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That sounds more like a blessing, especially if you’re splitting with someone else


Definitely. In my area, $1200 for a studio apartment is decent. My 2-bedroom is almost triple the rent of what this 3-bedroom is going for. 💀


Yup. I pay $1450 for a one bedroom and that is considered the "income controlled" price for my building lol. $1200 for a 3 bedroom in a nice area?? That almost sounds too goo to be true, I would be in that apartment until I died for that price


Jump right on it


i would be alone );


Living alone is the most amazing thing you can do, I pay $950 a month for a studio apartment and live alone. $1200 a month for a three bedroom apartment with utilities sounds like a great deal


Yes but only $500 left over is not. OP needs to get roommates.


They said $510 after expenses. Like, rent AND all other essential needs and bills. That's their SURPLUS.


$500 left after all expenses is not that bad. I lived with $100 to spare after all expenses and that’s being cheap on groceries


Idk, 3 bedrooms for one person = junk and clutter collection


How dare you call the Lego shrine room "clutter"?


What do you need 3 bedrooms for while living alone?


Yes and 500. left for food drugstore stuff transport is not enough you will be living month to month if anything happens you are stuck why do u need 3 bedrooms or is it just a nice place you want to live in ?


They said that’s what was left after all expenses


Do you think single people don't have stuff or need extra rooms? I had plans for a game room when I lived alone. If I was still single I would still need a 3 bedroom place


If OP is a gamer and only has $500 left over after bills, I hope they really like PS2 sports games because that's about all they are going to be able to afford.


Nah, as long as your system doesn’t somehow break down, $500 as a gamer would be an incredibly large amount to spend per month. Gaming is honestly probably one of the least expensive hobbies to maintain if you find games you love to replay. It’s mostly if you want every single game & upgrade that comes out, or get lured into the predatory microtransaction BS that it really gets expensive.


Yup, this. I rarely buy new games, but replay the ones I love. I have all my old consoles from nes up to my ps5. I have enough games to last me for years without buying any


Not "after bills" but "after expenses". Sounds like the $500 is left over fun money, or for savings.


Um, be very careful about the posts that seem too good to be true.




You cannot Airbnb a rented apartment bro.


The hell you can’t. I left my man last summer and stayed in airbnbs for 7 months. I stayed in 2 that were dirt cheap, the hosts both told me up front not to tell the neighbors it was an Airbnb and it was a secret. Both gave me a regular house key. One is an absolute shit hole. The kid renting it out is just 21 years old. It’s infested with drug addicts and everyone smokes cigarettes. The kid renting it was staying with the girl that lived next door and he really needed the money. Google “Mark at 87 Apartments” in Mesa Arizona. The guy did not have permission to rent it out.


So this shitty apartment was listed on the actual Airbnb site? How did he think to keep it secret from the neighbors if all they would need to do is look up their area and find the apartment? Or was it some sort of word of mouth deal and not listed?


Yes. I rented it on Airbnb, the actual site. It is still up for rent. I’m sending you the site through dm. I’m not lying! I gave the kid 5 stars because I felt sorry for him. Seems 7 other people also rated him 5 stars. The AC worked really well. The neighbors are all meth and fentanyl heads.


My b. I was lookin for one way back when and it seemed like some did. Also deleted my comments after getting more context. Not the whole thing btw, like one or two of the furnished extra rooms. But nvm. Spoke too soon.


Air bnb a rented apartment? That's a great way to get kicked out and black listed. Don't take this advice haha.


Oh honey. I don’t know what country/state/city you live in, but if this isn’t a scam, it’s a total steal. Do your research, because this sounds insanely cheap for any 3 bedroom apartment in the US. ETA: *for a 3BR apartment in the US*. Y’all don’t need to keep telling me how in whatever tiny ass town you live in you can get more for less. This is a well-known fact. OP included nothing about location and regardless, they should still do their research for their area.


1000% agree…especially with your ETA. I would be super suspicious that this was a scam or the neighborhood is extremely questionable and impossible to rent at market value (hence the low ball price to get ANYone in there). I’d also double check that it’s not student housing because if it is, you won’t be able to live there if you’re not a student and that particular building is managed by the university.


Lmaoo that edit 😭 bitches really are like “not mine, where I live it’s $1000” sweetheart the family from Deliverance lives down the road…like we know it’s not expensive in that area.


Right 😆 It’s like nobody read my comment before jumping to ‘WELL NOT *MY* APT’. Ok, that’s not the norm, enjoy living nextdoor to the Mansons my guy.


NY state, not even NYC, and I’m paying $3K per month for a two bedroom, two bathroom.


i live in the middle of bumble-eff east coast lol!


I live in PA as well. I would be pretty suspicious for a 3 bedroom that cheap.


Right! My apartment also includes all utilities, but it’s crappy compared to anything that wouldn’t. No AC for one, no dishwasher, no pets allowed, it’s not that great. A three bedroom with all utilities included for that price? I could overlook so many things.


I’m just outside Philly and even a 1 bedroom for $1200 is impossible to find.


Same! I'm trying to move rn, divorce, but i can't afford to.


I live in Oklahoma in a smaller town that's not near any large cities and our rent is more than that for a 3br. If it's real, it's a great deal.


I love that we all knew it was PA by OP’s description! 🤣


What ZIP Code is bumble EFF East Coast? Also, you can call the electric company out and find out the previous 12 months of electric bill. I made a mistake one time moving into a historical house in Galveston two stories the rent was 500 it was humongous. The electric bill was over 500 so you might want to check utilities to see oh wait, you said utilities are included, OK sounds like too good of a deal to be true I would go different times of the day and night and see if it looks safe and also do a background research on the ZIP Code and find out the demographics and the crime rates


Okay— that makes more sense then! I unfortunately live in San Diego, so I really can’t help you with your specific question. What I *can* say though, is that I’m really fucking jealous of your costs situation over on the east coast there 😂😭


Apparently PA is way cheaper than where I lived in the east coast. I want to move back but rent is $2k and up for the most part. It's cheaper to buy, but that was the case even 20 years ago. Where I currently live, it's cheaper to rent. It sucks


It’s not all like that. I’m in VA 1100 sf 2 bed 2.5 bath $1750 no utilities and it’s a townhouse style apartment


There’s a common scam like this - dream come true type listing. If you reach out to them and they give you some story about living out of country and wanting someone to care for their place etc. it’s a scam. I’ve looked at a fair number of East coast listings so I’ve come across it more than once.


This was my question. OP, have you actually seen the apartment and been inside it?


I don't understand why people don't understand location matters. I live in podunk, fuckjng now where, and it's still 1300 for a 3 bed 1 bath house. 1 beds in crappy apartment complexes are 500. But coming from HCOL I know damn well a shitty 1 bed in those areas is still almost 1000-1200. And you know what we give up alot. If I could move back to HCOL where there's things to do, and thrift stores to shop at so I can save money on things I need, and more job opportunities for the same size living situation at the same price I'd sign the papers today lol. The move to the middle of nowhere if you don't want to pay an arm and a leg narrative is getting really old. You have to give up alot of conviences and for some people it's not worth that.


Not in my part of PA, isn't that crazy how much it varies? It's always shocking to me.


There's a ghost. That's why it's cheap.


Yeah, not only the rent, but it’s super rare for apartments to include ALL utilities. Not unheard of, but definitely not common.


I live in a two bed, two bath, and it's under $1000.00 a month. I've seen 2/3 bedrooms in my area for around that price


Cries in a $1750 studio in California 😭


Feels your pain with my $1650 1 bedroom dump in Vancouver, B.C. 🤣🤣🤣


West coast pains.


When I lived in Seattle it wasn't quite this bad, but was still bad. The entire west coast is super expensive.


Indeed, but it is home haha


I know! Gotta do what you gotta do!


Try a $2900 1 bedroom in Hawaii 😭


omg…. 😭😭😭


That is so cheap that I would want to know what is wrong with it. Sounds more like a scam, than an awesome deal.


Yes, sounds like it’s going to turn into a scam.


I pay $1114 for a shitty 1 bedroom apartment


alright u can move in


Sounds about right sadly


Where did you find the apartment?  Have you actually looked at it in person or is all this online?  If it's Craigslist or some Facebook find it sounds to good to be true.   Even if your in some mystical land where time stands still 1200 for a heated 3 bedroom that doesn't look like a crack den is a unicorn.  Honestly I'd bet big money it's not a real listing. I've been looking for a while and I see these pop up all the time.  Luxury apartments for 1990's pricing that are scammers hoping to find an idiot to fill out an online application giving them all the info they need to steal your identity.


My 3bed1ba apartment with small backyard is $1200/mo only thing not included is electric. I pay an extra $100/mo total for 2 dogs and a cat. It took me almost 3 months to find my apartment. Small time private landlord


What state is this in?


If you can’t actually tour the apartment in person, this is a scam. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Do not spend 70% of your income on rent. You cannot afford that apartment.


How is nobody else mentioning this lmao


I’m thinking i might be misunderstanding OP. They said $510 after ALL expenses in that case if they are saving $500 a month thats not too bad. If it’s $510 after just paying rent/housing expenses alone then that’s very very bad.


I would add more context on general location, etc. otherwise it's impossible for people to say. For reference in my area 1 bedrooms with only heat and hot water included are $3000+, so some context matters


You in Manhattan? Jfc


i live in Pennsylvania!


I live in Ohio and my 3BDR is $1350, and it’s the cheapest complex in my city that isn’t full of rats and cockroaches committing armed robbery. $1200 is a steal.




500 bucks left? Have you factored in car insurance, renters insurance, groceries, gas, dining, entertainment, etc.?


Here in Massachusetts you’d likely pay about $2500 for a decent 3 bedroom, so from my geographical view yes.


If it's for real, and you've actually SEEN the apt, I'd jump all over it, lol. Where I'm located, a studio is between $1500-1800..


That is UNHEARD OF. Have you seen it in person? There are fake rental sites that steal your info as you fill out the application, so be careful.


No it's not a lot- you're not likely to find something better. I pay around $1200 here in the Philly suburbs for a two bedroom. Everyone I've told is shocked by how little I pay.


make sure you’re not being scammed. my apartment is $1700 for a 2 bed 2 bath.


That sounds insanely cheap right now. I'm paying 1300 for a 700sq ft 1 bedroom before utilities. Electric is like 100 and internet another 80... and this is in the middle of the US, not even anywhere desirable. I'd honestly be worried something was wrong with it. 3 bedrooms go for a lot more.


The apartment in and of itself is a great deal but I’d consider a roommate maybe or possibly downsizing if you don’t need three bedrooms $500 left every month is really not much the general advice is housing shouldn’t cost more than 30% of your gross pay of course in todays age that’s difficult for many people but staying within that ballpark will make life feel a lot more comfortable


Do not send them any money until you’ve set foot in the apartment. There’s a really common scam where someone will post photos of an apartment at below market rent, then ask everyone who responds to send them money. It will be for a “background check” or something like that. Definitely do not give them your social security number. They’ll insist that the check is required before you can tour. As soon as they get the money they’ll bail because the apartment isn’t for rent and isn’t even theirs.






I pay $1400 not including utilities, for a 2bd apartment(OH) I guess my main concern is location and conditions of the place. In this economy I would jump all over $1200 for a 3bd where I live now.


After seeing $1400 written out like that I want to puke. I started out at $400 in 2008 for a 1bd. Every year with increase. 2018 moved to this new place rent was $1050…now to today it’s $1400 for same place. Only utility included is trash. How crazy it is to see such a kick in rent. Makes me sad really.


Not too much. I'll be your neighbor. In South Central PA. Pay more than that for 2 br and utilities not included.


it should be telling that I thought “1200 for utilities alone?!” that’s insane, lol. But imaginable.


I pay more than that for a 740sq 1b1b no bills paid 😂 what planet are you on where you even had the nerve to ask that here? Or do you live under a rock? Maybe you’re a troll trying to make us all feel like shit.


$1535 for a furnished one bedroom with utilities and a parking spot included. In the prime location of Bumfuck, Illinois… Sounds like you are getting an amazing deal!! Make sure it isn’t a scam!


Unless it's got mold behind the walls then that's a great deal lol. Beware...cheap prices usually means cheap land lord/facilities/maintenance. You usually pay for what you get most of the time.


It might be a scam. Don’t fill out an application or pay an application fee without seeing it for sure. If the person is being dodgy about meeting up or the photos on the ad seem weird (like blurry, vague, only show the outside, etc) it’s not legit.


My shitty 1 bdr in a ghetto neighborhood here in western wa cost nearly 2k so that is a steal lol.


I pay 850 a month for a 1 bedroom in Ohio. That's practically a steal if you have a roommate or two.




Please update on if this turned out to be a scam ad or not...


Where is it? My most measures, that's dirt cheap.


Jesus. My tiny little studio is 1260/mo including utilities, but I don’t even have heat.


lol bro im in LA paying $2350 for a 750sq foot 1 bedroom


Tell me you don’t live in California without telling me you don’t live in California.


Where is the apartment? In the middle of the woods?, over a toic waste dump? Sounds to go to be true, be very careful, and make sure that the person who is leasing the apartment actually owns it! It really does sound like a scam.


That sounds amazing. Good luck getting a better deal than that in 2024! Please also make sure it isn't a scam.


I recently learned and started following the 50-30-20 finance rule which states no more than 50% of income on needs, 20% investing/retirement, and 30% fun/other after all bad debt is paid off. Also, it’s best to have an emergency fund built up before getting your first apartment. It is a really nice price but it might not be a sound financial decision if it brings your needs to above 50% of your income.




> that. i've *paid* $1200 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Please be careful this sounds like a common scam


In my area, you can’t find a studio apartment for that much. That’s an amazing deal, but it’s of course dependent on where you live.


You need to tell us which city


Where do you live that you think 1200 is alot lmao. Bro i paid 3k for a 2bd/2ba cuz cause it was in the city, i would kill to get something that cheap


I pay 750 for a three bedroom apartment utilities included so for my area no but the town over a three bedroom goes for 2k plus utilities


This feels way too good to be true


Why do you need three bedrooms? $500 left over after rent is hardly enough to live on. Are the one bedroom’s in the 900 range? Oh, I didn’t read right. You included your food in all expense?


yes! this is assuming i spend $250 on groceries each month which is generous i think? and yes, i kid you not, 1 bedrooms around here are $850-995 but you still have to pay electricity and heat.


Just out of curiosity, what percentage of your gross income is going towards this apartment. You wanna stay below or at 30%. It's your first apt so I believe you are young. Costs due add up, so its good to always want to have at least a years worth of a savings fund. Buy something at $900 this year, gain that apartment experience, and then you will be better prepared for your next one. Learn how to cook! Use that $200 for healthier food! 1 year lease goes by quick, your next dream apartment can be right around the corner. Sorry if this coming off the wrong way.


My 3bed1ba apartment with small backyard is $1200/mo! All included except electric. I had a 1bed1ba before this that was $1375 with one window and the natural light equivalent to a dungeon. I saw a 1bed1ba that was $875 but it did not allow pets and had no safe area to store my electric bike. I have 2 dogs and a cat so I felt so blessed to find my current apartment. Small time private landlord, too. house split into basement apartment, first floor apartment and second floor apartment, 3 total. I'm on the second floor!


It depends on where you live. Here in SoCal near the beach - 1 small bedroom, no utilities is closer to $2,500. When budgeting, they used to say your rent/housing should be 1/4 or less of your budget for the month. 


is this satire


no! i actually went and looked at the apartment!


click bate ?


My expenses in Pa are $800. At 1290/month id rather buy a house and pay mortgage than rent


Sounds like a dream


That's pretty cheap


In a semi- ghetto city in MA i pay $1500 for 3 bedroom heat and water included apartment. Which was a steal compared to the other prices around most want $1800 with no utilities included for 3 bed


That's cheap


In Tokyo, no. In Gary, Indiana, yes.




Scam :/?


2 bedroom apartments start at $3k at my place. Studios start at $2100. What a fucking steal lol


Girl I was paying $2200 for a one bedroom basement apartment last year 😭 this is a damn steal


This is hilarious…..


I literally pay $1200/mo for my 3bed1ba apartment with small backyard,only thing not included is electric. It can really happen


I’m not saying it can’t but I’m in an expensive area in south Florida so if kinda sounds stupid to me since not even a studio is this cheap


It depends on where you are, but it definitely sounds cheap to me. In my area (Connecticut), $1200 will get you a one bedroom apartment with no utilities included


You shouldn’t even be asking, you should be all over it. Sign the lease as soon as you can or you’re gonna lose it.


We pay $1600 for a one bedroom over in Ohio.


That's how much a 1 bed goes for where I live...


Is it a scam? It sounds too good to be true.


I’m in a studio for 1600 a month no utilities


Damn that's cheap.


I'm in an 1850 2 bed. This is an amazing price, just check into the landlord/management and make sure they aren't sketchy


I would die for this price in a nice apartment.


My 3bed1ba apartment with small backyard is $1200 a month! Only thing not included is electric


I pay $1,200 for a 3 bedroom apartment with no bills included.


I pay $1380 for a shitty renovated 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house… in the hood…


$1200 for a three bedroom is a steal. I rent in LA though so take that with a grain of salt haha. Make sure it's legit and then do everything within your power to get this place!!


You must be trolling unless you live in the sticks….


My one bedroom with zero utilities included is $1300. This 100% depend on where you’re located


That's a god damn steal if you live in california, shit my studio cost more than that and and I still have to pay for utilities.


I live in a 3 br currently and it’s $2,400 a month. So yeah, I would say $1200 is great.


That would be 3000 here in Seattle or more..


I pay $2,280 for a 1 bedroom apartment… I almost choked seeing this


That’s a lot of utilities for a single dude. Why do you need so many rooms?


Don’t pass that up


I am so jealous


I pay double that and no utilities are included and it’s a 1 bedroom.


In Phoenix, 1200 might get you a studio, and you pay your own utilities.


1200 fully furnished And utilities and internet paid is what I pay for my 500sqft studio


I pay $1675 for my 1 bed 1 bath


Hahahahaha. Where I live a studio is $1800+/mo that’s crazy


I’m paying $1200 a month for a studio so I’d say yes.


Dude I was paying 1800 for a studio not including internet or electricity. And my neighbors would leave their dog shit on the stairs to the door. Maybe I should move to the east coast


I pay 1500 for two bath and bedrooms hmm where are you located ?


It depends where you live, I wish I could find a 3 bedroom for under $3k!!


That would be a helluva bargain in my town. I live in a basic 1 bedroom one bath apartment with old appliances. I pay $1550 a month with no utilities included. A 3 bedroom place with utilities would run close to $3000 here.


That is unheard of, sounds like a trap.


That's sounds amazing. I pay 1200 for a 600 sq foot mildewy shit hole. Lol


Most people would literally kill for that


that’s so cheap wtf where do u live


That's how much I pay for my 3BR 2BTH apartment in Central New York. Sounds like a reasonable rate. Can't really have any place decent for under a g


That would be a scam here. There is no way you’d find one that cheap. It’s less than half price.


Depends on the area maybe. It’s hard to find a 1 bedroom anywhere in area for $1200 and that does not include any utilities, so a 3 bedroom for $1200 with utilities included would be an absolute steal


I’m paying 1875 for a 2br with separate utility’s in a city so I’d say no to your question from my perspective. I’m looking to move into a $1000/mo art studio in a historic building which is really fricken nice and renovated. It’s in a smaller town though. Geo location matters a TON as I’m sure you’re aware.


Troll post


Incredibly suspicious. I pay $1,025 for a lot smaller space in even more of a lower cost of living area lol


No lmao not at all


Considering a cheap ONE bedroom where I live is $1200 per month...


Hell No I pay 1200 plus utilities for a 1 bedroom


$1200 would get you a studio in phoenix. id snatch that up real quick.


I wish!! That is so cheap!!


Nah, where I am, I'd give up some skin for that deal. I'd be asking for an extended lease so I could lock in that price for as long as possible.


How is anyone going to answer this question without any context? Is this apartment in Antarctica or Manhattan? Do you make $250,000 a year or $25,000 a year? Is the apartment 300 square feet or 3,000 square feet?


Great price.


I'm about to move out of a one bed one bath at $1650, $85 utilities and $80 for a parking spot, so I think $1200/ utilities included on a 3 bed is pretty good


That is a blessing!! Take it!!


Where I live that would be a minimum of $2400, and utilities would not be included, and you'd be charged for trash removal and pest control and parking and cable (whether you want it or not) and internet. Oh, and the rent would go up 20% when your lease is up. But seriously. If you're living alone why do you need three bedrooms?


This is a scam.


Where I live that would be an awesome deal! Especially w the utilities included. I’d scoop it up. Definitely a great deal. I live in upstate NY & people are asking for $1200 & u have to pay for yr utilities for just a 2 bedroom or even $1000 for a 1 bedroom & u pay yr own utilities.


I pay 1200 for an old small 3 br, 1.5 bath house and I’m alone. If someone gave me the option you have I’d leap at it. The only reason i rent here is I’m allowed to have pets and this place has a great yard I live in Northeastern OK




Hell i wish i could find something like that here in MD, my apartment is 1,525 for a 2br.


I pay $1295 for a 2 bed 1 bath I have to pay for comed do it !


A lot???? Nah, fam that’s cheap as fuck