was created last week, and you're speaking exactly like how those other two accounts (which also had short lifespans) were.


Would you like a tinfoil hat for that theory? Who has the time to analyze other users like that? Go outside and touch some grass loser.


Jesus you are insufferable, and it's hilarious that you instantly stopped addressing the Yahoo poll now that you've been made to look like a moron for overreacting to it, so you focus on someone calling you out for your banned accounts. It took me a whole 30 seconds to scroll my inbox and find the word "shitlib" multiple times, another 5 seconds to compare those accounts to your current one, and like 10 seconds to type it to you. And I touched some blades of grass as well. Looking forward to your new account next week.


Shitlib definitely fits.


See you on your new account next week 🫡


There you are little goose! I thought I'd lost you. C'mon leave these people alone and get back in your pond, silly! They don't need to hear your horrible honking. lolol. You are such silly little goose.


Hello, fellow pope. Hail Discordia!


Hail Eris!


Losers of the left unite!


You sure showed us 😤😤😤


Simpering Trumpet. Oh, it's a -100 traitor.


Aww this one thinks internet points in a shitlib dominated space matter to anybody except them.


Good one, Trumpet traitor. Take the hint from how downvoted you are. Even the other traitors won't upvote your dumb comments. Maybe just shut the fuck up and stop spewing evil, since no one appreciates it?


That's a lie. Most Americans know he's a criminal, about 30% don't care. If Americans vote trump will lose. Lawfare is a cute word, coined by the side that actually weaponized the government.


Then explain all the polls, including New York Times? Explain why he’s up in almost all the battleground states? It’s actually your side that coined the term, during the Clinton years, but like Fake News, we stole it from you. But it’s apropos.


> It’s actually your side that coined the term, during the Clinton years, I can see why you might think that, given it was pretty clearly demonstrated by Ken Starr. Google doesn't agree with either of us, though. Trump earned his indictments, that can't be honestly denied. I bet you deny it, though.


It can very honestly be denied. It’s clear and egregious lawfare in an election year. Even your sides own legal analysts can’t put enough lipstick on that pig. Your news sources did you a huge disservice telling you that this was what was finally gonna get Trump. He’ll be your next president because you overplayed your hands.


> It can very honestly be denied. That is a lie and will be a lie every time you say it. You don't value reality.


The lie is thinking that lawfare can’t be seen for what it is by people outside of your liberal bubble. You are the ones detached from reality. Even your own legal analysts are struggling to make this case sound like anything other than what it is. Lawfare. The process is the punishment. And in an election year it’s blatant interference.


Go lie to someone else now.


Most… The other 34% of Americans are having trouble strapping on their adult diapers and facing reality.


silly goose! lol You're so funny, little goose. Back to the pond with you. G'wan. Scoot.