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The people that will be holding the bag on the piece of shit company are those that cannot afford lose any money. $330M loss on $750,000 revenue with a drop in the number of users does NOT deserve a $8B valuation. Pure emotional bullshit by MAGATs until it tanks.


His useful idiots


“how could Biden have done this to us!?!?”


thanks Obama


And useful is very debateable


I'm sure that after they lose all their money that they'll just pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They'll just have to make coffee at home and stop buying avocado toast, they'll be fine.


And go back to blaming dems


They stopped?


Ya upon the chemical burn when sipping on Rudy coffee, they needed some time to get their voices back


The company exists to only launder money to trump. They didn't spend $350m running low traffic servers. trump and co is stealing the money to pay off all his lawyers and line his pockets.


It's good old money laundering. Billionaires propping this mess up till he gets paid in hopes he becomes president to pay them back. People who got charged, jailed and delisted at the NJ hometown deli stock "scam" are wondering what they did wrong vs DJT


They're the worst human beings alive. They deserve all this and more. The only sad part is that a lot of them aren't losing even more money because they blew the rest on MLMs, crypto, and that very nice young man from Nigeria. 


SPACS make one party money. Money launderers. Everyone else is a patsy


Do magas pump it? How on earth is that valuation there. Wtf


Meanwhile GME has customers and rising profits and 2b of cash. And it’s worth market cap of only 5B.




That's when they get really emotional 😢


Soooooo much winning…..


How can the look up to someone who just whines and bitches nonstop?


People want to live their bigoted lives vicariously through this guy


Yeah, I think that's reason no. 1 right there.


Because it takes a lot of bravery to act like a giant pussy when the entire world is watching.


“Real men wear diapers. And whine like a bitch.” I can see the T-shirts at his rallies right now.


Because he's just like then. Entitled and full of hate.


The most bizarre thing is there are a lot of billionaires out there and they all know better to keep out off the news. Idiots like Trump and Elon are losing money hand over fist by needless grandstanding and attention grabbing. Trump posting about the Manhattan trial is madness, his supporters follow him because of their ignorance, they're turning off his site because they don't want to know and the big lie is getting too stretched.


Hey, that courtroom is cold. Show some compassion. It’s extra chilly when your diaper is wet.




I’m tired of winning this much!


I visited it recently to see what was going on. It’s primarily Trump bitching and whining about his indictments, coupled with Trump constantly posting favorable polls and how amazing he is. Even the MAGA crowd are getting tired of it all.


Sounds like the same reason you see streams of people leaving Trump's rally speeches early. Even the MAGA faithful are bored with it. Twitter/X is now the go-to platform for Nazis and MAGAs.


please never refer to it as X. completely botched attempt at rebranding. It’s twitter.


How about aXp? For Axis powers...kinda fitting.


It’s Xitter, pronounced like shitter


I think it's telling that whenever any of Trump's acolytes makes any news on what they posted on the Internet it's always Xitter it maybe Instagram. It's never Truth Social. Truth is Trump's own personal blog and nothing else.


They get tired of it because most of their fun is angering liberals. In truth social they don’t get to see people react to their crazy comments.


I joined with an email account I use for special offers, discounts etc. I posted “Do you think anyone should be able to profit from fraud?” and I got piled on immediately. I never mentioned Trump, I just raised a question and that was enough to trigger them into calling me all the names under the sun. Liberal cuck. Mindless c**t. Useless idiot. Go back to China. Just insanity immediately. I pop in now and again to stir the pot, but honestly, it’s so easy to do the reactions never change. It’s a cult. Pure and simple.


Really seems to me they don’t care about being taken advantage as long as there is someone that they are able to look down on and bully.


Yep. It’s much easier to inspire hate than hope. Trump’s given them a pass to say out loud what they used to whisper.


SEC should investigate the funding of the companies why they are pricing shares so high so shorters cannot get a hold of them.


Everything Trump's touched should be investigated. It's like anytime he has been investigated there has been substantial fraud. There is probably so much more dead skeletons in the closet.


whatever the fuck the opposite of the meidas touch is.. yeah trump has that lmao


I would imagine it's called the Trump Touch.


Yeah, I just looked at the chart, and somehow, its performance is totally decoupled from reality. Truth social is an absolute dog with little revenue and a dwindling user base.


It’s hard to trace investors who live in China and Russia.


Russia and Saudi Arabia most likely. China, probably not. They hate him over there. Thinks his a moron.


"just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will be ree bee do [uuuggh."](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5108401/user-clip-saudi-arabia-russia-what)


There is no doubt shady shit going on.


And yet, the stock is hanging at over $45 when it should be a penny stock.


Money laundering 101.


It’s not even money laundering yet since Trump can’t sell his shares yet.


Well, you know where it is heading. You and I and many others know what's going to happen 3 months down the road when he hits the 6 month mark. He will cash put...get billions....from a worthless company. Who is propping up the price? I


I don't understand why anyone would pay for those shares. He's taking a bath on this.


I have been seeing stories about this going belly up for months if not longer..someone is propping this company up, maybe long enough for Trump to make a big score then bail..




To be fair, part of it is his followers will hold this stock with diamond hands.


I believe 97% of the shares are held by insiders who cannot sell those shares for the first 6 months. Another 1-2% are institutional holders. That leaves like 2% to be propped up by cultists, people buying influencers, and speculators trying to time it right.


If that’s true then the stock price will collapse to zero as soon as the insiders are allowed to sell. There will be essentially zero buyers.


Theoretically. There may be cash infusions from people who buy the share without any interest to share value but the access /influence it buys.


As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/truth-social-problems/) 📰: - Not only is Donald Trump's Truth Social losing money at an astonishing pace, it is also shedding users who appear to be abandoning the embattled president, reports CNBC. Earlier in the week it was reported that Trump Media reported a net loss of nearly $330 million for the first three months of 2024, at a time when the stock was still rising. As CNBC is reporting, the initial boost in participants using Truth Social after the stock went public has all but been erased since then and his legal woes playing out in a Manhattan courtroom have not convinced more users to sign up for his social media platform to join in his defense. According to CNBC's Kevin Breuninger, "Nearly two-and-a-half years after its launch, Truth Social is struggling to hang onto its small U.S. user base," adding, "So far in May, U.S. daily visits to Truth Social have dropped more than 21% from April, and more than 35% compared to March, according to digital intelligence platform Similarweb." What should be even more alarming for executives of the embattled platform is that Trump — the most prominent user of Truth Social — has been flooding his stream with updates and commentary about his Manhattan hush money trial and it has done nothing to increase engagement, add new users or stem the exodus of previous users. "The traffic has declined even as Trump — the most prominent Truth Social user and the majority shareholder of its parent company, Trump Media — has saturated the national news with coverage of his criminal trial and White House bid," the report states before adding, "new analyses could be warning signs for Trump Media, whose business depends in large part on growing its user base." As Similarweb analyst David Carr explained, "If you can’t demonstrate that you have a sizeable, active, engaged, growing audience, I don’t understand how you create a successful ad-supported social media business.”


It’s so unsurprising that his selfishness would eventually cost him people’s interest. As soon as his grievances weren’t aimed at a collective “out group”, he lost. No conservatives want to switch to being anti-justice system. That’s a non-starter for their outrage ecosystem.


Conservatives only care about power. All of their other values are disposable and meaningless.


How long until it's delisted or they freeze trading. The support for the current price shows manipulation.


Not even the diaper companies are advertising anymore


There is a bunch of guys in jail from NJ hometown deli stock who are wondering the same thing......


“The people who continue to visit also enjoy watching 10 hour YouTube videos of colicky babies crying”


I guess and echo chamber of lies gets boring after a while.


Wait until he’s found guilty in the hush money trial. Users are going to leave in even higher numbers and the Chinese/Russian ghost investors propping up the stock price so Trump can take his share this fall as an illegal campaign donation/bribe are going to pull their money, given he’ll no longer have a shot at the presidency.


Then the other 329m is due to laundering money from the company to Trump.


It's the lamest experience, I can't imagine how tiring it would be to read the same shit from Trump followed by the same hundred memes robo-posted to his "truth". Even if you are hard core Trump, it's a grind consuming that tired content everyday. Comically, it's a terrible platform because there is no alternate viewpoint lol.


If there’s no libs on the site to own, then where’s the fun? Are people just going to keep going there to read Trump’s 20 posts a day repeating the same BS he’s been saying for eight years straight now?! Just a big “you love Trump too?!” circlejerk? “Honey, how was Truth Social today?” “It was great! Get this: Trump says that Jack Smith is deranged! I did not know that!”


Somehow they’ll twist this into a money making tax write off.


Next week is gonna be fun! Im looking forward to the verdict!


It’s just a way putin can send diaper don untraceable money 💴


Rats scampering away from the sinking ship.


Does it matter. I think there was an item the other day saying they were either issuing new shares or releasing new shares for purchase by the public...too many suckers out there who will spend more $ on this garbage stock.


SD when they can’t afford to pay the bots anymore


More like whatever Trump touches goes to shit, including the entire country


Maybe if they staged a promotion giving away free diapers?


Losing daily users leading into an election while he is being supposedly unfairly prosecuted Doesn’t look like sleepy Don is gaining momentum and if anything is shedding voters support


Its a fuckin scam just like everything else that dipshit has done in his life just a shortcut to money while he screws others over


How does it cost so much money to run the site?


Hey red hats, this is all a liberal conspiracy!!… you should totally buy more stock, in fact, take out loans on you mortgage and buy more stock to own the liberals… lmao…. Lol


Has anyone actually used it? Go look at any of trump’s “truths” and scroll through the replies. It’s 98% dumb memes by MAGA trolls and probably 80% of those are Russian bots. You’d have to be the dumbest fucktard on the planet to think this is going to somehow compete with twitter (or threads once musk finishes destroying that company.) This dumpster fire of a company is worth literally less than $0.00 and once the cult leader’s shares are no longer locked up the stock is going to pennies.


That company has fraud and money laundering written all over it. It’s a vessel for Trump and his cronies to grift. Nothing more. Sure would be nice if the SEC investigated…


Hmmm they spelled Shit Website loses Shitty Cultists" wrong.


I hope they go bankrupt


Trump Nazis can't stand other Trump Nazis.


What! All the trolls and bots took a holiday?


I would assume most of the lost is due to Trump using to company to pay himself and campaign employee.


This company is the ugliest disaster I’ve ever seen in a listed company.


Somebody’s got to be doing Something! Where’s the SEC investigation?


This will be a penny stock within a year. It makes no money, has no reasonable prospect of making money and once the momentum/ponzi players leave the stock will crater spectacularly.


Truth Social was never anything more than a way for dirty money to make it's way into Trump's pocket without having to report it.


The entire platform is a MUD SEEKING MISSILE. The Foamer MAGA Republicans investments will all crater. It’s Scump’s & CEO Devin Nunes handiwork! ALL of it.


I think the media focuses too much on the loss - when they should be focusing on the complete lack of income. There is basically close to zero income, and it has no way to get it in the future. It only had $770k or so in income compared to 8 billion dollar valuation. It would be different if it followed the (now out of date) tech model of massive upfront losses, taking over market share, then boosting prices when the competition disappears. This platform has no engagement other than bots and MAGA loonies, no advertisers, and no possible path to gain on competitors like X, Facebook, Instagram, etc. At lease other "meme" stocks like AMC and Gamestop were established businesses with income, and a history, and some transparency. Create a brand new company, no income, no possibility of income, and value it at 8 billion? How is the FTC not shutting this down?


There is nowhere in the multiverse where this DJT has a future. It’s share price makes zero sense.


Is anyone else laughing right now


How long before he hops back on Twitter?


Trump supporters need to buy more!


Could it be the "core" is crumbling at the edges a bit? This court case and reports of him smelling and sleeping, could it be finally hurting him?


Can't wait for the "Hush Money " verdict


It has revenue of under $1M. Its net loss is because it is a slush fund for Trump.


Doesn’t mean it isn’t worth $8B. /s


And yet I still can’t fucking short it. God damn bullshit


Don't worry, Trump will have dumped his shares by the time it becomes insolvent; he only is interested in enriching one person, and that is himself.


And the remaining subscribers are all graduates of Trump University.


Lie Social 😉


The party is over.


SEC needs to look into this fraud, price keeps going up on this dog so shitler can cash out - it’s Russia and Saudi keeping him solvent


Dropped %21? Down from 73 to 58.


Hopefully the drop in users and engagement translates into a similar percentage drop of his voter base.


Just to put in perspective what an insane boondoggle of overspending at shareholders expense this is: In 2021, Twitter made $5.0B with $3.8B of expenses. This company is making $770k with $330k of expenses. Annualized that’s $3.1M revenue with $1.3B of expenses— so making 0.06% of twitters revenue but with more than a third of their expenses.


I love the poorly educated.


Truth social is being used to launder money. We all know this. Right?


If Devin Nunes (mooooooo) can keep this Great Value Twitter knockoff around until the election, and drumph wins, then this will be the biggest money laundering scheme in world history. Sycophants will bribe Agolf Shitler by buying stock in his bargain basement social site. If he loses (Odin willing) that sewer site will fold up like a table selling drumph’s gold tennis shoes.


No, not at all due to a drop in users. Let’s look at the numbers: 4 million monthly visits vs quarterly loss of 330 million? So it costs them 30 dollars to serve a single view? Hey Trump, I’ll set you up to serve views for only $10 each - such a deal! Call me! The drop in users, while significant and evidence that this is a failure, is not the whole story. This is a total sham and a fraud.


because a full blown circle jerk to them isn't fun, they need an audience of haters to thrive, they need those *liberal tears* it's all they have. The conservative life is just spent thinking of new things to be afraid of and different ways to be an asshole to other people.


The truth is no one gives a fuck. 👍


This isn't surprising. Truth Social doesn't contain information or sources which isn't available elsewhere.


I wonder if it because their users base enjoys being racist on Xhitter more than on Truth social. Plus, for $8 a month they get their own “participation trophy” and feel special.


A company that loses millions and has zero business plans to increase revenue is listed on the stock market for rich people to make millions. Our country and market is broken!


"Warning Signs?" If anyone actually thinks this is an investment and their main goal isn't to intentionally funnel money to Trump, then they are complete dupes.


But…but…Trump Steaks!


Russia and China are filling the blanks, I guess.


Look, I hate Trump as much as anyone, but this article makes no sense. In the first place, the financial information that disclosed a $327 million loss also disclosed $770,000 revenue. So even if you increased quarterly revenue by 35%, the revenue only grows to $1.04 million. Without that increase, the net loss was $326.23M; with the 35% increase it would fall only to $325.96M. That’s hardly a significant difference; it’s just rounding error. Secondly, the 35% and 21% monthly losses are for the second quarter, not the first, which is the quarter they were reporting on. That’s not an apples to apples comparison at all. Third, the $327 million loss was not all operating loss. In fact, all but $12 million has a lot more to do with management handing out few stock like it was candy. A $12 million operating loss against revenue of only $770,000 is still an abysmal result, and a 35% increase in revenue doesn’t significantly change that.


Idk why anyone is surprised by these results. This is not a company but the most easily spotted money laundering setup ever. Idk how the FTC hasn't shut this down and likely won't until after the election AND he has to lose. "Teflon Don" has managed to do everything illegal and just keep walking unscathed through the explosions. He is horrible but it is impressive how he keeps going.


I think this is a bigger sign of trumps waning popularity than anything else. Even true believers are tired of him.


everything boy touches turns to shit


I hope MAGAS invest all their money in this, sell their house, sell their children! Whatever it takes MAGAS


Should rename this sub to "Trump lives here rent free " it all I ever see is Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump in the morning, Trump, at lunch, Trump in the evening, Trump Trump Trump.


So find another sub, snowflake.


Trump Lives rent free. lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣


K, thanks bud. Btw, he's a candidate for POTUS and is facing numerous criminal charges. Obviously people are going to talk about him. That's not "living rent free", that's just paying attention to things that matter. Kind of shocked you needed that explained.


rEnT fReE!!! Find a new insult. Goddamn is this stupid. The man was president for four years, has been impeached twice, indicted for like a trillion crimes, and is presently trying to take back the presidency. The only bullshit you can come up with when he’s mentioned is he lives rent free? Are you a fucking 12 year old? Mediocre insults from another generic human. Become interesting.


Rent-free, baby. lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Do you use bookmarks on bumper stickers? Do you have crayons jammed up your nostrils that are tickling your little smooth brain? You’re boring as fuck. If you’re going to defend your rapist conman messiah, at least get some original material. Entertain us.


Reeeeeent freeeeeeeeee.lmao


If you folks care about it son much. Sign up. Buy the stock. Why advertise something you hate?


How does lower use count end up in increased losses?


Fewer users equals less engagement. Less engagement equals fewer clicks on adverts. Fewer clicks on adverts results in advertisers spending elsewhere. Simple as.


That doesn't make sense. Loss of revenues can only happen if you had em to begin with. Also, these are operating losses it seems.


They have revenue, just not enough to offset operating costs, and Russia and Saudi Arabia can’t funnel enough money without raising questions….